Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Chapter 52: Staging

"So, here we are!" Morada said as we stood on an observatory at the edge of the island of Manhattan, looking back and forth down the street. "Man, this city is a wreck."

I nodded, feeling a sense of adrenaline and anticipation. "Yeah, the Third Chaos War wasn't kind to this place, that's for sure."

The Project Raiju apparatus behind us hummed with energy, ready for action. We spent the morning setting up the equipment and ensuring everything was in working order. Spencer stood over a swarm of surveillance and reconnaissance drones, his fingers moving quickly over his tablet as he checked their status.

"Alright, the drones are online and we're ready to deploy," Spencer said with a grin. "It might be time for you guys to make your way down to the volunteer center. Separately, of course. I'll stay here and optimize the drones."

We nodded and split up, walking down the street toward the volunteer center. I walked with Midori, my hand absentmindedly brushing against the hilt of the knife I had strapped to my waist.

As we walked, I looked for any signs of danger. Sure, there weren't any Aberrations in the island proper right now, but there was definitely a crime and gang problem.

I looked down at my phone as it vibrated with a text from my little sister.

"Be safe, Ikki. I love you. Come home for dinner?"

I smiled at her message and texted a response, feeling a sense of purpose and determination. Luckily, nothing had happened on this side of the portal when I'd been away. I was grateful for that small mercy but knew we couldn't let our guard down.

We could see a large group of people gathered outside as we approached the volunteer center. They were talking, laughing, and helping each other. It was a heartwarming sight. A pair of flowery-themed magical girls stood at the entrance, directing traffic and welcoming newcomers.

Midori and I made our way over to them, and they smiled at us.

"Hi there! Are you guys here to volunteer?" one of them asked.

Midori nodded. "Yes, we are. We heard that there was a need for volunteers, and we wanted to help out."

The other magical girl smiled. "That's great! We're so glad you're here. We could definitely use some help. I'm Rosemary, and this is my partner, Lily. Are you two with the Reclamation Project?"

"Yes sirree!" Midori answered, and they stepped aside, letting us in.

The volunteer center was a large, makeshift building in the middle of the street. People were bustling in and out, carrying supplies and equipment. Midori and I made our way inside and were immediately greeted by the bustling activity of the volunteers.

Doctors and nurses were tending to people who were sick, while others were distributing food, water, and building supplies.

We made our way through the crowd, trying to find the person in charge. Finally, we found a woman with a clipboard organizing the volunteers.

"Excuse me," Midori said, approaching the woman. "We're here to volunteer to help help. He's a native, but I'm from Terra. I have medical and combat training and I'm here to offer our assistance in any way possible."

"I can also help with repairs and machinery," I added, hoping to be helpful in any way possible.

The woman looked us over, scrutinizing us briefly before nodding. "We could definitely use more hands getting supplies sorted, miss."

She turned to me, regarding me with a curious look, "As for you, I don't suppose you know your way around power generators and tires, kid? We haven't had anyone arrive who knows their way around these old Earth designs."

"Yeah actually," I nodded. "I do. I used to help my dad fix up cars and get emergency generators when I was younger."

She nodded, and the woman flagged down two volunteers to separate us and lead us to our respective tasks. I followed my volunteer down to a side room, and he handed me a set of tools.

I made my way to the generator, noticing the grimy exterior and shoddy wiring. It was clear that it had been a while since it had been checked on.

I put on my goggles and got to work, sifting through each part. I may have been only fifteen, but my dad was a professional mechanic, and I'd helped him since I was old enough to hold a wrench. It was second nature, and I quickly repaired the generator.

As I worked, I couldn't help but overhear the conversations of the volunteers around me carrying boxes of supplies around.

"Hey, I hear Imperative Fourteen has been targeting volunteers," one of the volunteers said, her voice laced with fear. "They're trying to disrupt the relief efforts."

Another volunteer chimed in. "They're fucking nuts, I tell you. They think all of this was some kind of Terran conspiracy, like we wanted the Third Chaos War to happen."

I shook my head, feeling a sense of frustration and disbelief. How could anyone think that a war of that scale was intentional? The loss of life and destruction had been devastating. I'd lost my mother to it and my home over a decade ago.

But then again, fear and desperation could make people believe all sorts of crazy things. It was up to the volunteers to show everyone that we were here to help, rebuild, and make things better.

