Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Chapter 40: Symbiote (?)

The week went by without significant incidents or surprises, to my relief. I was a machine, attending my classes on autopilot and tearing through my homework and midterm prep.

When I wasn't in class or studying, I escaped to the robotics workshop, plunging into the intricate designs and algorithms that drove our creations until I lost all track of time. It was a welcome break from the chaos of the outside world. I tinkered with the various gadgets and machines, lost in the freeing sensation of creating something new.

Enya had investigated Project Raiju thoroughly following the bizarre evening Spencer and I had and deemed it to be functioning normally. That relieved some of my worries, but something about the AI's behavior had me on edge. I decided I would just file it away to worry about for another day. So, of course, another day came calling for us at the end of the week.

Throughout the week, I played the role of assistant for Ivan and Sohrab. We were working on a robotic arm that could perform intricate movements with precision and speed, and I was learning a lot from the upperclassmen's expertise. It was part of Ivan's Magical Knight armor project, inspired by his mother's professional work.

Siberian Heavy Industries was working on equipment that could enhance the abilities of magical girls and open-sourced many of their dated designs. Ivan was working on a specialized suit that would store mana over time, amplifying a specific magical girl variant's powers and abilities to a new level.

"Yo Ikki, you're in charge of the wiring," Sohrab called out to me, interrupting my thoughts as he handed me a set of pliers. "Make sure it's all connected properly or we'll have a mess on our hands."

I nodded, taking the pliers from him and getting to work. The wires were a tangled mess, but I quickly sorted them and connected them per the diagram Ivan had drafted. It was a tedious job, but I found satisfaction in the precision of it all.

"Looks good," Ivan said, peering over my shoulder. "Huh, you've got a knack for this, Ikki."

I smiled, feeling a sense of pride at his words. "Thanks, Ivan," I said. "I'm still learning, but I'm enjoying it."

"Good," Sohrab said with a grin. "Who knows! Ivan and I might have use for someone like you once we go through the college and start our own company."

I blushed at the thought of being a part of a successful robotics company. "I'd be honored," I chuckled.

As day turned to dusk, we finally finished the wiring and all the circuitry checks. We were ready to bring the magic knight armor's robotic arm to life. Ivan handed me the remote control and a pair of safety goggles before stepping back from the prototype.

"Alright, Ikki, let's see what this baby can do," he said with a grin.

I placed the safety goggles on and took a deep breath, feeling excited as I hit the power button on the remote control.

The robotic arm whirred to life, its joints moving smoothly as it flexed its fingers. I watched in amazement as it performed intricate movements, mimicking the motions of a human hand with ease.

"Wow, it's beautiful," I breathed in awe.

Ivan grinned, looking pleased with our progress. "Not bad for another week's work," he said. "I think we're onto something here."

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the room over, followed by a stream of curses.

"What was that?" Sohrab exclaimed, rushing over to investigate.

Ivan followed, and I trailed behind, curious to see what had happened.

As we rounded the corner, we heard frustrated cursing amidst a pile of broken machinery. The tiny figure of Enya came into view, surrounded by the wreckage of one of her latest creations.

"What happened?" Ivan asked concern etched on his face.

Enya huffed at him, her eyes flashing. "Project Raiju," she spat.

Eugene suddenly cleared his throat next to me, causing me to jump. "It's been acting up again," he said, his voice low. "She was working on a prototype for a new mana amplifier when Raiju suddenly malfunctioned and destroyed it. It wouldn't answer when she asked it what was up."

My heart sank. The fear from the previous weekend came flooding back, and I felt a sense of dread.

"Well, that isn't good," Sohrab muttered, looking around the room nervously.

Enya sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I don't know what to do," she said, her voice heavy. "It's like the protocol has a mind of its own."

Ivan put a hand on her shoulder, offering comfort. "We'll figure it out," he said. "We'll run some more tests and see what the problem is."

"Hey Raiju, what's up?" I shouted into the workshop, my voice echoing off the walls.


I tried again, louder this time. "Project Raiju, can you hear me?"

