Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

43 Kuzan, who shocked his family (Seeking to read!)

Chapter 43 Kuzan, who shocked his family (Seeking to read!)

“Now, the business is over, we can start talking about something about 11 years ago.”

Daka converted 500W Belly’s 500W Belly to 500 magic, and then looked at Kuzan and Robin with a pleasant mood.

When Dakak said this kind of thing, Kuzan and Robin’s expressions were dark.

Ohara incident.

Those who have the deepest impact are these two people.

One, I personally witnessed Sakaski Boom Shelter, and was shocked by unparalleledness in her heart, and laid seeds for later part ways with Sakaski.

And Sauro’s question, ‘Do you think you really have justice at all? You can still stand up your chest! Intersection Intersection ’Even made him confused about his justice.

In the end, Kuzan let go of Robin with his will, and said ‘complete justice sometimes makes people crazy’ and proves that his transformation and the deep impact on this matter will have a deep impact on him.

On the other hand, his hometown was destroyed, his mother died, the teacher died, his friends died, and his memories were on his body. Since then, there has been an endless dark life, until now.

Therefore, for the two, Ohara is a past that does not want to mention.

“Remember what I promised you before? Tell 伱“ about Sauro after that. ”

When Dak’s words were spoken.

Kuzan didn’t respond too much, but he stared at Dak with his eyes, and seemed to have doubts in his eyes.

And Robbine also remembered that Darker used this problem to turn her back. As a result, three days have passed and did not tell her about it.

“Sauro, is he still alive?”

Robin remembered this problem again, becoming a bit anxious, stretched out one hand to grab Dark’s clothes. It seemed that Dak didn’t give him away without giving a answer this time.

“Kuzan, do you say, or I said?”

Darker glanced at Kuzan, standing in front of him, seemed to become a little uncomfortable.

“Do you know? What did you conceal me?”

Robin turned his head to Kuzan.

For so many years of inspections, she saw the deep meaning of Kuzan’s eyes at a glance.

“I have one thing very curious. At that time, I was sure that I was alone on Ohara, why, why would you know?”

Kuzan ignored Robin, but stared at Dak.

If Dak has the ability to see through a person’s past, then this kind of person is really terrible.

“Well, we can do a lot of things in the magical cultivation house, and some of them may even make you doubt life.”

Dak frowned and began to consider how to say.

“for example?”

Back to the past, change history.

Cross time and space, go to the future.

Live to die, meat bones.

“. For example, let a person see someone who is dead in a short time.”

After Dak considered, he still didn’t say such a fantasy thing.

The power of Pokémon is amazing. The ability to rely on Pokémon just now can do everything, and even more can be done.

Even if you don’t rely on the power of the legendary Pokémon, let a dead person resurrected such things, and it can be done by relying on the props in the magic mall.

But these Dac are not ready to tell others.

These things do not necessarily make people outside the world yearn for the magical cultivation house, but they will start to be afraid. They will try to eliminate the magical cultivation house from this world.

In particular, the color of the world government will definitely worry about Daks to do things 800 years ago, and even let them disappear in history.

Dak is not afraid of other people’s bad thoughts, nor does it think those people have the ability to achieve it, but in the end, they will add a lot of trouble.

“See, the deceased?”

Kuzan’s mouth was slightly open, and his breathing became a little bit rapid.

It wasn’t that he had greedy thoughts about this ability. He didn’t have any special people who wanted to see and died, but this kind of thing was too dreamy.

And the key is that after he knows that this incident is exposed, what kind of waves will set off on the sea.

I believe that onepiece will be suppressed for a while.

Robin stayed in place, and his mind began to emerge in his face.

In her eyes, she couldn’t stop eagerness, and she stopped looking at Dak.

“You don’t have to exaggerate this imagination. This is a feather produced from some kind of Pokémon. It is very precious and rare. Even if it is in our hand, there is only one The plan to sell will not be exposed on the sea. ”

The amount of information revealed in Dark is very large.

Not only the image of the Pokémon in Kuzan’s heart, but also so that the other party does not have to worry too much about this kind of thing that will make the sea crazy.

“so you.”

“Yes, I used this feather to Sauro, but it failed.”

Dak nodded.

In a word, let Kuzan and Robin start brain replenishment.

“Why fail?”

Robin asked.

With Robbin’s memory, how could I not hear what Dak said just now?

However, because she heard it too clearly, her head moved too fast, so she was a little unconfident, but the expectations and joy in the words exposed her thoughts and mood in her heart.

“Because, Sauro, not dead.”

Kuzan gave up the struggle at this moment and tells this fact.


After hearing Kuzan’s admits, Robin was filled with tears in her eyes, but she quickly wiped it again.

“Mi 咪 ~”

The big tits saw Robin crying and quickly comforted her.

He even rushed towards Kuzan, intending to punch Kuzan, but was hugged by Robin’s ability to have a flower fruit.

“Very good.”

Robin’s inner words finally gathered into a simple three words.

No one can understand her current mood.

“I didn’t plan to tell you this. I did not expect that the power of Pokémon was exaggerated to this extent.”

Kuzan shook his head, seemed to be rotten, and spread his hands at Robin. “You don’t need to ask where Sauro is now, telling you that it is meaningless,”

“He leaned up as much as possible in the Book of Ohara incident into the sea and brought it to Elbav’s library. With the help of Berkaton, he read all the materials and started to eight. The history of a century ago started research. ”

Dak interrupted Kuzan’s shattered thoughts and told Robinsa’s current situation.

This is not an unspeakable. He must be satisfied with Robin’s curiosity and make his store staff happier.

However, Dark saw the shocking color from Kuzan’s eyes widened, and he could even see Kuzan’s pupil trembling.

So Dudak initiated a question,

“You won’t you know, right?”

Dak was really doubtful. Kuzan put Sauro away from his hand, and may even be the Elbaofe who sent Kuzan back. How can he not know?

Or, naval and even the world government do not know what Big Panek is in contact with Sauro?

What does Big Peton want to do?


Kuzan was silent, and what he didn’t know was Bigtong’s affairs.


Why did Dac know?

According to his statement, shouldn’t he only determine the news that Sauro survived?

Kuzan had calmed down in his heart, and he shocked Dakak’s things that Daka even knew such hidden news.

Not only that.

The incident that Sauro was played by him was not even told that even the Warring States Period was not told, why did Bergon in the world government know where Sauro was?

At this time, Kuzan suddenly remembered the Pokémon hidden in Dakk’s shadow.

If the Pokémon does not suddenly make his head, he may never notice the existence of the Pokémon.

If the Pokémon hides in the shadow to explore the news, then few people in the world may notice his existence.

It is also this one that let Kuzan start infinite associations and attention to Pokémon, and determine ideas. Even if the Warring States does not make Pokémon transactions, he must persuade Capu, even Zefa You can also mention it over there.

Darker didn’t expect him to make Kuzan noticed so many things, but this mouth also made him see something from Kuzan’s expression.

Although it is useless for him.

Robin didn’t notice it.

Robin, who is so calm on weekdays, is now like a little girl, with a ruddy face and a smile on his face.

In her mind, I kept thinking about Sauro.

(This chapter is finished)

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