Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Chapter 35: Concert

"Testing, testing ♪ ..."

From the pitch-black television screen emerged a soothing, harmonious voice. It was a sound that gave me a feeling of security and ease. 

"Do re mi fa so ♪ — here we go!"

Glittering aquamarine looked at us through the television monitor and scanned us with a quizzical expression. She moved away slightly and tapped the screen with a conductor's baton.

"Oh my! It's about time. Why is there a screen in the way? I can't see my beautiful audience!" she exclaimed, pouting.

It was a girl with long pink hair and a colorful outfit that sparkled in the light. Her face was painted with a vibrant sheen, and her eyes gleamed excitedly as she smiled. The stream with a live feed of comments on the side.

Magical Girl Celestial Sonata looked like something out of a dream. She had an ethereal aura about her as if she were a fairy plucked straight out of a storybook. Her smile was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel my own lips curl upward in response.

"Excuse me, kids. I will return in a while," Morada's mom said as she stepped outside the apartment, leaving us to watch the lively, magical girl on the TV screen. "Enjoy the concert!"

"Welcome, welcome, my dearest, treasured friends across the world! This is your one and only Celestial Sonata, here to bring you a melodious night of happiness and joy!" she said, twirling around on the spot with a streak of sparkles following her.

But she stopped, and the spotlight zoomed in on her as she winked at the camera. "I hope you all told your friends and family to tune in! They wouldn't miss my concert for the world, would they?"

Celestial Sonata shook her head at the camera, her eyes twinkling with sincerity as he lips curled into a sad, empathetic smile.

"But before we start, I must speak out about the tragedies of fear and conflict that threaten to seize us all!

The magical girl closed her eyes, wiping away a single tear from her right eye.

"I understand that sometimes it seems like we are unable to make a difference and our hope dwindles. We may feel helpless and alone sometimes, but we must remember that our actions are powerful. Small changes today can become hurricanes in the future, after all."

She paused, her eyes filled with determination as she looked up at the camera.

"It is easy to succumb to blame and anger, but we must not forget that we are all connected in this world. We must stand together, support each other, and spread kindness wherever we go. No more hatred or blame, only love and solidarity will bring us hope and peace."

Her words struck a chord within me, and I felt a warmth spreading through my chest. It was like she could see through me and knew exactly what I needed to hear.

"I believe that no matter how dark the night sky may seem, there will always be light in the morning. Though we may be divided by language, culture, and religion - let us not forget that we are all human! So, my dear friends, let us enjoy this night together. Let us forget about our troubles and come together in harmony. Please, let your hearts be filled with love and joy, for music has a way of bringing people together like nothing else."

I found myself nodding along to her words. It was a message that resonated with me, especially after the events of the day.

Celestial Sonata smiled once more at the camera, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh my god," Morada squealed, "She's so cute! Look at her dress! It's sparkling like fairy dust."

Natasha spoke up, tilting her head at Morada from next to me. "It... It's n- a bit flamboyant, don't you think? I really hope the message got through to the people watching though."

Dior sat silently, digging into a plate of meat bigger than her head with roasted vegetables. Still, her eyes were glued to the TV screen. Her attention was captured by Celestial Sonata's message and her captivating voice.

Ranjika sat there sipping a cup of chamomile tea. At the same time, Zuri and Talia pointed and cooed at Celestial Sonata's outfit and hair with Morada.

Spencer let out a whistle, impressed. "I gotta say, that's quite the speech. And she's not wrong, though. Music does have a way of bringing people together," he said.

Natasha turned to Spencer, a small smile on her face. "I'm glad you think that. I hope we can all bridge the gaps between cultures and worlds, someday," she said with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Celestial Sonata spun around baton in hand. A triangle chimed, and the spotlights dimmed. The room lit up to show an orchestra ready to go. Strings, brass, and woodwinds all waited expectantly as a series of delicate, descending notes from the piano played in the background.

