Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 52.3

Luka begged desperately. This was no joke. This was no lie. If Bash had thrown himself at her right now, she would have accepted it without complaint. But Bash said:

“I can’t take you as my wife.”

Luka just sat there, looking shocked. Before she could ask why, Bash went on.

“But I will defeat the woman.”

“What? But that’s against the code…”

“I will avenge Miss Lula Lula only for personal reasons. There is no Orcish law that says only relatives can take revenge.”

It was the result of Bash’s clever thinking.

“Besides, it’s time we left this country.”

The succubi had been good to him. He was willing to stay here for a while. But the succubus country was still a dangerous place. He had just been reminded of that, and to be honest, he really wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

Besides, when he thought about it, he had already spent too much time in places other than his original purpose. He spent too much time worrying about what to do so as not to offend the spirit. It was time for him to return to his original purpose.

Bash didn’t have much time left. If there was a condition to achieve the goal, he would choose the means, but this was different. Therefore, regardless of the means or methods, he had to solve the problem in the shortest time possible.

In other words, Bash had to fight the woman and defeat her. That was the best and most accurate answer Bash could come up with. The spirit might get angry and kill him, but that was better than hanging around here and becoming a magical warrior. He would rather die than let the “Orc Hero” become a magical warrior.

“I may not be able to keep your pride, but is that okay?”

Besides, Bash himself said so. In the name of the Orc King, he would return Luka’s favor. That she had asked for his help, and there was no way for him to take it back.

“You are very kind, Sir Bash.” Luka said with a smile and teary eyes.

Luka cried for a moment and left the room when she heard that Ludo had woken up. Apparently, Ludo was being tended to in another room because the charm had affected him more than Bash.

Bash sat on his bed, checking his body and eating a meal prepared in his room. If he was going to go out and fight the person who killed Lula Lula, he needed to make sure his body was in good shape. If he still had the aftereffects of the succubus charm, he wouldn’t be able to win an otherwise winnable battle. At first glance, she looked like an opponent that would require a lot of attention.

Suddenly, Zell asked Bash:

“Mister, are you sure you don’t want to do this?”

“What do you mean?”

“About little Luka, as I am sure she will be a beautiful girl in the future. I know. It’s different when it comes to ogre beauty, but I know the kind of face you like, Mister, so I’m sure she’ll grow into a woman you’ll be attracted to. So you could propose to her.”

Indeed, Luka was a beautiful girl. She would surely become a beautiful woman in the future. But that hadn’t happened yet. It would take five years… or at least three years for her to grow up and become beautiful. If he waited that long, Bash would become a magical warrior. Or maybe he could lose his virginity if he got his hands on her before then, but he couldn’t see young Luka as a woman to begin with.

“If you marry her now, no one will take her until she is old enough!”

“But it also opens up the possibility that I might not be able to get another woman.”

Bash remembered the elves. The elves were limited to one wife per man. He didn’t know what system the demons he wanted to visit used, but if it was the same as the elves, none of them would want to be his wife if he had one. If that was the case, he still had to be a free man.

“Sorry to interrupt…”

The one who entered his room was a woman with ample breasts.

“Succubus Queen Curly Kale…”

“I am very sorry for the recent disturbance and for involving you, Sir Bash, Orc hero. As Succubus Queen, I apologize…” Succubus Queen Curly Kale said this in a dignified manner and sat down on the bed where Bash had been sleeping. Her big ass and her big breasts were very close to Bash, and he looked away. It was too much eye candy. Also, the hand touching Bash’s arm was unusually warm, and the buttocks lightly touching Bash’s thighs were unusually soft.

Of course, there was no malice in Curly Kale. Succubi had a habit of sitting so close to each other when they were sincerely apologizing. It was a succubus gesture that was hated in other lands, especially in the human country.

“I cannot lie to the great Orc hero after all we put you through. I am ashamed to say this, but as you can see, the succubi are just trying to get by from day to day. It is terrible to ask the young to be proud of our situation.”


“But as you can see, the food is well managed and cared for.”


“As long as we have enough food, I think we can afford to teach the young what succubus pride is.” Curly Kale was still speaking in a voice that could be described as a bit high-pitched. But Bash could see that there was an unspeakable desperation at the bottom of her voice. “I’m sorry it has come to this, but all I can say is ‘please’. Sir Bash, ‘please’ save the Succubus Nation.”

“If you, the Succubus Queen, ask me, I will not refuse. I will help you when the time comes.”

From Bash’s point of view, he didn’t know what she meant by “saving” them. But the head of the Succubi, a species that considered itself one of the highest ranking members of the Seven Races Federation and had despised the Orcs for years, was asking the “Orc Hero” for help. Bash could not simply refuse. In fact, he was proud. Orcs were always simple.

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

“But, Curly Kale…”


“I know I said I would help you, but I can’t now. I’m thinking of leaving the country soon.”

Because he had a prior engagement. And by the way, Bash was a little afraid of Curly Kale sitting next to him. So she wiggled her hips a little, used body language, and spoke.

“Well… I guess… after an event like this…” Curly Kale took it as a refusal and swallowed saliva. “I asked too much of you. I apologize again… and if necessary, you can have my head.”

“I couldn’t be that ungrateful. The succubi were good to me. I know orcs are frowned upon by you, but you have made me feel very comfortable. I thank you.”

“You are too generous…”

With these words, Bash stood up, as if the conversation was over. If he had stayed with Curly Kale any longer, he would have pushed her right onto the bed. Anyway, he had already decided what to do next. All that remained was to go to the next destination and fight.

“So, goodbye.”


With Curly Kale’s muffled voice behind him, Bash left the room.

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