Pirate's Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 11

The land of flowers, Huyin Mountain.

There are mountains around here, and the highest peak among them is called 'Huyin Mountain'.According to legend, in ancient times, there was a demon tiger in the mountain, and the people under the mountain suffered a lot from it.The first pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, the "Lingyin Great Monk", was begged by the people crying blood, so he resolutely decided to go up the mountain to subdue the demon, and finally surrendered after fighting with it for seven days and seven nights. This is where the name of the mountain comes from.

Victor and his party circled up along a winding mountain road, and at the end was the nest of the Eight Treasures Navy nestled in the Huyin Mountain—Shuilian City Walled!

Unexpectedly, the guards at the gate of the Walled City did not make things difficult for Victor and the others, and only let them go after a few interrogations. Maybe it was because they had absolute confidence in the combat power stationed in the Walled City?

The entire Water Curtain Walled City is composed of eight ultra-high and large pavilions that fall straight down to the bottom of the valley, and are connected by various large and small cable bridges to form dozens of floors.Victor and others, led by the guide, walked along the largest cable bridge in the center towards the 'Great Tower' in the center of the Water Curtain Walled City.

When they arrived at the main hall of the big city tower, a quarrel was breaking out in the hall. A stocky black-haired man was arguing with a young man with long orange hair tied into a ponytail. No matter how much people around him tried to persuade him, they were in vain.

"I'll tell you, Abu, that stupid woman of the Erbao Navy, you can go see whoever you like, anyway, I won't go! Also, who dares to tell the old man to be careful when I cut him!" the black-haired man said angrily. He got angry at everyone.

The orange-haired man was so angry that he almost cried: "Brother! Cai Yi!! Huo Lisha wants to see you by name. She is your unmarried wife! The old man made an engagement with Erbao Shuijun Dongliang for you two. If you don't go, who will?" Everyone around nodded in agreement.

The black-haired man known as 'Cai Yi' scratched his head anxiously and kept mumbling words like 'crime', 'political marriage', 'muscular ugly girl', etc. Then he turned around and saw Victor and his party. .

"You, you are... Mafia Victor?" Cai Yi ran over in surprise. He was very impressed with this guy who was so handsome that he wanted to punch him hard. Two years ago, the two fought in Luozhong Village. After acquaintance, I owed this guy a favor at that time, so I boasted on the spot that whenever Victor had something to do, I would come to Huyin Mountain, the Kingdom of Flowers, to look for him, and there was nothing wrong with me!

"Mr. Cai, are you okay...ah?" Before Victor could finish speaking, Cai Yi pulled him into the hall. As he walked, he greeted loudly: "Hey, isn't this Victor? My good friend came all the way to see me, how could I not treat him to a banquet! Abu, you go to Erbao Navy first and wait for me. After greeting my friends, I will set off to find you immediately!"

"Then...brother, you must hurry up. Okay, brothers, let's set off."

Abu had no choice but to set off first with his surrounding men.

Cai Yi glanced at Abu and the others who were gradually going away, and quietly heaved a sigh of relief.Then he turned his head to look at Victor who was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, and said slightly annoyed: "This expression again, I feel like I can't hide anything from you. I heard that you became the new 'coral' Gang boss, are you here to negotiate a deal this time?"

Victor nodded: "Not only business, but also news."

Cai Yi felt a chill in his heart and called Victor and others into the back hall to talk.

Through the long suspended corridor from the side door of the hall, you will arrive at the back hall, which is magnificent and has prepared a self-service banquet.

Victor let the others go wander around and have something to eat, while he sat alone with Cai Yi in the Shuihe Hall on the second floor to talk secretly.

"Okay, now you can tell me what news is worth making a trip for yourself." Cai Yi poured Victor a glass of rice wine, which is a specialty of the Kingdom of Flowers.

"Is war going to start between the Kingdom of Flowers and the Kingdom of Saybram?" Victor took a sip of the rice wine. The taste was mellow and lingering, which was a completely different experience from red wine.

"You are really well-informed. Don't be a gangster, intelligence dealers have a better future." Cai Yi said half-boasting and half-sarcastically, and Victor, who knew the character of the other party, didn't care.

"Then do you know that the Kingdom of Saibulam has channels to obtain a large number of weapons?" Victor took another sip of rice wine and secretly decided to take a few bottles back and store them.

"What? Really? Is the news reliable?" Cai Yi was so shocked that he couldn't even hold the wine glass in his hand. If the news is true, the outcome of the delicate balance between the two countries will be one-sided. And the Babao Navy, with the Kingdom of Flowers as its backing, can't fall behind either!

Victor smiled: "I also brought some gifts. I think the Lord of the Kingdom of Flowers will not think that there are few weapons, right?" The 'Capone Gang' originally controlled more than 30 small and medium-sized towns in total, but now after the merger, its background is no less than a small kingdom, and for this transaction, Victor fully extracted 1/2 of the gang's weapon inventory.

"The king will definitely pay a reasonable price for these 'gifts'. However, what I want to buy more is the weapon channels of the Kingdom of Saybram." Cai Yi knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The news that Victor broke before It's a deposit, and now, I need to pay the balance.

"Then I won't beat around the bush anymore. I hope to obtain one thing - the way of cultivating armed and domineering." Victor poured himself another glass of wine, shaking it slightly in his hand.

"Okay!" Cai Yi agreed without hesitation. The training method of armed color domineering is rare in the four outer seas. After reaching the Great Channel, especially the New World, it is basically the average armed color per master. Compared with the mere armed training method, the national destiny of the Kingdom of Flowers is more important to himself and the Eight Treasure Navy.

"It's the joker from the Grand Line." Victor spoke slowly and leisurely as if telling a story: "This person's name is 'sea rogue' Don Quixote Doflamingo, and he leads 'Don Quixote' The De Family' - a gang of gangsters who started from scratch in the North Sea. After taking control of the underground world of the North Sea, they entered the Grand Line a year ago and quickly established an intelligence network and arms transportation lines to all over the world. Saybram The Kingdom is one of its customers. In a few days, a steady stream of muskets and blades will be transported to the Kingdom of Saibram through hidden transportation lines, and the Kingdom of Flowers will immediately be at a disadvantage. By then..."

Victor didn't finish his last words, but Cai Yi will definitely understand.

Cai Yi sat for a while with a livid face, then suddenly picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.Then he stood up and walked into the back room, and after more than ten minutes, he handed an old notepad to Victor.

"This is the notebook I use to practice Armed Color Haki. I'm stupid, so I wrote down all the key points in this notebook. I'll burn it after reading it, is that okay?"

Victor picked up the notebook and flipped through it casually, almost crying because of Cai Yi's ugly words.He closed the notebook and nodded solemnly to Cai Yi: "Please don't worry, I will burn this notebook immediately after reading it."

After finishing speaking, Victor opened a zipper in his hand, and after the zipper was pulled open, a dark and dark space appeared inside.After putting the notebook into the zipper space, he took out a chart of the West Sea, and tapped it near the mouth of the Upside Down Mountain: "I heard that there are occasional strange ships coming and going here. As for the others, I will do whatever I don't even know."

Cai Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly dipped his chopsticks in some chili oil and made a dot at the spot pointed by Victor's finger. No way, I can't find the pen at the moment.

"Thank you, my good friend! You haven't tasted the specialties of our Kingdom of Flowers, have you? Guys, tell the chefs to show me their special skills!!" Cai Yizhen put away the map and shouted loudly Laughed loudly.

A lively flower country-style banquet has begun!

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