The first notes of the piano were like a gentle breeze that swept over me, and I closed my eyes to soak up the melody. The music was soothing, a soft, playful allegro, making me forget about the day's troubles. A subtle percussion trap line slowly picked up to support the piano as it entered a subtle accelerando.

"Come. Rest your weary heads in this musical dream world that I have created for you," Celestial Sonata said with a charming smile. Her baton rose in the air, and with a flick of her wrist, the music began to pick up.

The orchestra started slowly as the camera focused on their subtle hand movements. Celestial Sonata waved her hands in time with the music, her eyes closed as she swayed to the rhythm. String, brass, and woodwind sections melded together beautifully, creating a soothing and uplifting harmony.

As the soothing music continued to play, an Augmented Reality screen in the background changed to show scenes of people from all walks of life coming together in harmony. There were images of children of ethnicities playing, elderly couples walking hand in hand, and families gathered around dinner tables. 

As the music reached a crescendo, Celestial Sonata's eyes snapped open. She lifted her arms, her baton cutting through the air like a knife. She gently flicked her baton as all the instruments halted except for the piano and the percussion trap line.

The piano notes slowed in a playful, waltz-like descent, like raindrops cascading down a windowpane, supported by the woodwinds as the trap line faded.

"Here comes the drop!" Zuri shouted, her excitement spilling over.

The anticipation built up within me, and I held my breath as the music's tension peaked. Suddenly, the orchestra exploded into a high-energy burst of sound. A swift flourish of notes skipped across the room as Celestial Sonata glowed with an aura of pink and gold. With a wave of her hands, the room lit up with a flurry of pyrotechnics from her body, cascading sparks that drove the audience wild. Her stream chat exploded into a wall of heart and star emojis.

The music was fast-paced and electrifying, and I couldn't help but feel my body swaying to the rhythm. It was so infectious that even Dior had stopped eating and was swaying her head from side to side to the rhythm. Ranjika's eyes were wide, and she had a genuine smile on her face. Talia and Morada were jumping up and down, cheering wildly.

Spencer was grinning from ear to ear, and he had started to tap his fingers on the table, matching the rhythm of the music. "Man," he said, "I genuinely can't believe I'm seeing this. How much did this cost to produce?!"

Natasha shrugged, grinning at him. "Hey, I think it's the message that's important. And if this brings people together, then it's worth every penny at the end of the day!"

"Yeah," Morada agreed. "She's known for philanthropy anyway, so I'm sure she's doing this for a good cause."

Spencer nodded, "Yeah, that's true I guess. Honestly, I think we could all use a little bit of positivity and unity in our lives right now."

As the music climaxed, the pyrotechnics exploded into a shower of colors. Celestial Sonata conducted the pace down to a low crawl. The music slowed down, and I could feel my heart beginning to calm down.

Celestial Sonata was back on the ground swaying to the rhythm, her eyes closed as she conducted the orchestra. The room was filled with the soft sound of violins and cellos, and it was like the music was wrapping around me like a warm embrace.

Celestial Sonata's voice rose above the instruments, and a rock ballad filled the room.

"The world can be a frightening place,

Filled with darkness we cannot erase.

But love and kindness can shine through,

And bring us all to a brighter view."

I felt myself getting emotional, swept away by the sheer power of her voice. It was like she was singing directly to me. I was grateful that I could experience this moment with the company. Celestial Sonata's voice was clearly enhanced by her powers as Magical Girl, giving even the sounds that came out of the screen an otherworldly quality.

Midori's eyes sparkled, and her laughter filled the room as she grabbed Talia's hand. Talia gasped in surprise but quickly recovered and followed Midori into a spin-out - whipping out of each other's arms before being pulled back together into a dip. We watched, amazed, and clapped our hands, captivated by the two who moved and flowed gracefully.

Natasha smiled at the couple. "I'd say it was definitely worth... erm, coming out for," she whispered, her eyes sweeping around the room.

