Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Chapter 54: Idol



I walked away from the pair, feeling a sense of disappointment wash over me as my face burned hot with embarrassment.

Silly goose. Of course they wouldn't be together. What were you thinking?

Watching a certain Magical Girl go through her usual antics had bothered me more than I wanted to admit to myself. I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about him, but seeing that harlot throw herself at him, even for her own amusement, had me bristling.

I'd held it together in front of them, but Ingenue's actions had sent my thoughts reeling and racing. Did he even notice her advances? As intelligent and quickwitted as he was, he could sometimes be ridiculously dense and unaware. Did he reciprocate her advances? How did they know each other? Was I jealous? It was all so confusing. The thoughts made my heart clench in my chest.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It wasn't like me to get so caught up in my fantasies. I had a mission to focus on, after all. I had bigger things to worry about, like the Chaos Beasts that still roamed the city and hunting down the Harbingers of the Dawn before they could hurt anyone else.

I had always been told that I was destined for greatness. My powers were unlike anything the world had ever seen. I had spent countless hours training to hone them to perfection under the tutelage of the likes of Radiant Rhiannon, Urikohime, and Little Red. I could manipulate waves of energy and matter in myriad ways, making me one of the most powerful Magical Girls in the world.

This ability went hand in hand with talent and mastery for music, even without transforming, which had earned me my magical girl name. I had always loved music, and it was the perfect way for me to channel my powers beautifully and effectively.

But as much as I'd embraced my role as a Magical Girl, the weight of the world on my shoulders was starting to feel suffocating. The constant battles against the Chaos Beasts, the pressure to protect innocent lives, and the failures that had taken my adopted family from me at a young age. It was all starting to take its toll on me.

My childhood best friend had been my greatest confidante. My anchor. But, I'd spent the last three years virtually alone after my actions led to the death of her mother and cousin, a fellow Magical Girl. I had sworn to protect and keep them safe, but I had failed. The two had been family to me, and now they were gone. Forever.

I shook my head, trying to push away the painful memories. I couldn't afford to dwell on them now. I had a job to do, and I was determined to see it through to the end.

It felt like I was just going through the motions, fighting the Chaos Beasts because of those who would suffer if I didn't, not because I wanted to.

I clutched my muse locket, drawing upon the hopes and dreams of those I had sworn to protect, trying to remind myself of the reason I became a Magical Girl in the first place. It was to make a difference, to protect the innocent, to fight for a world that was worth living in.

The hours upon hours of studio time. Of a carefully crafted persona. All the time spent building up the all-loving idol persona had been worthwhile in the end. The people desired the lie of a happy world and of a perfect idol. And so, it was my job to give it to them.

But hope was a double-edged sword. It could inspire people to greatness but also make them vulnerable to disappointment and despair. And when hope was shattered, it could leave people feeling lost.

I had to be careful not to let that happen to me. I couldn't afford to lose hope, but I also couldn't let it consume me. I had to find a balance between the two, a way to hold on to my ideals without sacrificing my sanity. As much as I loved my fans, there were times when I wished I could just be myself without the pressures of being a Magical Girl looming over me. I wished, sometimes, that the empty shell that my civilian persona had come to be was not so hollow.

But a pretty lie I did become, and the lie was now a part of me. I couldn't separate myself from it, even if I wanted to. To smile when saving my fellow magical girls from threats they could not handle. To smile when performing on stage and spreading hope and joy to the masses. To smile when everything seemed hopeless, and the world was falling apart.

I had to keep fighting, no matter what, for the hopes and dreams of the billions of people who relied on me. For the memory of those, I had lost. For the chance to make a difference in a world that so desperately needed it. The hope garnered had given me a massive reservoir of Lumina to tap into, and I summoned it now, letting it fill me up and guide my steps.

A brilliant glow swirled around me as I transformed into my Magical Girl form. My outfit changed into a dazzling, sleek, form-fitting dress with a small golden lyre in my hand. My hair flowed down my back in pink waves, and a shimmering crown of gold formed around my head. I felt a rush of excitement and determination as my wings manifested. I soared through the air, ready to take on whatever dangers the night might bring.

I wasn't overweight by any stretch, but I certainly felt frumpy in my civilian identity compared to the other girls at the academy. I had always been self-conscious about it, even before I became a Magical Girl. But as I flew through the city, my doubts and fears faded into the background as I focused on the task at hand.

