Origin: How I Became A Magical Girl’s Hapless Sidekick In A Craptastic World

Interlude 6: Epsilon Company

Tenochtitlan City, Aztlán Confederacy. 12:37 P.M Local Time

The captain watched as his squadron of elite pilots soared through the air; their Aeolus class mechs transformed from their transport forms into heavy and deadly humanoid machines. They settled into a semi-circle formation and moved in perfect unison, their weapons ready and eyes fixed on their targets.

"Fire at will!" Captain Ouyang barked into his headset, eyes scanning the sea of crumpled machines and destruction ahead.

Chaos Beasts of all shapes and sizes swarmed them, their twisted forms an abomination to the very fabric of reality. Epsilon Company had been tasked with defending the shelter behind them, no matter the cost.

"Zaniyah! Popocatl! Liu Shan! Posture your men at our flanks!" Captain Ouyang ordered, his voice commanding and confident. "Aleph, Gimel, and Dalet squadrons, focus your fire on that Alkonost. Don't let them get any closer to the shelter!"

Captain Ouyang watched with pride as his team worked together flawlessly, their training and experience shining through in their every move. Their Aeolus mechs were some of the most advanced in the world, designed specifically to combat the Aberrations that threatened their world.

"Captain, we have incoming! Three more Alkonosts, coming in fast on our six!" one of the fresh pilots shouted over the comms.

Captain Ouyang swore, feeling a sense of unease wash over him. Three more Alkonosts meant more heavy hitters to contend with, and it would take everything they had to hold the line.

The three Alkonosts flew towards them, their enormous wingspan casting a shadow over the battlefield. Epsilon Company moved into formation, ready to take on the new threat.

"Stay focused, Epsilon. We can handle this," he replied, his voice unwavering.

"Where the hell is our suns-damned air support!?" Moctezuma shouted over the comms, frustration evident in his voice.

"Focus on the task at hand, Lieutenant," he replied sternly.

Captain Ouyang gritted his teeth, feeling a twinge of irritation at the lack of support they were receiving. They were on their own, as usual.

"Bet and Zayin squadrons, convert to fighters! Get ready to intercept. Everyone else, target their wings!"

Captain Ouyang shouted, his plasma cannons pivoting towards the nearest Alkonost.

The Alkonosts unleashed a piercing screech as they closed in, their wings starting to glow with a strange energy. The Epsilon Company's mechs were buffeted by the winds as the Alkonosts flew past them, their feathers fanned out.

Captain Ouyang gritted his teeth and activated his mech's thrusters, dodging to the side just in time to avoid the Alkonost's wing. He fired his plasma cannons at the beast, which was like shooting a fly with a BB gun. The Alkonost was too fast, too agile.

"Shit!" he muttered under his breath, feeling a sense of frustration and anger building within him. "We need to take out those wings. Focus fire!"

The sound of weapons firing echoed through the sky as the Epsilon Squadron engaged in an intense battle with the Chaos Beasts. Captain Ouyang's heart raced as he watched his team execute their mission with precision and skill. He knew that one tactical blunder could mean the end of their mission and the loss of thousands of lives.

The Alkonost swooped down towards him, its wings glowing even brighter. Captain Ouyang flared his thrusters, attempting to dodge to the side, but it was too late.

The creature's feathers penetrated through his Aeolus mech's armor, sending sparks flying. Years of combat and survival instincts kicked in, and Ouyang Ren twisted in his seat. The razor-sharp feathers sliced through his cockpit, narrowly missing his head. His mech toppled over from the force of the blow, and Captain Ouyang felt a sharp pain shoot through his body as the impact jolted him.

"Captain!" one of his subordinates yelled over the comms, worry lacing her voice.

Captain Ouyang coughed, feeling the taste of bile and his shorn hair in his mouth. He shook his head, trying to clear his vision as he gripped the controls. His HUD flashed yellow, informing him of a fuel leak.

His vision blurred as he struggled to regain control of his damaged mech. The Alkonost let out another screech, swooping down towards him once again. But this time, Captain Ouyang was ready.

He gritted his teeth and unleashed a barrage of plasma fire toward the Alkonost's wings, determined to take it down. The Alkonost let out an earsplitting shriek as its wings were shredded to pieces, causing it to flop around. Then, a barrage of cannon fire from the rest of the company slammed into it. The creature hurtled through the air in a fiery explosion, its twisted form disintegrating into ash.

