People in Konoha: Learn to Fly Thunder God at the beginning

Chapter 279

There was a moment of calm on the surface of the ninja world. It seemed that since the last war in the Land of Thunder, the ninja world had become completely quiet.However, people know that this is just a moment of tranquility before the storm.

But one of the initiators of the turmoil didn't know it.

"Phew, feel comfortable." Shizune, who had worked hard all day, sat down on the sofa and groaned comfortably.The little fragrant pig that he had been hugging was also lying on the sofa, with a comfortable look on his face.

In contrast to the tired but happy look on Shizune's face, Tsunade looked dull, as if she was completely stupid.

"Ah, 7000 million taels, profiteer, you want to sell me such a house for 7000 million taels? This money is enough for me to buy a house in the center of Konoha." With a mournful face, Tsunade held the wine glass, and her delicate face showed a hint of sadness. The attractive red camel looked up and drank while cursing angrily.

"Hey, Tsunade-sama, don't be so sad." Shizune waved her hands and said disapprovingly: "It's a bit expensive, but the house is big enough, and we have a place to stay here, at least we don't have to go anywhere in the future. Went to stay in a hotel.”

Having been wandering with Tsunade for many years, Shizune has a special obsession and yearning for something like a house that can be used as a safe haven.

"I really don't understand, why do you want to buy a house? Wouldn't it be better to just stay in a hotel?" Tsunade looked unhappy and muttered: "Isn't it always like this? Why spend this money."

"But, Tsunade-sama, you can't let that child wander with us, right?" Shizune reminded: "Don't forget, when you kidnapped someone, you said you would take care of them. There’s no place to sleep, right?”

The little fragrant pig on the side also nodded in agreement.

"Besides, if you buy a place to live, you can at least use your money to buy something real. If you let Tsunade-sama put this money on the gambling table, it will probably be wasted."

Shizune said again.

The little fragrant pig also nodded.

Tsunade curled her lips and said nothing.

She does need a fixed place to live, not that she wants to live here forever. Over the years, she has been homeless and has always been at home.He didn't pay much attention to the house or anything.

She just wanted a place to stay so that she could treat the black-haired kid's injuries.

Cells all over the body were damaged, and there were many hidden wounds, big and small. Some serious hidden wounds were even buried in the heart and lungs. This was doomed. Shendu couldn't always follow him around. What he needed was peace and quiet. Rest.

Moreover, this healing process is extremely long and cannot be cured in a few months. It may take longer.

Moreover, Tsunade had to find a way to get some medical equipment and try to perform an operation on Shendu.At the very least, the chakra meridians must be repaired. If not, this child will really become a useless person in the future!

However, before the operation, she had to be carefully observed for a period of time, and she also needed a lot of medical drugs. It was not possible to go through Konoha's official channels.

It seems that I have to go to the black market...

Tsunade thought to herself.

A click.

The bathroom door opened.

Shendu was wearing a pair of shorts, with his arms bare, and walked out of the bathroom with a relaxed and refreshed look on his face.

Tsunade raised her head and looked at the other person for a moment, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn't help but reveal a bit of envy in her blurred eyes.

The skin is as tender as a newborn baby, as if you can squeeze out water with just a pinch. This kind of skin can be said to be the dream of countless women.

Should I say he is worthy of being the Yondaime Namami Feng Shui Gate?Being able to give birth to such a handsome kid, even Tsunade had to admit that this kid was indeed somewhat handsome, especially the vague anger between his eyebrows, which gave people a wild and wolfish look. feel.

In a daze, Tsunade couldn't help but think of the kid with earthy gray hair, the same childish face, and rosy cheeks. The kid who had been hanging around her and talking non-stop about Hokage...

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Wiping his hair, Shendu curled his lips. He could naturally detect Tsunade's gaze on him. There was no kindness in this world, but there was also no malice.

However, Shendu felt very unhappy.

Tsunade came to her senses this time.

Staring at others all the time is very irrational behavior.However, Tsunade curled her lips and said harshly: "You stinky brat..."

