Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 96 - There Was the Harsh Man to Deal with the Wicked

Chapter 96 There Was the Harsh Man to Deal with the Wicked

Ning Tao repaired the bleeds for Lu Hu just in case he died before he could be taken to the clinic. Qing Zhui cut Lu Hu’s hands and feet tendons all at once, resulting in the four wounds bleeding so profusely that he could not bear it even if he was a character with high Health Points in games.

“Doctor, doctor… Save me… I’m poisoned. I don’t want to die…” In the blink of an eye, Ma Jiaorong’s skin festered worse, and her voice had become hoarse and weak.

“Shut up!” Ning Tao spat.

Ma Jiaorong shivered and immediately shut her mouth.

A moment ago, she was so arrogant that she wanted her husband to kill Ning Tao and Qing Zhui, but now she didn’t dare offend them for fear of ticking off the scary girl and the doctor. If the girl bit her again, she would die, and if the doctor refused to treat her, she would die too.

Ning Tao sewed Lu Hu’s last wound with a Sacred Needle, and then took the ledger of bamboo slips out of the small medicine chest and put it on Lu Hu’s forehead. He did not want to put the ledger in Lu Hu’s hands, for Lu Hu’s hands were as red as if they had been pulled out from red paint.

After a few seconds Ning Tao took back the ledger and opened it.

On the ledger of bamboo slips appeared a long passage, reading, “Lu Hu, born on the 12th day of the third lunar month in the second year in a cycle of 60 years; The first sin is to kill two people, counting 14 points of sins of evil intention; The second sin is to abduct and traffic two kids, causing them to be separated from their family, which has ruined them, also counting 14 points of sins of evil intention; The third sin is the rape of 18 teenage girls, counting 54 points of sins of evil intention; The fourth sin is to wound three persons, and maimed them, counting 9 points of sins of evil intention; The fifth sin is to force 37 women into prostitution, counting 64 points of sins of evil intention; The sixth sin is to sell drugs for 97 times…”

Ning Tao gaped at the content. This guy was guilty of 18 sins, and his sins of evil intention incredibly reached 410 points! He was nothing but a vicious scum that was as wicked as possible!

The final diagnosis given by the ledger was that he had committed 18 sins of evil intention and a prescription for sins of evil intention, which asked him to atone for his sins with life, was available.

This was the first time Ning Tao had seen the ledger to give the punishment of expiation by life. He had planned to cure Lu Hu, gave him some days to atone, and then asked Qing Zhui to kill him. To his surprise, the ledger of bamboo slips gave him the death penalty.

It was crazy to cure a patient and then kill him, but people like Lu Hu deserved it. If a man like him did not die, it was not fair to those who had been killed, hurt, and ruined by him.

“That will be fine. It is an insult to me, a born go-between of good and evil, and that such a wicked man lives in the world. Then I’ll kill him!” Ning Tao made a decision in his heart. He actually welcomed the punishment given to Lu Hu by the ledger, which saved him from urging the latter to atone.

When Lu Hu died, he would receieve the payment immediately. It was good to everybody.

Ning Tao came to Ma Jiaorong with the ledger. Ma Jiaorong’s face was too festered to see her original looks.

Ma Jiaorong looked at Ning Tao eagerly, tears dropping one after another. She was itchy and painful, making her feel awful, but she had to bite her teeth to put up with it, afraid to disturb the doctor’s treatment.

Ning Tao squatted next to Ma Jiaorong, lifted her clothes, and placed the ledger on her waist, where the skin had not yet festered. He didn’t want Ma Jiaorong’s festering hands to touch his ledger.

“You’re a well-behaved patient. You’re quiet. Now you can talk,” Ning Tao said, picking up the ledger.

Ma Jiaorong immediately begged, “Doctor, doctor… Save me… I’m willing to give you everything I have. I don’t want to die…”

Ning Tao ignored her and opened the ledger to read the diagnosis.

The ledger of bamboo slips said, “Ma Jiaorong, born on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month in the sixth year in a cycle of 60 years; The first sin is to do harm to 18 kids, which has ruined them, counting 126 points of sins of evil intention; The second sin is to abduct and traffic five kids, counting 35 points of sins of evil intention; The third sin is to cheat people of money by marriage…”

The diagnosis took up a whole page, showing that Ma Jiaorong was also guilty of 18 sins. Her sins of evil intention were even more than Lu Hu’s, reaching a staggering 490 points!

The final diagnosis given by the ledger was that she had committed 18 sins of evil intention and a prescription for sins of evil intention, which asked her to atone for her sins with life, was available.

Ning Tao saw something in common with Lu Hu’s and Ma Jiaorong’s diagnosis—all of them were guilty of abducting and trafficing kids, and the crime of abducting and trafficing a child was the same as the crime of killing a person, and another common point was that they were all guilty of 18 sins. Although Ma Jiaorong did not kill people, she had to atone for her sins with life.

The man suddenly crawled out of the room, leaving a nasty wet trail on the floor.

Qing Zhui immediately caught up with him and put her foot on his back. “What to do with this guy?” she asked Ning Tao.

“What did you do with the others?” Ning Tao asked back matter-of-factly.

When the buying stopped, the killing could too. Some people thought they could do whatever they wanted because they had money, and their sins were no less than those of those who hunted precious animals and forced women into prostitution for them.

Qing Zhui grinned and replied, “I see.”

