Pokemon Master

Chapter 108: Researcher Qingmu

When Fang Yuan asked about the training progress of the Munchlax last time, Liu Le told Fang Yuan that because of the bad habits of Munchlax, his family especially spent a lot of money to hire a well-known Breeder and hypnosis master to help Munchlax comprehend the Rest and Sleep-talk moves.

"It's almost there. The hypnotist is very busy. His teaching cycle is once a week. I heard that after four sessions of hypnotizing, Munchlax can successfully master the Rest and sleep-talk moves."

"During this period, I let Munchlax practice Body Slam and Rollout." Liu Le said.

"Oh, that's not bad." Fang Yuan nodded.

In addition to Fang Yuan, Lin Jing and Liu Le were also becoming stronger in their own ways.

When Lin Jing's Growlithe learns Flamethrower, and Liu Le's Munchlax learns Rest and Sleep talk, the three of them could cooperate more delicately.

The editorial office of The House of Pokemon.

An editor was reviewing the latest entries that have passed the format review.

"Enough is enough, this is the first time I don't know how many submissions about Eevee we have received."

Niu Zhiyuan took a sip of tea with a headache after seeing the word "Eevee" on the papers.

As a publication house with the lowest threshold, the widest audience, and the most inclusiveness, "The House of Pokemon" gets a lot of papers every day, but recently, the most content that editors have seen was about Eevee.

Some time ago, frozen rocks were discovered in Antarctica, and the news of the fifth evolutionary form of Eevee was announced, causing a new round of Eevee fever.

This also led to many more articles about Eevee in the submissions of "The House of Pokemon".

Niu Zhiyuan has reviewed many of Eevee's articles, and almost all of them were nothing new. He even suspects that the authors who wrote these papers simply learned about Eevee from film and television works and have never contacted the Pokemon Eevee personally.

However, it must be admitted that the topic brought by the Eevee craze was still very large. Each issue of major journals will publish some valuable articles about Eevee to attract readers

"Huh…" Niu Zhiyuan originally thought it was another self-attention-attracting article, but when he saw the title of the article, his eyes widened involuntarily.

Topic: The performance and analysis of Eevee's unknown ability

After seeing the concise title, editor Niu Zhiyuan quickly looked at the abstract

"Anticipation ability? The ability to anticipate dangerous moves possessed by the opponent?"

He looked at this paper seriously, Eevee's new ability? At this juncture, the paper was undoubtedly very suitable for publication, and it would cause a lot of reactions, but after glancing at the contributor, he showed a blank expression.

High school student?

"The beginner pokemon of the contributor is Eevee. Although the author is only a high school student, it seems that the article is relatively reliable."

Niu Zhiyuan took another sip of tea.

This kind of article about the discovery of a new ability, as long as there were no major loopholes in logic, was not something he could handle.

How to prove the authenticity of this article has to be further handed over to professionals for review.

"It's just that the research method is crude and simple. Considering that the author is a student, I don't care too much. Since there is no big problem…"

Jiangsu Province, Jinling City.

Qingmu Research Institute.

A thin, disheveled researcher was repeatedly comparing the results of his own experiments.

Xu Qingmu, one of the pokemon researchers in Jiangsu Province, is well-known in the field of Normal pokemon. He is also a top student who graduated from a famous university. He has been in the field of pokemon for more than ten years and has achieved very good achievements.

He wrote the famous "Adaptation theory of Normal pokemon".

At this time, the subject Xu Qingmu was studying was the difference and commonality of the color-changing abilities of the pokemon Kecleon and the animal chameleon.

At this stage, there were two theories about the chameleon's color-changing ability, but the color-changing ability of the Kecleon was different from these two theories…

“It turns out that the mood and state will also affect the color change of Kecleon…"

Xu Qingmu nodded, recorded the results, put down his work, and decided to take a bath and rest for a while.

After taking a hot bath to clear up his fatigue, he sat at the desk in the office, turned on the computer, and planned to take a look at the homework handed in by a few students, but at this moment, Xu Qingmu found that he had too many emails. He got an email from "The House of the Pokemon".

"The performance and analysis of Eevee's unknown Ability?" Xu Qingmu was startled and read it carefully.

Ten minutes later……

"Anticipation ability… The timidity and fear of battle is not necessarily just a personality reason, it may also be a special ability that has evolved to avoid danger."

"Among them, Eevee is the most sensitive to the dangers of fighting-type moves. If it is not trained, it will even show fear. On top of that, some of the moves that are powerful enough to kill Eevee could do the same, which is the best way to test the nature of Anticipation."

"This ability, if exercised, can allow pokemon to perceive danger, and gain excellent combat awareness through the foreknowledge of danger…"

"Interesting…" Xu Qingmu sighed with emotion. Eevee's cowardice was not a character defect, but a special ability?

What kind of mind would come up with this and prove it through consistent practice and research… If his students could discover a new feature with their own abilities, like the author of this article, then they could graduate.

Xu Qingmu also studied Eevee. He dug out his previous research materials and found that there was indeed an individual whose personality was described in this article. He originally thought that this was the personality of this Eevee, but now thinking, it may not be so simple.

He plans to find another batch of Eevee for research.

At the same time, he made a phone call: "Siyu, I am giving you a task…"

Wen Siyu, an intern researcher and a graduate student at Nanjing University, was one of Xu Qingmu's students. Now, Xu Qingmu has shown interest in the article sent by the editorial department of "The House of Pokemon". In addition to his verification, Xu Qingmu also wants to contact the author of the article.

If Fang Yuan could join the research, it could save a lot of time.

After all, it could be seen from the content of the article that Fang Yuan has carried out targeted training for his Eevee for a long time, and has already applied the Anticipation ability to actual combat.

"You go to Pingcheng and contact a student named Fang Yuan."

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