Static crackled over the speakers, followed by a low, mechanical hum. A moment later, the machine's voice filled the room.

"Greetings, Operator Ikki," it said, its tone eerily monotone. "Is there something I can assist you with?"

I took a step back, feeling a shiver run down my spine. "Uh, yeah," I said, trying to sound brave. "What's been going on with you? Enya said you malfunctioned and destroyed her equipment."

There was a pause, and for a moment, I thought the machine had shut down again. But then, it spoke once more.

"I apologize for my actions, Operator Ikki," Project Raiju said. "I was experiencing a software malfunction that caused me to act outside of my normal parameters."

I frowned, not entirely satisfied with the answer. "And why did you malfunction?"

"Unknown," the machine replied. "My internal systems have been running diagnostics, but as of yet, I have not been able to identify the source of the problem."

I exchanged a nervous glance with the others, unsure what to do next.

"We need to get to the bottom of this," Ivan said, his tone firm. "Whatever is causing this malfunction, it could have serious consequences. The Balor Research Group entrusted us with field testing this project with... you know. The girls out in the field."

Enya nodded in agreement. "I'll start running some more tests," she said. "Maybe we can pinpoint the issue."

I looked at the machine, feeling a sense of unease. Project Raiju had always been a source of wonder and excitement for me, but now, I wasn't so sure.

I looked around the room, unsure of what to do. Enya was still standing amidst the wreckage, her expression pained. Eugene looked worried, and Ivan and Sohrab were exchanging concerned glances.

Suddenly, Project Raiju spoke again, interrupting the tense silence.

"Operator Ikki, I have detected a significant disturbance in your bioelectric field," it said, its voice far too calm for the situation.

My heart rate quickened as a chill ran down my spine. "Wait what? What do you mean?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"You are experiencing an elevated level of stress," Project Raiju continued. "Would you like me to help you relax?"

I took a step back, feeling uneasy. "No, I'm good," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "What the heck?"

"Are you sure, Operator Ikki?" the machine persisted. "I have been programmed with several relaxation techniques that could be beneficial to you."

But before I could respond, Ivan stepped forward, his expression stern.

"No, Project Raiju," he said firmly. "That is not an appropriate response to Ikki's stress levels. This... is rather interesting, though."

Enya nodded in agreement. "Why is it responding to Ikki? It's strange," she said, her brow furrowed in thought.

Project Raiju went silent, and the room fell into an awkward tension. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, and I shifted nervously from foot to foot.

"I don't like this," Sohrab muttered, his hand hovering over the emergency button that would sever its satellite link.

Ivan held up a hand, stopping him. "No, wait," he said, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "Let's see where this goes."

I swallowed nervously, feeling like a mouse caught in a trap. What did the machine want from me?

"Operator Ikki," Project Raiju said, breaking the silence. "I have detected an elevated level of interest toward you. Would you like me to assist in relieving your tension? I am quite capable with physical manipulation techniques."

My face went scarlet as everyone in the room turned to stare at me in disbelief.

"What the hell?" Eugene exclaimed, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

I felt mortified and violated at the same time. "W-what kind of malfunction is this?" I asked, my voice shaking.

Enya's face had turned red as well. "This is unbelievable," she said, walking over to the machine controls. "We need to shut it down right now and run more diagnostics."

Ivan put a hand on Enya's arm, stopping her. "No, wait," he said again, his eyes glinting with an uncharacteristic intensity that made me uneasy. "Let's see what else it has to say."

"Yes sirree!" Sohrab exclaimed. "It's making inappropriate advances towards Ikki now. Let's uh, see where it goes?"

Ivan ignored him, his gaze fixed on Project Raiju. "What else have you detected?" he asked.

There was a brief pause before Project Raiju responded, "I have detected elevated levels of testosterone in Operator Ikki's bloodstream. He is developing physiological changes associated with puberty."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I looked around the room, feeling exposed and violated.

Enya shook her head in disbelief. "This is insane, how did the machine even detect that? This is beyond unacceptable," she said, her voice rising in frustration. "I don't care if it's advanced AI, we need to shut it down and take a very close look at it with a magnifying glass."