Ultimately, it wasn't about how I looked but about what I could do. It was time to hunt down the paramilitary groups exploiting the poor civilians of Earth in this city.

The Harbingers of the Dawn was a dangerous group with an ideology that seemed noble initially but was offset by their consistently ruthless tactics. They had been behind some of the worst atrocities committed across both Terra and Earth, and it was up to us to bring them to justice.

I took a deep breath and let my lyre glow with energy as I focused my attention on this section of my city. Using my powers, I searched for any sign of movement or activity, scanning the area with my enhanced senses.

I searched for large clusters of magic users, looking for signs of their presence. Thanks to my powers, I had an internal sonar system, and if I combed over the city, it was likely I could find the Harbingers.

Hours passed as I flew over the city, leaving me feeling drained. I briefly wondered how much longer I could keep up the search. Theoretically, a powerful Magical Girl did not need to eat or sleep with sufficient Lumina reserves, but even I had my limits.

Soon, dawn arrived, and just when I was about to give up hope, I finally sensed an anomaly. It wasn't massive, just a slight disturbance in the air around me, but it caught my attention.

I flew toward the disturbance, my heart racing with excitement and fear as I perched over a rooftop where I could see the source of the disturbance.

It was a large building at the city's edge, surrounded by high walls and barbed wire. It looked like a prison, but something about it was off. Two guards patrolled the walls on top, heavily armed and dressed in black. As I scanned the building, I saw figures gathering outside in the courtyard. They were heavily armed and wearing black military gear.

I zoomed in on the building with my enhanced vision, analyzing it closely. I could move at massively hypersonic speeds in bursts, so I knew getting inside would be easy. But what would I find once I was inside? I took a deep breath and steeled myself, knowing I had to be careful. I suppressed my aura and flew closer, scrutinizing the grounds as a group of men and women gathered outside.

I took out my communicator — a music-note-shaped phone and called the mission's leader. The commander answered on the other end, her voice calm and collected as always.

"Little Red, I've found something. It's a heavily guarded building on the outskirts of the city's north end. It might be the Harbingers' hideout.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and I could hear the sound of typing as Little Red accessed her computer. "Can you give me a better description of the building?"

"It's a large, gray building with high walls and barbed wire. There are guards patrolling the walls and armed figures gathering inside. It appear to be an abandoned prison."

Little Red was silent for a moment before she spoke again. "That sounds like a worthwhile location to investigate. Please try to stay undetected and keep an eye on things from outside. We'll mobilize the rest of the strike team and come join you shortly. Epsilon Company and Earth's Delta Force will rendezvous with us for support."

I nodded, acknowledging Little Red's orders. "Understood."

With that, I ended the call and zoomed off into the sky, taking up a hovering position high above the building. I watched patiently as the minutes ticked by, waiting for the rest of the strike team to arrive.

But then, something unexpected happened. A loud, booming voice echoed from beyond the walls of the building, commanding a group of small figures shackled in chains to march down a hallway.

My eyes widened in shock as I realized what was happening: the Harbingers had captured children for some unknown purpose.

Rage boiled in my veins as I flashed back to the event three years ago. We had allowed their leader to go free. She had sworn that no child would ever be harmed under her watch again, yet here they were, exploiting innocent lives.

I took a deep breath, drawing upon my Lumina. I let out a battle cry and flew toward the building at full speed, breaking through the walls like they were made of paper. The guards on the wall barely had time to react before I knocked them out cold with a blast of energy from my lyre.

I descended into the courtyard, my wings flaring to their full length as I landed gracefully on the ground. The armed figures turned to face me, their weapons raised and ready to fire.

But I was already at full power. I unleashed a flurry of punches, kicks, and throws, sending the Harbingers flying through the air. They attempted to fire their guns, but their bullets were deflected by the aura of light that surrounded me.

An alarm blared, signaling to the other Harbingers that their base had been breached. But I didn't care. I tore through dozens of men in a second, hyperextending limbs, destroying guns, and slamming the men to the ground with judo throws. I flared my Lumina, driving fear into their hearts and sending them to their knees. It was far from mind control, but a Magical Girl's aura could amplify emotion to rally allies or demoralize foes.

Three Achilles-class mechs emerged from the building, each towering over me with its massive frame. Their metallic bodies gleamed in the rising sun's light, and their weapons glinted menacingly. But I wasn't afraid. I knew that I could handle them.

