Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Side Story Chapter 43: Kurosaki Yurie (2)

Three days passed since they accepted Kurosaki Yurie’s favor. Lilith forcibly took over Vaal Zahak’s laboratory and focused on creating a body just for Yurie. Oh Kang-Woo was then contacted today that the body for Yurie was completed at last.

Kang-Woo, who was being fed kimchi stew by Han Seol-Ah in her arms like usual, made sure to take a protective shield before heading to the apartment floor where Vaal Zahak’s lab was.

“Now… slowly open your eyes.”

Kang-Woo arrived to see that Yurie’s soul was in the process of being transferred to the new body. A faint blue light that was Yurie’s soul shone within the thick fog of demonic energy and entered the new body.

“This is… my new body?” Yurie slowly opened her eyes. She looked down and examined her body. “Wow… You didn’t have to make me so beautiful.”

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her original form was already beautiful, but this was on another level of beauty. She had golden hair, mysterious purple eyes, and pale skin. She used to be a traditional Asian beauty, so her new look felt rather exotic to her.


Kang-Woo expressed confusion as he stared at Yurie’s new look.

‘She’s actually beautiful.’

He had imagined a nightmare-fuel hideous creature that would only exist in Hell when Lilith offered to make the body, but contrary to his expectations, Yurie was just a regular, beautiful woman no matter how he looked at her.

“Phew,” Kang-Woo sighed in relief with his hand on his chest.

‘Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like I’ll need this.’

He looked down at the black ring in his hand. It was an item he created by compressing several Authorities, containing various features that blocked all of his senses in preparation for the worst-case scenario. Kang-Woo withdrew the Authorities and absorbed the ring back into himself. He turned to examine Yurie’s new body with great interest.

‘She’s beautiful.’

She was but a squid compared to his Darling, but she would be the most beautiful person in the room anywhere else.

‘Hmm. I can’t believe Lilith had such talent. You’ve changed, Lilith!’

Kang-Woo clenched his fists, overcome with ecstasy. She had come to understand human beauty standards at last.

He approached Yurie, handed her a card, and remarked, “This contains enough money for you to live a comfortable life.”

“N-No, you don’t have to do that much for me…”

She would need money to start a new life from scratch; if she were broke, the only life waiting for her would be one of working to death.

‘Though I’m sure she’s capable enough to get by.’

Kang-Woo was sure she wouldn’t have a hard time earning money since she was once known as the celestial maiden. Considering she had her unique Deific Manifestation Trait, she would have quite a leisurely life. However, Kang-Woo gave her the card anyway.

“In exchange, could you work as a member of Guardians?” he asked.


“I say work, but it won’t be anything like a nine-to-five job. Your job would be to stop abnormal Gate phenomena and protect the citizens. Of course, you will be rewarded based on your accomplishments.”

It would be a shame to lose such a capable individual. She would become a great addition to the forces of Guardians.

‘The more cards I can play, the better.’

Kang-Woo was more than willing to expand Guardians if it meant he could continue his lovey-dovey life with his Darling.

“Oh, in that case, I would be happy to help.” Yurie smiled and gladly accepted Kang-Woo’s offer. She took the card and turned to Lilith to say, “Thank you very much for making me this wonderful body, Lilith.”

“My, a wonderful body? What are you talking about?” Lilith tilted her head as if not understanding what Yurie was saying. She said innocently, “You have yet to see its true form.”



Yurie and Kang-Woo both turned to Lilith.

Lilith giggled and continued, “That form is but a shell made for Yurie to interact with human society without issue.”


Kang-Woo’s face turned pale as chills ran down his back.

‘It can’t be.’

The nightmare he did not want to imagine was approaching.

“This is the body’s true form.”

Lilith smiled as she softly tapped Yurie’s body.


The sound of sticky mucus echoed throughout the lab. Yurie’s head split, and yellow pus poured out like a fountain. Her mysterious purple eyes popped out of their sockets and dangled near her earlobes. Her skin, as pale as snow, split like the ground of an arid desert and was turned inside out.

“A-Aaaahh,” Kang-Woo groaned in terror, getting a full view of the horrifying sight.

He quickly searched for his protective shield, but he had already withdrawn the Authorities and absorbed it back into himself.


He couldn’t block his senses simply by closing his eyes since his transcendentally developed senses immediately took over once his sense of sight was blocked. If he closed his eyes, he would hear or smell better. In other words, he would feel the nightmare even more realistically if he closed his eyes.


Kang-Woo was getting nauseous. This was likely what a human body looked like if turned inside out. It was like the scene in a certain alien film where the monster crawled out of a human belly.

