Otherworldly - A Shadowed Awakening

CH 18.5 - Travelogue 1

Maeve, A Field Guide

By Cellum Biome, Lunar Year 1251, Solar Year 626

Preface, Page 2

The Queendom of Maeve: Long has it been a central power on the continent of Opalle. Maeve takes up a quarter of the continent and is bordered by sovereign nations on the Northern, Southern, and Western sides –with the Eastern side facing the Quiet Ocean.

Interesting Facts about the Queendom: Maeve is both feared and resented by its neighbors –unless you look to a small country on its southern border named Gracek. But no one looks to that nation, not even Maeve. The mountains that surround the Queendom tower into the domain of dragons, so aerial transport is unable to cross most of the borderlands. Thus, their only entry points are sporadic valleys between mountain ranges. Very few valleys are low enough for a flight path to be viable, despite the several gaps in the border mountains.

Chapter One: On The Basic Structure of Life in Maeve, Page 15, 19, 25

Sights to see: …One such gap that, while present, is still higher elevation than possible to fly through is the valley at the border town of Fellan. On the Western edge of Maeve, it is densely forested and nestled between the Galation and Skylar mountain ranges. It connects the Callistan Empire to the Queendom. This has often been one of the stronger borders between Maeve and their neighbors.

Organizations of Note: Overseen by one of the Ducal families of Maeve, Fellan is home to several knighthoods, such as the Dusk and the Golden Griffiths, and a well-respected swordsmanship academy named for the city itself…

Bestiary of Maeve: … Across the mountainous regions of Maeve, several beasts are generated by the aether, from griffins in the south to kelpies in the east. There are even records of arrakoras to the north. Central and Western Maeve are plagued most prominently by the Blight. The Blight is caused by mana corruption in dense forests. It is well known that the Blight consisted of various sub-monsters, but the most prominent is the Tree Blight. Averaging seven feet, the monstrosity is made up of the desiccated corpse of a mana tree or related flora. There are several lower-tiered variants, such as the Sap Blight, Vine Blight, and Twig Blights.

Time of the year to avoid: The Blights intensify every winter and taper off by the end of summer. Often the forest in the foothills of each mountain range must be cleared of large sources of corruption to prevent even further decay of the forests. Every Solar Year, well-traveled adventurers will clear out the sources of corruption in summer and autumn, less the corruption gather into a dungeon.

Chapter Four: On Regional Differences in the Queendom, Pages 62, 68, 74, and 82

Sights to see: … Across Western Maeve, in the lands of the Duke and Duchess Dawn, the Ancestral Count, it is not uncommon for wolf-beasts to roam. Due to the nature of the West, most of these beasts have affinities with wind or water, but on occasion, light, fire, and earth have been noted. Please be aware, should you encounter a beast with a natural shadow affinity, it is inadvisable to fight. The spirits of shadow seldom choose humanoid races, and thus many of their tricks are unknown.

Key Place of Interest: … Oberon, the Royal City, sits within a basin surrounded by mountains. From foothill to foothill, every inch of Central Maeve makes up Oberon, and the mountains are both a danger and protector to those that dwell within Oberon. Nadine, the Capital of the East, sits upon an island surrounded by silver bridges that lead to the city proper, and from the highest tower, the Tower of Privy, the lord of the city can see the Quiet Ocean —and any possible incursions. Within the North sits the Moors of Herenel. The land is clear for the lords to see from all angles. No trees or mountains or even a hill for miles around allow the people of Nemo to live and protect themselves from the dangers of the forest. The Duke of Poplar protects his people from his home in Titania, the Capital of the South, with its artisans and adventurers spread across the many small towns of the bread basket that is the South. Adeline, the Capital of the West, is the Barrier City --opting for the protection of barrier mages. Such mages study for years to contract with light spirits in order to gain an applicable [Class]. The Barrier Master of Adeline, Nostradamus Pine, had been so for over a hundred and fifty years and, while infamous for his temper, is well respected for his capability.

What Is the Queen’s Contingent? … Outside of Juvel, Maybell, and Wig, there are few true cities in the west —instead, the land is made up of logging and mining villages and occasionally a town large enough for the Queen to deem it worth monitoring with a contingent from the Capital. These contingents are usually made up of one Administrator, one Magister, and one Sword Master. Each of them comes with their own retinue varying in size based on the population of the town they are to be dispatched to. It is the Administrator’s duty to oversee the function of the town and surrounding area, collect taxes due to the crown, and handle any noble disputes in their jurisdiction. The Magister is set to oversee the magical protections of the area and to monitor magics taught at any mage schools. The Sword Master is to handle any incursions of beasts, monitor the physical protections of the town, and oversee any martial academies that set up in the area.

Key Place of Interest: … in Oberon, the Capital, the Queen sits with her court and oversees each of the four regions —the Duchy of Umbra to the East, the Duchy of Nemo to the North, the Duchy of Poplar to the South, and the Duchy of Dawn to the West. Each of the families are pillars of Maeve —Umbra brings a wealth of coastal goods, Nemo brings the most artisans and tradespeople, Poplar is the home of the populace, and Dawn is a bastion against incursions both within and without. All serve in their ancestral homes. Dawn from Adeline, Nemo from the Moors of Hernel, Poplar from Titania, and Umbra from the Tower of Privy.

Chapter Fourteen: On the Duchy of Dawn and Their Sordid History, Page 142

Quote: … It is unknown how the ancestral counts became Dukes and Duchesses due to the Travesty of Nemo several hundred years prior to this publication. However, it can be assumed it was much like how they have grown their power since —through might and bloodshed. And large broods of children…

Chapter Seventeen: On the Duchy of Nemo and The Nemoan Travesties, Page 189

Quote: … Nemo has maintained their Ducal seat through a [Unique] [Class] that is presumably known only to the Queen and her Royal Heirs. Such a Class often results in semi-regular smiting by one or other of the Divines, and such became the centennial tradition of the Nemoan Travesties. This humble scholar has never once questioned the Queen’s wisdom of allowing such a [Class] to remain in existence…

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