People are live-streaming Q&A at Zongwu, a large-scale social death scene

Chapter 10

Seeing the five people's choices, the live broadcast room was filled with comments.

【Thief Chu Liuxiang: It's interesting. There were five test takers, but there were four answers. There was a candidate for each option.】

【Amorous Young Man Hou Xibai: I am very curious, what is the correct answer to this question?】

【Fei Bin of Songshan Sect: Of course I have to choose A! Those two villains who peeked at the treasure book at Huashan are despicable and immoral. They have brought shame to the Five Mountains Sword Sects. They will definitely refuse to admit it!】

【Ning Zhongze of the Huashan Sect: Brother Fei, you are judging others by your own standards. Although my Huashan senior has made mistakes, he is definitely able to correct them.】

【Ding Mian of Songshan Sect: The one who peeked at the treasure book turned out to be a gentleman? Sect Leader Yue is nicknamed"Gentleman Sword", is he also this kind of gentleman?】

【Yin Gui Sect Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan: Okay, stop arguing! Monks from Putian Shaolin Temple, please come out and tell us what happened to Monk Du Yuan?】

【Zhong Zhen of Songshan Sect: Humph, you want us to shut up if you ask us not to talk? Who do you think you are?】

【Yin Gui Sect Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan: I am indeed nothing, just that Sunflower Patriarch, I have to use one hand to kill him】

【Cheng Shifei: 〣(oΔo)〣One hand can kill the Sunflower Ancestor, it’s so terrifying!】

【Yang Guo: It’s so terrifying!】

【Zhong Zhen of Songshan School: Humph, so what?……】

【Five Mountains Alliance leader Zuo Lengchan: Junior Brother Zhong, shut up!】

【Zuo Lengchan, leader of the Five Mountains, @Zhu Yuyan, the Yin Queen of the Yin Gui Sect: My junior brother is outspoken and has offended the Yin Queen. I hope that the Yin Queen will be magnanimous and not argue with him.】


Songshan School.

Nine-curved sword Zhong Zhen looked at Zuo Lengchan in confusion, and asked doubtfully:"Brother Zuo, even if that woman is powerful, she is not in the same state as us, so why should we be afraid of her?"

Zuo Lengchan frowned and asked in return:"Do you remember what the guy named Ye Luochuan said before?"

Zhong Zhen was stunned when he heard that, and thought about it carefully, and said:"Brother Zuo, are you saying that the immortal who created this live quiz game will bring together the states of the martial world that have been divided for two hundred years?" Zuo Lengchan nodded.

Zhong Zhen sneered and said:"That was just a joke by a pretty boy to scare Tian Boguang, how can you take it seriously?"

Zuo Lengchan's face did not have a smile, and said:"But what if it is true?"

Zhong Zhen:"……"

Zuo Lengchan sighed and said,"Maybe the immortal didn't have this idea at first, but after hearing that sentence, he suddenly had it?"

"Also, this live quiz game came suddenly and without any warning, just like the split two hundred years ago. Who knows if it will bring about an even greater change in the world?"

"The game has just begun and it has already caused a lot of trouble. Who knows if it won’t cause even bigger troubles later?"

"Think twice before you act"

"Don't speak without restraint to people you can't afford to offend just to get a little pleasure."

"Otherwise, if what the man surnamed Ye said came true, wouldn't our Songshan Sect be in tatters?"

Zuo Lengchan's words made Zhong Zhen sweat coldly.

He no longer dared to refute and nodded in agreement.


While Zuo Lengchan was admonishing Zhong Zhen, the live broadcast room was still discussing.

Lian Xing first looked at the choices of others, then glanced at the barrage, and then smiled at Ye Luochuan:"Mr. Ye and I chose the same thing."

Ye Luochuan smiled and said:"This is called wise men think alike."

Tian Boguang sneered and said disdainfully:"The answer has not been announced yet, and you are bragging here! It's ridiculous!"

Ye Luochuan said indifferently:"Brother Lecher enjoys picking flowers. Be careful not to answer the questions wrong, or you will be castrated."


Hearing these two words, Tian Boguang and Long Xiaoyun, who was about to express his opinion, both stopped breathing.

A hint of panic and fear flashed in the slightly shrunken pupils.

These two words have infinite deterrent power on men.

No way?

There won't be such a punishment in the live broadcast room, right?

The two swallowed their saliva, their hearts were pounding


At this moment, the sand in the funnel fell out.

Time is up!

The emotionless voice in the live broadcast room sounded again.

【The answering time is over】

【Correct answer: D]

After the voice fell, the originally frozen picture was played again.

Inside and outside the live broadcast room, everyone gathered and watched carefully.

Seeing that Monk Du Yuan had reached Huashan, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng treated him with respect and admitted that they had privately read the"Sunflower Manual".

At the same time, while expressing their deep apologies, they asked Monk Du Yuan for advice on the martial arts contained in the scriptures.

Little did they know that although Monk Du Yuan was the proud disciple of Master Hongye, the martial arts in the"Sunflower Manual" had not been taught.

At that time, Monk Du Yuan did not point it out, but listened to them reciting the scriptures and explained them casually, but he secretly remembered them in his heart.

Monk Du Yuan's martial arts were extremely brilliant, and he was also a very witty person. When he heard a sentence of the scriptures, he casually interpreted a few sentences, and he actually said it very clearly.

However, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng had not remembered much, and after such a retelling, it was inevitable that it was discounted.

Monk Du Yuan stayed on Huashan for eight days before saying goodbye.

After leaving Huashan, Monk Du Yuan combined the contents of the treasure book with his own understanding and created the"Evil-Defeating Sword Technique", which he wrote on his cassock.

Then, Zen Master Hongye received a letter from Monk Du Yuan, saying that he could not suppress his worldly desires and was determined to return to secular life. He had no face to see his master again.

Zen Master Hongye respected Monk Du Yuan's choice and let him go.

At the same time, the voice-over joined

【After returning to secular life, Monk Du Yuan restored his surname to"Lin" and reversed his Buddhist name to"Yuan Tu"."】

【After that, Lin Yuantu relied on the 72 moves of"Exorcism Sword Technique", the 108 moves of"Turning Sky Palm", and the 18"Silver Feather Arrows" to fight all over the world of both black and white.】

【In the end, Lin Yuantu established the world-famous Fuwei Escort Agency with his strength.】

【The Fuwei Escort Agency was famous far and wide. In the six coastal provinces, the escort vehicles only needed to put up the escort flag with the words"Fuwei Escort Agency" and the escort drivers only needed to shout out the escort code"Fuwei Ping An". No matter how powerful the underworld heroes were, they would not dare to look directly at the escort vehicles.】

【While running the escort agency, Lin Yuantu followed the teachings of Zen Master Hongye, acted chivalrously and helped others in need. Although he was not a Buddhist, he did Buddhist things.

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