Pokemon: A New Path

Chapter 82: Dragon Dance

Dragonite had never encountered a Pokémon like this before.

The massive dragon-like creature had a pitch-black body adorned with golden lines that exuded an ancient, almost divine presence. Its golden eyes emitted an invisible pressure, making it seem like a god suspended high in the cosmos, gazing down upon the world below.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the two figures simply stared at each other in silence.

"Ouch…" Dragonite murmured, its expression serious. The mysterious Pokémon didn't seem to harbor any hostility towards it.

After what felt like an eternity, the Pokémon suddenly moved.

It twisted its enormous, sharp black body and ascended through the air, flying towards the higher reaches of the sky.

As it moved, an invisible cyclone radiated from its form, followed by a massive shockwave that expanded outward at an unimaginable speed, with the creature at its center.

In an instant, the storm that had been raging over the sea was obliterated, and the terrifying typhoon vanished as if it had never existed.

"Ouch!" Dragonite's eyes widened in astonishment, deeply shocked by what it had just witnessed.

'What an incredible power!'

The dark Pokémon hadn't done anything overtly aggressive. It had merely released the pressure from its body, and that alone was enough to disperse the ferocious typhoon.

The image of that dark figure was etched deeply into Dragonite's mind.

After witnessing the awe-inspiring display of power from the mysterious Pokémon, an idea suddenly sparked within Dragonite.

It recalled the twisting, fluid motion of the Pokémon's body and instinctively began to mimic it, performing a fierce Dragon Dance.

A surge of powerful energy erupted from deep within its core. At that moment, Dragonite felt as though every cell in its body was roaring with excitement.

This newfound energy seemed to propel Dragonite into an almost euphoric state, filling it with a strength it had never known before.

After a few moments, Dragonite gradually became accustomed to this overwhelming sensation.

It looked up, searching for the mysterious Pokémon, but the creature had vanished without a trace, as if it had never been there at all.

The other Pokémon had left.

Now, under the quiet night sky, only Dragonite remained. 

Without the influence of the typhoon, the waves on the sea gradually calmed down, and the spiral clouds that had once connected the sky and the earth began to dissipate.

The stars and the moon reappeared in the sky, their light reflecting on the deep blue sea, creating a breathtaking scene.

Dragonite blinked and then looked up at the moon.

'The moon is so beautiful!' the thought crossed Dragonite's mind.

But now, it was time to head back home.


The Next Morning

The typhoon that had raged throughout the night had suddenly vanished, and the heavy rain had stopped. It seemed as though the typhoon had left the Paldea region entirely, disappearing without a trace.

A drop of clear water dripped from the eaves and fell onto the grass below. Small puddles in the mud reflected the blue sky and white clouds. Today was another sunny day.

Naoki stood under the eaves, gazing into the distance. He murmured to himself, "Strange, didn't the weather forecast say this typhoon would last for several days?"

However, what concerned him more than the sudden change in weather was that Dragonite had not yet returned.

Thinking of this, Naoki turned around and looked at Koraidon behind him. He asked, "Koraidon, can you sense Dragonite's presence?"

"Ah, gah…" Koraidon yawned calmly, shook its head, and then fully woke up.

Suddenly, it seemed to notice something and raised its head to look forward.

Following its gaze, Naoki saw Dragonite flying toward them from a distance.

Finally, it's back!

Naoki couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. But as Dragonite landed, he noticed that it was covered in scars and looked somewhat exhausted.

Despite its disheveled appearance, Dragonite's eyes lit up the moment it saw Naoki. It was clearly very excited.

"Ouch!" Dragonite called out enthusiastically.

Seeing Dragonite's condition, Naoki couldn't help but ask, "Did you spend all night practicing new moves?"

Dragonite nodded eagerly and then retreated to a nearby patch of grass, excited to demonstrate its newfound abilities to Naoki.

With a powerful flap of its wings, Dragonite conjured a fierce storm that swept forward with impressive force.

Naoki was taken aback. "Hurricane?"

Dragonite nodded but wasn't done showing off. After unleashing the Hurricane, it began to perform a fierce and mysterious dance, its movements fluid and powerful.

Naoki was even more surprised. "Dragon Dance? Did you master this last night too?"

"Ouch!" Dragonite confirmed with a proud nod.

It felt a deep sense of gratitude toward the mysterious Pokémon it had encountered. Without that inspiration, Dragonite might not have grasped these powerful moves so quickly.

As Dragonite recalled the image of that Pokémon dispersing the typhoon with ease, it couldn't help but be in awe.

Naoki, however, was more focused on Dragonite's safe return than its new abilities. "Alright, the most important thing is that you made it back safely. Let's get some breakfast! You probably didn't sleep at all last night, right? After breakfast, go get some rest. I'll handle the ranch work today."

The two headed inside, and as Naoki spoke, he turned to the refrigerator to fetch some goat's milk.

The typhoon had left its mark, damaging some facilities and crops on the ranch, so Naoki knew he'd have a busy day ahead.

Dragonite, feeling the fatigue from its overnight ordeal, first ate some fruit that Naoki had prepared to restore its strength, then dug into breakfast.

After quickly finishing its meal, Dragonite returned to its Poké Ball to catch up on much-needed sleep.

Naoki and Koraidon then rushed to town with the goat's milk, heading to Madame Dantes' house as they remembered the way.

After knocking on the door, they were greeted by the kind-faced, white-haired Madame Dantes. She opened the door, her eyes searching for a familiar figure that wasn't there.

Her concern was immediate. "Is Dragonite okay?" she asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

Naoki couldn't help but admire the sharpness of the old woman's intuition. He nodded and reassured her, "Dragonite was very tired after braving the typhoon last night. It's resting at the ranch now, so I'm delivering the milk today."

Madame Dantes visibly relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief. She smiled warmly and took the goat milk from Naoki. "Come in and have a cup of tea!" she offered.

Naoki politely tried to decline, "I appreciate it, but I've got a lot of work waiting for me back at the ranch."

"It will only take a few minutes," Madame Dantes insisted with a kind smile. "It won't take long."

Seeing her insistence, Naoki reluctantly agreed. He thanked her and followed her into the living room with Koraidon by his side.

Madame Dantes put the goat's milk away and disappeared into the kitchen. A few minutes later, she returned with two cups of tea, steam rising from the surface.

She set the tea on the table and then brought out a plate of biscuits, placing it in front of Koraidon.

"This is sweet black tea made from the tea leaves grown in abundance in Kitakami. It's mixed with milk. Have a taste!" 

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