Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 57

Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (1)

T/N: Chapter (8/8) sponsored by Madam Daim! Thank you for sponsoring!

The last chapter in the first arc. Chapter 57 is by far the longest chapter in the novel, totaling 16k characters in length. In order to not die while translating this giant chapter, I will be dividing it up into 8 parts of 2k characters each, since the previous chapters have all been 2k chara in length. In future, longer chapters will all be divided into 2k length parts since that has been the standard length for the chapters up until now. Thank you for understanding.

“Big brother Yi!” When Du Xiao Li arrived at Niu Jing’s house, she loudly shouted towards the house.

“Girl, why did you come?” Leng Er came out from the house, and upon seeing Du Xiao Li, said with a smile.

“I came to find big brother Yi to borrow the horse carriage. Tomorrow, are you all going to use the horse carriage?” Du Xiao Li looked to Leng Er and asked.

“This, you’ll have to ask young master. However, it seems like there isn’t anything tomorrow.” Leng Er thought for a moment and said.

“Then I’ll go in to find big brother Yi.” Du Xiao Li said as she ran into the house, directly entering Han Ming Yi’s room.

Han Ming Yi was already aware when Du Xiao Li had arrived. He, who was originally reading, had the book placed down, waiting for her to come in.

Starting from when did she slowly walk into his own world, letting him who was uninterested in the outside world begin to wonder when she’ll come, wondering what kind of surprise she’ll bring himself this time. With her around, he was always able to forget the conspiracies of the capital, forget those unpleasant thing, and willfully enjoy this peaceful countryside life.

Clearly a seven year old small child, yet he always can’t help but treat her as someone of the same age.

Thinking to the kiddy engagement mentioned that day in the tangerine orchard, although it was just a joke, he strangely felt somewhat happy. Just, after thinking about his own environment, he felt somewhat dejected again, lastly forming a bitter laugh.

“Big brother Yi.” When Du Xiao Li entered, she surprisingly saw Han Ming Yi absentmindedly sitting there, so she moved in closer and called out.

“Xiao Li.” Compared to everyone all calling her ‘girl’, he liked calling her name more, like as if she wasn’t just a child in front of himself.

“Big brother Yi, what are you doing?” Du Xiao Li asked, “You didn’t even hear me knocking.”

“I was reading. What’s wrong?” Han Ming Yi unnaturally coughed and said.

“I wanted to ask if you had something to do tomorrow? If not, then I want to borrow your horse carriage.” Du Xiao Li has never once doubted Han Ming Yi’s words. After all, a twelve year old boy, in her eyes, was still just a child. Although this child puts on quite a bit of air.

“What do you need it for?” Han Ming Yi asked.

“I need to go to the county seat tomorrow. That Li Xue Qing came looking for me.” Du Xiao Li told Han Ming Yi about the partnership agreement with Li Xue Qing.

Han Ming Yi originally had planned on going together with Du Xiao Li, but immediately recalled this morning when Niu Jing excitedly came to tell him that tomorrow they’ll be going to the mountains to bring back that ‘medicine’ that they’ve been waiting on for several years now for him to use. That’s why he didn’t have the time.

“Tomorrow, I’ll let Leng Er go with you.” Han Ming Yi said.

“Alright, thank you big brother Yi! Then tomorrow morning, I’ll come look for Leng Er! Hehe, continue reading your book, I’m going to go back and think about what all I need to suggest.” Du Xiao Li said, and then started heading out.

“I’ll think with you.” Han Ming Yi suddenly spoke.

Du Xiao Li felt it was okay, thus came back, and sat by the table, “Okay, three foolish cobblers add up to a Zhuge Liang.”

(T/N: Zhuge Liang was the genius military strategist during the Three Kingdom period. I see his military strategies referenced in a lot of webnovels lol, most common one is the empty city stratagem; I can think of at least five novels that use that one.)

Han Ming Yi had Leng Yi fetch his brush, ink, and paper, and together with Du Xiao Li had the things she needed to pay attention to listed out.

Du Xiao Li stared at the small densely packed characters written in regular script. Didn’t expect that Han Ming Yi’s handwriting would actually be this pretty!

(T/N: He writes in a style that’s called ‘fly-head small kai’, which is a calligraphy style where the characters are really small like a fly’s head.)

“Aiyaa, I forgot to go back and cook lunch for big brother Luo Qi!” Du Xiao Li suddenly tapped her forehead, hastily had the paper that Han Ming Yi wrote on placed into her little satchel, and said, “It’s already this late. I’ll head back first, come again tomorrow. Big brother Yi goodbye!”

With that said, she then quickly bolted out.

When Du Xiao Li returned home, she saw that Luo Qi had already made lunch. Although the dishes were very simple, and the rice also somewhat undercooked.

Luo Qi’s expression was somewhat awkward, but this was also his first time cooking for someone.

“Need to throw this away, and make from scratch again.” Luo Qi scratched the back of his head and said.

“No need, we can just recook it!” Du Xiao Li had the half-cooked rice poured out and added some water into the pot. When the water boiled, she had the half-cooked rice poured in and cooked into a pot of white rice porridge.

“If big brother Luo Qi wants to cook, I can teach you sometime!” Du Xiao Li said while lighting the cooking fire.

“Okay, when you’re free, teach me.” Luo Qi replied with a smile.

In the afternoon, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi went over the discussion results with Han Ming Yi this morning again to see if there was anything they overlooked. Luo Qi looked to the figure hunched over the table holding a charcoal piece, intently drawing on the paper, and pouting her little mouth. If hadn’t known what was on the paper, he would have really thought it was just a child’s random scribbles on the paper.

“Done!” After Du Xiao Li attentively looked over the words on the paper twice, she nodded her head in satisfaction, “Now just need to draft out a template for this contract!”

When she gave the finished contract to Luo Qi to read, Luo Qi got blinded by that crooked and ugly handwriting. Fortunately, this was just a draft. Tomorrow, they can have Li Xue Qing find someone to rewrite a new copy.

The next day, Du Xiao Li gave Luo Qi a makeover, and then called up Leng Er to go to the county seat together. Not long after they left, Niu Jing and the others went into the mountains.

When Du Xiao Li and crew arrived at Tonglai Inn, it still hadn’t reached si-hour(9AM) yet, but Li Xue Qing was already waiting in the private room. The waiter saw the three of them and went up, “Are you all here to look for Madam Li?”

Du Xiao Li nodded.

The waiter waved his tablecloth and said, “Madam Li is already here waiting in the private room upstairs. You all follow me.”

Li Xue Qing had told him beforehand that in a while, there will be a seven year old little girl coming to find her. And when she arrives, just directly bring her to the private room. Because Du Xiao Li was too conspicuous, the waiter immediately recognized her.

Du Xiao Li and the others followed the waiter to the private room, watched him knock a few times, and said, “Boss Li, Madam Li, the person has come.”

“Come in.” Li Xue Qing’s voice came from inside.

The waiter pushed open the door and waited for Du Xiao Li and the others to enter, before closing the door behind, and headed back downstairs.

After Du Xiao Li entered, she saw that aside from Li Xue Qing and her husband Li Xu Quan, there was also a forty some year old man inside. At first, she thought that it was her old father, but judging from his clothes, he didn’t seem to be.

“Xiao Li, you’ve come.” Li Xue Qing looked to Du Xiao Li and said, “This is my husband, you can just call him brother Li. And this person is our winery’s Manager Xu.”

“Brother Li, Manager Xu.” Du Xiao Li greeted the two of them, and then introduced Luo Qi and Leng Er to Li Xue Qing.

“Now that introductions are done with, let’s start the discussion.” Li Xue Qing said. She had the paper on the table handed to Du Xiao Li, saying: “Don’t know what kind of requests you have?”

Du Xiao Li took out the paper in her little satchel and said, “This is the contract big brother Luo and I drafted together. It has our side’s obligations and rights all written clearly on there, please look over.”

“You have it all written down already!” Li Xue Qing never thought that Du Xiao Li would be this meticulous. She picked up the paper and began looking it over with Li Xu Quan. The more they read, the more shocked they were. It had the things she needed to do, and also the things the winery needed to do all clearly written on there. All aspects were covered. In fact, it was even more thorough than what they’d thought up!

Was this really from the hands of a small child?

Looking to Luo Qi, who was next to Du Xiao Li, and recalling that Du Xiao Li had said this was discussed together with Luo Qi just now, they both subconsciously believed that this was thought up by Luo Qi for her.

Seeing that Li Xue Qing and Li Xu Quan have finished looking it over, Du Xiao Li asked, “Madam Li, is there any objections?”