Midori and Talia embraced each other in a slow dance, swaying back and forth at the hips. They moved gracefully together, ensuring their steps fell perfectly in time with the melody. Their moves were like a painting, carefully crafted and orchestrated to create the story of a sacred moment. Talia gazed up at Midori with an adoring look, her eyes filled with a visible sense of loyalty and trust. Her face exuded happiness.

The soft music continued to play as Dior pushed her now-empty plate to the side and turned her attention to the screen. Midori and Talia held each other close, their faces inches apart as the song drew to a close. They swayed slowly, their eyes locked in a gentle gaze.

Ranjika refilled her teacup and leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the holographic projection of Celestial Sonata's every move. Her fingers tapped in time with the music. She was reserved, but it was clear that she was just as captivated by the performance as the rest of us.

"That song was marvelous," Ranjika said, her voice suddenly filled with emotion. She glanced toward my direction from opposite the sofa, her eyes twisted in a happy smile. "It truly encapsulated her desire to bring people together."

Natasha beamed at her and giggled. She clasped her hands together and smiled widely as the song's last notes echoed through the room. Then, she blinked, wiping away a tear's tickle before it ran down her right cheek. Pulling out a tissue from her pocket, she quickly wiped her face dry and forced a smile back on her face.

Dior sighed heavily, standing up and stretching her arms above her head. Grinning, she grabbed his plate off the table and returned to the counter for more.

The next song started with a soft guitar melody that filled the room with longing. Celestial Sonata sang into a glow of light between her hands, her voice soft and sweet as she began to sing.

"I'm just a ghost, haunting these halls,

Lost and alone, with no one to call.

Abandoned by the ones I love,

Left to wander in the shadows and the stars above.

But you came into my life, streaking like lightning.

And suddenly, everything felt oh so inviting."

Her voice was so pure and vulnerable that it felt like she bore her soul to us. The music built up, adding string and soft percussion layers, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere. Celestial Sonata closed her eyes, swaying to the music as it picked up into an upbeat pop-rock song.

Dior returned with a stack of vegetables and chicken on skewers, her mouth full as she quietly sat back down to enjoy the show. Zuri and I exchanged a grin as we watched her, amused by her voracious appetite. Then, Zuri reached over and grabbed a skewer, leading Dior to jolt in surprise before smiling up at her.

Natasha giggled, leaning over to me. "I love how different we all are as people. It's what makes life interesting," she whispered.

I nodded in agreement, my eyes still fixed on Celestial Sonata's performance. The room was alive with energy, and I could feel the music coursing through my veins. It was like each note was a heartbeat, connecting us all together in a shared experience.

I closed my eyes, letting myself get lost in the music. Uplifting song after song filled the room, and I felt carried away on waves of pure emotion. Nothing else mattered except the music and the people around me. Then, the plethora of instruments gave way to a grand piano supported by an acoustic guitar.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the Augmented Reality screen had changed, and now it displayed a beautiful garden filled with blooming flowers of every color. A fountain was in the garden's center, and the water glistened in the sunlight. As Celestial Sonata sang, the flowers swayed in time with the music, and I could almost feel the breeze blowing through my hair.

The concert continued for the rest of the hour; each song was more captivating than the last. We were swept up in a whirlwind of emotions, from the uplifting tunes that made us want to dance to the melancholic ballads and orchestral instrumentals that tugged at our heartstrings. Celestial Sonata had a way of connecting with her audience, and it was clear that her music resonated with all of us.

As the concert neared its end, Celestial Sonata looked into the camera, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"Thank you, my dear friends, for joining us tonight. May our music spark joy and hope in your hearts. Always remember that we are all connected, and that the person you see on the other side of the divide is no different from you."

She blew a magical heart at the camera, and the screen shifted as a stream of a girl playing the piano opened as a window in the background. The girl was joined by a young man with an acoustic guitar on another screen.

Together they began to play a beautiful duet. The music was soft and sweet, and it filled the room with a sense of peace.

Celestial Sonata began to spin and pirouette, pointing to an arbitrary spot in the AR background as the camera followed her gestures.