I finished repairing the generator in no time at all, wiping the sweat from my forehead. I made my way back outside to take a break.

A familiar, curly, lopsided bob caught my eye as I scanned the area.

"Natasha!" I shouted, causing her to jolt up nervously.

I smiled, happy to see a close friend amongst the volunteers. She was pulling weeds in a garden plot with a hoe, and I made my way over to her and hugged her. Natasha leaned in with a smile, and I could tell she was happy to see me too.

"Natasha! You're here already?! What are you doing?"

She relaxed and grinned at me, gesturing to the garden. "Just helping out. It's actually kind of fun - gardening is pretty therapeutic!"

I chuckled at her comment, happy to see her smile again. "Yeah, I bet it is. Can I help you with anything?"

She nodded and handed me a garden tool. "Sure! You can help me weed. It's a never-ending task, but getting the people in this neighborhood fresh food will be worth it."

I nodded, feeling satisfied as we weeded the garden together. It was hard work but fulfilling, and I knew it was making a difference.

We worked in comfortable silence, pulling the stubborn weeds out of the soil. I glanced over at Natasha, taking in her features. She looked different than the last time I saw her — definitely more at peace. It was a relief to see her that way.

"Hey guys, want something to eat?"

A voice suddenly spoke out behind us, causing both of us to jump in surprise.

"Midori? What are you doing here?!" Natasha asked, turning to face Midori, who was holding a tray of sandwiches and fruit.

"I just finished setting up the medical tent and thought you two might be hungry," Midori said, holding out the tray. "As for your question... let's just say my whole crew is here. I'm just out here to help out."




Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Your whole crew?!"

Midori nodded, looking proud. "Yeah, we're all pitching in wherever we can. We've got a lot of different skills and talents, so it's been really helpful. Plus, it's good to see everyone working together for a common goal. Now, why don't you guys wash up for a bit?"

She gestured to a nearby table where a makeshift sink had been set up with soap and water.

Natasha and I washed our hands and took a sandwich each. We sat on a nearby bench, enjoying the simple yet satisfying meal.

"I can't believe that you're all here," Natasha said, shaking her head in awe. "I thought it'd just be Ikki with me this week."

Midori grinned. "Believe it! We're all here for the same reason - to help out and make a difference. It's been really rewarding so far."

I nodded in agreement, feeling proud to be part of this effort. "Yeah, it's definitely been an eye-opening experience. I never expected Terra to mobilize to this degree."

Natasha took a bite of her sandwich, chewing thoughtfully. "It's crazy to think that this is just one neighborhood. There are so many places that need help, and so many people who are suffering out there."

Midori nodded, her expression somber. "Yeah, it's overwhelming to think about. But we have to start somewhere, right? And if we can make a difference here, maybe others will follow suit."

Just then, a loud whooshing sound and a gust of wind interrupted us. Three magical girls suddenly appeared in the middle of the work site. I blinked my eyes as the sound of girlish laughter and light footsteps filled the air.

The girl at the center of the formation spotted me. She winked mischievously before strutting her way toward me as her companions sighed in exasperation. She was wearing what I would best describe as a red leather negligee and a miniskirt, accompanied by a pair of thigh-high boots and armguards with a flowing light, flowing cape trailing behind her.

She had long blonde hair and an infectious smile that made my heart skip a beat, and she looked right around our age.


"Hey there, handsome," she purred, looking me up and down amusedly. "Fancy seeing you on this side of the portal."


"Umn, uh," I stammered incredulously, my cheeks flaming with heat. I was too stunned to think of a response.


Midori let out an exasperated sigh and stepped forward. "Hey Ingenue, what are you doing here? We were just about to finish up work here."


The girl smiled. "Oh? Are you a fan of mine? We just thought we'd come by and show some support. I love helping out in any way that I can."

Natasha crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed in a glare. "It looks like you're here to show off more than just support."

Ingenue merely shrugged, then moved to stand closer to me, linking her arm to mine possessively.

"Maybe," she replied. "But I made a friend last week and I do love to dote on my friends."

She batted her eyelashes and flashed me a dazzling smile. I blushed furiously as Midori sighed, and Natasha stared up at the sky, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, come on," Ingenue said with a wink at me. "You know you love it when I flatter you, handsome."

