Pokemon: A New Path

Chapter 17: A Warm Hearth

Electroweb! The move used electrified webbing to ensnare opponents, dealing damage and lowering their speed. The Caterpie's luck was incredible.

The Caterpie itself seemed just as surprised by its newfound ability. After the experiences of the past two days, it had come to understand that the food it consumed played a role in its growth and development. Food could make it stronger!

Eagerly, the Caterpie looked at Naoki with hopeful eyes.

"Not yet," Naoki chuckled. "You can't overindulge. You need to practice and master the new move you've learned."

Besides, the cooking effect of the Fruit Platter was unpredictable. There was no guarantee what would happen if it were consumed repeatedly. While luck had been on their side this time, the next attempt could easily backfire and cause the Caterpie to forget its moves entirely.

"Cater..." The Caterpie understood the reasoning behind Naoki's decision. It resolved to diligently practice its newfound Electroweb, aiming to become stronger with each passing day.

But before that, it wanted to express its deep gratitude to Naoki.

"Caterpie!" It affectionately rubbed its antennae against Naoki's arm.

Naoki smiled warmly. "Go get some rest," he said.

The Caterpie nodded and retreated to a corner of the room.

Naoki looked down at the empty plate, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'll have to be more careful with that dish in the future," he muttered to himself.

Naoki took the warning to heart, wary of accidentally turning Cyclizar and Koraidon into mindless eating machines.

After their meal of grilled fish, both Pokémon appeared thoroughly satisfied, squatting contentedly and licking their chops. Naoki chuckled at their silly expressions, warmth spreading through him.

The temperature had dropped with the evening rain, leaving a chill in the air. But inside, the fireplace radiated a cozy warmth that filled the room.

With full bellies and a comfortable environment, the three Pokémon soon began to yawn and doze off.

Naoki, however, wasn't sleepy yet. He hadn't been very active during the day. He pulled a stool in front of the fireplace and started drawing the crops he had planted on the wooden signs, referring to the illustrations in the "Ranch Encyclopedia."

He worked diligently, his shadow dancing on the wall behind him, illuminated by the flickering firelight.

Caterpie was already snoring softly. Cyclizar, lying beside the bed, raised its head and looked over. Seeing that Naoki hadn't joined them for sleep, it stood up and approached him.

The firelight bathed Cyclizar in a warm glow as Naoki looked up.

"Graaah~" Cyclizar yawned, then curled up beside Naoki, content to keep him company as he worked.

Naoki's heart swelled with affection. He smiled and was about to continue his task when he heard the heavy footsteps of Koraidon approaching.

He turned to see Koraidon lumbering over, then settling down on his other side, mirroring Cyclizar's position. Koraidon gave Cyclizar a disgruntled look.

Darn it, it beat me to it! Koraidon thought, feeling a pang of jealousy.

Cyclizar, oblivious to Koraidon's inner turmoil, had already succumbed to sleep, nestled comfortably beside their trainer.

Koraidon felt a wave of frustration. Its attempt to outdo Cyclizar had backfired. It sighed, resigning itself to its spot on the floor, hoping to catch a few winks before Naoki finally joined them in slumber.

Koraidon sighed, resting its head on its paws as it delved into the past.

It recalled the time, shortly after arriving at Naoki's ranch when it had encountered another Koraidon. At the time, it hadn't understood, but now it realized that the other Koraidon was its past self.

Later, as a Cyclizar, it had fallen into a time machine and, influenced by a mysterious force, transformed into Koraidon. But the question remained: would this Cyclizar also evolve into Koraidon, just like it had?

The thought made Koraidon's head spin. It couldn't comprehend how or why this had happened and it struggled to distinguish past from present. Was it Koraidon or Cyclizar?

The confusion was overwhelming. It felt like a swirling vortex of stars was forming in its mind. Eventually, Koraidon gave up trying to make sense of it all.

No matter what, as long as it could be with Naoki, everything would be alright.

Hearing the sigh, Naoki turned to Koraidon. "Why the sudden sigh?" he asked, concerned.

Was the Legendary Pokémon worried about its past defeat in the territorial battle?

Recalling the game's storyline, Naoki offered words of encouragement. "Don't worry, Koraidon. When you recover your full strength, you'll definitely be able to defeat that other Koraidon."

Even without the secret ingredient, Naoki was confident that his cooking could help Koraidon regain its former power.

Koraidon tilted its head, confused. "Gaa?"

Naoki reassured it, "Don't worry, we'll find a way!"


Koraidon's spirits lifted, and in a burst of affection, it lunged forward, showering Naoki's face with a torrent of slobber.

Naoki pushed it away, wiping his face with a groan. "Don't lick people randomly!" he scolded.

Koraidon's expression immediately turned pitiful.

Naoki couldn't help but chuckle. He couldn't stay mad at the adorable Pokémon for long.


The following morning, the fire in the fireplace had died out, leaving a faint scent of ash in the air. The rain had stopped, and the sky was a clear, vibrant blue.

Naoki stepped outside, inhaling the crisp, fresh air. He stretched his limbs, feeling revitalized and ready to start a new day.

After changing into his work boots and grabbing the newly made signs, he headed to the fields. Dewdrops clung to the leaves, sparkling in the sunlight like tiny jewels.

As Naoki worked, Caterpie emerged from the house and climbed a nearby tree, munching on fresh leaves while observing Naoki, Cyclizar, and Koraidon as they tended to the crops.

Determined to become stronger, not only to prove its worth to those who underestimated it but also to repay Naoki's kindness, Caterpie vowed to evolve into the strongest Butterfree it could be. It would become an asset to the ranch, helping in any way it could.

After a few bites of leaves, Caterpie began practicing its newly acquired Electroweb, weaving intricate patterns of electrified silk in the air.

Meanwhile, Naoki, accompanied by Koraidon and Cyclizar, ventured to the western side of the ranch. This area was still untamed, a chaotic mess of weeds and trees.

Naoki's plan was to clear this section of land to make space for a chicken coop. He had already saved enough money for construction; all he needed were wood and stone.

Within two days, he hoped to visit the carpenter's shop in Mesagoza and ask Kora to help him build the coop, kickstarting his poultry business.

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