Pirates: I am your father

Chapter 185 Untitled 33 (replacing the chapter, no need to read)

[Pairing Heaven with God] Sejong had worshiped heaven and earth separately in the northern and southern suburbs. Later, he considered it inappropriate for Taizu and Taizong to match heaven together, so he omitted the sacrifice of Taizong and replaced them with the emperor's land.In the 17th year of Jiajing's reign, the flatterer Fengfang said: "Please imitate the system of the ancient Mingtang, just like presenting the emperor's title, to match the God." The idea was very pleasant, so in September of that year, the Mingtang was held in the palace to enjoy the ceremony. Xianhuang was called Ruizong.He was given the title of God of Haotian and became the God of Emperor Tian, ​​and he was given the title of Ruizong, which is based on the story of "Zhou Rites".According to God being Heaven, how can there be two separate sacrifices?This move was already considered a fragmentation by the ancients. As for Haotian and Huangtian changing their names, it is particularly redundant.Gaishizong knew that offering to the emperor was not worthy of heaven, so he followed the theory of Mingtang.When Emperor Mu Zong ascended to the throne and was treated with great ceremony, it was truly a remarkable vision for the ages.During the Zhenghe period of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, he was given the title of Jade Emperor, which was "the Jade Emperor of the Supreme Kaitian holding the talisman of the emperor and containing the true body and Tao of Haotian".It is the old name of Xun Zhenzong, and it is also named Haotian.The story is similar to Jiajing.

[The Huidian is lost] In the eighth year of Jiajing, the Huidian was rebuilt at the beginning.At that time, Vice President Zhan Shi, Huo Tao and others wrote a brief summary: "I read through the old records and saw that in the early years of Hongwu, the amount of land in the world, and even in the 15th year of Hongzhi, the amount of land in Huguang was 220 million, and now there are 23, lost. The amount of land in Henan is 190 million; the amount of land in Henan is 140 million. Today, there are 41, and the amount is 40 million. It has been 65 years since Hongwu, and the amount of land in the world has been reduced like this. I don’t know how to reduce the loss in hundreds of years. Begging It was approved by the Ministry of Household Registration. Also, the household registration in the country was 910 in the early years of Hongwu. In the fourth year of Hongzhi, there had been a long period of peace, with only [-] households.

Beg the Ministry of Finance to tell the truth.In Tianyi Fan Mansion, in the early years of Hongwu, the Shanxi Jin prince's annual salary was 87 shi. Now that there are more counties and nobles, the total expenditure is 87 shi. It is strange that it has been increased by 210 times.Ask the Ministry of Rites to compile it, and let the planners make plans.There were more than [-] military officers in the world in the early years of Hongwu, and the number increased to more than [-] in the fifth year of Chenghua; Jinyi officers, one in [-] in the early years of Hongwu, have increased to more than [-] today.This has been transformed into the front ear.If Hongzhi has already passed and it has not yet been reached, we should ask the Ministry of War to compile it and ask the planners what to do.Furthermore, according to the internal ministers and supervisory officials, the "Ancestral Instructions" have very detailed positions.However, during the Hongzhi period, the Confucian officials failed to take the exam and failed to compile it, so the imperial system was unknown.Begging for the Edict and Ceremony Department's Director of Ceremonies for review, the number of officers in charge during the Hongwu year, the cases of imperial envoys from the saints, and the number of today's officers, were sent to the library for compilation.The ministers and others looked at the "Zhou Rites" and the internal supervision of the heavenly officials. Today, most of the cases of supervision are handled by the Ministry of Rites.If you follow the "Ancestor's Instructions" and add the duties of an internal minister, it will also be a sacred ritual to control the government.As for the two departments of punishment and work, Taizu has established the system of long-term craftsman service in the imperial court, the way of government supply, the accuracy of materials from all directions, and the similarities and differences of laws and regulations.However, during the Hongzhi period, the mediocre ministers used their wisdom to set new standards, and all the bad things became the constitution. "The order was obtained: Order all yamen to prepare a report on the history and send it to the literary library. According to Huo Shu, the current shortcomings are the most pressing. When it comes to investigating the redundancy of internal officials, it is particularly tight. Although Shizong Yu Yun was strict in checking, until the book was completed, it still followed the old rules of Hongzheng. To this day When it was rebuilt, the Duke of Jiangling was in charge, and he was afraid of Mansi, for fear of losing his joy. It would be difficult to publish a supplement like Huo Weiya Changyan. What a pity.

