Perfect World: I loaded the gourd baby panel

Chapter 14 Checking in [3151]

Chapter 14 Checking in [3151]

"It meets the check-in requirements and has arrived at the check-in location under the willow god tree in Shicun. Please last for more than 3 minutes during the check-in period."

The system's mechanical sound sounded again, only Xiao Tian could hear it.

Willow God was still the same, a tender green branch grew from the scorched black tree stump, swaying in the wind, naturally emitting a green halo, enveloping the entire stone village.

Sitting cross-legged under the willow tree, Xiao Tian felt ethereal and peaceful in his heart, waiting patiently for the passage of 3 minutes.

"Ding, I have successfully clocked in, and I have obtained the panel talent of Calabash Brother Liu, is it integrated?"

Liuwa's ability is to be invisible, and to be free from falsehood and reality. He has a vigorous hand and walks between invisible.

Before being born, the gourd vine was picked off by the goblin and Qiwa together, and they were going to bring it back to the monster's cave to cultivate blackness.

Because Liuwa was close to maturity, she was born directly and survived the disaster.

He was the one who made the snake demon the most helpless. He stole the magic weapon Ruyi from the monster, rescued the other gourd babies in one fell swoop, and marked the monster's cave.

Liuwa stealth features:
Stealth 1: Completely invisible, the opponent cannot see or hurt himself.

Stealth 2: Void into an astral body, with the ability to ignore matter.

Xiao Tian felt that Liuwa was gifted with supernatural powers, and was inclined to space, walking in nothingness, making his body virtual.


There is nothing to hesitate. He has worked so hard to come to Stone Village across millions of miles of wilderness, isn't it just for this moment?

The invisible power, as if awakened from the depths of Xiao Tian's soul and blood, merged with him bit by bit.

This retreat lasted for half a year.

The little one is four years old, and Xiao Tian hasn't woken up yet.

If it weren't for the surging energy in him, he would almost feel that something happened to him.

And during this time, in the primitive wild forest, the battle from two years ago continued, a little red bird was fighting with the giant golden clawed beast Zhu Yan.

this day!

On Xiao Tian's physical body, the divine light like eternal blue gold circulated, and the avenue roared, invisible and invisible, but it resounded in the hearts of all monks in the world.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the cage of the lower realm or the nine heavens and ten places of the upper realm, every monk feels as if he heard something, but also as if there is nothing, feeling lost, very uncomfortable.

Shi Hao, who was watching Xiao Tian's cultivation beside him, also saw it, his big eyes were hazy, as if he was about to catch something, but he seemed almost there.

Right now!

The scorched black old willow tree has moved, and the only willow branch is like a pale golden chain of order, and like a willow branch in the jade bottle of Guanyin Bodhisattva, surrounded by multi-colored rays of light, gently caressing Shi Hao's face overhead.

Shi Hao was brushed by a willow branch, and his whole body was like a glazed crystal, shining brightly, especially in the chest area, as if there was a small universe, with thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, light and mist flowing, hazy, as if he was opening up the world Usually, great fortune appeared there, crystal clear and bright.

At this moment, Shi Hao got a great benefit, Liu Shen caught some great opportunities, and by the way gave Shi Hao, a poor child, some opportunities.

She is an immortal king, and she was able to come here on purpose. Compared with those immortal kings from other worlds, she peeped through the long river of time and saw more.

Some extra light, rain and haze shrouded the Green Scaled Eagle, giving it unexpected benefits.

Liu Shen looked at Xiao Tian in surprise, a very normal and ordinary little guy, but not long ago, he killed the Jiling old embarrassment who had opened three caves at the blood-moving level.

Liu Shen can be sure that the strength of Xiao Tian's physical body has reached the extreme level of [-] jin, otherwise he would not be able to erupt such close combat strength.

Looking at Xiao Tian who was still in the state of cultivation, Liu Shen also brushed it with a willow branch.

The Great Dao roared just now, and some monster was born in the world, which shocked the Dao Dao.

With Liu Shen's help, Xiao Tian's speed of fusing Liuwa's talent panel suddenly accelerated, and he succeeded within a few breaths.

Xiao Tian faintly felt that he had succeeded, as if he had broken free from one hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kilograms. At that moment just now, he himself was like a universe, self-reliant and self-improving. catty.

Even if he didn't detect the increase in strength, he still felt this way.

Next up!

He also wanted to take a look at it with the help of the original truth, but it turned out that his whole body was shrouded in brilliant red and blue flames. For a moment, he was sitting under the Willow God Tree, but it seemed as if he didn't exist.

Then it reappeared again, Xiao Tian's whole body seemed to be made of eternal blue gold and phoenix blood red gold.

Xiao Tian's body trembled, and the position of his yin stilt (qiao) acupoint glowed, and the first hole opened directly here.

The cave realm needs to open a primitive portal inside or outside the human body, just like opening the portal of the universe, gene lock, door of God and other mystical titles, connecting an immortal passage, or unexplored unexplored pure land. Or a mysterious world of the human body.

The Yinqiao point is in an important position on the meridians.

It is between the two yin, and it is called Huiyin point in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is called the root of life and death, point of deficiency and danger, orifice of returning to the root, and point of return to life in alchemy practice.Because it is the place where Ren Du Chong's three veins originated.

Supervising the back from the perineum, allowing the perineum to travel the abdomen, rushing from the perineum to the foot Shaoyin, once this orifice moves, all three channels are connected.