Li Xue Qing handed Du Xiao Li’s paper to Manager Xu and said with a smile, “You were very meticulous, even including some things that we didn’t even consider. However, I feel there are still some matters that need to be discussed again. Before that, first look over what we wrote.”

Du Xiao Li was also aware that these conditions she suggested can’t completely be agreed on by the other party. Hearing Li Xue Qing’s words, she didn’t show surprise or appear upset either. She accepted the paper that Li Xue Qing handed over and earnestly began looking it over, discovering that there were also places on there that she, Luo Qi, and Han Ming Yi didn’t think of.

After quickly reading it through, Du Xiao Li discovered that the biggest problem right now was actually the profit split! She just knew Li Xue Qing wouldn’t agree just like that.

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Additional Chapters Queue: 3

Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (2)

“Madam Li, what is the meaning of this? Yesterday, we agreed the split would be you all fifty-five, and I take forty-five, how come now it’s sixty for you, and forty for me?” Du Xiao Li placed the paper onto the table, and looked to Li Xue Qing asking.

“It’s like this, Xiao Li, after I’d gone back, I calculated with your brother Li and discovered that with this split, our Li family winery’s profits are meager. That’s why, we had no choice but to adjust the ratio higher.” Li Xue Qing explained. “Look, even if the winery’s equipment, raw materials, and also workers are set aside, our currently existing sales channel is also considered our a.s.set. Furthermore, buying(bribing) relations isn’t a small amount either.”

“But our profit shares are all based on after those initial costs are eliminated.” Du Xiao Li said.

“But we still have to invest energy and effort, our side getting a little more is also reasonable.” Li Xu Quan said.

His words were somewhat harsh. Looks like he was unwilling to discuss more with her. After all, in Zhou county, they can be considered a large family, and this county magistrate was also the Li family’s in-law. If Sun Zheng doesn’t know Du Xiao Li, then they can completely just take the recipe by force. Right now, sitting here and discussing with her was already considered giving her face!

“If you want to divide like this, it’s also doable, but in the future, if I want to buy wine, you all have to give me a discount. Moreover, the few types of fruit wine that I point out, those wine you can only produce according to the amount I decide.” Du Xiao Li somewhat reluctantly said.

“Produce according to the amount you decide? If you only let us produce a little bit, wouldn’t the winery suffer a loss?” Li Xu Quan said with a frown.

“Don’t worry, since my profits are also tied to the winery, I definitely won’t let the winery suffer!” Du Xiao Li said, “As the saying goes, ‘the rarer something is, the greater its value’. If all of it becomes ma.s.s produced wine, then the winery’s grade will be reduced.”

As soon as Li Xue Qing heard, her two eyes lit up. She was smarter than Li Xu Quan, so hearing Du Xiao Li say this, she immediately understood her meaning, “Fine, we’ll just do as you say! Look and see if there’s still any other objections.”

The two sides stayed in the private room and discussed for about four hours. At noon, they ordered some dishes, and after eating lunch, continued discussing, all the way until the two sides were both satisfied. Finally, they let Manager Xu draft two copies of the contract on paper.

After it was done, Du Xiao Li carefully looked it over. Feeling that it was pretty good, she signed her own name on there, and also stamped her fingerprint. Li Xue Qing also wrote her own full name and stamped her fingerprint on there.

“Alright, let’s head to the magistrate office to find my brother-in-law for a notarization, and this matter will thus be settled.” Seeing that the matter was finally finalized, Li Xue Qing let out a long sigh of relief.

“Wait.” Just then, Leng Er, who’d been quiet the whole time, suddenly spoke.

“What’s wrong?”

Everyone all looked to Leng Er in confusion.

Leng Er took out a small seal and said, “My family’s young master said, after you’ve drafted the agreement, he will also be a witness.”

With that said, he just stamped the seal onto the spot for the witness on the two contracts.

Li Xue Qing didn’t know Han Ming Yi’s ident.i.ty, but as a citizen of Feng Ming, when she saw the name stamped onto the contract, she entirely blanked! “This, this is…….” fifth prince!?

Leng Er interrupted her words, “My family’s young master said, he’s only going to be a secondary witness, the main witness is still Sir Sun.”

“Since that’s the case, let’s go look for my brother-in-law.” She could tell, Leng Er had purposefully stopped her words. It should be because Du Xiao Li still doesn’t know Han Ming Yi’s ident.i.ty.

Soon after, the party arrived at the county magistrate office. After they found Sun Zheng, they explained the situation to him.

Sun Zheng had already heard about Li Xue Qing wanting to buy Du Xiao Li’s recipe from Li Xue Mei, but he didn’t know about them working together. After listening to them explain, he gladly became a witness for them.

He took out his official seal, and just when he was about to apply it, he was startled by the name under the witness section. The seal in his hand unable to go down.

Last time, because of Er laizi’s matter, he’d already met Leng Er once, and knew he was someone by the fifth prince’s side. But unexpectedly the fifth prince actually came to be a witness!

“Sir Sun, is there a problem?” Seeing Sun Zheng’s hesitant look, Du Xiao Li asked.

Leng Er and Li Xue Qing were both fully aware of the reason, and hearing Du Xiao Li’s question, Li Xue Qing was further certain that Du Xiao Li was unaware of Han Ming Yi’s ident.i.ty.

“Since there’s already a witness on here, there’s no need for me to also be a witness, right?” You must be joking, with the fifth prince’s seal on there, where would he still have the guts to stamp his own on top?!

“Big brother Yi said he’s only going to be a secondary witness, the main witness should still be Sir Sun. Furthermore, big brother Yi is also considered my side’s witness. If it’s just him, it’s hard to avoid feeling somewhat unfair in the future. So Sir Sun can just be Madam Li side’s witness.” Du Xiao Li explained.

Sun Zheng looked to Leng Er, seeing that he didn’t have any unusual expressions, finally stamped his own seal down. However, although he is the main witness, he still had his seal stamped below Han Ming Yi’s personal seal.

“Alright, now that everything is all taken care of, in the future, we are partners.” Du Xiao Li had her copy put away into her little satchel and lightly patted it.

“Yes, in the future, we are partners.” Li Xue Qing also said with a smile. “How about this, since it’s already rather late today, regarding the specifics of the winery, let’s find some other time to discuss.”

“Okay. Then we’ll take our leave first.” Du Xiao Li waved her hand at Sun Zheng and Madam Li, bid her farewell, and lead Leng Er and Luo Qi away.

After Du Xiao Li and the others left, Sun Zheng said, “Since you all already found the fifth prince to be a witness, why come to look for me? Do you want to end my career!”

“Brother-in-law, I didn’t know beforehand either!” Li Xue Qing also felt somewhat wronged, but since Leng Er already said it like that, could they still dare to disobey?!

“Sigh, forget it, since fifth prince is a witness now, in the future, you better strictly abide by the contract. Otherwise, we’ll all have to suffer the consequences!” Sun Zheng warned them.

What all the Li family has done before in the dark, it’s not like he didn’t know, but those methods better not be used on Du Xiao Li, else everyone will all be done for!

“I know. However, fortunately, when this contract was drawn up, it’s still considered fair.” Li Xue Qing rejoiced. “Actually, with the fifth prince as the witness, for us, there are still advantages. At least, we’ve gained another big tree.”

“Whether or not he’s a big tree, it’s still hard to say as of now. Anyways, right now, don’t spread the news of the fifth prince being the witness out.” Sun Zheng said with a serious expression.

“Brother-in-law, did something happen?” Li Xu Quan asked.

Sun Zheng didn’t say anything, only letting out a heavy sigh. He waved his hand, letting Li Xue Qing and the others leave.

Now that the matter was settled, Du Xiao Li brought Luo Qi and Leng Er to go buy a lot of ingredients, planning to go back and celebrate. Of course, she also didn’t forget to go find Du Xiu Heng to tell him about today’s matter. She also bought quite a bit of cooked food to give him and Zhang Rui.

When they returned to Du village, it was already in the evening. Leng Er and the others had the ingredients unloaded. Du Xiao Li had everyone help out, making for them a whole table of delicious food. Everyone was perfectly contented as they ate.

However, Han Ming Yi could only watched them eat, because that day he’d taken the mature ‘five color’ fruit. It’s said that eating that fruit can cure his twitching disease, but after eating it, he can’t eat anything spicy or greasy. So when everyone was pigging out, he could only drink the white rice porridge before him, while constantly shooting cold daggers towards that merry bunch.

However, luckily Du Xiao Li had fixed him two small dishes according to his conditions, else he would only have white rice porridge to eat.

“Grandpa Niu, is that five color fruit really that miraculous and can cure big brother Yi’s illness?” Du Xiao Li looked to Niu Jing asking, as she gnawed on a chicken feet.

