Pokemon: A New Path

Chapter 11: Gifts and Discoveries

"New facilities added to the ranch: fish pond +1!" Naoki thought with a satisfied smile as he watched the Magikarp explore their new home.

His fishing plans had been derailed by Koraidon's antics, but Naoki, checking the time, decided to head back to the house and see if the dumplings were ready.

As he turned to leave, bucket of fish in hand, Cyclizar bounded towards him, clutching a small yellow wildflower in its claws.

"For me?" Naoki asked, surprised and touched by the gesture.

Cyclizar nodded, a wide, innocent grin on its face. Naoki accepted the flower, examining the delicate petals. "Perhaps this is why so many people love Pokémon," he mused. "Their simple, pure kindness." Most Pokémon would remain loyal for life if treated well, even protecting their trainers with their own lives.

With a warm feeling in his chest, Naoki stroked Cyclizar's head and turned to call Koraidon back. But the Legendary Pokémon was nowhere to be seen.

Naoki spotted Koraidon darting through a patch of colorful wildflowers, scattering butterflies in its wake. A few minutes later, it returned, clutching a bouquet of bluebells, tulips, and hyacinths.

Naoki couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed Koraidon had a competitive streak, even when it came to gift-giving. Although it was a Legendary Pokémon, its actions were more akin to those of an eager child.

Koraidon presented the bouquet to Naoki, "Gaa-ah-ah-ah!" it declared proudly.

Naoki sighed good-naturedly, accepting the flowers. As he reached for the bucket, Koraidon nuzzled its head against him, seeking affection.

Naoki couldn't help but laugh, patting Koraidon's head. "You're such a child," he said, shaking his head with amusement.

Satisfied, Koraidon bounced away, ready to continue its exploration.

"Let's go!" Naoki called, and the three of them headed back to the house.

He left the bucket in a shady spot to prevent the fish from overheating, planning to sell them to Zack later that evening. After confirming that the dumplings weren't quite done, he sat at the desk and pulled out the ledger and pen he had purchased from the general store.

Keeping meticulous records of expenses and income was essential for a successful rancher. It would help him stay organized as the ranch grew and prevent him from making costly mistakes.

Naoki began to record the day's transactions:

Spring, Year 198, Day 5

Income: Black Truffle +33,000

Expenses: Seeds, Fishing Rod, Seasonings, Ingredients -4,190

Remaining Funds: 28,810

Spring, Year 198, Day 6

Income: Fish +?

Expenses: 0

The fish hadn't been sold yet, and Naoki didn't know their value. He left a blank space, intending to fill it in later that evening after the transaction.

Naoki diligently noted the estimated costs for expanding the house and repairing the Pokémon and chicken houses. This would help him track progress and maintain motivation as he worked towards these goals.

Satisfied with his bookkeeping, he stood up and checked the steamer. The glutinous rice dumplings were finally ready.

Enveloped in steam, they looked like plump, white babies. As Naoki peered in, their information materialized in his mind:

Glutinous Rice Dumplings (B): A springtime delicacy made with glutinous rice and red bean paste, quite popular among young people.

Cooking Effect: Limited to Bug-type Pokémon. Level 2 Silk Enhancement, moderately increases the toughness and strength of silk. Adding ingredients with elemental properties may cause further changes in the Pokémon that consume it.

Evaluation: Soft and chewy, sweet and delicate, with a hint of red bean flavor. A delicious snack.


Limited to Bug-type Pokémon? Naoki's interest was piqued.

The dumplings, though identical in appearance, varied in their level of enhancement. Some were level 1, others level 2, and the best of the bunch were level 3.

But what truly intrigued Naoki wasn't the "Bug-type Pokémon Limited" aspect, but the mention of "ingredients with elemental properties."

He couldn't recall any such ingredients in the Pokémon world, but they certainly existed in the mobile game. Ice-type berries, Electric-type lemons, and so on.

Could he grow them in this world?

Naoki's initial skepticism was quickly replaced by a memory of a specific dish from the game: "Grass Cake." Feeding it to the player's in-game helpers would cause them to care for crops, and these crops would then undergo mutations. Ordinary mushrooms would become Armor Mushrooms, regular lemons would become Electric Lemons, and apples would become Lum Apples.

If he could replicate the "Grass Cake" and feed it to Pokémon, could they also gain these magical abilities?

Naoki thought it was possible. However, as a programmer, not a chef, he didn't know the recipe or the ingredients for the Grass Cake.

How does one make a cake out of grass? It seemed like something only a cartoon character could concoct.

But if successful, he could potentially create dumplings with electric properties by adding Electric Lemons, allowing a Caterpie to produce electrified silk. The possibilities were endless.

Naoki's heart raced with excitement. "It seems the next step is to try and recreate the Grass Cake recipe."

But not yet. The ranch was in its infancy, and every penny counted.

With that in mind, Naoki set the dumplings aside to cool. Cyclizar eyed them curiously, while Koraidon seemed less interested.

"They're hot right now," Naoki warned Cyclizar. "Wait until they cool down to eat them."

Cyclizar, obedient as ever, waited patiently.

Naoki set aside the majority of the dumplings for his Pokémon companions. For himself, he chose a single dumpling with level 3 silk enhancement. He remembered seeing Caterpie in the nearby forest and was eager to test the dumpling's effects on a Bug-type Pokémon and see how much it strengthened their silk.

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