People are in Douluo, reincarnated for millions of years

Chapter 14: The Ancestral Token, do you think it is fake?

Chapter 14: The Ancestral Token, do you think it is fake?

"Where is the dagger?" Qian Yu asked with some confusion.

"Isn't this what it is?" Xiao Wu touched it instantly.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's face turned red...

After a short interlude, Qianyu and Xiaowu both got up.

Qianyu came to the office, and after asking for leave from the teacher, he rented a carriage and walked towards the Soul Hunting Forest.

Qian Yu did not take Xiao Wu with him. Although Qian Yu had many means to save his life, there would still be a lot of inconvenience if he took Xiao Wu with him.

Therefore, Qianyu left Xiaowu in the academy.

However, with Xiao Wu's strength, she can become the eldest sister in the academy.

Although Qianyu was only six years old, many people were willing to rent the carriage to him after he took out a golden soul coin.

He drove the carriage towards the Soul Hunting Forest.

Notting City is more than 400 miles away from the Soul Hunting Forest. The four hundred mile road is not long, but it is not short either. It was not until noon the next day that he arrived at the destination of the trip, the Soul Hunting Forest.

Arriving at the outskirts of the Soul Hunting Forest, it looked like a large market.

Because many people want to enter here to hunt soul beasts, and where there are people, there will be a market. Therefore, many people form teams here, or buy and sell items.

Outside the forest, a large number of houses, or shops, were built.Various shouts were heard one after another, and simple artificial paths were crisscrossed. The noisy atmosphere made Qian Yu even frown.

"There is a warrant to form a group to hunt and kill power-type soul beasts. There are still two people left."

"Hunting agile spirit beasts, seven people and other warrants. Ten gold soul coins."

Similar yells came and went, and most of the shops in the forest were selling weapons, armor and various food supplies.

Qianyu walked into the market calmly.

He didn't have anything to buy, and he didn't want to form a team, so he just left quietly.

However, when Qian Yu walked into the market, several pairs of eyes stared at him from behind.

"Have you seen that little boy?" A big man with bare arms sneered. There were tattoos on his arms.

"What's wrong?" asked another lean man.

"That little guy seems to be here alone." The big man sneered.

"Are you alone?" The lean man's eyes suddenly flashed.

"If a person can come to the Soul Hunting Forest, then his equipment must be good. It seems that we can do a good job!" The big man sneered.

"Yes, when he enters the Soul Hunting Forest, we will take action!"

The two men discussed that they were both members of the Yamaguchi mercenary group. Although they were said to be mercenary groups, they usually did some shameful things.

Now, how could they not be moved when they saw a fat sheep like Qian Yu entering the Soul Hunting Forest alone?

After all, when you enter the forest, who knows whether you will die in the hands of others or the hands of a spirit beast?

When Qian Yu passed through the market, he did feel a few pairs of eyes staring at him.

However, he didn't care at all.

Because, with his strength, unless the powerful Soul King comes to deal with him, he doesn't care about anyone under the Soul King.

However, how could there be a strong Soul King in such a small place?

Qianyu walked towards the forest.

The height of the trees shows their age. There is a huge steel fence around the forest, and a large number of spikes are exposed towards the side of the forest.The fence was more than ten meters high and looked extremely solid.

That's not to mention, outside the fence, a group of hundreds of soldiers was cruising there. These soldiers were all wearing refined iron full-body armor, holding long spears, and their military appearance was strict. The hundred steel warriors stood together, giving people a chilling feeling.

Qianyu came to the door.

At this time, the soldier guarding the gate looked at Qian Yu and said coldly: "Warrant!"

Qianyu asked calmly: "What warrant?"

"You came here, don't you even know the warrant? Not everyone can enter the captive soul hunting forest. Only soul masters who have obtained the warrant issued by Wuhun Palace can enter the soul hunting forest to hunt soul beasts."

The guard said coldly.

After hearing this, Qian Yu nodded and said, "In other words, does it only require the token from Wuhun Palace?"


The token of Wuhun Palace?

Qianyu looked for his storage space, and then saw a token appear in his hand.

This is the ancestral token of Wuhun Palace.

When Qianyu founded the Wuhun Palace, he issued an ancestor token, a pope token, and ten elder tokens.

As long as the tokens from the Spirit Hall can be used, then my own ancestor token should also be able to be used.

Qianyu took out the token.

On the token, three shapes were put together. In the center was a sharp sword with the tip pointing downward. To the left and right of the sword were a hammer and a monster that Qian Yu had never seen before.

However, unlike other black tokens, the token in Qianyu's hand was made of a very strange spar, and the token was sparkling.

And in the middle of the three patterns, there is a black begonia.

The guard saw the token and looked at the material of the token. It was definitely the best among the best, no matter which token it was, it was better.

However, this token was different from all the tokens he had ever seen.

The other patterns on this token all match, so why is there an extra black Begonia flower?

They know that the more patterns, the higher the position.

But now, the token in the child's hand seems to have two more patterns than the offering order.

How can this be?

Could it be that what this child is holding is a papal decree?

How can it be?

How could there be a papal decree in a place like this?

There is no need to think about it, this guy's token must be a forgery.

"Sorry, kid, your token is not real and you cannot enter the Soul Hunting Forest." The guard's voice sounded.

The guard looked at Qian Yu and didn't take Qian Yu into his eyes at all.

Qianyu looked at the guard with calm eyes and asked, "Why is my token not real?"

The guard smiled and said: "Kid, although your token has the symbol of Wuhun Palace, your symbol has more symbols than the symbol of the enshrined token. Are you trying to say that your token is Papal decree?”

Finished saying this.

Suddenly, only one person burst into laughter.

"Kid, you haven't been weaned yet, go home and nurse."

"Little guy, this Soul Hunting Forest is not a place for a kid like you!"

A sound rang out.

Qianyu was not angry, he was very calm. Through the guard's words, Qianyu could at least confirm one thing.

The symbol on his token is the same as the symbol on the current Wuhun Palace token.

In other words, the current Wuhun Palace is the same Wuhun Palace he established originally, but these guards are blind and cannot understand his token.

If his token were shown to the elders and the Pope of Wuhun Palace, they would definitely be extremely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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