The man suddenly realized something and cried out in horror, “No! I, I’m just here for fun… I don’t know them well. Don’t kill me… I promise I won’t tell anyone…”

Before he could finish speaking, Qing Zhui jumped up, put her legs together and slammed on his lumbar spine.


With a crisp sound, the man immediately issued a scream like pigs being killed.

Qing Zhui bent over; her sharp-edged fingernails of her right hand cut through the artery in the man’s thigh, ausing his thighs to gush with blood instantly.

“Ah… Ahh… Ahh…” The man tried to crawl away, but his legs had stopped working. Unable to turn over, he watched his blood spurt from his wounds. Suddenly, the terror of death hit him as never before!

“What are you crying about, man? The doctor is right in front of you. Ask the doctor to treat you and you’ll be all right,” Qing Zhui reminded him softly.

Hearing this, the man almost wanted to die. The girl trampled on him and broke his lumbar spine and punctured an artery in his thigh, while the other acted as a doctor on the spot. It was obvious that they wanted him to die!

However, he was not willing to give up even if there was only a glimmer of hope. Hearing Qing Zhui’s words, he immediately pleaded, “Doctor, help me… It hurts… I’m breathing hard… Ho ho…”

Ning Tao got up and walked over to him.

“Doctor… Line up…” Ma Jiaorong braced herself up and said.

“I’m the doctor. Whoever I want to jump the queue can jump the queue. Do you object?” Ning Tao asked.

“No, no, no, I, I don’t…” Ma Jiaorong was almost driven crazy by them.

There was the harsh man to deal with the wicked. Did she think about the feelings of the children and their parents when she did evil things to those children?

Ning Tao put the ledger of bamboo slips in the man’s hand and took them away after a few seconds.

New content appeared on the ledger of bamboo slips, saying, “Jia Kun, born on the ninth day of the sixth lunar month in the 53rd year in a cycle of 60 years; The first sin is to ruin seven kids, counting 49 points of sins of evil intention. A prescription for sins of evil intention would help him to be rid of his sin, and he has to have his genitals cut off.”

At first glance, people could see that Jia Kun was a womanizer. He must have visited prostitutes many times, but the ledger didn’t convict him of any sin. His only sin was the scourge of little girls, and that one alone was 49 points, so the scourge of little girls was the same crime as murder. Although the ledger of bamboo slips did not give him a “death penalty” punishment, but the destruction of “the tool for crimes” was a relatively fair punishment.

Ning Tao closed the ledger and said, “Are all three of you willing to let me treat you?”

The three wicked people who were struggling on the edge of death did not dare to say no at all, but nodded and said yes hurriedly.

Ning Tao went on, “Okay, I’ll take you to my clinic and write you a prescription pact. All you have to do is sign it and then you’ll be saved.” After a pause, he added, “After signing, Lu Hu, your hand and foot tendons will heal. Ma Jiaorong, your poison will be removed, and your skin will be fine again. Jia Kun, your thigh and lumbar spine will recover.”

“I, I give you 100,000 for the treatment!” Jia Kun begged, “Please treat me first. My, my blood is running out.”

Ignoring his request, Ning Tao turned to Qing Zhui and said, “Qing Zhui, clean this place up, and I’ll be right back for you.”

“No problem,” Qing Zhui replied.

In fact, even though Ning Tao wouldn’t let her stay to clean the scene, she wouldn’t dare follow him back to the Sky Clinic. For no other reason than when the good-evil tripod was activated, she dared not be in the same room with it.

Ning Tao bit his right index finger, reached out and drew a blood lock on the hallway wall. Then he tied the three bad persons together with their belts, turned the blood lock, and dragged them all into the Sky Clinic.

As soon as the three evil persons entered the Sky Clinic, the good-evil tripod suddenly put on an angry look, which was stronger than ever before, and looked almost terrible!

Being stared at by the evil eyes of the good-evil tripod, the three were immediately deterred and frightened, hardly daring to breathe.

Ning Tao quickly wrote the prescription pacts. Lu Hu and Ma Jiaorong had the same item—to atone for the sin with life. But he folded the prescription in half so that Lu Hu and Ma Jiaorong couldn’t see it when they signed.

“Sign it and I’ll treat you.” Ning Tao put one of the three prescription pacts in front of Ma Jiaorong.

“What did…it, it say?” Ma Jiaorong asked. She was suspicious because she wasn’t allowed to read it.

Ning Tao gave a cold snort and said, “Just listen to me, and sign it. If you talk nonsense again, I will not treat you, then your whole body will fester and you’ll die!”

“I, I’ll sign it.” Not daring to ask anymore, Ma Jiaorong picked up the pen Ning Tao had given her and signed her name in the signature area.

Ning Tao stuffed her mouth with a Primary Elixir left by Chen Pingdao.

The smook in the good-evil tripod suddenly overflowed to the ground like a waterfall, and instantly engulfed Ma Jiaorong.

Jia Kun and Lu Hu were dumbfounded at the sight of this scene.

Ning Tao went over to Lu Hu, put another prescription pact on the floor next to him, and said, “Sign it.”

Lu Hu then came to his senses. He raised his hand for the pen, but he failed to grab it. He suddenly got nervous and stammered, “I, I… I can’t get the pen…”

“You can just make a blood fingerprint,” Ning Tao said coldly.

Lu Hu immediately moved his raised right hand to the prescription pact for sins of evil intention, struggled to put his thumb close to the signature, and pressed down a bloody fingerprint.

A large cloud of smoke came out of the good-evil tripod again and swallowed up Lu Hu in a flash.

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