Captain Ouyang let out a breath of relief, feeling the weight of the world lift off his shoulders. His attention was drawn to his cockpit, which was still smoking and sparking. He knew that this battle was far from over.

"Good work, Epsilon! Keep it up!" he shouted over the comms, his voice rallying his team.

His heart was pounding in his chest, the adrenaline surging through his veins. This was why he had become a pilot for Sisyphus, to defend his world against the horrors that threatened it. To fight for a cause greater than himself.

"Captain, the Northern Coalition has informed us that help is on the way. They're rallying the Frills across the Americas to assist us," Moctezuma reported over the comms.

Captain Ouyang scowled. The magical girls were some of the most powerful warriors in the world, capable of easily taking down Chaos Beasts. But, he and many others had joined Sisyphus to realize a world where they wouldn't be needed.

He shook his head, pushing those thoughts aside. For now, they were necessary, and he would work alongside them to achieve their common goal. He owed it to Xochitl and many others.

"Understood, Lieutenant," he replied, his voice steady. "Epsilon Company, hold the line until they arrive. We can do this!"

The company released a resounding chorus of cheers and whistles, their spirits lifted by the prospect of reinforcements.

Swarms of Beowulves descended upon them, their massive forms slamming into the ground with a deafening roar. Captain Ouyang's eyes widened as he took in the horde before him, realizing that this would be their toughest battle yet.

The creatures resembled dire wolves but were much larger and more ferocious than any of their natural counterparts. Their maws dripped with saliva, and their eyes glinted with a manic gleam. But it was their eyes that sent shivers down his spine - they glowed with an otherworldly light, a sign of their corruption by Chaos energy.

But he refused to back down. He refused to give up a single inch. Captain Ouyang scanned the battlefield, searching for any weak points or vulnerabilities. His gaze landed on a cluster of Beowulves, their eyes glowing with a fierce blue.

"Epsilon Company, brace yourselves! We're in for a rough ride," he warned, his voice firm and unwavering. "Aleph and Gimel Squadron, form up on my flanks. We'll take the brunt of the attack. Everyone else, focus your fire on the Alkonosts," Captain Ouyang ordered, his voice filled with determination.

His team moved into formation, their mechs bracing themselves for the oncoming assault. The ground shook as the Beowulves charged toward them, their claws tearing up the concrete.

Captain Ouyang gritted his teeth, his fingers tightening around the trigger of his plasma cannons. He knew they would take heavy losses, but he refused to let his team down. They had a mission to complete, and he would see it through, no matter the cost.

As the Beowulves approached, Captain Ouyang's heart pounded with excitement. This was what he had trained for. This was what he lived for.

"Form ranks!" he barked, his plasma cannons unleashing a volley of energy at the charging beasts. "

The Beowulves let out a collective howl as they were struck by the plasma fire. Some fell to the ground, vaporized by the intense heat. Others continued to charge, their eyes glowing with an almost unholy fury.

Captain Ouyang's heart sank as he watched one of his men fall beneath the crushing weight of an Alkonost. It tore violently into his cockpit before moving on. A Beowulf quickly pounced on the exposed pilot, ripping him to shreds instantly. Anger surged through Captain Ouyang's veins as he watched his comrade fall. He gritted his teeth and fired his plasma cannons at the Beowulf, determined to avenge his fallen teammate.

The monster let out a howl of pain as it was struck by the plasma fire. Its hide singed, and its flesh burned, but it refused to back down. It continued to charge toward the Epsilon Squadron, its eyes glowing fiercely.

The Beowulves charged toward them, their jaws gaping wide open to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. Captain Ouyang activated his mech's plasma sword, ready to engage in close combat.

The sound of clashing metal and roaring beasts filled the air as Epsilon Company fought to defend the shelter behind them with all their might. Captain Ouyang could feel his heart racing with each passing second, his instincts honed to perfection by years of reclamation missions.

The Beowulves fell upon them in a maelstrom of otherworldly fur and claws, but Epsilon's platoons stood firm. Their mechs' fists and swords slammed into the creatures with unrelenting force, each blow more desperate than the last. Captain Ouyang blocked a blow from a Beowulf, its massive paw slamming into his mech's shoulder.