With a flick of my wrist, my lyre transformed into my signature treble bow. I pulled back the string and let loose a barrage of arrows, each striking the mechs with incredible force. They staggered back under the onslaught, but they didn't fall.

Unwavering, I unleashed arrow after arrow at the mechs. With each shot, I drew on every last bit of rage, frustration, and determination inside me. The machines fractured and collapsed under my unyielding assault. It was almost laughable that they had sent only three Achilles-class mechs against me, but I knew something much worse lurked behind those walls.

But just as I thought I had the upper hand, a massive explosion rocked the courtyard, sending me flying backward. I landed hard on the ground, my head ringing with pain. As I struggled to regain my senses, I saw a figure emerge from the smoke and debris.

Silver hair and fierce eyes. A musketeer's uniform.

"Jeanne," I hissed under my breath as the notorious rogue magical girl stood before me.

"Celestial Sonata," the silver knight said with surprise, pulling out her saber. "I must say, I hadn't expected to see you here. You always did have a penchant for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

I pushed myself up from the ground, my eyes never leaving my opponent. I knew she was a force to be reckoned with, but I couldn't back down now. Not when the fate of innocent children was at stake.

"I could say the same to you," I retorted, my voice laced with anger. "What are you doing here, Argent Chevalier? Are you working with the Harbingers?"

Argent Chevalier lowered her blade, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "In a matter of speaking. Our interests do align, but I wouldn't say that I'm working with them. I'm more of a freelancer these days."

I narrowed my eyes, my grip tightening on my treble bow. "What could be so important that you would work with these monsters?"

Argent Chevalier chuckled softly. "You wouldn't understand, Celestial Sonata. You've always been too focused on your self-righteous heroism to see the bigger picture. But soon enough, you'll realize the truth. The world as we know it is changing, and those who stand in the way will be swept aside."

She lunged forward, her blade glinting in the sunlight. I met her attack with my own, summoning a sword of light, the clash of our weapons echoing through the courtyard. We moved in a blur of motion, each strike and parry sending sparks flying through the air. I was far from an expert with a sword, but Urikohime had taught me well when she was active.

"What happened to you?!" I shouted, parrying another blow from Argent Chevalier's saber. "You used to be one of us, fighting for justice and protecting the innocent! I looked up to you!"

Argent Chevalier smirked. "I still fight for justice, my dear protege. But my definition of justice has evolved. The world is not as simple as you would like to believe. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

"Sacrifices?" I growled, my aura flaring hotter with each passing moment. "There is no greater good in harming innocent children and being a fucking serial murderer! You've lost sight of everything we stand for."

Argent Chevalier's eyes flashed angrily as she pressed her attack, her blade moving with deadly precision. "You're naive, Celestial Sonata. The world is full of darkness and corruption. Sometimes, the only way to save it is to embrace the darkness and use it for your own purposes. You'll see soon enough. Besides, we aren't hurting these children. They're with us by choice."

I shook my head, my anger and frustration reaching a boiling point. "I will NEVER stoop to your level! I will always fight for what's right!"

With the last word, I channeled all of my power into a single blow, striking Argent Chevalier's saber with such force that it shattered into a million pieces. The silver knight was thrown backward before regaining her footing, her eyes widening in shock.

"Hmph, I was certainly surprised when I heard of your SS-rank designation. You've truly grown stronger since we last met," Argent Chevalier said with a smirk, wiping a trickle of blood from her lip.

"What would your sister think if she could see you now?!" I shouted, my voice shaking with anger. "You used to be such a kind and noble person, but now you've become nothing more than a mercenary!"

Argent Chevalier's expression twisted with anger. "Do not DARE speak of my sister," she snarled. "I never blamed you for her death, but don't you dare bring her up in your self-righteous crusade."

I took a step forward, my aura flaring brighter than ever. "Your sister was a hero, just like us. She would be ashamed of what you've become."

Argent Chevalier bristled, her fists clenched. "You know nothing about my sister!" she roared.

Her eyes glowed with a ferocious red, and she reached into a rift that opened in the air, drawing a red saber. The saber crackled with red and black electricity, emanating a deadly aura.

My eyes widened in shock as I felt a familiar, terrible presence. It was similar to the presence I'd felt three years ago.

"T-that's..." I stuttered.

"One-half of the Authority of Desolation. Yes. I do possess it," Argent Chevalier said with a grin, twirling the saber in her hand as she advanced toward me. "It's amazing what one can do with a little power. You should try it sometime. I will require your father's research to make it wholly mine, however."