“Yes. This five color fruit is praised as a G.o.dly fruit. No matter what kind of aliments the body has, it can cure it all.” Niu Jing said.

Today, they finally had the matured five color fruit fed to Han Ming Yi. The big rock in his heart can finally be put to rest. Just, this way, the day of their departure is near.

Seeing Niu Jing that certain, Du Xiao Li thought to herself, ‘This world actually has such an OP medical ingredient, this is too incredible!’

T/N: Sorry for the delay on the regular chapter, I woke up really late this morning. I’ll try to finish another one of the sponsored chapters in next few hours.

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Additional Chapters Queue: 4

Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (3)

T/N: Chapter (1/2) sponsored by Rika! Thank you for sponsoring!  I’m really blessed to have received so much support for this novel!

Following the meal, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi returned home early. Once she finished her bath, she quickly climbed onto her bed and begin cultivating her inner energy. After she had that burst of energy in her lower abdomen cycled through her whole body twice, she suddenly felt like a wall blocking in her body had been crashed open. Her body felt light, like her body’s restrictions have been undone.

She opened her eyes, got down from her bed and lightly took a leap, immediately flying from the house into the courtyard.

Afterwards, she tried again. Her foot lightly tapped on the ground, and her body flew three meters away.

“Your qinggong has already succeeded a little.” Unknown as to when, Luo Qi had come out, leaning against the doorway watching Du Xiao Li.

“But just now, I wasn’t practicing qinggong!” Du Xiao Li said.

“Then what happened?” Luo Qi asked.

Du Xiao Li had the situation just now explained. Luo Qi thought for a moment and said, “Possibly because your inner energy has progressed, it caused your body to become relatively light and graceful. That’s why, it is like this. Looks like, this martial arts technique is indeed impressive.”

“Why?” Du Xiao Li puzzlingly asked.

“Because normal techniques are all independent, but your current situation is clearly this technique facilitating your qinggong.” Luo Qi said, “Since it can facilitate your qinggong, then perhaps it can also facilitate your other martial arts.”

“Is that so. Then I’ve picked up a treasure, haven’t I?!” Du Xiao Li somewhat excitedly said.

Just, it’s unknown as to whether this treasure she speaks of is referring to Luo Qi, or the secret martial arts book Luo Qi brought.

“The martial arts of this world, some have rather difficulty entry levels, but afterwards it becomes much. easier. And some have easy entry levels, but the later training is difficult. Don’t know which type this will count as.” Luo Qi said.

“Regardless of which, all need to wait until later to know the effects.” Du Xiao Li wasn’t in a hurry. She said as she giggled, “Haha, but now, I’m also considered someone that knows martial arts. This kind of feeling is really great!”

“There’s many benefits to having inner energy. In the summer, it can prevent heatstrokes, and in the winter, it can defend against the cold. In the future, you will slowly learn from experience.” Luo Qi said.

“Ha!” Du Xiao Li suddenly covered her mouth and laughed. Hearing Luo Qi say that just now, she’d imagined her body turning into an air conditioner.

However, just as Luo Qi said, after Du Xiao Li discovered herself having inner energy, she really did feel that this weather wasn’t that hot anymore.

A few days later, Li Xue Qing sent someone to pick up Du Xiao Li to go to the county seat to discuss matters regarding the fruit wine. Because the method really wasn’t difficult, and didn’t need too many equipments either, only needing places to stack the raw materials as well as wine jars, because of the large quant.i.ty. Thus the place needed for storing was rather large. Furthermore, in order to make it easier to transport, the location needed to be at a place that was convenient for transportation.

Originally, these things can just be decided by Li Xue Qing on her own, but she still had Du Xiao Li called over, letting everyone search for a suitable site together.

For several days in a row, Du Xiao Li had all gone to the county seat. Every day, she left early in the morning and came back very late. After going through a few days of filtering, they ultimately had the location selected. After agreeing on coming the next day to teach those people how to ferment fruit wine, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi got on the horse carriage the Li family prepared for them, and returned home early for a change.

When the were pa.s.sing by the bridge where Han Ming Yi had gotten attacked at that time, Du Xiao Li’s horse carriage got stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Du Xiao Li pulled open the curtains and stuck out her little head. Seeing it was Leng Er, she said, “Leng Er, why aren’t you at home protecting your young master, what are you doing stopping my horse carriage for?”

She knew that Han Ming Yi had encountered two more attempts after that time. However, both were without mishap.

“Girl, we’re leaving.” Leng Er said, “Young master and doctor Niu are waiting for you over there.”

“You all have to go?” Du Xiao Li immediately jumped down from the horse carriage and said in surprise.

“Yes.” Leng Er said, “We specially waited here to say goodbye with you. Come on.”

Du Xiao Li followed Leng Er and walked over together. Luo Qi pulled opened the window curtains and watched Du Xiao Li’s little figure. His body slightly moved, but ultimately didn’t chase after.

“Grandpa Niu, big brother Yi, why are you all leaving so suddenly?” Du Xiao Li came to the edge of bridge, discovering not only Han Ming Yi, Ji Liu Feng, and the seven Leng brothers, but those bodyguards from last time were also there. Furthermore, every single person was riding on horseback, even Han Ming Yi too!

When Du Xiao Li approached, everyone all got down from their horse. Niu Jing somewhat reluctantly looked to Du Xiao Li. Having lived here for this many years, he’d long saw Du Xiao Li as his own granddaughter. Now that he has to leave, he really was somewhat reluctant to part with her.

“Because we received news just now that something happened at home, and need to rush back immediately.” Han Ming Yi replied. Seeing Du Xiao Li’s sparkling eyes, he asked, “Are you willing to go with me?”


Du Xiao Li momentarily didn’t react. What did Han Ming Yi mean by his? Could it be that seeing she was poor, he wanted to bring along herself to lay down a family fortune and get rich? However, not matter what, she still shook her head and refused. She sweetly smiled at Han Ming Yi and said, “I still like this place better. Watching over my orchard is quite nice too.”

Seeing this, Han Ming Yi didn’t say anymore, only taking out a jade pendant saying: “In the future, if you encounter anything, just take this pendant to Green Jade Pavilion.”

Du Xiao Li originally wanted to refuse, but Han Ming Yi directly had the jade pendant shoved into her hands, afterwards turned around and got on his horse.

Du Xiao Li held the jade pendant in her hand and looked to Han Ming Yi’s complicated gaze. She could only put the jade pendant into her little satchel. Green Jade Pavilion, she knew of, heard it was a chain jade artifacts store. There was one in Zhou county, and the jade artifacts inside were remarkably prices.

“Young master, I have a few words to say to Li girl alone.” Niu Jing looked to Han Ming Yi for instructions, and after seeing him nod, he thus had Du Xiao Li brought to the river bank, keeping far away from those bodyguards.

“Grandpa Niu, what did you want to tell me?” As soon as Du Xiao Li saw Niu Jing’s mysterious behavior, she immediately guessed that he had something to say to her. Yet, she was curious inside. What secrets did he want to tell herself that can’t even let the others hear. She didn’t seem to have any secrets with him.

“Li girl, in the beginning, when your mother pa.s.sed away, I promised her I would properly take care of you two siblings. Now that I have to leave, you all can move into my courtyard to live. I’ve already told the village chief. That house of mine, I will gift to you.” Niu Jing said.

Du Xiao Li wanted to say no need, but seeing Niu Jing like this, she didn’t know if he was going to return or not. If he comes back, then she can just return it to him.

Niu Jing had the keys to the house given to Du Xiao Li, afterwards saying, “Additionally, there’s one more thing, it’s related to your mother.”

Du Xiao Li was startled by Niu Jing’s words. As expected, her mother really had secrets?

“What’s wrong with my mother?” Du Xiao Li asked.

“Right now, I can only tell you that your mother’s ident.i.ty isn’t simple. If possible, it’s best you don’t go to the capital.” Niu Jing said. “The life in the capital city is too complicated. It’s not as comfortable as living in this Du village. Also, I’m giving you this.”

Niu Jing carefully took out a book and handed it to Du Xiao Li.

“This is?” Du Xiao Li accepted the book. Seeing Niu Jing’s behavior, she just knew this book wasn’t ordinary.

“In medicine, you have a very high natural talent. This book was pa.s.sed on to me by my shifu. Inside, there are many explanations to difficult medical cases. Unfortunately, my talents are not enough and can’t have this book used to the greatest effect. Today, on his behalf, I will have this book pa.s.sed on to you, letting you become my junior sister, and inherit shifu’s medical skills. Are you willing?” Niu Jing said in seriousness.

Du Xiao Li held onto this medical book with her mouth wide open. This was wanting to let her be his disciple? No wait, it’s helping his shifu take in a disciple?