【Rebuttal Ceremony】After the ceremony is completed, raise the court and remain silent.And the officials are far away.And there are two more people who speak in order to correct their wrongdoings.In the ninth year of Jiajing's reign, Wang Lu, the magistrate of Pinghe County, Fujian, asked to build a temple to Emperor Xian in Anlu and conferred the title of King Chongren to preside over his sacrifices. He did not properly examine Emperor Xian and Bo Xiaozong, as it was suspected of being a duplicity.If any of the sons of the vassal vassal are young and have children, they should be raised in the palace in preparation for the second position.The superior reprimanded him for his words, and the inferior patrol officer arrested and punished him according to the censor.After Bishu came down, Zelu had already solved the seal and returned.The censor sat down to take refuge in the law of escape, and the edict was dismissed without hesitation.According to Lu Qianfeng Chongren's theory, it was Yang Ting's peace negotiation in the early years of the previous year; the second pre-nurturing Zongzi theory was built by Xue Kan some time later.Both Yang and Xue were severely punished, but Lu was a junior minister who was good at promoting this discussion. Moreover, the "Ming Lun Da Dian" had been promulgated for more than a year. , The person who made Lu only committed a minor crime was lucky.In the 11th year of his reign, Chen Cai, who was formerly the magistrate of Huozhou, Shanxi Province, said: "In the ancestral teachings, 'brothers will eventually become younger brothers', which refers to the same father. Wuzong's posthumous edict stated that your majesty is the eldest son of King Xingxian, a brother of Xiaozong. , the moral order should be established. It is not the "brother will eventually be the younger brother" with Wuzong. Yang Tinghe misunderstood the Puyi and contradicted the initial edict. Zhang Fujing said that your majesty should not succeed Xiaozong and stop the succession to Wuzong, because he thought that "the elder brother will eventually be the younger brother." ', everything is nonsense, and it is difficult to apply to the ancestral temples. He knew it was wrong, but he also carried out Xue Kan's plan to corrupt the ancestors and make the law. Although Yang Tinghe was rebuked and punished, his intentions were unclear. Zhang Fujing was the first to open the meeting ceremony, but it was the move "Ancestral Instructions", false accusations against the late emperor, suspicion of wrong sacred bows, should be punished by the canon. The severity of the matters contained in the "Minglun Dadian" should be discussed in accordance with the rules. "The superior is very angry, saying that I have ruled in the Dadian, and it will be implemented in the world. After a long time, he often dared to make unreasonable opinions and ordered the Jinyi guards to arrest him and send him to the judicial department for torture.Chen adopts this theory and overturns the discussions in Xindu and Yongjia. His words are insightful and insightful, and there is no way to refute them.At that time, Yongjia trapped Xue Kanfu and left the country, and Gui Anren died of illness.Among the assistant ministers in the cabinet, only Fang Nanhai is a dignitary, but he is new to the job and has an easy-going nature and does not want to compete with others.Although the great gift is determined, it will happen one after another without any hesitation. How about the future generations! [Xiandi Zongzong] Xiandi Emperor Zongzong is also not the meaning of Zhang and Gui. It started from He Yuan's family.In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Yuan, Yuan Fushen said that he was confused and sent to the meeting of the Ministry of Rites.At that time, Xi Shuxin discussed the etiquette and won the favor, paid homage to the uncle, and said: "In the past, the Guande Palace was built. The doctor Liu Hui wanted to change the name of the palace, but he was judged by the Holy Spirit. He sent out the border guards. The ministers discussed it and said : If Zhang Cong and Gui E said that Emperor Xian could enter the Imperial Ancestral Temple, not only the ministers wanted to kill him, but I should be the first to kill him. Now He Yuan wants to change the name of Yuding Palace to the same as the civil and military family, but I think it is impossible. "The superior will not allow it.The bachelors Cong, Calyx, and the Grand Prime Minister Liao Jixian tried hard to express their fault, and jointly requested that Yuan Sin be severely punished, but they still refused.When Jin Xianmin, the Minister of the Ministry of War, mediated the idea of ​​becoming the capital of another temple, he finally agreed to it.In the 15th year of his reign, the Shi Temple was renamed the Emperor Xian Temple, alongside the Nine Temples.

It was called the ancestral temple, and the superiors knew that it was impossible and did not discuss it further.Then there are still people who ask for it, and they will be severely punished and sentenced to death, and they have been sleeping for a long time.Until April of the 17th year, he was originally appointed as Tongzhi Fengfang in Tongzhou, so he asked Jiazunhuang to testify and present the emperor to proclaim his clan and Li Mingtang to be worthy of God.Yan Song, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, replied: It is said that the emperor should be matched as he said, but the emperor will not be safe.You must be willing to do what you say.Tang Zhou, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, thought it was impossible to hold on. He was furious and ordered Zhou Zhou to be imprisoned and punished.So Yan Song and others changed their words and obeyed the order, and presented the emperor as his clan, just as everyone thought.Fengxi, the father of the house, led the compilation of poetry by Yang Shen, a Hanlin scholar, and other officials. In the second year of Jiajing, he cried bitterly in front of the palace, shook the door and knelt down, and tried hard to distinguish the faults of Kao Xingxian.In the 16th year of Jiajing's reign, the imperial edict was issued, and the ministry discussed the amnesty and return of all the ministers, but Fengxi, Yang Shen and others did not forgive him.That year, Xi died in the garrison.Fang Zhi entered the capital to offer flattery, but he was not yet Xiaoxiang when his father died. He was unfaithful and unfilial, and had the courage to do evil. This is the end of it.Since he presented the Emperor's Mingtang to match the God, professed his ancestry and entered the temple, and placed himself above the Wuzong, his holy will was very comfortable, and he had no regrets.But Fang still gave up and returned to the fields, old and dead without saying anything.

Fang always had a lot of writing but no action, so the emperor used his words to belittle his people.Holy, holy!When Fang returned, in the 18th year, he wrote another chapter of "Qingyun Yashi" and ordered it to be submitted to the history museum, but Fang was not summoned in the end.Fang was named Cunli, a native of Yin in Zhejiang Province. He was promoted to Gaodi in the Yuan Dynasty. He was initially a Nankao Gonglang. He was relegated to an official position and was later inspected.Now that he has offered two flatteries but cannot sell them, he becomes increasingly cruel and cruel at home, and is not tolerated by the village.During his travels between Wu and Yue, he was famous for his good calligraphy and was able to provide for himself.However, he has many friendships with people and occasionally has disharmony, and he often curses Jiuyou for writing.Especially in old age.Everyone hates it and will die in distress.In the first year of Longqing, the Li Ke suggested to Wang Zhi that he wanted to return Ruizong to his family, but the emperor refused.Now that he has ascended to the throne, Lu Shude has been assigned to the rites department, and he has neglected to mention Mu Zong's nephew temple, so Xuan Zong should be the temple. It is better to still worship Ruizong in the world temple and avoid Xuan Zong.Even if something doesn't work, those who know it will figure it out.

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