"Can you not cause a scene?" Midori said, shaking her head. "We're here to help people, remember?"

"I, uh..."

I felt a mixture of embarrassment and amusement as Ingenue continued to flirt with me. I didn't know if I should feel flattered or uncomfortable, but I couldn't deny that she was attractive.

"You done here?" Magical Girl Selene drawled as she approached Ingenue, her arms crossed. "We've got work to do, remember?"

Ingenue smirked. "Of course, of course. We're just having a little fun. Don't be such a killjoy, Selene."

She winked at me, then turned to the other two magical girls. "Come on, let's go gear up over there, girls."

"It was good to see you again, Ikazuchi. Fancy seeing you here," Selene said with a respectful nod toward me. "Keep doing the good work."

The other two girls nodded and took off running in the direction Ingenue had pointed. I watched them go, feeling relieved that the attention was no longer on me.

"Natasha?" Midori waved her hand in front of Natasha's face.

Natasha blinked and seemed to shake off whatever was bothering her. She smiled and nodded, then turned to me with a grin. The sweat from the garden work had made her face glisten with a healthy shine.

"That girl is awfully friendly," she said mischievously. "You should be careful around her."

I laughed nervously and waved away the comment, unsure how to respond appropriately. Midori giggled at Natasha's comment before turning back to the work site from the garden work.

"Well, that was...interesting," Midori said, chuckling. "I guess even magical girls need to take a break and have some fun, huh?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of normalcy, and returned to our little project. "Yeah, let's finish up with these weeds shall we?"

We all got back to work, the memory of the magical girls still fresh in my mind. I couldn't help but feel my eyes drawn to Ingenue's form. She was undeniably beautiful, and her flirtatious demeanor was intriguing. I wondered what it would be like to spend time with her, to get to know her better.

But at the same time, I felt guilty for even thinking about her in that way. I was here to help, to make a difference in people's lives. I couldn't let myself get distracted by something as trivial as a crush.

It was strange to think that these Magical Girls were out there, fighting monsters and clearing out land for habitation, while we were here, pulling weeds and planting vegetables. But maybe we were all just different pieces of the same puzzle, working together to make a better world.

As we worked on the garden, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the garden.

"It looks great," Natasha said, beaming. "We did a good job."

Midori nodded, looking pleased. "Definitely. How about we call it a day? We can come back tomorrow and finish up any last-minute details. Plus, I'm sure we're all tired from the hard work."

I agreed, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight of the lush greenery and tidy garden beds. We cleaned up our tools and took one last look at the garden before leaving the community center that was being set up.

Midori and I, of course, would go to our designated operating station to help our own crew of magical girls. I didn't know what Natasha would do, but I assumed she had her own plans for the night.

"So, what now?" Natasha asked, curious.

The volunteers had all been assigned lodgings in the abandoned apartment buildings around us. Natasha was probably staying in one of them, but I wasn't sure which one. Everyone volunteering had more or less left their luggage in their assigned dorms.

Midori and I glanced at each other, uncertain of what to say. We'd wanted to check in with my father and sister before we did any of the more dangerous work.

"Well, I was thinking of checking in with my family first," I said, glancing at Midori.

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's always good to make sure they're doing okay with everything that's been happening."

Natasha blinked, looking between us. "Hang on, it sounds like you two are going together?"

I exchanged another look with Midori, then nodded.

"Yeah, we're going to go off to see my family."

"Oh..." Natasha looked away, her face oddly hard to read.

Natasha's smile faltered momentarily, and I could see a flicker of disappointment in her eyes before she quickly composed herself.

"Of course," she said, trying to sound cheerful. "Family is important. You two go ahead, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Then she stepped away from us and began walking down the street in the opposite direction.

I hesitated, not wanting to leave her feeling left out. "Are you sure? You're welcome to come with us, if you want."

She shook her head, her smile returning. "No, it's fine. I've got some things I need to take care of as well. I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?"

"Alright. Take care, Natasha?"

"You too, Ikki," she said, her eyes lingering on me for a moment longer before she turned and walked away.

"That... what was that about?" I muttered.

As Natasha disappeared into the growing dusk, Midori sighed and gave me an exasperated look. "You know, you really need to learn how to communicate better when it comes to Natasha, Ikki. Have you thought about what's going on in her head right now? Especially after dealing with Ingenue's antics?"

