People are in Marvel, and the system is working as a worker

Chapter 783

There was a small figure standing at the stairs on the second floor.Chi



"Robbie, what are you doing out here alone so late?" Melinda walked over slowly, for fear of scaring her son.


Robbie turned his back to the stairs and made a strange voice, "Mom, mom, do you love me?"

"Love, love very much." Melinda's voice was trembling, but she still leaned towards her son carefully.

Her tears flowed uncontrollably and silently, and she prayed in her heart: Qi

"Merciful Holy Father, I devoutly beg you not to punish my sins on my son. Please cleanse him with your precious blood. Please command the evil spirits in him to leave him. Please save him from all this. Suffering, Lord, give him grace.”

"Robbie" smiled creepily, "I love you very much. It's really, really good."

You can take care of it if you want.

"Who?" Asmo asked.

Cergerot, on the other hand, was elated, especially when the weak demon was killed by the protagonist.

Bad little goals...

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.Chi

"Yes." Rebecca tilted her head, "Are you going to ask?"

The small door of the house opened.

Come to the door.

"It does matter," Bailey said.

"He's looking for Mr. Duo?"

There are seven common types of work known to the guild:

Winches was determined, and finally told Bailey what he had experienced, and then stared at Bailey slightly relaxedly.Chi

"something wrong."

No shortcuts:


Asmo: "..."

The voice was calm and weak, which reassured Winches, "You're bad, Mr. Provost. My friend told you that you can handle some ordinary things."

The special police are here to help, we are in charge of that.

Asmo continued: "Sister Winches... you are here, why don't you talk about these 'normal' things. Maybe you can help." Qi

Asmo shook his head, "Sister Winches, 5000 Yan Bing is expensive. In fact, you are also short of money. Demon hunters are one of the safest professions in the world. Any action, even the highest-level mission, will not be successful." May face fatal safety. So..." "Bad Master."

"Oh, he'll wait a minute." Rebecca jumped to the living room, "Master Duo... no one is looking for him!"

Winches spoke with his head held high.

Winches guessed that the young man was not the "Master" the manservant called him.

"That's a replay," Cergerot said.

The person who opened the door was a man wearing a white footman's skirt. You stood sideways, your face filled with inexplicable joy.

Gritting his teeth, Winches opened his wallet in front of Asmo and poured out the steel.Chi

"No, of course there is no reason for the existence of an organization that has existed for tens of thousands of years. That's right..." Yan Bingfan said: "Don't expect the priests from Baisong Town. We are just familiar with the Bible and good at deceiving... well, we are just eloquent. .”

Hope gradually rose in Winches's heart, "What on earth is it?"

for the kids!

Bailey stood firm and asked: "Winches, even though you have been colleagues for a long time, you can talk to each other very well, right? Only when you treat him as a friend will you care about his personal affairs. He, yes, is nothing. It’s hard to explain, like if there’s no man in my husband or if I beat...him?”

"Furthermore, the church's exorcism procedures are very cumbersome. First, it needs to be reported to various levels, and then it must go through a tolerant medical examination to determine whether it is a mental illness. Finally, priests with the ability to exorcise demons can be dispatched from the headquarters or other places."

Log in to the official Witcher website.

Melinda burst out with unprecedented speed, crossing the distance between the two in an instant, and grabbed her son's hand before he fell down the stairs.Chi

Yan Bingfan couldn't help but hug Bailey and cried again.

Are you so depressed when your own kind is beaten to death?

Is he afraid he is a fake devil?

At this time, Melinda was five or six steps away from Robbie. Through the moonlight, she saw amusement in her son's eyes. He opened his arms and fell back!

"You, you... are Mr. Belost here?"

"Broister." Winches imprinted that last name deeply on his mind.

Winches nodded, then smiled bitterly, "We were wrong to think of you as a crazy man."

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins]...

"From his description, you can feel its or their cunning, but its tricks just show that it is still capable of directly harming him and his family. Everything it did after that was not to weaken the enemy. His will made him collapse, made him despair, and then took advantage of it."

He has a brave personality and low self-esteem, and has a crush on the school beauty.

"Forget it." Asmo stopped Rebecca, "You better ask."

What did Yan Bingfande do to smash up Kergerot’s kennel?Or have you taken advantage of Cergerot’s [Heart Dog]?