Father's research?

My father had been a scientist, sure. But, I never knew he'd worked with anything that could be used for taming the vile artifact she held in her hand.

I braced myself, summoning all the Lumina I had left. I knew that I couldn't hold back against this powerful attack. I thrust my treble bow forward, unleashing a torrent of arrows that collided with the dark energy emanating from the red saber.

"Jeanne! Do you know what you're getting yourself into with that thing!?Power like that doesn't come without a cost!" I shouted, my voice filled with desperation. "It will consume you, just like it did to Nüwa! You have to let it go!"

"Of course I do," Argent Chevalier sneered. "I know exactly what I'm doing. And what I'm doing is taking control of my own destiny, instead of being a pawn in someone else's game." She raised the red saber, the energy crackling around it. "Now come on, Celestial Sonata. Let's see what you're really made of."

I braced myself for the upcoming fight, knowing that Argent Chevalier was no longer the person I had once known. She was a monster now, a merciless killer who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. I had to be ready for whatever she threw at me.

She lunged forward, her saber slashing through the air with deadly precision. I ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a swift kick to her side. She grunted in pain and swung her saber at me once again.

We moved in a dance of death, our weapons clashing and sparking in the rising sunlight.

I could feel the heat of the battle building up, each of our strikes sending shockwaves through the air. Our weapons clashing became a steady rhythm, each strike echoing through the courtyard.

Suddenly, Argent Chevalier unleashed a powerful bolt of dark energy from her red saber, aiming it directly at me. I quickly erected a shield made of pure Light and shot a blast of Lumina at the incoming attack. The two energies clashed, creating a massive explosion that shook the entire area.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled, and I ducked, evading Argent Chevalier's clone as its sword sailed over my head. I rolled to the side and sprung back to my feet, my treble bow at the ready. Argent Chevalier laughed, her eyes flashing with a manic glint.

"You've gotten quick, Celestial Sonata. But not quick enough," she sneered, summoning another clone to attack me.

I gritted my teeth and charged forward, dodging the clone's attack and landing a powerful strike on Argent Chevalier's shoulder. The knight stumbled back, cursing under her breath.

"You have no idea what's really going on here," she spat, gesturing to the fallen Harbingers around us.

I shook my head, my grip on my treble bow tightening. "I don't need to know what's going on to know what's right. And marching children around in shackles, Jeanne, is not right."

Argent Chevalier let out a low growl, her eyes blazing with fury. "You don't understand anything! I'm doing what needs to be done to save this world. And if you stand in my way, I'll destroy you."

I swallowed hard, knowing that there was no reasoning with her. She had become consumed by her thirst for power; nothing I said or did could change that. All I could do was fight with everything I had and hope to stop her before it was too late.

She summoned four clones, all crackling as red electricity flowed through them in torrents. I knew that I had to act fast before they could attack.

I observed the clones around me, zeroing in on the resonance of their mana. Jeanne's energy signature was as I remembered them. An undercurrent of heroism and justice but also tinged with a touch of despair and desperation. I knew what I had to do.

I knew that there was still some part of Argent Chevalier that was good, that was pure. I had to reach out to that part of her, to try and bring her back.

But first, I had to deal with these clones.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and centering myself. When I opened them again, my eyes blazed with a brilliant light. Two wings of pure light sprouted from my back, glowing with an ethereal radiance.

Argent Chevalier's eyes widened in surprise as I snapped my fingers, striking a wave of Lumina into resonance against the clones.

Luminary Resonance. The power I'd become famous for was incredibly versatile. Once I'd attuned myself to any wave or particle stream, I could control it and turn it into a weapon. The more complicated the phenomenon, the more difficult it was to interfere with and manipulate. In this case, I'd attuned myself to the mana of the clones, using their energy against them.

The clones disintegrated in a burst of light, leaving Argent Chevalier alone once again. She stared at me with a mixture of shock and incredulity, her red saber crackling with raw energy.

"You are certainly not the same overconfident and arrogant little girl I used to know," she said, her voice laced with a hint of pride. "You're stronger, more powerful. What happened to drive you to this despite everything?"

I lowered my treble bow, staring at her with a mixture of sadness and regret. "I changed because I had to. I did realize that the world was a cruel and unforgiving place and that I needed to swallow my childish pride and be better. But you, Jeanne, you're different. You're letting the power consume you, and it's turning you into something monstrous."