"Huh?" I asked as Midori suddenly ran after Natasha.

"Natasha, wait up!" Midori called out.

Natasha paused before slowly turning to look back at us. "What's up?"

"Yeah. I think there's a misunderstanding here. Ikki and I... well, we're long lost cousins. I'm completely serious about that."


"Yeah, this is a bit of an insane story," I explained, walking up to her. "Long story short, we're first cousins. We didn't know the other existed until I came to the academy, but we found evidence of it through one thing or another and the labs confirmed it. Apparently, I'm half Terran and my mother came here when the portals first opened up or something."

Natasha's eyes widened incredulously. " So wait, you guys are family and coincidentally found each other a world away? That's insane."

"Really," Midori confirmed. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. We just wanted to check in with the fam here tonight."

The tension in Natasha's shoulders visibly relaxed as she processed the information. "I see. I'm sorry for assuming the worst."

Her face instantly turned into a familiar shade of tomato red. "Er, I thought I would be third wheeling something more intimate."

I felt my face flush with embarrassment. "Wh-what? No way! We're just friends! Besides, Midori's with Talia!"

Natasha chuckled, looking relieved. "Okay, okay. I believe you. I just thought... nevermind. I can be dumb sometimes."

We all laughed, the tension between us dissipating. It felt good to clear the air and know we had no lingering awkwardness.

"Well, I'll see you guys later then," Natasha said with a wave. "Take care of yourselves and have a good night."

We waved back, relieved we had cleared up the misunderstanding.

Midori nudged me with her elbow, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Come on, let's go check on Izumi and your pops."

I nodded, following her lead as we walked down the empty streets. The sun had set entirely by now, casting everything into darkness except for the faint glow of the streetlights.

We approached the abandoned apartment building my father had turned into a temporary home for us. The building was old and decrepit, but it was better than nothing. As we walked up the stairs to our floor, I couldn't help but feel grateful for what we had. It wasn't much, but it was a roof over our heads and a place to sleep.

When we reached our apartment, I knocked on the door and waited for a response. After a few seconds, my father opened the door.

"Ikki! Midori! You're back!" he exclaimed, pulling us into a tight hug with his burly arms.

We hugged him back, feeling grateful for the warmth of his embrace. It had been too long since we had seen him.

"How's it going, dad?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Izumi's been taking care of me since the crash."

Izumi poked her head out from behind my father, rolling her eyes at his comment. "Don't listen to him. He's been driving me crazy!"

The next thing I knew, my little sister dashed out from behind him and tackled me in a hug.

"Ohmigod Ikki! You're back!" she squealed, her arms tight around my neck.

I hugged her back, feeling relieved to see her safe and sound. "Of course, I had to come and see my favorite little sister."

Izumi giggled, pulling away from the hug. "I'm your only little sister."

I grinned, ruffling her hair playfully. "Exactly. That makes you my favorite by default."

Midori chuckled at our exchange, looking around the small apartment. "So, how have you guys been managing? Do you need any supplies or anything?"

My father shook his head. "No, we've been managing. There's a small market down the street that's been stocked with essentials, so we've been able to get by."

Izumi chimed in, her eyes brightening. "And dad's been teaching me how to cook since Talia got me started. I made dinner tonight!"

My stomach rumbled at the mention of food, making everyone laugh.

"Well, I'm starving," I said, grinning. "What did you make, Izumi?"

She beamed proudly. "I made stir fry! Dad helped me chop the vegetables and everything."

"That sounds amazing," Midori said, her stomach growling. "Can we try some?"

"Of course," my father grumbled, leading us into the kitchen.

Izumi dished portions of her stir fry as we sat around the small kitchen table. The smell of cooked vegetables mixed with soy sauce and sesame oil wafted through the air, making my mouth water.

"Wow, Izumi. This is really good," Midori said between bites. "You've got some serious cooking skills developing."

Izumi blushed at the compliment. "Thanks, Midori. I've been practicing a lot."

My father smiled, looking around the table. "It's good to have family together again. Even if it's just for a short time."

I nodded, feeling a sense of warmth wash over me. It was true. With all of the craziness happening in the world, it was important to have moments like this. Moments where we could forget about the danger and uncertainty and just be together, enjoying each other's company.