Doorbell rang.Chi

But for Winches, it was a big sum, especially since he had just spent all his money to buy a house.

Melinda, the demon representing [lust] in the minor sins, is also one of the seven lower pillars of King Solomon's 17 pillars of demons.In terms of strength and status, Hell's Eight-Headed Dog is far behind. How can the two intersect?

"Mrs. Winches, you have few questions that require him to answer truthfully."

"Your husband is starting a business, and it's going very well, but it's very hard. I'm a hesitant theist, and I think you're just hallucinating because you can't adapt to the new environment, so I want you to see a psychiatrist." Winches continued: " And it’s strange that as long as your husband is at home, everything is abnormal.”

Winches said he went to pick up Robbie from kindergarten before going to work, and then stayed in a hotel the night before.

Seeing that, Asmo was speechless.

Before Winches was convinced, Asmo quoted an amount.Chi

"Of course." Robbie puffed out his chest.

Investigator【Hound Boss】

"Yan Bingfan."

Bailey grabbed Yan Bingfan's hand and said, "Baileylin, he can't say anything to you, really."

Scavenger【Master Vulture】

"Mom, why are you crying? Why am I here?"

"Have you...absolutely not." Winches shook his head, "I'm afraid he'll laugh at you. You were so courageous once you got up and down, you must have a deep memory of it." Qi

"Please back."

"5000 Kate."

"He is bad, who can I ask?"

According to the guild's D-level standards.

Winches smiled bitterly, "Sometimes you also think that maybe you are just crazy."

Dare to love for the seventh time, no small enmity, no small grudges?

The protagonist did doubt the existence of the devil, but I told the old gentleman, I'm sorry, you want to be a special person.Chi


"Did you call the police?" Yan Bingfan asked.

"You are Winches Benjamin, and you are evil, Mr. Provost?"

Asmo's voice was very similar to the "Mr. Perloster" on the intercom, Winches was sure of it.

So a retro title?

It's bad, everyone has no ambition, that kind of thing is a bad thing.The problem is, if he wants to be the middle man and others are letting him, the devil will kill them all!

Yes, it's coming...Winches thought to himself.Chi

Women are weak, but mothers are strong.

Unexpectedly, Yan Bing hugged Yan Bingfan and said, "You must be very desperate after experiencing something like that."

Winches was not an ignorant man.You know that [-] times out of [-] so-called “professionals” are liars.

"Have you experienced similar incidents since you moved to Baipine Town?"


Robbie didn't know what was going on.

Men love beauty.It's just that few people rank "mother", "boy", "wife" and other identities after "man" in terms of life.Chi

Rebecca stood by the door, staring at the visual access control screen with curiosity.

So...who is this Borost with a calm voice?

"Not yet, be careful, we are about to turn around."

Melinda hugged Robbie tightly and sobbed.

The old gentleman left calmly.

Asmo sighed and said: "The church's exorcism is free, but for the first time, the fire that is far away is the fire that is close. The seventh time, 'the free thing is the most expensive', have you heard of that saying?"

The flowers and plants outside the yard are full of life, but it is obvious that no one is taking good care of them.Chi

The old gentleman appears again.

Therefore, after complaining that your yellow-faced woman is grooming, first ask if you are too tired, just like a wife asking her husband for being drunk, think about whether I am socializing for that family.

Before moving there, no one visited me for the first time.

Winches made up his mind to find a cheap hotel tomorrow. After the matter was resolved, he would be able to stay outside the house no matter what.

The husband also got up.He had a sullen face and said impatiently: "Melinda, what are you doing so late? I'll get off work tomorrow. If I can just relax for a day, I'm really annoyed by him."

Be a "special person" who is bullied every day?

After a while, Winches gradually became more intense and said in a bad way: "Sorry, Bailey."

"Logically speaking, if something like that happens, the first person to ask for help should be his family. In his description, his husband didn't appear... too many times."

The one who retired was Winches' colleague Bailey, a fat, middle-aged woman with a cold heart.

"What about the church? Compared to other professionals, special people trust the church more," Asmo said.


It's quite expensive.

Asmo shook his head and said:

"Yes. Mrs. Yan Bingfan, you assure him with your personal professionalism that he is crazy. There are indeed things happening outside his home that can be temporarily explained by science. That is your first judgment." Chi

"The least efficient in the church are the Inquisition and the Knights Templar. The main responsibility of the Knights Templar is to defend the church headquarters and protect the Pope, and the most important thing is to go out. The Inquisition... our goal is to eliminate it at all costs. Heretic. Do you understand that exorcism targets are rarely 'at all costs'?"

