Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 The Tracking Master

At Chaotian Gate.

Jiang Hao stood on the ancient gate tower, watching the green water of the Jialing River rolling forward. She was in an upright position, being a superb view in the eyes of others.

Ning Tao climbed up the gate tower.

“Here you are,” Jiang Hao began but she didn’t look back.

Walking over to her in silence, Ning Tao gazed into the distance. At the end of his line of sight, the green water of the Jialing River met the brown water of the Yangtze River, the clear merging with the turbid.

“You go first,” said Jiang Hao, turning her eyes to Ning Tao’s face.

“No, you go first,” refused Ning Tao.

Su Ya’s kidnapper warned him not to call the police. For the safety of Su Ya, he had to consider whether to tell Jiang Hao about it.

Jiang Hao remained silent for a moment before she asked, “Did you go to Lin Qingyu’s house last night?”

Ning Tao paused for a moment, and then nodded.

Jiang Hao went on, “I’ve been given a mission. Don’t ask me what it is. I can only tell you that it has to do with Blueprint Biotechnology Company. According to intelligence I received, Lin Qingyu asked you to treat her brother Lin Qinghua, so you have the opportunity to contact Lin Qinghua. I want to ask you a favor.”

In fact, without Jiang Hao revealing the details of her mission, Ning Tao guessed it was related to Lin Qinghua’s project of ancestor seeking. For a split second he wanted to tell her everything he knew, but just as he was about to blurt it out, the image of blood-stained Su Ya reappeared in his mind, putting him under great pressure.

“You got something on your mind?” Jiang Hao’s powers of observation were amazing, far beyond anyone else’s.

Ning Tao instantly calmed down and said, “Go on, I’ll tell you my story later.”

“Lin Qingyu believes in you and I have absolute confidence in your medical skills. I want you to take Lin Qinghua to some place we can control. The place has been decided. In addition, I would like to ask you to do an investigation for me if possible. Will you do me this favor?” When Jiang Hao stated these words, she didn’t take her eyes off Ning Tao’s face, but this time she didn’t notice any obvious changes in Ning Tao’s face— his face was as calm as a mirror that could reflect a person’s image.

Ning Tao didn’t respond right off the bat.

Jiang Hao added, “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re safe.”

Ning Tao made up his mind and replied, “Okay, I agree. If the Lins ask me to treat Lin Qinghua again, I will find an excuse to take him to the place you have arranged for treatment. As for the other things, I will try my best.”

A rare smile played across Jiang Hao’s lips. “A ‘thank you’ is not enough to show my gratitude, but I want to say it anyway. Thank you.” After a pause she continued, “You said you had something to talk to me about. What is it?”

“When are you going back to Beidu?” Ning Tao asked.

“Is that all?” Jiang Hao asked in surprise.

“This is no small matter. I promised you that Jiang Yilong had to kneel in front of your mother and apologize when I cured him.”

“I was planning to go back to Beidu in two days, but I suddenly got the order. I don’t know when I can go back,” Jiang Hao said. “I probably won’t be able to go back until the mission is complete. But it isn’t urgent, and can be put off.”

“I’ve promised to do you a favor. Please do me a favor. Ask your mother to come over and let Jiang Yilong kneel in front of her and apologize,” Ning Tao said.

Jiang Hao’s eyes were full of confusion and curiosity. “Hey, there’s no hurry about it. Why do you insist on my mother coming?”

“What I promised must be done. Will you help me?”

“I have to ask my mother. I can’t help it if she doesn’t want to come,” Jiang Hao said. She couldn’t understand why Ning Tao was so stubborn about this matter.

Ning Tao paused before saying, “This is no small thing. I’m a very principled man. If you don’t help me, I won’t help you.”

“You…” Jiang Hao mouthed wordlessly at Ning Tao.

In the end, Ning Tao gave up the idea of telling Jiang Hao what was on his mind.

It was Jiang Hao’s mission that prompted him to give up.

Even special police like Jiang Hao had been called in to deal with this matter, and the police even established intelligence for it, so it was clear that the person who kidnapped Su Ya was not an easy one to deal with. How could he risk Su Ya’s life for the convenience of solving the problem?

“Well, I agree.” Jiang Hao compromised. “I’ll book my mom’s flight online right now. You must do what you promised me.”

Ning Tao nodded. “Whatever I promise, I will achieve. I’m going back to have a preparation. Wait for my call.”

“Are you going now?” Jiang Hao’s tone was a little strange, but she didn’t even realize it.

“Wait for my call.” Ning Tao left without explanation.