“Grandpa Niu, this, your shifu, is he still alive?” Du Xiao Li asked.

“Yes, shifu although is nearly seventy years old, his body is still considered healthy.” Niu Jing answered.

“Then, you taking in disciples for him with permission like this, if he finds out, would he be angry?” Du Xiao Li continued asking.

“Haha, this you can rest a.s.sured. Shifu is someone who loves talent. Once he learns of this, he’ll be extremely ecstatic! Furthermore, he’s already allowed this matter. A very long time ago, I’d already told him of your existence.” Niu Jing said with a hearty laugh. After which, he sighed again, saying: “Originally, I wanted to take you as a disciple, but I don’t have the talents. When you grow up and want to go travel around, you can go visit the Medicine King’s Valley. There you can find a bunch of your senior brothers and sisters and whatnot.”

She still hadn’t agreed yet, and it’s already decided like this?!

T/N: Although I’m really said they are parting, when we see ML again all the fluff and dog food will make up for all the time apart.

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Additional Chapters Queue: 3

Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (4)

T/N: Chapter (2/2) sponsored by Rika! Thank you for sponsoring!

Niu Jing took out a name plaque and handed it to Du Xiao Li, saying: “This is the Medicine King Valley’s name plaque. Take it. From now on, it is a symbol of your ident.i.ty.”

(T/N: Technically translates to ‘command’ plaque, but same idea; can be silver or gold)

Seeing the prepared name plaque, Du Xiao Li just knew this definitely wasn’t a temporary decision. Looks like he’d long planned for this!

“Kehkeh.” Niu Jing felt somewhat awkward being stared at by Du Xiao Li. Actually, this matter he’d indeed long discussed with his shifu, just this medical book, it wasn’t until afterwards did he think of wanting to give her. Shortly after, he took out another small booklet, saying: “This is some introductions to our sect. After I leave, no one will be able to tell you, so you’ll just have to read this booklet’s explanations on your own. Additionally, the location of the Medicine King Valley is also inside. If you have time, go visit shifu! Take good care of these things, I’ll be going now,”

Niu Jing took two steps, turned around, and warned, “The capital city is a dangerous place, take cautious going.”

With that said, he returned to Han Ming Yi’s side and got on his own horse.

Ji Liu Feng waved his hand at Du Xiao Li and said, “Girl, I’ll wait for you in the capital to come play!”

Han Ming Yi looked to the little figure by the riverside, pulled his horse’s reins and said, “Let’s go.”

Following Han Ming Yi’s command, the crowd successively rode north on their horses.

Du Xiao Li watched as the dust flew upwards from the horses hooves, knowing that something big definitely must have happened in Han Ming Yi’s home. Recalling the things she received today, she was somewhat speechless.

After Han Ming Yi and the others left, the carriage driver drove the horse carriage over. Du Xiao Li climbed onto the horse carriage. Luo Qi helped her sit down and asked, “Why did they leave so urgently?”

“Big brother Yi said, something happened at home, so they’re rushing to go back.” Du Xiao Li

When the horse carriage pa.s.sed by Niu Jing’s house, Du Xiao Li had the driver let her down there.

The driver agreed on a time to come pick her up tomorrow and then drove away on the horse carriage.

Du Xiao Li stood outside Niu Jing’s courtyard and looked to the deserted courtyard. She let out a sigh and pushed open the gate to go in. Luo Qi didn’t enter with her and just leaned against the gate, waiting for her.

Du Xiao Li went and looked into every room. She had the messy piles books in Niu Jing’s study neatly put away, then had Leng Er’s clothes that he didn’t have time to put away folded and placed at the head of the bed. Ji Liu Feng’s room was rather clean, but thinking to his pet peeves, she understandingly laughed.

Lastly, she came to Han Ming Yi’s room. The same as Ji Liu Feng’s, neat and tidy. The guifei couch was still placed by the window, but this time, there was already no one on top.

Du Xiao Li looked to the empty guifei couch, a burst of melancholy suddenly rose in her heart. Ever since coming to this world, aside from Du Xiu Heng, she was the closest with Niu Jing and the others. Now that they have left without any prior indication, she suddenly felt a bit empty inside.

“This is?”

Du Xiao Li came to the desk and saw that placed on the desk was a pouch with a piece of paper below it. She opened the pouch, discovering one thousand taels of silver in banknotes inside. She then unfolded the slip of paper below. Written on there were the two words ‘medical fee’. Du Xiao Li thought, it was probably the medical fee she mention when they had gotten attacked last time.

“Truly a rich person.” Du Xiao Li muttered and had the banknotes put back. Suddenly, she noticed at the bottom of the slip of paper there was also a row of small characters. She picked it up and began reading: “A shame next year’s flowers are even more beautiful, but how to know when time comes, who to admire with me? What did this mean?”

(T/N: This is a line from Ouyang Xiu, a Northern Song dynasty writer’s, ‘Waves Washing the Sand’; the full poem and meaning is roughly, ‘This year’s flowers bloomed even brighter than last year’s, however, even if next year’s flowers bloom even more beautifully, how will I know when time comes, who will be admiring the flowers together with me?’ It’s not really a love poem, but I like to think that ML intended for it to be in a way.)

Unable to guess the meaning, she had the slip of paper and banknote put away into her little satchel. She then turned around and went out.

On the way back, Du Xiao Li told Luo Qi about the banknotes, in addition said she was planning on using this money to have the house demolished and rebuilt. While the house is being rebuilt, they will go and live in Niu Jing’s house.

Luo Qi naturally didn’t have any objections, and when Du Xiu Heng came back and learned of this matter, he didn’t have any objections either. Thus, the matter of rebuilding the house was put forth on the schedule just like that.

When Li Xue Qing learned that Du Xiao Li wanted to rebuild her house, she recommended someone who specialized in building homes to her, nicknamed Sai Lu Ban*. Du Xiao Li had design blueprint that she drew that combined the terrain explained to great master Lu, discovering that he could completely understand her meaning. Thus, she had the matter completely handed over to him to handle, while Luo Qi was put in charge of supervising. This was because she still needed to go to the county seat to teach those people how to ferment fruit wine and didn’t have time. And Du Xiu Heng needed to attend school, thus didn’t have time either.

(*T/N: The name translates to ‘better than Lu Ban’; Lu Ban is a legendary master craftsman, called the father of Chinese carpentry.)

Setting aside some time, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi went into the deeper areas of the mountain and selected some elm wood back to be the house’s roof beam. They also chopped some wood back to make furniture. By the time great master Lu finished gathering people, Du Xiao Li picked a suitable date to begin construction and had someone move all the things into a temporarily set up gra.s.s shed to the side. Afterwards, they had the crooked house pushed over, and thus officially began building the new house.

When construction started, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi moved into Niu Jing’s house to live, only bringing along the small box that contained her mother’s belongings, everything else was all left on the mountain. They weren’t scared of someone going to steal their things either, because the already grown up Silver would stand guard there at night. If you’re not scared of getting bitten, then give it a try!

After Du Xiao Li had the wine fermenting method taught to those apprentices, she no longer needed to frequent the county seat. She finally was able to have some free time. The new house’s construction was also progressing in good order. Probably before the end of the year, it’ll be able to finish.

This day, Du Xiao Li lied on top the guifei couch that Han Ming Yi left behind. Don’t know where Luo Qi has gone again. Thinking to Luo Qi recently disappearing from time to time, Du Xiao Li knew, another day for parting was approaching…….

In the afternoon, just as Du Xiao Li was looking at the hairpin and jade pendant that Su Su Xin left behind, Du Xiu Heng returned home for break. Seeing the things in Du Xiao Li’s hands, his entire person suddenly shook.

Du Xiao Li saw Du Xiu Heng and waved her hand at him, “Big brother, you’re back!”

Du Xiu Heng walked over and looked to the hairpin in Du Xiao Li’s hand, “Younger sister, where did you find this?”

“In the case mother left behind!” Du Xiao Li brought over the case and said, “Previously, when I was cleaning things up, I found it under that wood cabinet in our house. Big brother, look, there’s also a jade pendant inside!”

Du Xiu Heng looked to the jade pendant inside the case and his entire body began trembling, making Du Xiao Li quite curious. She had the hairpin put back and said, “Big brother, you know about mother’s matter, right?”

“Mother…..” Du Xiu Heng muttered.

“Big brother?” Du Xiao Li looked to Du Xiu Heng and lightly grasped his hand, saying: “Big brother, if there’s something, say it, we can share the burden together.”

Du Xiu Heng stared at Du Xiao Li, then slowly calmed down his own feelings. Slowly, he spoke out, about a past he was unwilling to recall.

