People are sailing: Invited by Sister Zhou to go to sea

Chapter 197

Chapter 0197 - The Dumb Bride Pirate Group Joins the!!

Just in the effort to change the executioner, Whitebeard led his pirates to rush to a place not far from the execution platform, as long as they are advancing a little to reach the execution platform, at this moment, the three red dogs standing on the high platform can not sit still, if they really let Whitebeard lead his pirate group to save Marko, then the face of their navy will really be lost, and this public execution will really become a joke.

"It seems that you can only shoot~"

"The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard~"

"It's really scary~"

I saw that after the yellow ape teased unhurriedly, the whole person instantly turned into countless golden lights and disappeared in place, and the red dog and the green pheasant were not to be outdone, jumped up, and quickly rushed towards the white beard, "Eight-foot qionggou jade!! "

At this time, the yellow ape had come to the sky above Whitebeard, looking at the whitebeard below who was killing in all directions, the yellow ape's hands instantly bloomed with dazzling light, and countless lasers containing terrifying energy shot towards Whitebeard, "Cut!" "

"It's not even close!"

In the face of the overwhelming attack of the yellow ape, Whitebeard suddenly grinned In Whitebeard's opinion, this attack, seemingly terrifying, but the actual effect is pitiful, I saw Whitebeard instantly punched in the sky, accompanied by a crack in space, those rapid light bullets did not fall, and all were shocked out in the air.

And the red dog and the green pheasant have also come to Whitebeard, "Big Spitfire!!! "

The hot magma instantly rushed towards the white beard, looking at the red dog in front of him, the cong cloud cut out in the white beard's hand, and the energy of the shock fruit was also attached to the blade, just one blow, the magma from the red dog was scattered by all the shocks, and Cong Yunche also slashed towards the red dog without reducing his power, this knife, instantly frightened the red dog a backflip and dodged back, "Boom!!!! "

As the clouds fell heavily, the ground was instantly cut out of a terrifying ravine, seeing this scene, the red dog was also afraid for a while, but I didn't expect that this guy with Whitebeard could burst out with such a terrifying power, "Goo la la la ~~~"

"Frozen little ghost, I'm not that old!"

Repelling the red dog, Whitebeard's gaze suddenly glanced to the upper right, only to see that the green pheasant at this time was jumping in mid-air, and four ice spears had condensed around it, hearing Whitebeard's words, the green pheasant couldn't help but change his face, and before the green pheasant could react, the white beard had hit the air in front of him with a punch, the hideous crack appeared again, and the terrifying shock energy instantly bombarded the green pheasant's body, "Click!" "

I saw the body of the green pheasant in mid-air exploded into an ice sculpture and shattered, and then smashed heavily on the ground,

"It's really a difficult monster!"

Wiping away the blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, the face of the green pheasant is also extremely ugly looking towards the white beard, although it has been elementalized in advance just now, but that force, still hurt himself, considering that there is still a large number of navies in the headquarters, the three major generals simply cannot start a war at all, under a short confrontation, none of the three major generals can take advantage of the whitebeard, "Daddy is worthy of being a father!! "

"Brothers rush ah!!"

"The three generals are just that!!"

"Rescue Captain Marko!!"

Seeing that the white-bearded daddy can face the three major generals at the same time without falling behind, all the members of the white-bearded pirate group are even more morale, and once again launched a fierce attack towards the execution platform, and the three major will be dragged by Whitebeard alone, resulting in not much naval power in front of the execution table, as for the Qiwu Sea, it is even more difficult to contribute, playing soy sauce on the battlefield, casually coping with errands.

Just as the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were about to rush under the execution table, Xiuyi.


With a cannonball falling in front of the execution table, the violent explosion instantly blew all the pirates who had just arrived out.

"What man?!"

"Damn, it's one step away!"

"Quick! Keep rushing!! "

Seeing that it was about to arrive at the execution platform, the navy even had shells to bombard, but this could not stop the morale of the white-bearded pirate group, the pirates behind continued to charge forward, just when everyone arrived at the location of the explosion, the smoke that rose because of the explosion, a figure slowly walked out, "Huh?! "

"What man?!"