The Beowulves leaped into the air, and Captain Ouyang braced himself. He knew what was coming.

A Beowulf landed on top of Captain Ouyang's mech, its claws digging into the metal plating as he held its arms up in a defensive posture. The captain felt the weight of the beast pressing down on him, the hydraulics of his mech creaking under the strain.

But he refused to give up. He refused to let the monster defeat him. With a growl of determination, Captain Ouyang activated his mech's grav pulse, sending the Beowulf flying off his chest plate.

The creature slammed into the ground with a loud thud, its body crumpling under the force of the impact. Captain Ouyang leaped into the air, his plasma sword already drawn. He slashed through the creature's neck with a bright blue flash.

The Beowulf collapsed to the ground, its body disintegrating into a pile of ash, and Captain Ouyang landed with a thud. He wiped his brow as his HUD flashed red, informing him that Epsilon Company's net power output was at 89% capacity.

"Captain!" multiple pilots shouted in unison.

Captain Ouyang turned around in time to witness the back of a massive Alkonost slam into the ground next to him. The force of the blow shook the entire street, and Captain Ouyang's mech tumbled to the ground as a result. Captain Ouyang groaned in pain as his helmet struck against the metal grating; his vision blurred as he struggled to regain his bearings.

"Alive... I'm still..." he muttered, his mind reeling as he tried to focus. "Still..."

"Captain! Get back up, damn you Ren. We need you!" Moctezuma cried out in a panicked voice.

"I'm... I'm still..." Captain Ouyang muttered; his vision blurred, then everything went black.




A pair of warm, comforting arms wrapped around his shoulders, and Captain Ouyang's vision swam out of focus. He could smell a familiar, fragrant perfume as a ringing in his ears drowned everything else out.


Xochitl... is that you?


Memories of a magical girl wielding a macuahuitl and leopard-skin cape flashed through his mind. He saw her long black hair billowing in the wind and bright green eyes.

He couldn't help but smile. She was so strong, so beautiful.


I'm so tired... Have you come back for me? Has my fight finally ended?


She was his inspiration, his everything.

Wouldn't it be nice to be together again? To fight together as we once did? No more loneliness. No more sorrow. No more suffering.


I just want to be with you again... Xochitl...


"The captain is down!" a voice shouted. "Lieutenant Moctezuma here. I am assuming command."

Ouyang Ren's eyes snapped open to the snarling face of a Beowulf on his mechs's rear camera feed. A sharp pain flared through his broken ribs as the creature's claws slammed into his chest plate and tossed him, sending him flying back into the wall.

The creature loomed over him, ready to finish the job. Captain Ouyang gritted his teeth and stumbled to his feet, his mech's controls refusing to cooperate as they twisted in his hands. He could feel the blood dripping from his nose, the warm liquid dripping onto his lips.

The Beowulf leaped into the air, its claws raised and ready to strike. Captain Ouyang gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger on his plasma sword, the blade sparking to life with a faint hum. The creature landed on the edge and let out an earsplitting howl as it tried to free itself from the weapon's grip.

Captain Ouyang pulled the trigger on his plasma sword and flared the weapon, the blade shearing through the creature's entire torso with a burst of chaos energy.

The Beowulf's lifeless body fell to the ground, his mech's fuel pooling around it as it dissolved into sludge. Captain Ouyang manipulated his machine upright, his eyes hazy as he tried to regain his bearings.

His HUD flashed red again, informing him that his mech's power bank was at 34% capacity.

There were too many of them. Ren could feel the fight draining out of him. He couldn't take anymore. He could feel the blood dripping down his forehead and nose and taste the salty liquid on his lips.

He tried to push himself to his feet, but he collapsed back down again. His head spun with dizziness, and he closed his eyes as he felt nausea rising in his stomach again.

"Ren... don't you dare give up on me, I know you're stronger than this..." he heard Xochitl's voice ringing in his ears. Captain Ouyang could feel her comforting embrace pushing back the darkness threatening to consume him.

"I'm so tired..." he muttered. He heard the words, but his mind had trouble processing them.

"I know you can do this, Ren," she whispered into his ear, her voice full of conviction. "You've come so far... Don't give up... You can make it through this..."