“Actually, Du Hai isn’t our father!”

Du Xiu Heng’s first words smashed right onto Du Xiao Li’s heart, making her beyond shocked.

Although Du Hai died early, in her fuzzy memories, he was very good to the former host. That unruly personality of the original’s was even brought about by Du Hai spoiling her.

Now, saying that Du Hai wasn’t her father, this bit, Du Xiao Li never thought of. At the very start, she’d only just suspected Su Su Xin’s ident.i.ty.

Seeing Du Xiao Li’s look of disbelief, Du Xiu Heng continued, “Our father is actually an official in the capital. Eight years ago, when you were still in mother’s stomach, and at the time I was also only three, mother got schemed against by someone and had no choice but to take us away from that ruthless place. Afterwards, while fleeing, we encountered Du Hai. Mother saw him collapsed at the side of the road, about to starve to death, and thus saved him. On his body, there was also a lot of injuries. Afterwards, he told us that he was beaten by his employer and was preparing to return home to work in the fields. Once he learned of our situation, he said he would take us back to Du village, announcing to the public that mother was his wife and we were his kids. For our sake, mother finally agreed after some hesitation. From then on, we settled down in Du village.”

Saying to here, his eyes filled with tears. He covered his face with both his hands and said, “That jade pendant was given to mother by father that year, and it is also the only proof of our ident.i.ty.”

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Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (5)

T/N: Chapter sponsored by LittleWolfPup! Thank you for sponsoring!

“That year, why did mother have to run away? What about her maiden family?” Du Xiao Li asked.

“Mother said, at the time, maternal grandfather disapproved of mother marrying father, but mother insisted on marrying, thus maternal grandfather severed their father and daughter relationship and had her kicked out of the family. At the time, when she married father, only maternal grandmother secretly came, the others all didn’t appear. That’s why, after mother met with mishap, she didn’t go back home.

Du Xiao Li didn’t expect that there was also such a past. Seeing the sorrow and resentment in Du Xiu Heng’s eyes, she suddenly wanted to know why Su Su Xin ran away that year.

Du Xiu Heng seemingly knew what Du Xiao Li wanted to ask and replied first, “That year, father got first place in the imperial exam and was seen by the Right Minister’s younger daughter. The Right Minister’s eldest daughter was the current Empress, and thus asked the Emperor for a decree, pa.s.sing an imperial edict to let her younger sister become father’s equal wife*. The imperial decree can not be disobeyed. From then on, our home gained a second mother. Afterwards, second mother schemed against mother and in order to protect you and I, mother had no choice but to run away.

(*T/N: Equal wife is where there are two main wives and are supposedly equal in status. However, if I remember correctly, in this novel, only the first wife’s children are considered di-born.)

“Then that degenerate father or ours, what’s his position?” Du Xiao Li asked.

“Don’t know, that year, father was only just a small a.s.sistant minister, but this many years have pa.s.sed, and along with the Right Minister, that old fart’s, support, don’t know how high he’s already climbed to by now.” Du Xiu Heng said between clenched teeth.

Du Xiao Li suddenly recalled Niu Jing’s words, could it be that he knew their ident.i.ty?!

This was also possible. The Right Minister’s daughter marrying down, and was even a marriage bestowed by the Emperor, it definitely would have caused an uproar in the capital. Niu Jing, having lived in the capital for that long, knowing about them wasn’t that strange either.

No wonder he told her not to go to the capital. Just, for Du Xiu Heng’s sake, this trip to the capital can’t be avoided. Thinking of Du Xiu Heng wanting to pa.s.s the imperial exam in the future, it was no less also because of that degenerate father of theirs.

With this many years having gone by, they didn’t know what position that degenerate father has climbed to now. If Du Xiu Heng goes to the capital, what if he gets discovered?

Du Xiao Li’s suddenly felt very heavy. In this era, under imperial power, what should she do to be able to better protect herself and her big brother?

Suddenly, she recalled something Luo Qi once said here, if one doesn’t want to be restricted by the imperial power, then establish an absolute power of influence. Although she currently still isn’t able to establish a power that can contend against the imperial power, she can however strengthen herself, letting her brother and her be able to live relatively freely in the future.

Looks like, despite coming to this world and entering Du Xiao Li’s body, the peaceful life she wanted was still an extravagant hope. However, since she’s able to live another lifetime again, then she wants to let herself life as carefree as possible!

Afterwards, Du Xiao Li also asked about Su Su Xin’s maiden family, but because she never told Du Xiu Heng before, Du Xiu Heng also didn’t know.

Regarding their birth, they later never brought it up ever again. Neither of them once thought of returning to that degenerate father’s side either. This matter thus was buried in the bottom of their hearts. But things won’t completely progress according to your wishes. More often than not, some unexpected things will always occur.

Du Xiao Li saw Du Xiu Heng’s low mood and wanted to divert his attention, thus took him to go look at their house. So the two headed up the mountain.

Just as they reached the foot of the mountain, Silver ran down from the mountain and ran in circles around Du Xiao Li. In these few months, Silver grew quit a bit. He was already to her knees.

Du Xiao Li leaned over and rubbed Silver’s head. Two people and a wolf then headed up the mountain. And as expected, they didn’t see Luo Qi on the mountain. Du Xiao Li inwardly sighed, yet didn’t say anything.

The house was already half done, and judging by this speed, by the end of the eleventh month, it’ll be able to completed. Because there weren’t that many of them, Du Xiao Li only built three bedrooms, each person, one room. There was also a kitchen, a storage room and cellar.

“Younger sister, I’m so useless. I said I would take care of you, but in the end, let you earn money for me to go to school and even fixed our house.” Du Xiu Heng was very satisfied with the house’s structure. But thinking that these were all from the money that Du Xiao Li earned, his mood somewhat dropped again.

Sweat, this again!

Du Xiao Li felt this older brother of her somehow became very melancholic and moody. This won’t do, she needed to quickly have his train of thought moved back on track.

“Big brother, this is investing!”


“That’s right! Investing is where you throw in your money and wait for even more profits in the future. Right now, I’m investing in you, so that in the future, when you’re successful, won’t I be able to live even better?”

Du Xiu Heng felt Du Xiao Li’s words were right. In the future, he must become successful, so that he can let his younger sister live even better! From then on out, he will be even more earnest in studying, vowing become the top scorer in the imperial exam for his younger sister!

In the two days Du Xiu Heng returned, Luo Qi never appeared. All the way until the third day did Luo Qi finally return to Du village. Du Xiao Li gave him a glance and only asked whether he’d eaten or not. Seeing him shake his head, she went and cooked him a bowl of noodles.

Luo Qi looked to the noodles before him. The expression on his face very satisfied, saying: “Today just happens to be my birthday.”

Du Xiao Li paused and said, “As expected, you’ve recovered your memories.”

“Today’s my birthday, not going to tell me happy birthday?” Luo Qi said with a smile.

Du Xiao Li looked to the completely different feeling Luo Qi, sat down across from him, and said, “Big brother Luo Qi, happy birthday!”

“Thank you.” Luo Qi lowered his head to eat his noodles. He clearly was at a place hundreds of meters away, but once his subordinate told him that today was his birthday, he only had one thought, come back, return to Du village, this little mountain village. When he saw Du Xiao Li make noodles for himself, he felt his heart was warm.

“That’s right, big brother Luo Qi, which birthday is this?” Du Xiao Li didn’t ask what he went to do, only leaning against the table, and asked with squinted eyes.

“Seventeenth.” Luo Qi looked to the languid little figure under the yellow light. For some reason, he thought of a cat.

“Seventeen huh—-” Du Xiao Li had her voice drawn out. Afterwards, said through stifled laughs, “Big brother Luo Qi, you’re so old, almost older than me by ten years.”

“Old?” Luo Qi’s mouth twitched when he heard this word. He was only seventeen, where was he old? Moreover, didn’t she say almost ten years, that wasn’t that much older!

“Hehe.” Du Xiao Li looked to Luo Qi’s appearance and began laughing. Although the feeling he gave others changed, he was still her big brother Luo Qi.

At the end of the eleventh month, the house finished as scheduled. Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi calculated the labor cost and had the bill settled. Luo Qi had gone out again for a few days after his birthday, but after that, he just stayed at home the whole time, never once leaving.

After letting the workers help clean up the courtyard and setting down all the furnitures and whatnot, Du Xiao Li stood in the courtyard, looking to the brand new house and saying to the two people beside her, “Big brother, big brother Luo Qi, this is our new home. How about it, not bad, right!”

Du Xiu Heng nodded with a smile.

When Luo Qi heard the word home, recalling how he felt last time when he heard Du Xiao Li say this word, he reached out and touched his chest. Soon after, he said with a smile. “From now on, this is our home! Regardless of where, in the future, your house all needs to have a room for me.”