A screen suddenly opened where she gestured, and an unfamiliar Magical Girl began to sing. Her uniform was covered in moon motifs, and her voice was soft and soothing.

She had dark hair that flowed down her back. Her voice was like velvet, blending perfectly with Celestial Sonata's. It flowed over the instruments, weaving around and through the melody effortlessly. The girl's voice sounded like music itself: made of notes instead of sounds, full of audible honey as she sang from a studio.

"Oh gosh, that's Moonbeam Serenade!" I can't believe she's involved with this too!" Zuri exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise

"In lands where rivers once flowed, now echoes remain."

Celestial Sonata span and made another gesture. A new screen opened with an image of a middle-aged woman wearing a United Nations of Earth t-shirt. Her blonde hair was tied in a long braid that swayed as she moved. She held her head high, her gaze strong and determined.

"Time's tender caress taught our hearts love's sweet strain."

The camera shifted to follow Celestial Sonata's gestures as she continued to dance. Yet another screen opened up — this one with a group of young people in high school uniforms singing in a room.

"Side by side, we ascend, leaving shadows behind.

Toward a radiant dawn, where our fates intertwine."

Celestial Sonata soared high into the air, causing a brilliant light show as she flew. Extra screens lit up, and a man in a suave grey suit appeared, playing an electric guitar to add a unique vibe to the melody. Little streams of schoolchildren came together piece by piece until they joined the chorus.

"Through moonlit reflections, we find solace and grace,

A compass to guide us through life's vast embrace,

Mending the fractures, with love as our glue,

United we stand, hearts bonded, ever true.

More and more screens lit up with people representing each world. Half of the participants had clothing, eyes, and hair that suggested they were from Earth. In contrast, the other half had features that gave away their Terran backgrounds. Magical girls, soldiers. Civilians and scientists. Whoever had put this together had gathered people of all ages and walks of life.

Yet, they all sang in perfect harmony, their voices blending together in a beautiful symphony of sound.

Celestial Sonata looked up, her face full of joy as she soared higher and higher, her wings trailing glittering sparks of magic. The music swelled, the tempo increasing as the two worlds became one.

The screens merged, creating a seamless display of the people from both worlds singing together. Their voices created a wall of sound, and I felt like I was at the center of it all. I could feel the emotion radiating from every person in the room, from the ones on the screen to the ones next to me.

As the song drew to a close, Celestial Sonata landed back on the ground, her wings disappearing in a shower of light. Hundreds of screens faded to the background to spell "Together, We Are One."

Celestial Sonata turned to face the camera, beaming with pride and happiness. 

"Thank you all," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for sharing this moment with us, for allowing our worlds to come together through music. I hope that we can continue to connect and learn from one another, to create a brighter future for all."

She bowed deeply, and the rest of the performers who'd played sets came on screen and followed suit. 

With those parting words, the stream faded to a wallpaper screen, and the room went quiet momentarily. 

We sat in silence for a moment, letting the magic of the performance sink in. We sat there, stunned by the beauty of the performance we had just witnessed.

Dior was the first to speak up, a grin plastered on her face.

"Dior has never seen anything like this. Celestial Sonata knows how to put on a show."

Zuri clapped her hands together. "That was truly amazing. I feel like I've been lifted to another world," she said, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Ranjika nodded in agreement. "That message of unity and hope was truly inspiring. I hope we can all learn from it."

As they exchanged their thoughts, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Natasha. Her eyes were fixed on the TV screen, but I watched her emotions play over her face.

The muscles on the corner of her lips twitched and turned upward in a smile, and I could sense the richness of emotion in her eyes.

"Thank you all for inviting me," she said softly. "I really needed this tonight. It was magical to see this in a group."

I smiled, happy to have had such a wonderful experience. It was amazing how music could bring people together, even across different worlds.

Midori and Talia approached us; their faces were aglow with joy.

