People are in Douluo, and they are struck by lightning at the beginning.

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

In the afternoon, at the foot of the mountain.

With a snap, Yang Yunhai, who was carrying vines on his back and hanging down the mountain wall, landed on his toes.

"Here, I've already tied it firmly." He raised his hand and handed the fixed safety rope to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Thank you." The latter took the rope and tied it around his waist, turned to face the mountain wall, and began to reach out to climb the rock wall.

"It's time for me to start." Seeing Zhu Zhuqing climbing, Yang Yunhai turned his head and walked towards the other side of the mountain wall.When approaching, move back to a distance of five meters, lift your right hand, the middle finger and index finger meet, and the soul power surges, and the fingertips are filled with lightning arcs.

"Discharge!" With a light flick, the thick arc of the finger shot out instantly, and hit the rock wall in front with a bang, leaving a black mark.

The next moment, the five fingers spread out, and the arc of lightning spread across the fingertips again.As time went by, a thumb-sized, golden lightning flashing continuously formed on the palm of his hand.From a distance, it looks like a thunder ball interwoven with thunder nets.

After a few breaths, Yang Yunhai frowned slightly, and threw it with his hands, "Boom!" A bright roar resounded above the rock wall.

"The control is still a bit weak, and it can't be compressed too much." Yang Yunhai pondered, then shook his head, and turned to walk towards the lush blue silver grass area.

Sitting cross-legged on the spot, he summoned his martial soul, activated his soul power, and the vines rose up.

Weaving, twisting, and stretching, gradually, a thick serpentine vine with a tapered head and barbs all over the body spiraled into shape.Afterwards, it swam behind Yang Yunhai's left shoulder as if alive.

Keep turning your head, circling, and making impact movements.

Half an hour later, another snake head floated up behind the right shoulder.

"It's a pity that the mental strength is not enough, and the control ability is also a bit weak. Otherwise, the ability of the martial soul to store energy may be further used, so that the vine snake can truly become a helper that can fight independently." Opening his eyes, he raised his eyes and glanced at the sides, and couldn't help sigh.

Time flies, an hour passes quickly, there is a bang, and there is a soft landing sound in the distance.

Yang Yunhai turned his head to look, and frowned suddenly.

Zhu Zhuqing had already landed on the ground, Jiao Hao bowed her body slightly, her right wrist pressed against the stone wall to support her body, her left hand naturally drooped, trembling unconsciously along with her legs.

From a distance, the palms of both hands are blood-colored, the ears and temples are wet, and salt stains can be vaguely seen around the ears and neck.

So hard. Yang Yunhai got up quickly, and bounced a few times to Zhu Zhuqing's side to stabilize his shoulders.

"I'm fine, just take a rest." Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth and said lightly.

"Hands are bleeding and blisters, and they said it's okay." Yang Yunhai shook his head, mobilizing soul power to slowly inject into his body.

While injecting soul power, he said, "Your body is in a state of exhaustion now, and you cannot sit down and rest for the time being. I will use soul power to heal your injuries and relieve your muscles by the way, and then I will help you to walk around, and then carry you back to the wooden house rest."

"Thank you." Zhu Zhuqing said concisely.

"Small idea." Yang Yunhai smiled, and began to focus on injecting soul power.

Not long after, he withdrew his hand, supported Zhu Zhuqing and walked towards the wooden house, when he was almost ready to go, he bent down, hugged Zhu Zhuqing by the waist, and ran quickly to the wooden house.

During the process, Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, but lowered his head slightly, resting his head on Yang Yunhai's shoulder.

After a while, when he returned to the wooden house, Yang Yunhai put Zhu Zhuqing in the chair and sat down.

"You sit and rest for a while, rub the parts that are still sore with your hands, and then boil water for you to take a bath when I come back."

"En." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head lightly, watching Yang Yunhai walk out of the wooden house.

Not long after, the muscles eased a little, and he stood up and staggered to the window.Looking around, Yang Yunhai was wearing short sleeves, holding a nearly three-meter-long single-person hugging log in the distance, standing up and squatting down in the distance, looking very organized.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhuqing bit his lips unconsciously.

Become stronger, keep getting stronger, so strong that she can ignore the fate imposed on her by those people, this is the reason she has been working hard.But now, it seems that she is not working hard enough.The gap with Yang Yunhai seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

Thinking of this, he could not help clenching his slightly drooping hands, and his eyes became more determined.

Half an hour later, with a creak, the half-hidden door was pushed open, and Yang Yunhai strode in.

Looking around, Zhu Zhuqing was not in the living room, so he couldn't help but look towards the room.Through the half-closed door, one could clearly see that Zhu Zhuqing was sitting on the bed and practicing with his eyes closed.

Smiling slightly, Yang Yunhai turned around and walked towards the kitchen without interrupting.

While cooking rice on a fire, put a pot to boil water.

Two quarters of an hour later, he came to Zhu Zhuqing's room with two large buckets of hot water and knocked on the door.

"Zhuqing, the hot water is ready, I'll carry it in for you and pour it into the bathtub in the bathroom."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was sitting on the bed practicing, opened his eyes only now, and while propping up his body, he replied softly: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay." Yang Yunhai pushed open the door, carried hot water into the room and walked to the bathroom.

In the wooden house that the three education commissioners helped him build, there was a well in the bathroom of each room, which could be used to pump water directly.It is because of the conditions that it cannot automatically burn hot water.You need to burn it yourself, then carry it into the house and pour cold water into the bathtub to adjust the temperature.

Adjusting the temperature depends on the fitness of the individual, so he is not going to help.

After a while, Yang Yunhai walked out of the room with an empty wooden bucket, went back to the kitchen, and brought two buckets back to his room.After taking a comfortable hot shower, I changed my clothes and went back to the kitchen again.Serve the meals while they are still hot and place them on the dining table in the living room.