“Alright, no problem!” Du Xiao Li boldly said. “However, this renovating and buying a house whatnot, you also need to pay a share. Else, I’ll just let Silver kick you out!”

“Awooo—-” Hearing Du Xiao Li mention its name, Silver called out in response.

“Alright, in order to not get bitten by Silver, I will obediently pay up!” Luo Qi also played along and said.

“Hah–” With that said, the three of them all started laughing.

T/N: Oh man I feel depressed translating this chapter knowing that Luo Qi is about to leave soon. Despite knowing that everyone will reunite again it still so sad seeing they part ways uhguhugh. I also I wonder if I should’ve mentioned that one of the tags the author had used was ‘di daughter’.

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Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (6)

Because they were moving into a new house, Du Xiao Li had the village chief, Shi Da, Shi Er, Qiao Mai, and so villagers that have frequently helped her called together for a meal. Everyone were all somewhat baffled. Before, when Su Su Xin was still alive, their days were still hard and tight on money. Yet suddenly, the two sibling’s lives suddenly improved. In less than a year’s time, they even rebuilt their house.

However, seeing them live well, everyone was happy for them too. This meal was eaten and drunk to one’s heart content.

Regardless whether it’s in the ancient times, or the modern era, moving into a new house was a big deal. Li Xue Qing also had someone send over a congratulatory gift. Incidentally, they also brought along the county magistrate’s gift together with it.

When the gifts were sent over, everyone was in the middle of eating. Learning that it was the county magistrate and the Zhou county’s number one merchant, the Li family, having sent gifts at the same time, everyone were all shocked! Even Du Xiao Li didn’t know why Sun Zheng would give herself a present. Only Luo Qi, who’d already recovered his memories, understood inside. That was all on behalf of Han Ming Yi.

He’d recovered his memories after hearing Niu Jing say the words ‘Medicine King Valley’ to Du Xiao Li when Han Ming Yi and the others were departing. At that time, he immediately recalled Han Ming Yi’s ident.i.ty—-Feng Ming’s current dynasty’s fifth prince!

The people of the government might not know people of the pugilistic world, but people of the pugilistic world knew who held power in the imperial court. That’s why seeing Sun Zheng and the others’ gifts, he wasn’t surprised in the slightest.

Regardless for what purpose Sun Zheng was giving a present, Du Xiao Li’s family position in the Du village, all because of this present, rose quite a bit. After all, even the county magistrate gave them face!

Du Xiao Li gave the people that came to deliver the presents each a red packet, and also had them stay for a meal. Before leaving, she even shared some of the wild hare, wild chicken, and whatnot that she’d previously salted with them, saying it was game from the mountains for the county magistrate and Li family’s old master to try.

Red Packets filled with money

The people that came to deliver the presents, seeing Du Xiao Li as such, all left very satisfied. After leaving, they even mutually sighed at how well she knew how to handle affairs at such a young age.

After sending away the village chief and the others, the three of them had the bowls and chopsticks cleared away. Du Xiao Li and Du Xiu Heng washed the dishes, while Luo Qi cleaned the courtyard. When everything was done, Du Xiao Li sent off Du Xiu Heng. Because today wasn’t a holiday, and for the sake of moving into the new house, Du Xiu Heng had specially asked for a day off to come back.

Today’s two large table full of food were all prepared by her alone. By the time she came back from sending off Du Xiu Heng at the bottom of mountain, she was already about to collapse from exhaustion.

Looks like this body was still no good! Du Xiao Li sighed.

As early as the start of the eleventh month, the weather had already turned cold. By the end of the month, the crops in the fields and the gra.s.s by the roadside were all white with frost in the mornings. After entering the twelfth month, there was even an instance of light snowfall. Unfortunately, the snowfall was too small, and didn’t pile up. However, in the warm southern part of the country like this, for there to be some snowfall was already very rare.

Aside from occasionally going to the county seat to check on the winery’s situation, Du Xiao Li had all her other time used on preparing marinated food for the new year. Because in the past, she’d lived in Sichuan province for a very long period of time and was rather familiar with the things there, she thus salted and smoked meat according to the customs there. She even bought pig’s intestines and meat to make link sausage.

“This is also edible?” Luo Qi looked to the dirty small intestines in the basin and asked.

“Of course! When new years comes, you’ll know!” Du Xiao Li said and then went to go wash the pig intestines, using salt and vinegar to wash repeatedly for more than an hour, before finally finishing. Afterwards, she used a thin string to tie up one end of the intestines, then had the seasoned ground meat stuffed in. Roughly ten some centimeters in, she used a thin string to tie it up, and then continued stuffing, all the way until the small intestine was completely used up.

After she finished stuffing, she used hot water to wash it once, then lastly place it together with the marinated dried meat to dry in the sun.

Once everything was prepared, Du Xiao Li then went with Luo Qi to go chop some pine wood to bring back, and outside the courtyard, built a temporary tall stove. They hung a portion of the sausages and dried meat on there, covered a oilskin on top, and then lit a fire below. Afterwards, they had the pine wood put in. Because the pine wood was moist, very soon, white smoke appeared from inside.

“What’s the point of this?” Luo Qi saw how Du Xiao Li’s eyes were even squinted due to the white smoke and asked.

“Dried meant and sausage smoked using pine wood taste different from naturally air-dried ones. You’ll know once you try some. Cough, cough…..” Another puff of white smoke rose out from below, causing Du Xiao Li’s tears to come streaming down. She quickly stood up and ran to the side, wanting to use her sleeve to wipe her tears, but Luo Qi had already handed over a blue handkerchief.

“Thank you big brother Luo Qi.” Du Xiao Li accepted the handkerchief and roughly wiped her tears a few times, finally returning to normal.

After almost two-hours, Du Xiao Li took out the smoked sausage and dry meat and hung them together with the other meat to air-dry for a few days.

Aside from dry meat and sausages, Du Xiao Li also bought a lot of New Year’s goods. When everything was more or less prepared, the weather also reached the coldest period.

(T/N: New Year goods are usually the dry snacks that are sold around Chinese New Years. Dry fruits and nuts are quite commonly sold.)

During this period, Du Xiao Li didn’t go out much, nesting in bed all day to practice her inner energy.

The eight of the twelfth lunar month* just happened to be Du Xiu Heng’s eleventh birthday. Before noon that day, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi headed to the county seat and waited outside the school for Du Xiu Heng to come out.

(T/N: This is also the day of the Laba Festival, celebrating the enlightenment of Buddha.)

“Big brother!” Du Xiao Li saw Du Xiu Heng coming out from the school and waved her little hand at him.

Du Xiu Heng and Zhang Rui were preparing to go eat together, and upon seeing Du Xiao Li, the two quickly walked over.

“Younger sister, how come you’ve come?” Du Xiu Heng asked.

“Today’s your birthday, you can’t go back, so we thus came over. I reserved a private room at Tonglai Inn. Let’s go over now. Big brother Zhang Rui come too, just think of it as celebrating big brother’s birthday.” Du Xiao Li went forward and grabbed Du Xiu Heng’s hand, saying with a smile.

“Xiu Heng, so today’s your birthday, why didn’t you tell me beforehand, making me not the least bit prepared.” Zhang Rui said.

“I forgot, if not for younger sister, I wouldn’t have remembered.” Du Xiu Heng somewhat awkwardly scratched his head.

Du Xiao Li smiled and said, “I just knew you would forget. Let’s go.”

The party arrived at Tonglai Inn, and because Du Xiao Li had previously said they would come over at this time, the dishes were already prepared. As soon as they arrived, the dishes were served up.

Du Xiu Heng looked to the table full of food and said, “Younger sister, how can you order this many dishes, such a waste of money!”

“It’s a rare occasion, celebrating your birthday with you.” Du Xiao Li said. Others didn’t know, but Du Xiu Heng understood her meaning. This was the first birthday she’s celebrated with him since coming to this world. “You all eat first. I’m going to go downstair and have a look.”

With that said, Du Xiao Li went down. Du Xiu Heng and Zhang Rui both didn’t know what she went to go do right now.

A while later, Du Xiao Li came up carrying a bowl of minced meat noodles. She had the noodles placed before Du Xiu Heng and said, “Happy birthday big brother!”

So she went just now to go make him longevity noodles!

Du Xiu Heng looked to the noodles before him, his tears instantly bubbling up. He immediately used his sleeves to wipe them.

“Aiyaa, such a good say, why are you crying!” Zhang Rui saw Du Xiu Heng’s appearance and said with a smile.

“I’m just too moved!” Du Xiu Heng wiped his tears dry and looked to Du Xiao Li, saying: “Younger sister, thank you!”