"So, you guys are staying with all the volunteers?" my dad asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over us.

I nodded, taking a sip of water. "Yeah, we're bunking at the refurbished buildings downtown. We just left our luggage down there, though. It's been a bit crowded, but we're all managing. Everyone's been pitching in to help out with cooking and cleaning."

My dad looked thoughtful. "That's good. It's important to work together in times like these. For what it's worth, I was suspicious before, but I really appreciate the Reclamation Initiative now."

I smiled gratefully at my father's words. It was heartening to hear that he supported the Initiative.

"I'm glad to hear that, dad," I said. "We're doing our damned best to make a difference."

My father nodded, his expression serious. "I know you are. And I'm proud of you, Ikki. You've always had a strong sense of justice, even when you were young. Just like your mother."

I felt a flush of embarrassment wash over me. "Aw, dad. You're making me blush."

Izumi giggled, looking at me mischievously. "Yeah, Ikki. You're suuuch a hero."

Midori snickered, elbowing me gently. "Yeah, you're practically a legend in the making."

I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving her. "Oh, shut up, you two."

We all laughed, the tension melting away as we joked around. It was moments like these that made everything worth it.

As we finished our meal, my father's expression again turned serious. "Ikki, Midori. You guys requested information on the Chaos Beast nests around New York City the last time you were here. I've got a few maps for ya."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of the Chaos Beasts. They were dangerous creatures born of the otherworldly energies ravaging the city. The Reclamation Initiative had been tasked with finding and eliminating them to increase the city's boundaries, but it was easier said than done.

"Thank you, dad. That'll be really helpful," I said, leaning forward in anticipation.

My father nodded, pulling out a few rolled-up maps from a drawer. "Be careful out there, okay? I don't want to lose either of you."

I grinned, feeling a rush of gratitude toward my father. "Don't worry, Dad. We'll be careful."

Midori nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we've got each other's backs. Besides, we have an entire team of Magical Girls with us."

My father smiled, looking between us. "I know you do. You two make a good team, regardless."

We spent a bit longer chatting with my father and Izumi, catching up on everything that had happened since we last saw each other.

But eventually, it was time to go. As we hugged each other goodbye, I felt a pang of sadness wash over me. It was always hard to leave family behind, especially in uncertain times like this.

"Take care, dad. And keep an eye on Izumi for me," I said, giving him one last hug.

"I will. You two be careful out there," Dad said, returning the embrace. "I'm serious, I don't want to lose either of you."

As we exited the apartment building and returned down the street toward the downtown area, a sense of foreboding settled over me. The information we had just received from my father was crucial to our mission. Still, it also meant our team was headed straight into danger.

Midori must have sensed my apprehension because she grabbed my arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

I smiled back at her, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.

The night air was cool and crisp, the stars twinkling above us as we made our way to the building we'd set up our base of operations at.

The city was still in ruins, with buildings crumbling and debris littering the streets. There were still completely abandoned areas, as people had fled the city in search of safety. It was a stark reminder of the chaos and destruction ravaging the city.

But despite the destruction, people still fought to reclaim their city. People who refused to give up hope, even in the face of overwhelming odds. I felt a sense of pride wash over me as I looked around at the garden plots popping up in empty lots and the makeshift shelters set up for those in need.

We finally reached our base of operations, a small, run-down building that had been transformed into an observatory. Inside, our team members gathered around a city map, discussing our next moves.

"Hey guys," Midori said, joining the group. "We just got some intel on a few Ayakashi nests from Ikki's dad. We've got some new targets. I take it we've got the paperwork for the bounties locked down already?"

Morada perked up, her eyes shining with determination. "Hell yeah we do. Let's go kick some Chaos Beast butt!"

I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder as Spencer spoke up. "Remember, we have to be careful. These nests are dangerous, and we don't want to risk any unnecessary casualties."

I grinned up at him, and walked over to the drones and equipment table, preparing for the mission ahead.

We were ready.

We had the information, the gear, and the people.

Now, it was up to us to take on the Chaos Beasts and take back the city.

Things had been smooth so far but we knew that our luck wouldn't last forever. The Aberrations were out there, and the fight was far from over.

I just hoped that we'd be ready for whatever came next.


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