Pinnacles’ Edge

Chapter 6 - The Day It All Fell To Ruin

Chapter 6: The Day It All Fell To Ruin

Translator: Choco Lover

**He’s gone real quick. I should better hide it away.** The girl thought still holding the hard drive in her hand. The smell of blood encircling her nostrils, traces of which had already been dropped on the floor.

Though she was unaware of what the future held, she knew the importance of the thing in her hand guessing from the urgency the man had showed earlier that night.

**Where could be the best place to hide it? Definitely can’t keep it here, I have a bad feeling about it.** After thinking for a while the girl finally came up with a solution and went out namely for a stroll because she was wide awake now and can’t sleep, as what she told the watchman. Not long later she came back and lied back down on the sofa, the bed not having any place left for her after her “window display” of clothes and other necessities on her bed.

—On the other hand—

The man went further down the street before reaching a public telephone booth on the side of the road. He dialled a number.

“Administrative Chief Xi Jingfei…” Before he could say anything further, a gunshot was heard in the vicinity. Blood gushing out of a heart and forming a pool around the body. A bullet had passed straight through his heart as the Colonel groaned in pain.

“Mo Zhao Yun…” Someone screamed from the other side of the phone. But except for some footsteps coming closer and banging the booth, nothing else was heard before the connection got lost. Colonel had placed back the receiver and dialled some random number before losing his consciousness with a satisfactory smile on his face because he had taken care of the Hard Drive and did all he could to protect his nation.

An unsung hero martyred yet again.

The onlookers and also the person other side the phone could only hear a name, Administrative Officer Xi Jingfei. Now the ball had been passed to her court. For all the rest of the things, only one person could answer them and it was her.

The next day, Xi Jingfei woke up with big bags around her eyes because she kept thinking about the events from the previous night. She continued to toss and turn before looking around on the floor. There were blood drops all around the place where the Colonel had walked. Though she had a maid that was going to come later, Xi Jingfei realized that this was not supposed to be seen. Thus, she cleaned all of them. Even outside the house, in the veranda where the man had come from, she cleaned until it shined.

The watchman was shocked for a moment and came over to look but was chased away by her saying, “I should do some exercise at times or how will I keep myself fit. Go on your work. It’s completely fine here.”

After cleaning Xi Jingfei silently praised herself and wished that she could boast her skills in front of her mother and Bro Jiang. Imagining his face like a little baby making faces, she couldn’t help but laugh. Without wasting another minute, she called them but it couldn’t connect. **Sigh. Only if I could show them this picturesque cleaned place.** She thought.

Xi Jingfei went to her office as usual and attended the scheduled meetings. Soon after she got off work, she called her fiancé whom she hadn’t talked to after hanging up on him yesterday. Lu Cheng picked up and in his ever sweet voice talked to her for almost an hour, releasing all her fatigue and making her feel refreshed as always. He asked her about her work.

“Don’t overwork yourself, if there’s anything, you can always tell me and don’t forget my shoulder always awaits your sweet little face to bend on it.”

He had always been her stress releasing agent as he flirted, letting her feel butterflies in her stomach. They were a couple capable of making anyone envious of them.

Xi Jingfei had a good time chatting with Lu Cheng while she reached her place. That day her bodyguard was off duty for he had some personal things to attend to and the watchman had gone to his home for a few hours. Hence Xi Jingfei was alone when she entered her house.

Though as a government official, she was given quarters but she didn’t stay there. Her father had bought a house on recommendation from his friend in City U. Thus when she shifted, she lived in the house instead of going to the government quarters. So there were no other watchman assigned nearby.

Unknowing what awaits her, Xi Jingfei reached back her house only to envision it upside down. Each and everything was misplaced and broken, be it the sofa or books or showpieces, everything was crushed. It was obvious that the place was thoroughly searched through.

“Hehe! They couldn’t have found anything, could they? Well of course not, after all, I’m not called a genius in vain.” Xi Jingfei fluttered herself flipping her black hair as if she was invincible.

**Someone is outside.** Hearing some footsteps Xi Jingfei hurriedly hid in her room and locked it. She called her watchman who had gone home for a few hours but couldn’t reach him. She then called Lu Cheng but he didn’t pick up. Though she was calm earlier but now realizing the danger, she panicked. **What do I do?** She kept thinking while the men outside were crashing the door.


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