Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 91 - Making a "Tongue Swear"

Chapter 91 Making a “Tongue Swear”

They followed the scent of Tang Suifeng, Tang Zixuan and the others from the Tang Sect until they lost track of them by the Jialing River.

“Damn it! They’ve run away!” Qing Zhui stomped her foot with an angry look on her face.

“Besides hidden weapons, the Tang Sect’s lightness skills are also excellent, so those guys must be running much faster than us in the mountain forest. And there must be a boat here to pick them up,” Ning Tao said.

“What are we going to do next?”

Ning Tao’s nose moved slightly and he soon identified the scent he was looking for. “They went down the river. We walk along the river and rent a boat when there is one.”

His nose was more sensitive to smells than Qing Zhui’s tongue.

Then Qing Zhui followed Ning Tao downstream.

At first, Ning Tao could still catch the odors left by those people from the Tang Sect drifting over the river, but the odors became weaker and weaker, and finally he couldn’t catch them at all. After all, this was a big river, and coupled with the strong wind in the valley and the water vapor because of the hot sun and the water, the smell left in the air by the people from the Tang Sect had long been diluted and dispersed by the wind, water and sunlight.

Ning Tao’s eyes moved to an island in the middle of the river. It was actually part of a mountain cut open by the river, in the shape of a steamed bun, covered with thick trees.

Qing Zhui looked over there, too. “Did those guys hide on that island?” she asked.

“Maybe,” Ning Tao replied, but he wasn’t quite sure.

Qing Zhui shouted excitedly, “Let’s go there and have a look. If the Tang Sect’s nest is on that island, let’s kill them all!”

Ning Tao had heard Qing Zhui said to kill them all several times along the way, and he said anxiously, “Qing Zhui, you just got over your illness, how can you always think about killing people? It’s not good. Don’t be like your sister.”

Qing Zhui had a strange look on her face and argued, “I’m a demon. If I don’t kill or hurt someone, am I still a demon?”

Ning Tao paused slightly at her words. Apparently he didn’t expect Qing Zhui to give him that answer.

Qing Zhui continued, “God created the world, and everything has a role and function. For example, lions must kill other animals, or how can they survive? I’m a demon. I was born to kill or hurt others. It’s a natural instinct. If I do not kill or harm, am I not against the ways of Heaven? What’s more, in order to practice, my sister and I need to kill and hurt people. The malevolent, evil souls are the energy we need to practice.”

Ning Tao got it, and he was okay with it.

As a demon, Qing Zhui was born to kill and harm people, just as lions and tigers in nature were born to kill other animals. Lions and tigers were created by nature to maintain the ecological chain balance, and so were demons, only that demon serves the ways of Heaven, instead of nature. Demons liked to kill those who were malevolent and evil, and took their souls as a kind of energy for cultivation. It was a way to keep balancing!

“Ask my advice before you’re going to kill or harm people. You can only carry it out with my permission. All right?” Ning Tao stared at Qing Zhui straightly.

Qing Zhui smiled and agreed, “That’s a deal. Let’s make a ‘tongue’ swear.”

Ning Tao smiled back, and then extended his hand to Qing Zhui.

However, Qing Zhui opened her small mouth and stuck out her long cute little tongue.

Ning Tao’s smile froze. What he heard was “make a snake swear.” Thinking she was a snake, he reached out and tried to pull her. However, Qing Zhui stuck out her tongue at him. He realized that what she had said was “a tongue swear”, not “a snake swear”. The problem was how they could make a swear with tongues!

Qing Zhui’s long tongue quivered, kept shaking, and involuntarily started to perform her real skill again. This skill was innate and wasn’t something that humans could do.

“Shaking my tongue,” Qing Zhui urged.

Ning Tao bravely raised his right hand, grasped Qing Zhui’s tongue with the thumb and forefinger, and gently shook it twice. “Deal,” he said gravely.

When he had withdrawn his hand and left, Qing Zhui was still freezing in where she was with her tongue out.

“Shouldn’t both of us stick our tongues out to shake tongues?” she wondered.

Afterward Ning Tao and Qing Zhui continued walking along the river. Half an hour later they came to the nearest place to the small island in the middle of the river. Then they climbed a hill and looked across the river at that island.

The island was covered with thick forest. Since no one could get to it, there were many tall old trees, with huge crowns covering the sun, so that they could not see any people, animals or buildings on the island.

Ning Tao climbed a tree and aroused his skills of looking and smelling. This time, he saw some innate auras, but not of people, but of birds. The fact that no one could go to the small island in the river made it become a paradise for birds. He did not find any people’s innate aura on the island, except for birds’.

“Was I wrong in judgment? Did those guys of the Tang Sect go down the river?” Ning Tao was a little depressed.

Qing Zhui got tired of waiting under the tree, and quickly climbed up beside Ning Tao on all fours. “Elder Brother Ning, what have you found?” she asked eagerly.

Ning Tao casually answered, “There are no people on the island, but birds.” He was sure that Qing Zhui was much older than he was. He was a little embarrassed to be called elder brother by her, but he was in no mood to care about it.