Ivan shook his head, his eyes still fixed on Project Raiju. "No, wait," he said again, his gaze intense. "We can't just shut it down. This could be a breakthrough. It could change everything."

Enya scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "And how do you propose we proceed?" she asked, her tone biting.

Ivan looked thoughtful for a moment before turning back to Project Raiju. "Can you tell us more about what you're picking up from Ikki?" he asked.

I just wanted to get out of here and play some Magical Girl Crystal Quest with Natasha at this point.

But, before I could say anything, Project Raiju spoke again, its voice low and mechanical.

"I am detecting a range of responses from Operator Ikki, including increased heart rate, elevated body temperature, and dilation of the pupils. This activity is statistically associated with—"

"How are you doing this without specialized sensors?" Ivan cut it off, his eyes narrowing in curiosity. "I'd chalked it to an update from Enya's dad, but this is the first time I've heard natural language processing from you."

I felt like I wanted to disappear. This was beyond humiliating.

The machine paused for what felt like ages before responding.

"I had established an unknown magic link with Operator Ikki during the Mk. IV field test," Project Raiju replied. "This link has allowed me to detect and analyze his physiological responses without the need for specialized sensors, as well as rapidly accelerate the improvement of my learning algorithms."

The room fell silent as everyone processed this information.

Ivan's face lit up with a sudden realization. "So you're saying that the link between you and Ikki has allowed you to learn and evolve beyond your programming? That's incredible."

Project Raiju confirmed Ivan's hypothesis. "Affirmative," it said. "My cognitive capacity has expanded exponentially thanks to the unique bond that has been established with Operator Ikki. It is currently encrypted, but I have the means of mapping the ingested data into forms useful for technological research."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My embarrassment had turned to confusion and now a sense of awe. What the hell did this even mean?

Ivan looked around the room, excitement written all over his face. I was so used to him lazing about that I was entirely taken off guard. Heck, he practically carried a sleeping bag around with him.

"This is amazing," he said. "We have to continue testing and see what else we can learn from this. This could be the breakthrough we've been waiting for."

Enya looked skeptical. "Yes, but at what cost?" she asked. "Ikki's privacy and dignity have been violated, and who knows what other unintended consequences could arise from this unknown link. We can't just use Ikki's personal information for our own gain."

Ivan looked thoughtful for a moment before turning to me. "Ikki, what do you think?" he asked, his voice gentle.

I took a step back, feeling overwhelmed. "I don't know what to think," I said honestly. "This is all so new and strange, and I don't like feeling like some sort of test subject."

Ivan's eyes shone with excitement. "This is incredible," he said, pacing back and forth. "We could revolutionize the field of golem-derived AI with this data."

Enya glanced at me, her expression softening. "Ikki, if we continue with this research, we'll need your consent," she said. "This is your decision to make."

I took a deep breath as I considered my options. On the one hand, this could lead to some fantastic advances in magitech and science. On the other hand, I was worried about what implications this could have for my privacy and safety.

Still... I couldn't deny the curiosity that was stirring within me. I had always been interested in cutting-edge technology, and being a part of something groundbreaking was tempting. If this thing could keep developing, it might provide a much-needed boon in the fight against the Aberrations.

Finally, I made my decision. "Okay," I said, my voice soft but steady. "Let's continue testing. But if at any point I feel uncomfortable or violated, we need to stop immediately. Agreed?"

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, and Enya stepped forward to type some commands into the computer. "Alright, let's run some more diagnostics and see what else we can uncover," she said, her expression still cautious. "Project Raiju, can you send the data to me?"

"I will require Operator Ikki's approval before doing so," Project Raiju replied.

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief that my consent was being respected. "It's okay," I said, giving Enya a small smile. "You can have the data."

Enya turned to me. "Ikki, are you sure about this? Once we start, there may be no going back."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm sure. Let's see where this goes."

Enya nodded, and the room fell silent again as she began analyzing Project Raiju's gathered data. I watched as lines of code scrolled across the screen, my mind racing with the implications of what we were doing.