Argent Chevalier's expression twisted into a snarl. "You don't know anything about what I'm going through, Natasha! You don't know what it's like to be constantly fighting against a world that wants to tear you down at every turn!"

I shook my head, my wings flapping in irritation. "That's where you're wrong, Jeanne. I do know what it's like. I've been there. I am there right now. More than you would never know. But I refuse to let the darkness consume me. I refuse to let it take over my life and turn me into a monster."

Argent Chevalier snorted, her saber crackling with dark energy. "You're so naive. You think you can just fight against the darkness forever? Eventually, it will consume you if you can't address it. It will take everything from you and leave you as nothing more than a hollow shell."

I stood my ground, my eyes locked with hers. "I won't let that happen, Jeanne. And neither should you. You're better than this. You don't have to let this control you. You can fight it. You can be stronger than it."

Argent Chevalier hesitated, her grip on the red saber loosening slightly. For a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of doubt in her eyes, a glimmer of hope that she could still turn back.

But then, with a furious snarl, she lunged forward, her saber slashing through the air. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a swift strike of my own.

Our weapons clashed once again, the sound echoing through the courtyard. The fight had become more intense, each of us pushing ourselves to the limit.


Suddenly, a loud noise cut through the air. I spun around, my eyes widening in surprise as I saw a woman standing at the entrance, her rifle pointed up into the sky. She fired off a burst into the air, and Argent Chevalier and I separated from our clash.

The woman lowered her rifle; her gaze was stern yet compassionate as she looked down on us. "I don't know what's going on here," she said in a voice that commanded attention. "But it needs to end now."

"It's just a little family spat, Bathala," Argent Chevalier snarled, her eyes flashing angrily. "Stay out of it."

The woman - Bathala - shook her head. "This is more than a family dispute, Argent Chevalier. Your actions have far-reaching consequences, and you know that."

Bathala approached me, glaring in my eye, "Celestial Sonata. You've incapacitated three dozen of my best men and three Achilles mechs. I understand you lack context for the severity of your actions, but I assure you we were preparing to undertake a very time-sensitive mission."

I looked at Bathala, my eyes narrowing. "I couldn't stand by and watch as innocent children were being marched through a prison in shackles. Something had to be done. You promised me something like that would never happen under your watch three years ago. You. PROMISED!"

Bathala sighed, her gaze softening slightly. "All the apologies in the world would never make up for my sins, Celestial Sonata. I understand your concern, but you have to realize that there are other factors at play here. We're dealing with a delicate situation, and we need to handle it with care."

Argent Chevalier sneered, her red saber still crackling with energy. "Typical of you, Celestial Sonata. Always rushing in without thinking, and leaving others to clean up the mess."

I glared at her, my hands tightening on my treble bow.

"Cool it! Both of you!" Bathala snapped, raising her rifle. "I'm trying to defuse this. We are in a situation that's a matter of life or death for a countless number of people. We don't have time for this. The Society of Thule intends to sabotage the neg-entropy barriers keeping the city safe, and we need to stop them before it's too late. We can't afford to let personal issues get in the way. This is an emergency."

Argent Chevalier and I exchanged one last heated glare before nodding in agreement.

"I hate to break it to you," I started, "but I have reinforcements coming in soon. There's no way they will let you off the hook for what you've done."

Bathala's eyes widened in surprise. "You... you do?"

I nodded. "Yes. There is a strike force of A-rank and S-rank Magical Girls on their way here, supported by Earth's Special Forces and the elite Epsilon Company. I hope you like having your life on the line."

"Celestial Sonata, please..." Bathala begged. "You have to warn them! Broker a truce for the time being, at least! We don't have the time to deal with them if we're at our throats at the same time!"

I hesitated for a moment, considering her words. It was true that we couldn't afford to be fighting amongst ourselves while the city was in danger.

"Fine," I said finally, my voice firm. "I'll try to talk to them."

Bathala nodded; relief was evident in her expression. "Thank you, Celestial Sonata. I knew I could count on you to make the right decision. You may have just saved countless lives."

I nodded once again, turning towards the sky. "I'll go meet them now. Expect to receive a representative."

As I walked away, I could feel Argent Chevalier's eyes on my back, burning with hatred and anger. I knew that this wasn't over between us and that there was still a long road ahead.

But for now, I had a duty to see to, and I wouldn't let anything stand in the way of ensuring a safe future for this city.

Even if it meant sacrificing my own closure and peace of mind in the meantime.

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