Bailey should think you are crazy...

Bailey said: "That is bad, but it is a long-term solution after all. In fact... none of your friends have experienced something like that. Come here..."

Winches was stunned, what the hell is Master Duo?

Yan Bingfan recounted his experience from beginning to end.You noticed that Asmo was listening very carefully.


As the intercom came out again, the iron door clicked open.Chi

On the night after his 18th birthday, a meticulously dressed old white female gentleman suddenly appeared.

"Is that so?"

Cergerot looked comfortable, "Last episode, it was the turn of the bastard Melinda."

[No.: TGW20020621-18-D, acceptance completed, task completed, reward paid. 】

Now that the protagonist's seal has been loosened, demons and ghosts who covet his talent are about to swarm in.

Then he was a white-haired young man.

Hearing the footsteps, Yan Bingfan stood up quickly, poured a handful of water under his face, and then wiped his face with a tissue.Chi

"Usually you call it 'weird' or 'well-intentioned entity'. As for the specific type, I'm sorry that you can't make a direct judgment from the complicated description, otherwise you will not be responsible."

Then he complained a few words about Yan Bingfan's husband, and finally asked Winches if he had any plans.

"I came here to find professionals to deal with it, and it was solved." Bailey approached Winches and said mysteriously: "The building in the west of the town with no interior and no ivy on the wall belongs to the Belost family. We are going to find your friend." professional'."


"Thank you, thank you." Winches knew that he must have looked too haggard.

A voice came from the intercom under the iron door: "You are Yan Bingfante."

I can only try it...

Asmo was stunned, "How did he know?"

It looks like it's going up...

There was no man in a long skirt outside the screen. He was in his early eighties, exuding a haggard look that could be felt through the screen.

"How about coming?" Winches said slowly.

"Yes!" Rebecca clenched her fist hard, "You will work hard to become a qualified valet!"

I counted it, and found a total of 3 Shaoket.

It must be that this "Mr. Perloster" is too old.Chi

The gentleman told the protagonist that my father was a small demon hunter and wanted his son to be a special person, so he sealed the protagonist's talent and gave it to his sister-in-law to raise.


After listening to her husband's complaints, Winches, who originally wanted to make a fuss, looked at her husband with disappointment, then carried Robbie back to the children's room, "Mom was so scared that she cried. Can your warrior protect mom?"

Next, Asmo was wandering around the mission area while watching TV series with Gouzi.

"Is something wrong?"

You need an outlet so much.

"It's okay...thank you, Bailey." Qi

Before dinner, Asmo sat under the sofa and turned on the computer.

Messenger [Mr. Raven]

"You're bad, you are Asmo Belost."

Ding dong.

The existence of Madam Owl is even more mysterious than that of Elizabeth.

"Yes, yes, yes." Winches waved his hands repeatedly, "Your husband is very bad, but something happened to him. You know who to talk to."

"The Church... your husband hates the Church very, very, very much, and he knows why." Winches used eight "very" words, "You secretly wore a cross and hid several broken idols. But... it's useless to ask for help from the Church. "?" Qi

"That's right." Asmo looked at Winches with encouraging eyes, "Mrs. Winches, as long as his will is weak enough, it will be strong."


Operator [Sister Elizabeth]

The protagonist in the play is a low-school student who is in the nerd camp and is the target of bullying.

"He must be referring to the 'Mr. Belost' who talked to him later, so yes." Asmo guessed what Winches was thinking, maybe it was something like "too old", that kind of thing This happened once or twice, I'm familiar with it.

"Do not!!!"

"Uh..." Qi

The protagonist appears in the letter, warning the gentleman to call the police if he leaves again.

"Eight-flowered tea is a drink made of honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, and jasmine. It is refreshing and detoxifying, allowing for meditation." Asmo explained the eight-flowered tea to Winches.

"Rebecca, make two cups of eight-flower tea."

Acceptance Officer [Mrs. Owl].

"General things..." Asmo pondered for a moment, looking for something to do when he was idle.

On the seventh day of his birthday, the protagonist is attacked by a big demon.At the critical moment, the protagonist's talent awakens and he fights back at the critical moment.

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