"I can't," he whispered. "I was just faking it to keep a smile on your face... I can't go on without you. I've... I've been a walking corpse since we lost you."

"Yes, you can," she replied. "I believe in you. We all believe in you, Ren. We need you... We need you to survive... We need you to make it. So does Feynman. Monty needs you."

Captain Ouyang's eyes shot open as he looked around, his HUD flashing red in the corner of his vision. His breathing grew heavy as he tried to focus his eyes. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he looked down at his mech's control interface, the words on the screen just barely legible.

His mech was falling apart. He could see the stress fractures on his mech's hull, his power levels dropping by the second.

He could feel the blood trickling down his face, his entire body in pain. He could taste the salty blood in his mouth.

"I have to survive," Ren growled. "I have to fight for them. I have to fight for her memory... for my family. For the people behind me."

He could feel the anger welling up inside him, bubbling to the surface as he spoke his affirmations.

His heart was racing, and his vision was beginning to clear up. The sweat rolling down the side of his face felt like ice against his skin, the cold air seeping through his armor, stinging his open wounds. His heart skipped a beat as he saw a trio of Beowulves approach the shelter entrance.

Ren gripped the controls with renewed vigor as his mech's sword flared to life. The powerful weapon glowed with a fierce red light as it charged up. With a loud, strident cry, Captain Ouyang gripped his plasma sword and charged forward, his mech's feet hammering against the ground.

"Don't you dare, you bastards!" Ren screamed in defiance.

Ren swept into the fray with a bone-rattling charge. His mech's thrusters flared with a fierce red light as it jetted forward, ramming into its enemies with a bone-jarring thud.

Captain Ouyang Ren charged headlong into the enemy, his weapon ablaze with raging chaos energy, his blade swinging wildly as he cleaved through anything that stood in his way.

"Fight for the memory of that special someone, Ren," he whispered as he cleaved through another Beowulf's skull. "This battle isn't the end; it's the beginning..."

The Beowulf's skull exploded with a burst of as it burst into smoke.

"Fight for your family," Ren muttered, his sword slashing through another Beowulf's midsection, "Fight for your friends, fight for your squadmates... Fight to survive..."

The terror of the enemy horde and the fear that had gripped him had been snuffed out. He felt a burning, righteous fury enveloping his very soul.

With a furious cry, Captain Ouyang activated a special command. His weapon rotated at high speeds as it sheared through the wings of the Alkonost, ambushing him from behind. The creature stumbled forward, its balance thrown off as the massive beast crumbled. Its feathers made a horrific screeching noise as they tore through several of his cameras like tissue paper.

Images of a smiling, brown-skinned girl with green eyes on a riverbank flashed through his mind.

He had endured far more terrible things in his life than a few hundred Beowulves, and the memories of the things he and Xochitl had gone through streamed back to him. He felt a fierce anger, a burning rage swell up inside him, a feeling that filled him with strength.

His mech's feet hammered against the remains of the city streets as he charged forward, his plasma sword trailing an arc of crackling red light. The Beowulves pounced on him in a pack, and his trusty machine buckled under the weight of so many Beowulves.

"If you're going down, you're going down fighting, Ren," he snarled. "Come at me, you bastards! COME ON!"

His mech's left arm was nearly torn off as he tried to push forward. He pushed forward, his mech's thrusters screaming to life as he scooped up one of his fallen foes, slamming it into another one of the enemies, the impacts sounding like a clap of thunder as the two creatures collided.

"COME FUCKING AT ME! " he screamed, his sword blazing with a fierce red light as the machine fell to one knee. "I'll rip you all apart! I'LL RIP AND TEAR YOUR HEADS OFF!"

The red light around his plasma sword faded, and the weapon's energy drained out of it. He tried to fire it again, but the weapon refused to respond in his mech's hands.

Ren laughed. He laughed as his HUD flashed red again, displaying a power level of 2%.

He was out of energy, he was out of ammo, he was out of ideas. This mech was falling apart, the enemy was swarming around him in droves, and his mech was gone.

There was nothing left. He was alone on the battlefield, surrounded by the enemies he fought so hard to kill.