Shizune covered her mouth and chuckled, and then said: "Shendu-kun, I also helped you tidy up a room, and I also prepared some clothes and other things for you. Come on, I will take you to identify the door."

Because of Shendu, she finally got what she wanted, and she was naturally in a good mood.

Shendu didn't say anything, and silently followed Shizune up.

Silently watching the black-haired boy's back disappear at the end of the stairs, Tsunade held her cheek in one hand. The alcohol stained her fair skin with a slight blush, adding a bit of charm.

"Uzumaki, Menma..."

Picking up the wine glass, she took a sip and murmured two words between her lips. Tsunade's eyes were dazed...

As if she had something on her mind, after thinking for a moment, Tsunade came back to her senses, stretched her body, stretched her plump curves, reached out her hand, opened the drawer on the side, and took out a scroll.

In the past, Tsunade was in love with casinos and taverns. She was indifferent to the affairs of Konoha and the Country of Fire, so she rarely inquired about the outside world.

However, this does not mean that she has lost contact with the outside world.Moreover, the sudden appearance of "Shendu", a silkworm chrysalis containing huge natural energy, was too suspicious, so she would naturally investigate it.

With little effort, Tsunade found out something.

Unfold the scroll.

Wanted target: Uzumaki Menma.

Danger level: RSS, extremely dangerous! ! !

The abilities he is good at include: sealing technique, Mangekyou Sharingan, high-strength physical skills, flying thunder god, and also has the sage mode. He has two secret techniques that can improve physical fitness. Currently, there are only eight others. Men Dunjia, another secret technique that is yet to be known, has a comprehensive strength that far exceeds that of the Five Shadows...

Information: Not long ago, I made a bet with the god of ninja, Senju Hashirama, and opened two top secret techniques to have a battle, and successfully won the bet.Then he left with the Flying Thunder God, and his current whereabouts are unknown.According to Konoha, one of the secret techniques used is the Eight Gate Dungeon, and Uzumaki Menma has opened the eighth gate. Although he won against Senju Hashirama, it was a miserable victory...

"Eight Gate Dunjia..., and it has even opened to the eighth gate..."

There was a look of solemnity between the brows, Tsunade had heard a little bit about this Eight Gate Dunjia.

The principle of this so-called Eight-door Armor-Dunning Technique is quite simple. It opens the eight restraints of the body, allowing the body to briefly burst out with several times more power than normal. When the Eight Doors are opened, it can even possess powers that are far superior to those in the normal state. The ability above the five shadows.

However, the side effects of this technique are too serious. Opening to the eighth gate can almost be said to be a fatal situation!

"Really, what a random kid. He actually used such a random technique to the extreme. It must be the protection of the sage mode. Otherwise, he would probably shake his head even if the sage comes." Tsunade thought to herself. Surprised, a little surprised by Uzumaki Menma's chaos, but also a little shocked by Uzumaki Menma's talent.

Uzumaki Menma basically seems to have cheated, Flying Thunder God, Eight Gates Dungeon, and even the Sage Mode which is more difficult than the two.

What the Flying Thunder God needs is space talent. Currently, only five people in the ninja world can learn this technique.

The Eight Gate Dunjia requires accumulation over time and super physical fitness, and the test is physical strength and the accumulation of combat experience over the years.Although this technique does not require any talent, it is extremely time-consuming and requires years of physical training. It is an easy technique to learn but difficult to master.

Not to mention the sage mode. Currently, in the ninja world, apart from Uzumaki Naruto and the two clones, there is only Jiraiya. Of course, this also excludes the Senju Pillar who is dead but was brought out by the dirt. between.

The difficulty of Immortal Mode can be said to be far higher than that of Flying Thunder God. It is extremely demanding on talents. When I was in Shigu Forest, I learned it for a long time and didn't even touch the shadow of Immortal Mode. I could only Returned angrily.

Geniuses like Orochimaru cannot learn authentic senjutsu. They can only rely on some heresy to obtain some low-quality senjutsu chakra, which is incomparable with authentic senjutsu.

