Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 –  The Plot Has Changed (2)

When Ye Mu had woken up several hours after she fell asleep, she took a few more moments to blink before recalling what happened after her ruse of cutting Mo Linyuan’s tongue and covered her face in embarrassment and shame!

Back then, cutting a part of her flesh of was nothing to her. She even got shot twice at one time, but still was able to walk on her own two feet and complete the task that had been given to her. And yet last night… she clenched her fists in frustration.

Last night was a disgrace!

“You’re awake!” exclaimed Mo Linyuan all of a sudden, surprising Ye Mu. It was just the crack of dawn, and there were only the two of them in the room. Immediately, Ye Mu sat up, but pain shot through her arm. Her face scrunched up in agony. She’d gone soft.

“Here.” Mo Linyuan said, offering a cup of water, “Drink.” Nodding in acceptance, Ye Mu greedily drank the water, not realizing how thirsty she had been until the water finally quenched the thirst she had neglected.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, concern etched in his features.

At this early time, Ye Mu had originally wanted to say she was all right. She only lost a small amount after all. She could still bear with it, but then also…

Wasn’t this also the ideal time to appeal herself to Mo Linyuan? This would be a good opportunity!

Having resolved what to do, her lips quivered as she hissed in pain, “It hurts, so much!” she gasped, tears forming at the corner of her eyes, “It’s so painful… it feels like I’m dying.” She said weakly and waited for Mo Linyuan’s face.

She admits she hadn’t made a good impression for Mo Linyuan, but she would do her utmost best to make sure to change how he sees her.

As predicted, Mo Linyuan’s gaze hardened and nodded in understanding. “Wait here,” he said, “I’ll go fetch some painkillers.”

Sine Ye Li had decided not to kill him and made her escort after his tongue was supposedly cut off, he couldn’t ask for analgestics, he was a mute. And they won’t give it to him…

“No wait! Wait!” exclaimed Ye Mu, and straightened up, “It’s fine, it’s only a flesh wound, nothing dangerous. In fact it would be more dangerous for you to go out right now. People may realize your tongue haven’t been cut out at all.” She explained.

Mo Linyuan became even more distressed to hear her worry about his safety more than she was concerned for her own. “Don’t worry, I can get Xiaolang’s help in this matter.” But Ye Mu’s face fell at the mention of Xiaolang…

“Don’t tell Xiaolang just yet.” She told him, “I’ll inform him soon, but from now on, you are a mute.” She told him. Mo Linyuan stared at her in subtle surprise. He had thought she trusted easily, which would be the reason she had been so kind to him. But perhaps he was mistaken?

Yet why such kindness has been given to him?

It made Mo Linyuan’s heart skip a beat as he thought about it, but he quickly tamped the thought down. Thoughts like that were unwelcome, but he couldn’t help it. He found himself feeling joyful at the prospect.

“Still, your injury-”

“It’s alright.” She told him with a reassuring smile, “When everyone will awaken, I’ll just get someone else to fetch it from Ye Li. I’ll be fine. It’s just…”

It’s was a pity the treasure was taken away, she thought.

As if reading her thoughts, Mo Linyuan said, “I’ll find you more treasure, I swear.”

Stunned, Ye Mu stayed in rapt attention with every word Mo Linyuan said…

“In all honesty, I am the crowned prince of Mo country, but I fled from there.” he admitted, “And one day I will return ten times more of a golden mountain to you!” he continued his impassioned speech, “But now, I will play my part as your very own mute. You have my heartfelt gratitude for last night Young lady.”

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