"I don't know, don't care about him, rush!"

"It's useless to stop anyone in front!"

Looking at the figure in the smoke, although the members of the white-bearded pirate group were a little puzzled, but now was not the time to wait, with a roar, everyone instantly rushed towards the smoke, "Boom!!! "

Just when the first person rushed in, before waiting for the people behind to follow, he only heard a loud noise, and a figure instantly flew out from the smoke at a faster speed.

When everyone fixed their eyes, they were not the first companions to rush in.

"What's the situation?!!?"

"Who the hell is inside?!"

This sudden scene made the white-bearded pirate group's advance stop instantly, and in the face of everyone's inquiry, the companions who were shot out before they could say a word, their heads were tilted and died.

"Hmph! Pirates, this road is forbidden! "

Just when everyone was puzzled, a voice suddenly came out of the smoke, and then a strong figure slowly walked out, seeing the people coming, all the members of the white-bearded pirate group instantly took a step back in fear, while the navy were all beaming, and everyone looked towards the people with a feverish face.

"Lieutenant General Karp!!!"


"Lieutenant General Karp is also rushing back!!"

"Hahaha, the pirates suffer death!!"

The person who came was Karp who had just rushed back to the headquarters, with the appearance of Karp, the navy instantly launched a counterattack, and Karp stopped in front of the execution table, if you want to pass, you must face Karp, looking at Karp below, the Warring States are also relieved, if Karp has not arrived, I am afraid that I will make a move just now, and at that time, it will also be the most dangerous time for the Navy...

"Sure enough! Is this Hero Karp?! "

"It is worthy of being the legendary navy soldier who captured One Piece Roger!"

"This deterrent is simply too strong!"

"Lieutenant General Karp is mighty!!"

"Kill all these damn pirates!"

At the moment of Karp's appearance, people watching the live broadcast around the world also cheered, in this world, people's cognition, the navy is the representative of justice, and naturally there is no good impression of pirates.

Looking at the navy that began the counteroffensive, people also celebrated from the bottom of their hearts.

As if the fate of the Whitebeard Pirates had been predetermined.


Looking at Karp who stopped in front, Whitebeard couldn't help but sink in his heart, at this moment, Whitebeard also understood in his heart that if he wanted to save Marko, he now had to rely on himself, just when Whitebeard was about to start the final charge, an island suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Hey, look at the sky?!"

"What's the situation?! Why is there an island flying in the sky?! "

"It's really an island!!"

"What exactly is going on?"

Looking at the islands that suddenly appeared in the air, whether it was the white-bearded pirate group or the navy on the battlefield, all stopped their movements at this moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the islands that appeared in the air, but at this time, a bad premonition welled up in the hearts of the Warring States,

"Damn it! It wouldn't be that guy, would it?! "

"What are you doing here at this time?!"

"Aren't you supposed to be grabbing Whitebeard's territory?!"

The island that can fly, in the hearts of the Warring States, can do this, only the gang of newly rising pirates, but what makes the Warring States puzzled in their hearts is that it is clear that the newspaper said that 4.8 is robbing Whitebeard's territory, and now there is a sky over the headquarters of the Navy, what do you want to do?

As the island in the air slowly descended, the yellow ape, the green pheasant, and the three of Karp also looked strange, after all, the three were the most exposed to the dumb bride pirate group in the navy.

But what the three didn't expect was

The Dumb Bride Pirate Group would come at such a time, and I saw that under everyone's comments, the island in the air landed heavily on the inner harbor that had just been frozen by the pheasant.


With a loud bang, five figures slowly walked out from the shaking dust.

"Ahem, Genichi, can't you slow down?!"

"Choke me!"

As Sister Zhou desperately waved her arms to disperse the dust in front of her, the five of Yuan Yi arrived at the square of the naval headquarters under everyone's gaze.

Looking at the five people who appeared, while the navies around them were still puzzled, some navies who participated in the battle to encircle and suppress the mute bride pirate group changed drastically in unison.

And Lieutenant Generals such as Squirrel and Fire Burning Mountain looked at the five people of Yuan Yi with a shocked face.

"Why are they here?!!"

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