The Beowulves came at him in full force. They snapped at him with their jaws, their claws slicing through his armor. His mech was too large, too slow to maneuver around their attacks. Beowulf after Beowulf jumped at him, slashing, grabbing, and clawing at his mech's armor.

"I've got your back, Ren!" Moctezuma cried as he swept in with his own sword blazing. Monty's awkward swordsmanship was nothing like Ren's, but it did the job.

"You're not doing this alone, Captain!" Jiang Jiayi yelled as her mech slammed into the ground, crushing half a dozen foes under its weight.

"I'm right behind you!" Mizquitl cried as her mech swept in, her energy lance slicing through the horde surrounding him.

"Epsilon stands together!" Matlalin cried, his mech's fiery red fists slamming into the horde like a wrecking ball.

His HUD didn't paint a pretty picture. Epsilon Company had been decimated to three-fourths of its original size. Twenty-nine mechs remained 'functional' with ammunition and fuel on his HUD. He wasn't sure how strictly functional they were.

But he wasn't dead. He still stood. And he wasn't alone.

"Everybody," he muttered, his voice sorrowful. "Everybody..."

All of his friends... All of his brothers and sisters... They all came together in a decisive display against the enemy, dying to protect him and each other.

Ouyang Ren's screen flashed one last time, permanently shutting down as his power levels reached 0%, his mech falling to one knee as the horde surrounded him.

And then, they came.

From the air, on the ground, through the rubble. They came, flying like angels in armor, arcing streaks of red, yellow, white, pink, purple, black, and an entire rainbow of light in between as they flew toward Ren's Company and the shelter they protected.

The onslaught was stopped as a swarm of Magical Girls descended in a dazzling display of power. Dozens of Beowulves were cut down in under a minute.

"We've come to help!" one cried, her songlike voice reverberating through space. She had long pink hair that cascaded around her like a waterfall and bright blue eyes that radiated an aura of determination. Her body glowed with energy, the golden color giving her an almost celestial look as she flew across the battlefield.

"Time for some fun!" another one shouted, her fierce red eyes and orange hair blazing with anger as she charged into battle. Her armor was black and grey. It was a form-fitting Greek-style armor designed for endurance and outfitted for maximum mobility.

"S-rank magical girl, Athena, reporting for duty!" boomed a powerful voice from the pack.

Athena was a vision of beauty, her body clad in armor that shone with a brilliant aura of light as she touched down in front of Ren's mech.

Her helmet glowed like the sun, two sets of wings emerging from her back as she slowly descended to the ground. Her blonde hair was long and flowing, her eyes fierce and focused. She held a shield that shone with energy in one hand, and in the other, she had a spear that crackled with lightning.

And yet, despite this display of power, there was an almost childlike innocence about her demeanor. She smiled warmly at Ren and his comrades and said, "Let's get you guys outta here."

"It's about time we got here," another girl muttered, her voice cold landing beside her. Her eyes were sharp, and her body was clad in steel armor like Athena. The girl's face was hidden by the thick, black headscarf she wore over her head. Still, beneath the scarf, she was clearly a girl with long violet hair and purple eyes that seemed to glow with a diabolic red light.

"Hey, we don't exactly have navigation equipment, Selene. Sometimes we take a wrong turn," another girl whined, landing nearby. Her voice was soft, yet still audible. She had long blond hair and dark red eyes. Her outfit didn't look like armor, and her breasts weren't modestly concealed beneath it.

"I'd rather be late than never come at all," this one said, landing with a triumphant battle cry. She wore heavy knightly armor but couldn't deny her feminine form. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes, and they all seemed to sparkle with a playful gleam as she smiled and glanced at the others.

A veritable army of Magical Girls descended upon the battlefield, standing in front of Ren's demoralized soldiers. A teenage-looking, pink-haired girl stood before Captain Ouyang's mech, her blue eyes radiating a quiet calm.

"Are you okay, sir?" the pink-haired girl asked.

Ren looked at the girl, his eyes still full of sorrow. But then his face softened, and he smiled.

"Yes... yes, I'm alright, Miss Sonata," Ren said softly as he manually opened his cockpit. He looked around at all the girls who had come to help him, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Thank you all for coming to our aid, everyone."

"You know, it's no problem," Athena said with a smile as she leaned against her spear. "We're all magical girls here. Kids like us're supposed to stick together and help the adults out when the going gets rough!"