Not long after, Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing a black loose nightgown and could not conceal his protruding figure, stepped out in small steps.

After dinner quietly, the two went back to their rooms to practice.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the two got up early, and after eating the breakfast made by Yang Yunhai, they jogged towards the training ground together.After the training in the morning was over, we returned to the cabin together.After lunch and a little rest, start a new round of training in the afternoon.

The difference is that after getting used to it on the first day, Zhu Zhuqing on the second day was no longer as embarrassed as he was yesterday.

Although he still had blood blisters on his hands, after Yang Yunhai helped heal his body, his body was no longer as exhausted as it was on the first day.After returning to the wooden house for simple repairs, he practiced for a while and took the initiative to take charge of the work of boiling water and cooking, so that Yang Yunhai could take a hot bath as soon as he entered the house.Of course, Yang Yunhai cooks the dishes.Regarding his own cooking skills, Zhu Zhuqing is very self-aware, so he can only learn first.

So, when Yang Yunhai was cooking, Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to take over as an assistant.

Time passed day by day like this, and a week passed quickly.

"I haven't seen grandpa for many days, Tianheng, my grandpa should return to Tiandou City's residence today. So, I am going to accompany grandpa in the afternoon, do you want to go with me?" After the training in the morning, Dugu Yan turned He looked at Yu Tianheng.

"I'll forget it." Yu Tianheng instinctively shrank his neck.

"Is my grandpa really that scary?" Dugu Yan raised his mouth, showing an expression of displeasure.

"Meeting the parents is indeed an extremely terrifying thing, more tiring than practicing!" Oslo helped to smooth things over with loyalty.

"." Dugu Yan immediately gave him a blank look, but he didn't say anything to refute.

Yang Yunhai shook his head, didn't say anything, he reached out his hand to greet other teammates, and left the field with Zhu Zhuqing.

Half an hour later, a mansion in Tiandou City.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Dugu Yan walked in with cheerful steps.

"How is it? Has anything interesting happened in the academy during this period?" After the meeting, Dugu Bo started his usual speech.

During this period of time, he has been staying in his secret medicine garden, but he knows nothing about Tiandou City.

"There is something." Dugu Yan slightly nodded, "Our team has a very powerful control system soul master."

After training together for many days, she has to admit that Yang Yunhai's martial soul control ability is really powerful, and his personal combat power is also a bit off the charts, enough to easily hang up and fight any member of their team without even having the opportunity to return the phone kind of.

"Oh?" Dugu Bo frowned, "How powerful is it?"

To be so praised by his proud granddaughter, in his opinion, there should be two brushes.

"His name is Yang Yunhai, this year." Dugu Yan immediately began to tell.

"The skin is like ink, and the texture is like jade. I'll go, isn't there one in my medicine garden?" Hearing Dugu Yan finish the description of the appearance of the bamboo shoots, Dugu Bo was startled.But after listening to Yang Yunhai's speculation, his heart sank again.

He had to admit that there was some truth to it.The older he lived, the more he cherished his life, he really didn't dare to eat indiscriminately.

Having a treasure in hand is not suitable for him. At this moment, Dugu Bo only feels that his mood is worse than eating shit.

At the same time, he secretly sighed Yang Yunhai's good luck.

The appearance described is basically the same as the one in his own medicine garden, which is enough to prove that Yang Yunhai is telling the truth.After all, how could a commoner soul master know such rare treasures, unless it was really an accidental encounter.

"What a lucky child." In the end, Dugu Bo could only make such an evaluation.

"However, such a person is really worth making friends with. This kid is not only hardworking, but also has a powerful and unconstrained thinking, which is different from ordinary people. Communicating with this kind of person will also benefit you in your usual martial arts cultivation." Looking at his granddaughter, he said with a smile on his face.

To be honest, it was the first time he had heard that he could play the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun so well.

Dugu Yan immediately rolled his eyes, "I know, Grandpa."

"Besides, there is one more thing." Dugu Yan said again, "once in the living room of the dormitory," he even told Yang Yunhai that he had sensed his wrist with his martial soul and asked him for poison, and then asked, "Grandpa, what do you want?" Say, did he sense something?"

"He is a brat who doesn't even recognize herbs, what can he understand?" Dugu Bo's first feeling was disbelief.

If Yang Yunhai, a little kid who has never studied medicine, can sense poisoning with just a casual touch of Wuhun, and later researches the method of taking drugs, then he, an old guy who has studied and used drugs for decades, wouldn't Learned from dogs?

"That's right." Dugu Yan nodded, then whispered, "To be honest, I kind of hope that kid can succeed in the experiment."

"." Dugu Bo suddenly fell into silence, thinking of the pain his granddaughter had endured for many years, he couldn't help but feel sad inside, but smiled on his face.

"Then wait until that kid's experiment is successful, and then tell grandpa, I'll go to that kid to try the effect."

"Forget it, I'll go if I want to go, let you go, don't scare others." Dugu Yan pouted.

"It's up to you." Dugu Bo said very casually, anyway, he didn't believe that the Lanyincao Wuhun could develop any ability to absorb drugs.

Soul-absorbing power is soul-absorbing power, and taking drugs is taking drugs. In his opinion, they are completely different things.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. It's hard to get together once, and we, the grandpa and grandson, will have a good meal tonight."

"No problem! I've already made an agreement with Qin Ming and Tianheng, I won't go back to the dormitory tonight."


PS: It is not easy to finally complete the daily transition of entering the academy.In the last chapter, I wrote that buns and soy milk were all harmonized. Hey, it seems that I still have to be an honest person.

(End of this chapter)

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