T/N: Regular chapter for today lol! Thanks to the many sponsors I should be able to wrap up the remaining parts of this long chapter by end of today! Which is like 4-5am for me because I have a messed up sleep schedule. Also random but lately I’ve been listening to this song while translating and got really addicted and wanted to share—check it out!

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Additional Chapters Queue: 3

Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (7)

T/N: Chapter sponsored by Kim, Christiine, Nøïr! Thank you for supporting!

He really was moved. In the past, on his birthday every year, Su Su Xin would always make him a bowl of longevity noodles, even saying that one must eat longevity noodles on birthdays. This year, Su Su Xin died. He thought that this year, he won’t have noodles to eat anymore, but unexpectedly Du Xiao Li made himself a bowl! That’s why, when he saw the noodles, his tears uncontrollably squeezed out.

“I remember every year during the new years, mother would always make a bowl of noodles for you. Now that mother isn’t here anymore, before you find yourself a wife, I will make this noodle for you. Quick, see how it tastes, otherwise the noodles will bloat up.” Du Xiao Li urged.

“En!” Du Xiu Heng picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, saying: “Very delicious, the same as the ones mother made!”

“Haha, as long as it’s good. Alright, big brother Luo Qi, big brother Zhang Rui, let’s eat too.” Du Xiao Li said, afterwards went for the ribs in front of her.

In her past life, she lost her loved ones when she was very small. No one has ever cared for her, and she also never cared for someone else before either. Right now, to be able to make a bowl of longevity noodles for her family, even she herself felt incomparably happy.

After eating, Du Xiao Li had Du Xiu Heng and Zhang Rui sent back to the school, and afterwards headed back with Luo Qi on foot. However, once they reached a place with no one around, they both flew away using qinggong.

As the saying goes, once the eight of the twelfth month (Laba), it is the new year. As soon as the Laba festival pa.s.sed, the entire village began br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the new years festivity. Unlike Du Xiao Li, who’d long had the things for the new years prepared, everyone all began preparing after Laba. However, the things they needed to prepare weren’t like Du Xiao Li’s and needed a very long time before it can be eaten. That’s why, preparing a little later, they can eat it just in time for the new year.

(T/N: Laba literally just means eighth of the twelfth lunar month.)

As per tradition, Du Xiao Li and Luo Qi had the house cleaned prior the twenty-third of the twelfth month. Because it was a new house, there weren’t much that needed to be cleaned. In the afternoon of the twenty-second of the twelfth month, Du Xiu Heng’s new year’s holiday began, because on the twenty-third that day, the government officials will be celebrating the little year*.

(*T/N: This is one of those older traditional holidays that’s rooted in Chinese mythology and Daoism; the sacrificing to the Kitchen G.o.d is a part of this holiday.)

On the twenty-third this day, Du Xiao Li, Du Xiu Heng and Luo Qi woke up early to offer sacrifices to the Kitchen G.o.d. On the twenty-fourth they celebrated the little year, and out of courtesy, she still went to go invite her third uncle and fourth uncle’s family.

Du Xiang and Du Ping, previously, because were afraid of Du Fu, this eldest brother, watched on helplessly as they kicked the siblings out. That’s why, afterwards, when Du Xiao Li’s living conditions improved, they didn’t come fawn over either. And now that Du Xiao Li invited them for a reunion, they even found it somewhat embarra.s.sing.

Du Xiao Li although knew that they weren’t her actual blood-related uncles, for better or worse, they were still Du Hai’s brothers. For their mother’s and their sake, Du Hai can be said to have devoted a lot of effort. Even though Du Xiang and Du Ping didn’t extend a helping hand to them when they were in trouble, at least they didn’t throw stones at someone who was down either.

The third brother, Du Xiang, has a wife and three kids. Fourth brother, Du Ping’s wife has pa.s.sed away, leaving behind only two sons.

Du Xiao Li made two tables of dishes. Recently, she’s taught Luo Qi how to make some simple dishes, so Luo Qi right now could also help her with some small tasks and whatnot.

As for Du Fu’s family, they’ve long been excluded by Du Xiao Li.

Du Xiao Li had the previously marinated dry meat and sausage steamed for everyone to try. Regardless whether it was adult or child, everyone all said it was delicious.

Luo Qi compared the ones that were smoked with pine wood with the ones that weren’t smoked and discovered that the flavor was very different. However, both were very delicious.

When the finished eating, the third brother’s wife carried the dishes into the kitchen along with Du Xiao Li. After putting down the dishes, she stood to the side and watched Du Xiao Li boil hot water to wash the dishes. Seeing Du Xiao Li intently minding her own business, she thus shyly and awkwardly asked if she can give them a bit.

(T/N: Author doesn’t specify what exactly so I’m not sure what she wants either.)

Du Xiao Li looked to the third one’s wife and very bluntly refused, “On the twentieth that day, I sent quite a bit over to Madam Li and the county magistrate. Right now, there’s already not much left.”

Previously, she did indeed give some to Li Xue Qing and Li Xue Mei, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have anymore. Just, this third one’s wife really is somewhat greedy and insatiable. Her inviting them over for a meal was nothing more than seeing on Du Hai’s behalf. This one rather knows how to climb up along the pole!

Hearing Du Xiao Li say it like that, her face flushed red and resentfully shot a glare at Du Xiao Li, before turning to leave the kitchen.

If it was that girl in the past, she could still imitate Cui-shi and make things difficult for her, but she currently had connections with the county magistrate, so even if she was unsatisfied, she could only swallow it into her stomach.

Else, she could steal from the county magistrate?

Du Xiao Li sensed her dissatisfaction and heard her gathering her kids to go back outside. After letting out a cold snort, she turned around and added a bit of firewood into the stove. Then, she reached her hand in to test the waters. Feeling that the temperature was just about right, she finally had the fire put out and began washing the dishes.

She’d previously thought that third one’s wife came in to help her wash the dishes, but turns out, she just came to asking for something. And the third family’s three children all left with their mother. When they left, they didn’t even say a single word of farewell. Rather, Du Ping’s two children came in, and said they wanted to help Du Xiao Li wash the dishes.

Du Xiao Li didn’t hold back either and let them each wash some with herself. All the way until all the dishes were done, the two brothers finally shook the water off their hands, bid Du Xiao Li and Du Xiu Heng farwell, and went back.

After today, Du Xiao Li more or less had Du Xiang and Du Ping’s family figured out.

From the twenty-fifth to the twenty-ninth, these few days all went by very peacefully. In the blink of an eye, the lunar new year’s eve arrived.

Last day of the lunar year, the night of the lunar new year’s eve.

During the day, Du Xiao Li thinking that tonight they were going to see the new year together, ran into her room to go fiddle with something. Du Xiu Heng and Luo Qi both didn’t know what she was doing. Until after dinner, while everyone was sitting in the central room, preparing to start the boring wait for the new year. At this time, Du Xiao Li ran to her room and brought out a set of playing cards, saying: “Let’s play cards.”


Du Xiao Li took out the imitation playing cards she made and said, “Let’s play Fight the Landlord.”

(T/N: I played this once in college, and tbh I still have no idea how it works—.)

“What’s Fight the Landlord?” Luo Qi asked with a smile.

“It’s a kind of playing card game, very simple. I’ll teach you. You’ll know how to play immediately.” Du Xiao Li said.

She first had the card’s suits and numbers explained to them. Then, she explained to them the rules of Fight the Landlord, and the two very quickly understood. By the time they got the hang of it, the three of them thus began playing in the central room. Afterwards, because the weather was too cold, they decided to move their battle into Du Xiu Heng’s bedroom. The three of them huddled on the bed and continued battling.

By the zi-hour(11pm-1am), waves of firecrackers sounded in the village. Du Xiao Li also in the moment prior, stopped their game and went into the courtyard, waiting for the arrival of the new year. Hearing the other families setting off firecrackers, Luo Qi also had the firecrackers in the courtyard lit.

“Pi Li Pa L—”

Du Xiao Li covered her ears and stood together with Du Xiu Heng and Luo Qi, watching the firecracker emit sparks, lighting up the night. Her first year here has finally pa.s.sed.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the capital city, the mourning bell in the palace sounded. A sharp voice mournfully shouted, “His Majesty has pa.s.sed—–”

This year, for Feng Ming, should be the most cheerless year. Because the emperor pa.s.sed away, the entire country halted all entertainment activity. Everyone all observed a period of mourning for the emperor.

However, this didn’t have any affect towards the remote little mountain village’s Du Xiao Li. She still ate and drank whenever she wanted, practiced martial arts when she should, and when she was free, go visit the winery. When the tangerine tree germinated, she began tidying the tangerine tree’s soft shoots.