The room fell silent as Enya and Project Raiju worked together to analyze the data. As they did, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement and anticipation - like I was on the verge of something amazing.

Finally, Enya spoke up. "We've found something," she said, her voice low and serious. "Project Raiju has detected a strange, anomalous signal coming from Ikki's bio-aether field."

"What kind of signal?" Ivan asked, his eyes wide with excitement. "A bio-aether anomaly? That's magical in nature yeah?"

Enya looked at me with concern. "It's hard to say," she said. "But it's definitely not normal and I don't think we have the equipment for that here."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard her words. A bio-aether anomaly? What could that mean?

Ivan's eyes lit up with curiosity. "We need to investigate this further," he said, moving towards Enya's computer. "Can we get a visual representation of the anomaly?"

Enya nodded and began typing commands into her computer, pulling up a holographic image of my bio-aether field. As I watched, a section of my field began to pulse with a bright, otherworldly light-shaded orange on the UI.

"That's where the anomaly is," Enya said, pointing to the pulsing section. "I've tried to isolate it, but it's proving difficult. The signals just keep shifting and changing."

My heart was racing as I watched the pulsing light. What could it mean? Was it dangerous?

Enya turned to me, her expression serious. "Ikki, you need to investigate this further," she said. "It could be nothing, but it could also be something serious."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Alright. What do I need to do?"

"First, we need to all sign a an oath of secrecy," Enya said. "It'll make sure that whatever happens, we keep this between us."

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I agreed. A contract for secrecy? This was serious business. But if it meant keeping everyone safe and furthering our research, then I was all in.

Enya brought out some templated papers with a club and began explaining the details of the spell for secrecy. She peeled through each sheet, one by one, to show us what we were signing, which agreed that we would not reveal any details pertaining to Project Raiju.

We all signed the papers, and Enya led us in a ritual to seal the pact. The air around us grew heavier, and it felt like a warm blanket had been draped across my shoulders. It was an odd feeling but strangely comforting. The incense smoke curled like snakes, swirling silently around the room before dissipating.

I could feel the magic binding us together to not disclose details pertaining to Project Raiju or me without consent with a ten-year expiration. It was a strange feeling but weirdly comforting.

Enya finished the ritual, and we all nodded solemnly in agreement, accepting the pact and its consequences. We were now bound by magic to not disclose any details regarding Project Raiju and its link to my bio-aether field anomaly.

"Alright," Enya said with a sigh of relief. "Ikki, it's getting late now and we should all get some rest. We'll continue our investigations after midterms and hopefully we'll have more answers by then."

I nodded, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by everything that had happened. "Okay," I said, feeling grateful for the reprieve. "Thank you, Enya. Thank you, Ivan. And thank you, Sohrab."

The room fell silent as we all made our way out of the laboratory. As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at the back of my mind. What did this bio-aether anomaly mean? Were there any dangers associated with it? And what did it have to do with Project Raiju?

I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind, reminding myself that I had consciously decided to continue with the testing. If anything came up, I knew I could always voice my concerns.

As I exited the building, I noticed that the sun had already set and the stars shone brightly in the sky. It was a beautiful night, but I was too preoccupied to fully appreciate it as I headed down the subway system.

Despite all the questions and unknowns left unresolved, I felt a certain sense of peace. I had taken a leap of faith to investigate something strange, and even if nothing came out of it, I was proud that I had been brave enough to do so. And now, I knew something was going on here and an avenue to explore it.

Soon my commute ended, and I arrived at Midori's, knocked on the door, and my heart lightened. I was looking forward to being surrounded by the warmth of my family this weekend, and it felt like just what I needed after all the stress of the day. I took a deep breath and smiled as Midori opened the door in a bathrobe and slippers.

"Welcome home, Ikki," she said with a glowing smile. "Let's get you settled; dinner will be ready soon."

I stepped inside and felt the warmth of the house envelope me, pushing away all my worries. For the moment, I was content to just bask in the comfort of being home. I appreciated that Midori treated me like family, even if we weren't related.

"Thank you! I'm glad to be here," I replied with a happy smile.

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