He couldn’t risk telling Jiang Hao what he knew, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a plan. In Su Ya’s room, and in the taxi he had smelled the mud, the rust, the diesel, and fish, which gave him a general direction— the taxi driver had been in a quarry, and Su Ya was probably held there!

The afternoon sun was so strong that it seemed to dry up the entire Jialing River. Several sand dredgers were working on the gently flowing river. The roaring of machines and the sound of river flow mixed together, adding a bit of frustration to the hot weather.

At this time, an illegally operated Baojun 730 cruised along a potholed road.

“Hey, please stop in front. I’ll go down and have a look,” said Ning Tao to the driver, near a quarry.

The driver pulled over, grimacing and complaining, “Where the hell are you going, dude? I’ve been driving you around for hours. It’ so hot and the air conditioner is gas guzzling…”

“I’ll pay you more money. Rest assured that you won’t suffer losses,” Ning Tao said, opened the door and got out.

The driver looked at Ning Tao who walked to the quarry while sniffing, and blurted out, “Are you a dog? Smelling while walking in such a hot day. What a psycho…”

At the walls of the quarry, Ning Tao suddenly stopped. He had captured the smell he was looking for. He squatted down, sniffed hard, and quickly determined that the smell of the taxi driver on the ground was exactly what he had sensed in Su Ya’s room and the taxi.

“Is Su Ya be imprisoned in this quarry?” Ning Tao wondered.

Then he got up and walked back to the driver’s seat of the Baojun 730, took out two hundred yuan, and handed it to the driver, saying, “This is the fare. I’m not going. Go back by yourself.”

The driver took over the money and then bargained, “Dude, it’s so hot. Look at me, I’m almost like a dog. Besides, the air conditioner has been running for a long time, and you said you would give me more money. Could you…”

Ning Tao took another hundred yuan out of his pants pocket and handed it to the driver. “Thanks,” he said.

“That’s very nice of you, dude! If you rent a car next time, call me.” The driver took the money, turned around and left.

Ning Tao walked around the walls, observing the environment and catching smells. Half an hour later, he came to the back of the quarry, where the road ended, and a thick forest appeared in front of him. The sand and stones piled up in the quarry encroached on part of the hillside, which also became a natural wall.

Ning Tao climbed into the mountain forest, and the quarry at the foot of the mountain came into view little by little, and finally he could see it all.

In the quarry, there were many sand and stone dunes, some of which were dozens of meters high; Several conveyors continuously sent sand and gravel to the vibrating screen for sand washing to wash away the mud and sort; Several forklifts were busy loading the finished sand onto trucks and carrying it away.

Near the edge of the river stood a row of large, low and humble fiberglass-roofed houses and a two-story house. There were workers working in large fiberglass-roofed houses, such as soldering broken shakers, repairing and operating motors. The doors and windows of the small building were closed, and it was impossible to see if anyone was moving inside.

After observing the surroundings, Ning Tao thought, “Obviously that row of large fiberglass-roofed houses cannot be the place to imprison Su Ya, but that small building is quite possible. I’m going to look in that small building anyway.”

After determining the path, Ning Tao set his cell phone on vibrate mode and then came down the hill. Entering the quarry, he crept cautiously toward the small building.

Hills of sand formed his natural shelter.

After making detours to avoid vehicles carrying sand and gravel and construction machinery, Ning Tao spent almost an hour sneaking behind the building.

The windows of the first and second floors of the small building were all closed, and curtains were drawn, so that no one outside could see into it.

He could make out three clouds of colorful air behind a window on the first floor. His nose seized the scent of two men and a woman, drifting through a crack in the window.

Ning Tao felt relieved, as if a big rock had been lifted from his heart. The smell of the woman was coming from Su Ya, which meant that she was indeed imprisoned in the room where the window was!

Knowing this, Ning Tao came out from behind the sand dune and stooped down to rush under the window.

A voice came from the window.

“Damn, there’s not even an air conditioner. How much longer are we going to be here?”

“Wait for news from our boss. This is a big deal, boss said, we can enjoy ourselves after this matter. Hold out a little longer.”

“This girl looks pretty, why don’t we…”

“What are you thinking? If you want to sate your lust, wait until we make the money. By then you can play whatever you want. Boss ordered that we were not allowed to touch the girl until we got the thing.”

“No one can stop me from using this little lady to sate my lust when we get what we want. She’s so delicate that it would be a waste not to make out with her. Haha…”

“Woo! Woo…” Su Ya’s voice sounded, and she seemed to be cursing.

“You shut up! Do you believe I can f**k you now?” Threatened a man in a fierce voice.

Su Ya went quiet.

Ning Tao grabbed a stone from the ground with his right hand and hid it behind his back. Then he raised his left hand and knocked on the window…

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