"I'm not a kid!" Selene declared with a pout, yet somehow maintaining her edgy demeanor. "And half the people here aren't either!"

"Oh, right," Athena replied with a nervous chuckle. "Well I know what you mean, Selene."

"That's quite enough," a different girl said, patting the scowling Selene on the head. She was a young-looking girl with black hair and golden eyes that seemed to twinkle with curiosity and playfulness.

"I'm sure we're all happy to help out, right everyone?" she said, turning to the rest of the group.

The Magical Girls nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with determination.

Ren couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through his chest as he looked at the group around him. These Magical Girls had come to his aid, risking their lives to protect him and his comrades.

"Thank you," he said softly, looking at each of them in turn. "I don't know how we could have won this battle without you all."

"We're just doing our job," the blonde girl with the skimpy outfit said with a smile. "Now come on, let's get Epsilon Company out of here before any more of those things show up."

With a nod of agreement, Ren climbed out of his cockpit and landed on the ground. The Magical Girls led the group of soldiers toward the shelter, their armor shimmering in the sun. They moved with a collective grace that Ren had never seen before, their movements fluid and effortless.

As they approached the shelter, another girl with silver hair and piercing blue eyes appeared before them. She stood tall, her armor shining with a brilliant silver light.

"Welcome, Epsilon Company," the silver-haired girl said in a voice that commanded attention. "I am Seraphina, leader of Team Trailblazer. We're honored to fight by your side."

Ren nodded, impressed by the girl's authority and power. Her armor seemed to radiate with a holy light, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he looked at her.

"Thank you, Seraphina," he said. "We're honored to have you fighting beside us."

Seraphina nodded, then turned to the rest of the Magical Girls. "Let's get to work," she said, her voice ringing like a bell. "Get a map of the city and fan out with your friends and teams, girls."

The Magical Girls nodded in agreement, their determination shining in their eyes. Ren watched as they took their assignments and prepared to fly off, weapons ready.

He felt a new sense of hope wash over him as he watched them go. These Magical Girls were not just fighters but symbols of hope and bravery. They had come to save their city and protect the people in it. It was a shame that the world still needed them, but the day had not come when mankind could fully take up their fight yet.

Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration as he watched the Magical Girls fly off into the distance. He knew they were risking their lives to protect the city's people, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for their actions.


As he turned to head back into the shelter, he heard a soft voice calling him. He turned to see the somewhat famous pink-haired girl, Celestial Sonata, standing before him.

"Is something wrong, Miss Sonata?" Ren asked, his voice filled with concern.

"No, nothing's wrong," Sonata said with a smile. "I just wanted to thank you for everything that you and your team have done for the city. We all appreciate your bravery and dedication."

Ren smiled warmly at Sonata's words, feeling a sense of pride in his heart. It wasn't often that they received recognition from the Magical Girls, but it meant the world to him when they did.

"We're just doing our job," he said modestly. "But it's good to know that our efforts are appreciated."

Sonata nodded, then turned to leave. But before she could fly off, she turned back to Ren with a playful grin.

"Oh, and Captain?" she called out.

Ren turned to face her, his brow raised in question as she fanned her angel wings.

"Next time, try not to get yourself into so much trouble. You'll make your barber grumpy," she said, giving him a wink before zooming off into the distance in a flash of pink.

Ren chuckled to himself, shaking his head in amusement as he ran his fingers through his shorn hair. He'd escaped death before, but he'd undoubtedly taken escaping by a hairs' breadth a little too literally this time.

He couldn't help but feel a little envious of the Magical Girls' ability to fly, fight and protect others. Still, he knew it was his duty to protect the city in his own way. As he headed back into the shelter, he felt a renewed sense of confidence and determination.

He looked down at the wedding ring on his finger, feeling a sense of sad comfort as he remembered his late wife's smile. She had always been his rock, supporting him even in the toughest of times. He missed her dearly, but he knew that Xochitl would be proud of him and the Epsilon Company.

Walking through the shelter, he saw the wounded soldiers being tended to by the medical staff. He could hear their groans of pain and their cries for help. He knew that they needed their captain now more than ever.

With a deep breath, he straightened his shoulders and made his way over to the medical bay.

It would be a long day, but he would be ready for whatever else came his way.

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