Among the three, Jiraiya was the luckier one, as he had the talent to practice immortal arts.However, Jiraiya's sage mode also has great drawbacks. He needs the help of two sages to accumulate senjutsu chakra, which is incomparable to the senjutsu of his grandfather Hokage, who can enter the state in one second.

However, this kid has learned all three of these techniques, which any ordinary chuunin can easily reach the shadow level.

Not only that, it is said that this guy has extremely high attainments in sealing techniques and can release tailed beasts without harming people.

At the same time, he also controls Uchiha's kaleidoscope...

Outrageous, outrageous.

This made Tsunade rub her eyes, deeply doubting the authenticity of this information.

Can anyone really do this...

This can no longer be described as genius, right?

The most unacceptable thing, the most outrageous thing, is that this is just an evil clone. In other words, there are two such perverted brats in the world!

Rubbing her temples, Tsunade felt like she was a little drunk. At the same time, she felt that this world was a little strange. She hadn't walked in the ninja world for only a few years, but some ridiculously strong brats suddenly appeared. She even None of them noticed.

This world is really magical...

Ma∽, am I really drunk and haven’t woken up yet?

Tsunade sighed with emotion.

Boom, boom, boom...

There were footsteps at the top of the stairs. He quickly put the scroll away and threw it under the chair in a hurry.Tsunade hunched over again, pretending to be calm, picked up the wine glass, and filled herself up silently.

Shizune walked briskly, holding the little pig in her arms, and led Uzumaki Menma down behind her.

Tsunade raised her head slightly.

He has black hair, a childish face, and a bit of handsomeness in his childishness. He is a somewhat handsome kid, although his expression is a bit cold and a bit stinky.

But Tsunade had to admit that this kid seemed to have inherited his father's handsomeness. The difference was that Namikaze Minato's softness and sunshine were not reflected in him at all.

Instead, there is a slightly aggressive temperament, a bit like a wolf, the kind of cold little devil.

He put on the clothes Shizune prepared for him, which was a black kimono, adding a bit of evil charm to his gloomy temperament.This made Tsunade have to admit that this little girl Shizune is also quite knowledgeable in dressing.

"How about it, Tsunade-sama."

"I carefully selected this for a long time before deciding. How about it? Isn't it handsome?"

Shizune said happily.

"Well, not bad."

Tsunade only took a few more glances at Shendu, and didn't make any more comments, nor did she have too many thoughts.

Men are handsome, mature, and gentle. She, Tsunade, is also half a hundred years old. She has never seen anything?Naturally, there would be no such nonsense as having a crush on a teenage child.

At first, she asked Shendu to follow her just because she was curious about him and his natural energy, and took advantage of his amnesia to turn him around.

After I figured out the other party's situation, I originally wanted to just throw this brat to the other side of Konoha.

The reason why he is taking such good care of him now, specifically buying a house, and specifically helping him recuperate, is mostly because he investigated the identity of this guy, learned about his surname "Uzumaki", and learned about the things about this child. It's a messy thing that makes you do this.

Otherwise, with her lazy personality, it would be difficult to take care of herself, so she would not do those unnecessary things.

"Shizune, please tidy up a little. I'm going to take a nap first."

Tsunade stood up, raised her hands up, and stretched, perfectly revealing her plump and exquisite devilish curves. The huge roundness was even more eye-catching. She also followed the stretching movement, making people tremble. I can't help but wonder if those two white rabbits will suddenly jump out.

Without caring about anyone next to her, Tsunade opened her mouth wide and yawned.

"Really, Tsunade-sama, you are so rude." Seeing this drunken look, Shizune couldn't help but hold her forehead, feeling a little headache.

But Tsunade didn't care. She didn't care at all. As if she didn't hear anything, she bowed her waist slightly and walked towards the stairs lazily.

Passing by Shendu, Tsunade stopped slightly, turned her face slightly with a tired and drunk face, and said: "Let Shizune get you something to eat, and then go to bed after eating. Your body is terrible now." I can’t stand the torture anymore, so I’ll heal your wounds tomorrow.”

"I know." Shen Du said calmly with no expression on his face.

Tsunade also nodded and went upstairs.

"Kanda-san, come with me."

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