"That was incredible, wasn't it?! Now that we have you here in Shoreline, we should do this again!" said Midori.

Natasha couldn't help but chuckle nervously, but her face lit up in a smile. "C-count me in for another show like this," she said.

Midori suddenly tackled Natasha in a hug, and Natasha yelped and flailed in surprise.

"It's been so long since I've spent time with you!" Midori exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion. "I missed you so much, Tasha! We're never going to let you run off like that again."

Natasha froze for a second, her body tense at Midori's affectionate hug. But then relaxed into the embrace, returning it with equal enthusiasm.

"I missed you too, Midori. It's good to see you again," she said, her voice soft and warm.

Talia giggled at the exchange, and my heart swelled in response.

This was truly a magical night, and I knew that the memory of it would stay with us for a long time. As we sat there, basking in the glow of friendship and music, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the experiences that brought us together.

The world outside may be filled with chaos and division, but at this moment, we were united in our a moment's respite.

As the night drew to a close, we all said our goodbyes and left the apartment to go our separate waves.

But even as we parted ways, I knew that the memory of this night would stay with us, a beacon of hope and unity in a world that desperately needed it. The sensation of being swept up in the magic of the night lingered with me as I walked home. The chill of the night air was a welcome contrast to the warmth in my chest. It was nice to be reminded of the beauty in the world.

As I walked, lost in thought, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Natasha, walking a few feet behind me.

"Hey," I said, surprised to see her. "Is everything okay?"

Natasha smiled at me, her eyes shining with a warm light. "Yeah, everything's fine," she said. "I just wanted to walk with you for a bit."

I didn't know what to say, so I smiled back at her. We walked in comfortable silence for a few moments, our footfalls echoing through the quiet night.

Finally, Natasha spoke up. "I wanted to thank you," she said. "For inviting me tonight. It was really wonderful."

I shrugged. "It was nothing. I'm just glad you could make it."

Natasha shook her head. "No, it was more than that," she said. "You have no idea how much I needed to be reminded that there's still beauty and hope in the world. And to be reminded that there are people out there who care about me."

My heart skipped a beat at her words, and I turned to face her fully. "Of course! You're my friend, after all."

She smiled at me, and I could tell that the weight of the world had lifted from her shoulders, if only for a moment.

"Thank you," she said, her voice soft and genuine.

We walked on, enjoying each other's company in the peace and quiet of the night. The stars above us twinkled in the sky, a reminder of the magic of the world and the beauty that could be found in even the darkest of times.

Soon, we descended the subway stairs, and I could hear the rumble of a train approaching. We quickened our pace, and as we reached the platform, the train pulled up to the station.

The train rattled through the tunnel, and I felt a sense of contentment settle over me. The memory of the night lingered with me, filling me with a sense of hope and optimism. I realized that I was glad to have decided to invite Natasha. She had been through a lot, and I knew she needed a reminder of the good things in life.

As we approached my stop, I turned to Natasha. "This is my stop," I said.

Natasha nodded, and I could see the same contentment in her eyes. "Goodnight," she said with a smile.

"Goodnight," I replied.

As I exited the train, I turned back to wave at her. She mouthed a silent goodbye to me, and the train doors closed, and the train rumbled away from the station. Slowly, the train rumbled away from the station and slipped into the darkness like a serpent slithering away into its den.

I watched it vanish into the darkness, feeling a sense of finality.

I walked out of the subway station and into the cool night air, which clung to me like a soft coat on a cold day. The streets were empty; the only sounds were the distant hum of traffic and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Here and there, a cat would prowl, or a rat scurry across my path.

Before I knew it, I found myself standing outside my apartment building. I fished out my keys from my pocket and unlocked the front door, still humming the melody of the closing performance. They clanked against the metal lock like a song composed just for that moment. As they scraped open the door, they made a deep reverberating sound that echoed into the street and bounced off walls, mingling with soft voices from nearby windows.

Unbeknownst to me at that time, blue eyes flashed green with worry as they watched me from the shadows.

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