“My, my, my! You’re absolutely gorgeous! I made them myself, but I must say, those tentacles are so~ beautiful!”

Lilith clapped as she giggled. Purple tentacles poured out after ripping through what Lilith called a shell. Its color was likely close to that of a sandwich left in a fridge for around three years. Tentacles that looked as if mold had grown from them wriggled along the ground.

“GYEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!!” Kang-Woo screamed as he pulled on his hair.

‘A delayed attack!’

The first form that Lilith showed him had been nothing but a means to lower his guard. She had formed an opening in his defenses for the tentacles to wriggle through. Kang-Woo was in agony as if his retinas were burning; if he could, he would pop his eyes out of their sockets and clean them with holy water.

‘I-I mustn’t close my eyes!’

If he did, his heightened senses would amplify the sound of the tentacles and the stench of the pus, resulting in a vivid image of the tentacles being drawn and engraved in his head.

‘This is a horrid nightmare! A despair I can never escape from!’

“Th-This is…” Yurie slurred.

“Hohoho. Do you like it? Oh, for your information, my tentacles look like this~”


Lilith’s hair surged into the air and turned into green tentacles. She no longer revealed her tentacles in front of Kang-Woo since she knew he hated them but she seemed to have forgotten Kang-Woo was there due to her excitement.

“A-Aaaahh!” Kang-Woo writhed in pain as he saw the tentacles entwining with one another. “BLEEEEEEEEEEEGHHH!”

Prepare for tentacles! And make it double!

“Gurghhhhhhh… F-Fuck…”

Trauma he had forgotten was slowly coming back to Kang-Woo. He stumbled backward in pallor.


“My, I’m sorry. I forgot you disliked tentacles,” said Lilith as she stared at Kang-Woo pitifully.

Her expression made it look like she was being given no choice but to match her king’s unhinged fetishes, causing Kang-Woo to go crazy. Lilith turned her green tentacles back to black hair.

“Haaa, haaa,” Kang-Woo panted heavily and turned to Yurie, who had become a purple tentacle monster.

“M-My body… t-tentacles…”

Yurie was looking down at her tentacle body, lost for words due to shock.

“Umm… Y-Yurie? I know you’re in shock, but please try to calm down.”

She was likely in bigger shock than Kang-Woo was.


Yurie’s eyes were turning hazy as if denying reality.

‘This is bad!’

Kang-Woo tried to reach for Yurie before she took extreme measures but heard her voice before he could.

“How lovely.”


‘What the fuck did I just hear?’

“Hohoho! Right?! I knew you would love it, Yurie!” Lilith yelled.

“How can tentacles… be this beautiful…? I could never have imagined it.”


‘What the fuck? What in the actual fuck is going on right now?’

“Did you say… lovely?” Kang-Woo asked.

“Yes. Just take a look at these purple tentacles. Aren’t they blindingly beautiful?”

“Yeah, maybe you went blind because of it.”

“My, what are you saying, my king? Don’t listen to him, Yurie. You see, the king hates tentacles. Can you believe it?”

“Really? That’s… a little hard to believe.”


‘What? Wha? Whuuh? Did I end up on the Beta World Line somehow?’

“El… Psy… Kongroo.”

‘No, I must be in a nightmare. Yeah, yeah. There’s no way this is real.’

“Are you perhaps only aroused by corpses or something, Kang-Woo? Yurie asked.

“Come on~ his fetishes aren’t that bad. He just has some exotic kinks.”

“A-Aaaahh.” Kang-Woo stumbled backward as he listened to the demented conversation between the two women.

‘What is this? What is going on? What the fuck is up with that Yurie bitch? Father! If you’re watching, please answer me! Oh right, I fucking killed Bauli.’

Kang-Woo’s head was in jumbles and his vision was getting blurry. It was as dark as when he was traversing through the Abyss.


“Vaal Zahak, what is with all this noise— Hmm?” Just then, a demon covered in red muscles entered the lab. “My king?”

Balrog tilted his head in confusion as he looked at Kang-Woo pulling on his hair in pallor.


Kang-Woo’s expression brightened as if he had found a ray of light within the endless darkness. However, it only lasted for a moment.

“What is the matt— Gasp!!” Balrog looked around the lab and his eyes widened after noticing Kurosaki Yurie’s purple tentacle monster form. “M-My king!!!”


“Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Who is that stunningly beautiful woman?!!”

‘Ahhh. I don’t fucking know what’s right or wrong anymore. The source of all worry and anguish is the head. In that case, I’ll destroy my head.’


Kang-Woo smashed his head into the laboratory wall with all his might.

erigiii’s Thoughts

Is Balrog gonna have a love interest too…? Ma boi deserves it.

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