Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 – Unexpected Hidden Treasures (2)
Hiring experts left and right, she would be able to use the fastest method to cultivate the strength of the male lead, and they could already equip their selves with these ancient weapons and gears. They’ll find the city boundary map; afterwards the male protagonist will go and unify the realm under his rule, while she’ll finally be able to get back home and to continue living her old life.

The path was now a lot smoother—it’s basically a cheat given from the heavens!

Ye Mu was so happy she momentarily forgot her body ached, she excitedly said to Mo Linyuan, “With everything here, it’s easier for us to do anything! Anything we want! It doesn’t get any better than this!”

Mo Linyuan, who was still dazed, suddenly looked at her the moment she spoke. She had said ‘we’ instead of ‘me’.

If it were another person here, he would already think on ways to silence him. Only this silly girl would tell him everything and treat him as if he was family…

After the feeling of exhilaration soon simmered down, Ye Mu tugged Mo Linyuan’s hand and said, “Let’s go up quickly and cover up this place, so that no one else can find it!”

“En.” Mo Linyuan climbed up first and then pulled Ye Mu out.

Even if Ye Mu felt pain all over her body, and her clothes were dirty—she still felt refreshed inside!

What could beat the experience of falling on top of a mountain of gold?

She felt that today is definitely an auspicious day of her zodiac!!

Holding back their excitement, the two children blocked the hole carefully with some withered grass and small branches. After that, they made sure the pit was hidden well and only when they were satisfied did they decide to leave.

But soon after they went out the abandoned courtyard, Ye Mu had heard someone talking.

She eagerly pulled Mo Linyuan, directing him to a hidden corner. Mo Linyuan had also heard it and became alert beside Ye Mu. They waited for a while, hoping that it had been a fluke, but unexpectedly, someone passed by them.

It was the person with the highest status in the residence—Ye Li!

“General, I’ve killed the suspected spy and threw his body down the dry well. There is no hidden danger in the residence for the time being. However, Fu Yun came with the news that the Prime Minister of the Mo Country insisted that their crown prince had escaped to our country of Yue. Only when he is found will they help with the general’s ‘affairs’. He had added ‘Give me a hand, or else we’ll give up the deal!’”

When Ye Mu heard the word ‘crown prince’ she subconsciously looked at Mo Linyuan. Mo Linyuan, on the other hand, was listening attentively, and wasn’t able to catch Ye Mu’s imploring gaze.

The burly man grunted derisively, “That Wen Taiping is too deceptive! He had dared to go back on his word when he had already promised this general. Now that the news of the Yue emperor being ill has already spread, he took this chance to turn his back on us—and to demand their crown prince before he would offer help? What a truly wicked mind!”

The adviser sighed gravely, “The Mo country’s economy is flourishing and they are rich. If we receive no financial support from the Mo prime minister, it would be too hard for us to move the plan forward with only our existing troops.”

Ye Mu internally thought that the people in the Ye family really didn’t know how to be content with what they have! The head wants to raise troops to revolt, the descendants had rebelled, the ancestors were greedy. It’s as if one tried to be fiercer than the other!

Just when Ye Mu was about to signal Mo Linyuan to leave with her, a mouse suddenly skittered across the ground they were hiding.

Ye Mu tensed all over. She thought, damn it! Why now of all times?!

A pair of sharp eyes swept over their hiding spot in an instant.

“Who’s there!” Ye Li hollered.

Ye Mu and Mo Linyuan looked at each other in trepidation as they heard the sound of footsteps steadily approaching their direction.

Ye Li is a master of martial arts. Even if they tried to escape, he would definitely catch up. When that time comes, he would only learn of their identity and it would be over for both of them.

Mo Linyuan suddenly decided. In order to avoid both of them being caught, he quickly pressed Ye Mu back and went out their spot without waiting for her opinion.

“It’s you?” Ye Mu stopped and narrowed his eyes menacingly. He had his reservation of this slave who had stubbornly refused to die under Official Liu.

He asked, an unpleasant look on his face, “What did you hear?”

Treason was major offense with a heavy punishment, let alone for a little slave. Even if it was his own son present, he would kill him right away without reservations! Besides, he already has too many children; he could make do with one less.

Therefore, when he had asked this inquiry, his eyes were burning with promised murder!

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