Qing Zhui suddenly climbed in front of Ning Tao, put her foot on the branch under Ning Tao’s foot, wrapped her body around the branch and stretched to the end of the branch.

Resilience was also one of her real skills.

Ning Tao asked curiously, “What are you doing?”

Without answering, Qing Zhui stretched out her right arm and stuck to a small green mushroom parasitic on the bark with two white tender fingers, and then went back to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao’s eyes fell on the tiny green mushroom in her hand. Its skin covered with a layer of fine lines, looking very unique. Its smell was also very special, a bit like the smell of snakes. Ning Tao’s curiosity increased. “What kind of mushroom is this?”

“It’s a snakeskin mushroom, a pretty rare panacea. When I was sick, my sister looked everywhere for the snakeskin mushroom, but it’s very rare and only grows where there is plenty of spiritual energy. It’s rather hard to find. My sister once bought me two, which cost a great deal of money.”

Ning Tao suddenly thought of something. “You said the snakeskin mushroom only grows where there is plenty of spiritual energy, right?”

Qing Zhui nodded.

Ning Tao’s eyes moved to the island in the river again, but he couldn’t see if there was any sign of spiritual energy being released on the island because it was too far away.

Qing Zhui put the snakeskin mushroom into her mouth, chewed it casually and swallowed it.

“I’ll go get something and come back,” Ning Tao said.

He slipped down with the tree trunk in his arms.

Qing Zhui imitated him, holding the tree trunk and sliding down. Ning Tao held one side of the tree trunk and she held the other side, both at the same height of the tree trunk, which looked very funny.

Ning Tao stopped and inquired, “Why are you copying me?”

Qing Zhui thought for a moment and suddenly turned upside down, continuing sliding down the tree. Her long green dress was hanging upside down, her long white legs holding the rough tree trunk, and her white panties gave a provocative outline…

Ning Tao felt bad.

“Then you can’t say I copy you. Humph! You didn’t patent it….” Qing Zhui stopped, looked back at Ning Tao and murmured.

Ning Tao let go of his hands and fell free, slamming into the ground.

This time Qing Zhui didn’t imitate him and continued to climb down from the tree trunk.

Ning Tao got up from the ground, looked around, and selected a rock wall. He went to the wall, bit his right index finger, and drew a blood lock in a hidden corner of the wall. After that he opened the blood lock and said to Qing Zhui, “Wait for me here. Don’t walk around. I’ll get something and be right back.”

“I’ll look around here for snakeskin mushrooms,” Qing Zhui said.

Ning Tao nodded, opened the blood lock with the key, and walked into the inky convenient door.

Qing Zhui’s figure flashed a few times and disappeared into the mountain forest.

The convenient door on the wall disappeared for a few minutes and then opened again. Ning Tao had a small medicine chest in his hand when he came out. He glanced around without seeing Qing Zhui. Not bothering to call her, he took the medicine chest to the old pine with the snakeskin mushroom.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine chest, took out the Soil-seeking Inkstone, and poured 30 ml of ink into it.

Before his small medicine chest only held the ledger of bamboo slips, Sacred Needles and some common drugs, medical supplies, and now the Soil-seeking Inkstone and ink had been always in it. He had already decided that he would use the Soil-seeking Inkstone to find out whether there was any spiritual soil in every place he went. Moreover, he planned to leave blood locks where he could get good herbs, so that when he needed herbs for refining elixirs, he could quickly reach distant destinations.

He wanted to visit Shennongjia, Changbai mountain, the primeval forests of the Amazon valley, and even Yellowstone National Park in the United States. He wanted to go to these places to find medicine and spiritual soil and leave the blood lock. He planned to build a network of convenient doors that allowed him to travel quickly around the world, starting with the Sky Clinic.

The moment the ink was poured into the Soil-seeking Inkstone, a mysterious energy field was born. The surface of the ink rippled.

Ning Tao was filled with uncontrollable excitement. “Spiritual soil! There’s spiritual soil around!”

All the ripples in the Soil-seeking Inkstone gathered to a scale. The scale was not pointing to a place near him, but to the uninhabited island in the swift current!

Suddenly there was a voice behind him, accompanied by the familiar, sultry smell.

Ning Tao didn’t look back and asked, “Where have you been?”

Qing Zhui walked out from behind a tree, looking disappointed. “I went looking for snakeskin mushrooms, but I didn’t find any.”

“If it’s that easy to find, it’s not valuable. I’m going to that island in the middle of the river to get the spiritual soil right now. You come with me,” Ning Tao suggested.

“You mean… there’s spiritual soil on that island?” Qing Zhui asked in surprise.

“This inkstone in my hand is called Soil-seeking Inkstone. It is a magic tool to find spiritual soil. It shows there’s some spiritual soils there, so there must be some there. Well, come with me. I’ll plant the bark from which you picked the snakeskin mushroom in spiritual soil, and perhaps a lot of snakeskin mushrooms will grow there,” Ning Tao said.

A smile lit up Qing Zhui’s face. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go now!”

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