Parasite King

Book 1: Chapter 21 – New “Friends” (part 2)

Final part of chapter 21

With his new found knowledge, Jonah tried to put it into practice. His next experiment had been with a Level 4 Lizard Dog. With the experience gained from Alpha, Jonah felt more comfortable in what he was doing. Unfortunately, like the other lower level monster he'd attempted before, the creature had exploded in a gory mesh before he even managed to form the "contract".

He didn't let that stop him, however. Time dragged on slowly as Jonah moved from portal to portal, attempting to further refine his method. The portal continued to spit out stronger and more varied Titanspawn until Jonah stumbled on his next clue. The creature had been one of the common "Lizard Dogs" as he'd come to call them, however it was the first over level 5 he'd seen since the swarm when the portals had first formed.

Jonah knew immediately that something was wrong.

Race: Malformed Hound - Titanspawn 
: 6/20
Class: Minion
Rank: E !@#!%
Affinity: Life/Darkness
Affiliation: Sa#$@&&%(@
Contractor: ----------

["EERRRORR: SySteM ImpRiNT CooooRupPTEd"]

A Lesser Elemental of the San#!@3 #ourt, given form by the Mana of a Titan.
Elementals from the SSDAA%5234ines aourt, the Plane of Flesh, $#@$en used as foot soldiers and disposable meat shields (literally) by most powSDQ423WD e 100,000 Galaxies. Their fierce, b@#@!% ap cost of summoning, aSAsrsr)($@(&#$(&@()% )(@# %_#$_)*@ _ lives.

rfs#$@$ a are$@#$ @#$@# $3 @#4 35%3.

This particular specimeASdda n warped and twisted by a damaged Spawning Portal, leaving it but a shadow if what it could be.

Health: 587/??? Mana: 5/???





N/A? N/A? N/A N/A?

Where Alpha's bond was stable and continuous, almost to the point that he would forget about it if he wasn't paying attention, this new contract felt...frayed. Or maybe crooked was a better term? It's mana would flicker and pulse, as if unable to setting into its new mold, while the creature itself seemed to be in constant pain.

It continued to writhe and scream in time with the contract's "pulsing" for nearly 10 minutes before Jonah had Alpha put it out of its misery, from a safe distance. He didn't understand what had gone wrong; up until the contract's formation everything had seemed to be going well. What was different this time? What had he missed?

A Week and dozens of experiments later, Jonah finally had his answer.

In front of him stood another "lizard Dog", but unlike the others, this one seemed more... complete. Stronger, bigger, healthier (comparatively, at least). While it was still mangy and disgusting to look at, it no longer looked like some tortured science project. It sat on its haunches, and gave Jonah a strangely dog like tilt of the head, as if asking what he was staring at.

Race: Mutated Hound - Titanspawn 
: 5/25
Class: Minion
Rank: D
Affinity: Life/Darkness
Affiliation: Sanguine Court [Blood Hall]
Contractor: Jonah Hilannd

["DON'T YOU DARE RETREAT! THEY'RE JUST STUPID D--&$&!J@JD *gurgle*" - Last words of an Unknown General]

A Lesser Elemental of the Sanguine Court, given form by the Mana of a Titan.
Elementals from the Sanguine Court, the Plane of Flesh, are often used as foot soldiers and disposable meat shields (literally) by most powers of the 100,000 Galaxies. Their fierce, bloodthirsty nature, cheap cost of summoning, and immortal nature make them the perfect proxy soldiers in wars where numbers matter, or places that are too dangerous for more important lives.

Blood Hounds are the Vampiric shock troopers of the Sanguine Legion. While they are by far the most numerous and cheap of the Flesh Elementals, don't let this fool you. Blood Hounds are one of the most feared elementals in the 100,000 Galaxies. It is said that a pack of Blood Hound will chase their target for an Eternity and drain them (and anyone nearby) to the very last drop. Their heightened senses and exceptional teamwork makes them both perfect scouts and the best choice for Wave tactics.

The use of large scale Blood Hound waves has been labeled a War Crime by the Treaty of Draitia, after over 2,000,000,000 Blood Hounds were unleashed on the newly integrated colony planet of Draitia. Before System intervention could take effect, 95% of all life on the planet had been wiped out.

This particular specimen has been warped and twisted by a damaged Spawning Portal, leaving it but a shadow of what it could be.

Health: 600/600 Mana:125/150

~ Class Skills ~

~ Basic Skill ~

~ Crafting Skills ~

~ Special Skills ~

[Pack Hunter] - lvl 3
[Life Sense] - lvl 10
[Life Absorb] - lvl 6

[Life Immunity] - MAX
[Greater Darkness Resistance] - lvl MAX

[Contracted]- Lvl 1

Jonah could feel the cold sweat run down his back. What if the Titan hadn't been in such a rush to stop them, and formed the Elementals properly? What if they'd not thought to stay behind and the things had gotten out? They say foresight is 20/20, but this simply reinforced in Jonah's mind just how much he (and the rest of the World) still had to learn about their new reality. How many other things were still out there, waiting in the darkness for them to drop their guard? To get complacent and content with their strength?

More than Jonah was comfortable with, he didn't doubt (of course that being 0).

Going with the theme he started with Alpha, Jonah decided to name is new doggo Beta. Strangely enough, even after being named, Beta didn't gain a skill like Alpha had. There was meaning to that, Jonah knew. But what, only time would tell.

Even still, Beta's connection gave him the last piece to the puzzle that he needed. When compared to the last creature, what he assumed was another "Blood Hound", Beta's connection was much stronger and more stable, even considering it's lower level than the last.

It seemed that It wasn't JUST the level that played a factor when forming a contract. The "Rank" of the creature was important too. It made sense; Beta was far more "complete" and better formed than the last creature. Even if its overall "level" was lower, its stronger and more stable body made all the difference. That begged the question of what exactly levels and ranks were.

Returning to the present, Jonah named his new bony minion Gamma and set it off towards the portals with Alpha and Beta. They would spend their time gaining levels by taking out the lower level creatures that Jonah couldn't attune. At least for now. 

As for Jonah, it was time he turned his attention to the next phase of his plans. After limbering up, he turned his attention to the half completed "Fortress" sticking out of the open wound formed when the burned slab fell.


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