T/N: There’s two more sponsored chapters left in the queue so I’ll try to finish both tomorrow, too sleepy right now.

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Our Family’s Daughter Has Grown Up (8)

T/N: Chapter sponsored by Innovare, K. Samel, and Eva! Thank you for supporting!

She circled around the tangerine orchard and had those excess shoots and those shoots that grew too long all cut, so as to avoid the branches from growing too lush and stealing the nutrients from the fruits.

“Li girl—–”

Just when Du Xiao Li was working in the tangerine orchard, Li Ming Fu came to the foot of the mountain and called out towards her at the waist of the mountain.

“Village chief.” Du Xiao Li came down the mountain and asked with a smile, “Village chief, do you need me for something?”

“It’s like this, I heard you and the Li family opened a fruit wine winery.” The village chief said.

Du Xiao Li thought for a moment, Li Ming Fu can also be considered the county magistrate’s relative. Actually, speaking of this, he just had some connections to the Li family, thus him knowing this matter wasn’t that strange either.

“Yes.” Du Xiao Li didn’t avoid either and batted her eyes at Li Ming Fu, saying: “Village chief needs to keep the secret for me!”

“Haha, okay okay.” Li Ming Fu was amused by Du Xiao Li’s appearance and said, “I definitely won’t tell others. Li girl, I heard that winery specifically uses fruits as the raw ingredient, is this true?”

Du Xiao Li nodded.

“You see how behind our Du village is just a bunch of mountains. If even this tangerine of yours can be planted on the mountains, then other fruits can also be planted on the mountains, right? I plan on opening up that area for development to plant fruits.” Li Ming Fu said.

Listening to here, Du Xiao Li roughly guessed Li Ming Fu’s meaning. He probably wants to let her have the winery purchase these fruits.

As expected—-

“Li girl, say, if that piece of mountain is opened up to plant fruit trees, can your winery make the purchase?”

Du Xiao Li considered for a moment and said, “This isn’t impossible. I’ll just have to tell Madam Li. However, if village chief wants to plant fruit trees, you can only plant the kinds I mentioned, else it won’t work.”

Not all fruits they will purchase. The fruit wine made from some fruits weren’t ideal. This kind of fruit wine they will still abandon.

“Alright, that’s not a problem!” Li Ming Fu slapped his thigh and said with a smile, “What kinds are good to plant?”

“En, the best is to plant grapes, however grapes, I still haven’t been able to breed in ma.s.s. Additionally, you can also plant some of my tangerine trees. These two kinds both don’t exist in the outside. The demand for grapes is high and furthermore, only I have the sprouts. But, if we’re the only ones planting, we can still guarantee for it to be able to sell for a good price. But this sapling isn’t easy to breed. If we really want to do this, it’ll probably have to wait until the end of this year.”

“En, end of the year is fine. This mountain has lie wasted for a long time anyways, a few more months won’t make a difference. During this time, I can go ask if anyone’s interested in buying a mountain to grow fruits.” Li Ming Fu said.

Du Xiao Li had to say, Li Ming Fu was a good village chief and also a village chief with farsightedness, able to sense a business opportunity from Li Xue Qing’s fruit wine that just hit the market. He didn’t have the intentions to monopolize either, rather letting the entire village develop economically. This bit made her admire him.

But although Li Ming Fu’s idea was good, not that many responded to him. Everyone has always all lived self-sufficiently. And now, suddenly saying they want to build some orchard economy made a lot of people all unable to comprehend. That’s why, this news went out for a few months, yet still not many people came to respond.

Du Xiao Li went and enlightened Shi Da, Shi Er, and Du Ping in advance, letting them go to the village chief to sign up to buy a mountain. In the future, they’ll definitely profit. Even if when the time comes, the winery is gone, these fruits can still be taken to the county seat to sell. Especially the grapes and tangerines that she let them plant. In the future, they’ll definitely be best selling fruits.

Shi Er originally was still somewhat hesitant, but Du Xiao Li’s explanation let him make up his mind. And together with Shi Da, one after the other, headed to Li Ming Fu’s place and bought a mountain.

Du Ping originally didn’t want to buy a mountain either. After all, he had his own fields, and fifty taels of silver isn’t a small amount either. His own two sons also need to prepare to take a bride in a few years, so this money was very much tight.

After Du Xiao Li heard the news from the village chief, she went to Du Ping’s house and told him about the fruit tree’s profits, letting him make long-term plans for the future. In the end, Du Ping, under Du Xiao Li’s persuasion, went to Li Ming Fu’s place and bought a mountain.

(T/N: In my head I won’t everyone in the village to get richer than that eldest uncle’s family.)

This year, for Du Xiao Li, appeared much more peaceful. Perhaps because Han Ming Yi and them left, and Luo Qi also left after her birthday.

When Luo Qi left, he left the secret books with Du Xiao Li, repeatedly warning her, before mastering, to never expose her sound wave technique. In addition, as he was leaving, he left behind several thousand taels of silver. Du Xiao Li clearly remembered that he didn’t have this much money. But thinking about it afterwards, it was probably brought back when he’d left in the middle.

(T/N: I swear she’s just getting rich from all these rich kids leaving behind their money.)

As soon as the fruit wine started selling, it was already selling very well. Aside from having new fruits maturing and need Du Xiao Li to go teach those people, all other times, she stayed in her little mountain village growing her grapes and tangerines.

When the grapes matured, Du Xiao Li saved some for herself to eat, afterwards took the rest to the winery to make into grape wine. Because it was similar to the red wine from the western regions, the texture was good, and moreover the amount was limited, one jar of grape wine sold for the high price of a hundred taels, hearing that in the end, the price rose to two hundred taels a jar.

When Du Xiao Li heard this, she happily laughed. The more expensive this fruit wine sells for, the more money she will get.

Later, Du Xiao Li had the grape saplings she she bred cheaply sold to Shi Da, Shi Er, and Du Ping. Originally, she didn’t intend on receiving their money, but Shi Da and them insisted on giving. Thus, she finally took some for the sake of it. Afterwards, she explained to them some things they need to pay attention to. Everyone were all farmers in Du village, so when it came to planting grapes, they also understood immediately.

When the tangerines matured, Du Xiao Li had a portion sold to Li Xue Mei, and a portion sold to the winery to make fruit wine. In addition to the profit share from the winery, this year she’s made quite a bit of money.

Another year pa.s.sed, and by the time the grapes matured, Du Shi and the others’ mountains were all filled with grapes. When Li Xue Qing saw the few mountains of grapes, she was unable to conceal her happiness. The other villagers, seeing Da Shi and them making that much money, also successively went to go find Li Ming Fu.

In this year, Du Xiao Li also opened her own restaurant in the county seat. However, that wasn’t on her own either, the same as the winery, she found someone to partner up with. She provided a portion of capital and also quite a few delicious recipes, and the rest was all taken care of by the other party.

(T/N: Tbh making money through business investments is a pretty legit business model. This is almost like stocks but in ancient times.)

When it was time to split the profits at the end of the year, Li Xue Qing said this year someone had caused some trouble, and they spent quite a bit of money to have the matter settled. That’s why, the profit share was a little lesser than antic.i.p.ated. However, this was also many times more than last year’s profit share.

When Du Xiao Li heard Li Xue Qing mention this matter, she wasn’t surprised, only feeling that this was something expected. With the fruit wines selling this well, certainly there will be people that were jealous, so it wasn’t strange for something to have happened. However, these were all taken care of by Li Xue Qing. This was also why Du Xiao Li was willing to work with them in the beginning.

After Li Xue Qing left, Du Xiao Li said to Silver who was in the courtyard, “Silver, let’s go stroll around the mountain, see if you can still keep up with me now.”

With that said, Du Xiao Li flew to the roof with the tap of her foot. Afterwards, she provocatively smiled at Silver and flew towards the mountain. Silver immediately bolted out of the courtyard and chased after Du Xiao Li’s figure towards the mountains, calling out as he ran.


Du Xiao Li thought that this kind of satisfying countryside life would continue all the way until Du Xiu Heng goes to the capital to partic.i.p.ate in the imperial exam. Yet unexpectedly, a few years later, a sudden visit from a luxurious horse carriage shattered her peace……

T/N: This concludes the first arc of the novel! I never thought back when I first started translating this series back in January of this year, it would progress this far this fast. Thank you to all the many sponsors that fueled me with caffeine, allowing me to continue translating at the rate of my aggressive typing speed. Although I did lose a lot of sleep over this, I am still quite proud of my progress, despite also stimultaneously translating two other series, which one I haven’t been able to release yet ;;v;; Anyways next chapter is the start of the second arc, thank you for reading~

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