At the same time, it is also the general source of the Eight Meridians of the Extraordinary Meridians. Li Shizhen said in "A Study of the Eight Meridians of the Extraordinary Classics": "Everyone has these eight meridians, which belong to the gods of yin. They are closed but not opened. Only the gods open them with yang energy. Those who can obtain the Tao. Those who have eight meridians are the root of the innate Dao, and the ancestor of one qi. Only when the yin is harvested first can this meridian move, and all the meridians are connected."Therefore, it is called "always the source of the meridians".

Because it "passes through the Niwan at the top, and penetrates the Yongquan at the bottom, if you can know this, you can gather and disperse the true energy, and then close the orifice, then the gate of heaven will always be open, and the door of the earth will be closed forever. In the upper dynasty, the yang grows and the yin disappears, the water fires, and the flowers bloom in the snow. The so-called Tiangen and moon caves come and go, and the 36 palaces are all spring."

This place has a pivotal position in ancient Chinese medicine, Taoism, and Buddhism, and it is known as the fourth dantian of the human body.

Even God Willow stared at this place in amazement. For Willow God, he couldn't fully understand the mysteries of the human body. Her body was even the first psychic willow tree in the birth of heaven and earth. It was not a human race. more difficult to penetrate.

This is the source of good fortune, the source of the kidney, which is used to produce essence and collect medicine, and it is not used by Qianlong.

What Xiao Tian opened was the inner cave, not the outer one opened by Shi Hao in the original plot.

The cave is a state, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors, opening the cave, communicating with the mysterious channel, can directly absorb the essence of the big world, sacrifice a small world, the world of the cave, and understand the true meaning of the Dao talisman, better understand the rules of this world, As well as the change of order, it really participates in the evolution of a small world again.

No matter how it evolves in the end, they are all trying to use human power to touch the secrets of heaven. The mystery of this way is amazing. What kind of person is it that can create such an amazing method.

Xiao Tian's Yin Qiaoqiao acupoint seems to be opening up the world, communicating with the unknown world, and connecting with the root of the innate avenue.

There seems to be a chaotic energy emerging inside, and it is hazy. In the process, it is also seizing the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, and the essence of the heaven and the earth is constantly gathering towards him.

However, Xiao Tian could see that there was crimson magma boiling inside, forming a spring of fortune.

A willow branch of the willow god protruded, and the Lihuo demon cow hidden in an underground cave and the demon ape hidden in a water cave world were directly pierced through the head by the willow branch like the chain of order, and slipped over.

The two terrifying king-ranked immemorial relics were turned into dust in an instant. Their fur, bones, and flesh and blood seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of the ages, decayed and wiped out.

Several drops of golden liquid appeared, Liu Shen directly dripped two drops on Xiao Tian's body, and was instantly absorbed into Xiao Tian's body.

The first cave he opened began to evolve, from the initial three-inch size to ten-inch size.

Liu Shen gave Xiao Tian three drops of golden spiritual dew again, and continued to observe.

Xiao Tian's cave sky turned into twelve inches in an instant, and then, it was still hazy, filled with chaotic air, and no other changes could be seen.

Liu Shen simply gave the last five drops of spiritual dew to Xiao Tian at once.

Thirteen inches!
Fifteen inches!
About fifty centimeters.

The expansion of the cave sky stopped again, and nothing else changed.

Willow God: "—"

During this process, Xiao Tian broke through the cave-heaven realm, and naturally communicated with the boundless void. He could also refine the essence of heaven and earth in this way. During this process, his rune power soared and became more perfect through his practice.

In the Dongtian realm, the body is no longer in a rootless state like in the blood-moving realm. Fighting for a while will consume physical strength and energy.

But now, there is a hole in the sky that plunders the essence of heaven and earth, which greatly improves his battery life.

Not only that, Dongtian Realm can also bless the body runes, making the power more powerful than before.

However, that old embarrassment is really rubbish, he opened three caves, it's too ordinary.

Xiao Tian felt that the current him, without using the supernatural powers of the gourd baby, could blow it up with a single punch.

In the opened acupoint, Dao Yun circulated in the heart.

Xiao Tian realized in an instant, it turned out to be the case, this acupoint in the body originally contained talents of any size, it was really a gene lock, the door to the universe of the human body.

It was not by accident that he was able to open this cave. For others, it was extremely difficult to open it. Without the corresponding secret method and opportunity, it was impossible.

Before Xiao Tian could think about it, his body trembled violently, the position of Zhongwan acupoint became hot, and it opened with a bang. In an instant, the radiance was overwhelming, and there were thousands of auspicious colors, just like the opening of the world, this acupuncture point in the body was also opened, and the rumbling sound was deafening .

This hole was opened, and in the hole, a three-inch world was quickly formed, and the energy inside was boiling and golden, like gilded magma.

Zhongwan Point is located on the upper abdomen of the human body, on the front midline, 4 cun above the middle of the umbilicus.

It belongs to the Ren meridian of the eight extraordinary meridians, connected with Dantian.

This is a golden "cave sky", like a golden halo, shining brightly, making his body as brilliant as a golden body, the light and rain flying like endless crystal and holy petals flying, he seems to be flying into the sky, transforming Like a golden arhat.

That's right, starting from this acupoint, it has touched the natural supernatural power, this innate supernatural power.

 I have signed a contract, ask for support, and follow up.

(End of this chapter)

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