Pokemon Master

Chapter 79: Official Submission

After arranging training tasks for Eevee, Fang Yuan started shopping online for weight-bearing props and sandbags.

Two of his purchases didn't arrive until Friday.

The first week of school was very fulfilling for Fang Yuan.

A high school student who goes to school writes a thesis and is also remarkable.

On the school side, Fang Yuan’s biggest gain was a series of teaching contents of basic skills for trainers.

Although every trainer could do these skills after studying systematically, Fang Yuan discovered that there was really a big gap between systematic learning and the complete wild way.

It has only been a week, and Fang Yuan got a deep understanding.

Friday, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Pingcheng No. 1 High School dismisses students early on this day, even third-year students were no exception.

Resident students go home, and day students also go home. What awaited them was either a two-day vacation or two-day make-up classes.

Anyway, Fang Yuan would not be able to escape the make-up lessons on Saturday and Sunday…

Fang Yuan, Lin Jing, and Liu Le, who participated in the New Star Project, have regular classes from Monday to Friday and follow the school’s schedule. On Saturday and Sunday, they need to go to the Trainers’ Association to receive additional training.

Fang Yuan does not exclude this kind of make-up class which was similar to the nature of cram school.

It was definitely not that he likes make-up lessons, but the main thing was the content of the make-up lesson.

If there was a mathematics tuition class, Fang Yuan would unconditionally run away, but if it was a battle class, Fang Yuan has no reason to refuse.


As usual, Fang turned on his computer as soon as he got home.

If nothing else, his paper could be officially submitted today.

Fang Yuan intends to publish this paper on the discovery of new features in the Journal of House of Pokemon.

The House of Pokemon was a comprehensive publication, which publishes weekly once.

Although it is not the journal that best reflects the academic level of the subject in the Pokemon academia, its audience was definitely the widest, the threshold was also the lowest, and the content was very inclusive, which was why it was very suitable for such new people like Fang Yuan.

After spending some time, Fang Yuan moved slightly and then stared at the screen carefully.

Went to the official website of the House of Pokemon, logged in to the author's account, and entered the submission system.

After Fang Yuan once again confirmed the layout and format of the paper according to the journal's requirements, he immediately clicked the agreement on the copyright transfer agreement page.

After uploading the paper and filling in the manuscript information and author information, all that was left was to pay the review fee.

Regardless of whether the paper passes the review or not, Fang Yuan’s review fee would not come back. Because the threshold of the House of Pokemon journal was low, its review fee is extraordinarily expensive. This was to avoid malicious papers.

After paying the money, Fang Yuan finally submitted the paper, and the status of the manuscript was displayed as "new manuscript".

But obviously, his new submission was estimated to be accepted by the editorial department after a few days.

In the next two months, Fang Yuan’s submission will go through multiple reviews… He just needs to pay attention to it in real-time.

After finishing the paper, Fang Yuan plans to relax for a while during his rare half-day holiday.

Eevee was watching dramas, and he, of course, also wanted to relax. Since he traveled to this world, Fang Yuan has lost a lot of leisure and entertainment things, such as animation, games, novels… and devoted himself to the profession of the trainer.

However, just when Fang Yuan was about to take a break, a phone call interrupted him…

Caller, Dad.

"Hey, son, are you at home?"

"I am at home."

"You go to the drawer of my room and see if my ID card is in it."

Fang Yuan went to take a look, and replied: "It’s here."

"Oh, sure enough, I want to use it now, can you send it over to me?"

Send the ID card?


My beautiful half-day… No, less than half a day's holiday.

Fang Yuan covered his chest and replied helplessly: "Okay, send me the address, I'll take a taxi."

After he hung up the phone, the location was sent quickly. The location was a power plant in the suburbs. If you take a taxi, you could arrive in 15 minutes.

This power plant was originally built to supply power to the maglev train, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Later, some external factors appeared, and it was abandoned here, and it became the place where Fang Yuan’s father’s company raised the electric Pokemon.

The electric pokemon here were mainly Magnemites and Voltorb. They feed on electricity. After they grow to a certain extent here, they would be transported to other positions in the company and participate in the work.

Fang Yuan also heard that some electricians who perform special tasks will also be assigned an electric pokemon, and their companies would help them register as trainers.

In addition, there have been several examples of power plants giving out Pokemon to employees whose children were college student trainers and who need the electric pokemon.

It’s just that the current trainers were used to going to the breeding house to buy the Pokemon carefully cultivated by the Breeders. They were not much interested in the Pokemons raised on a large scale by this kind of enterprise, and it was not uncommon to give them away. They think they are no different from wild Pokemon. They are Pokemon with low potential, poor talent, and poor development.

Among wild Pokemon, it was estimated that only the leaders of the Pokemon in the secret realm and dangerous places, the overlords of the Pokemon, or some different kind of Pokemon could attract the attention of this part of the trainers.

This was the same as ordinary people's pursuit of "famous brands", the wild Pokemons are at the bottom, and the Pokemon that have been raised on a large scale was not taken seriously.

The Pokemon cultivated by the Breeders in the breeding house were the most sought-after by the trainers.

After taking the ID card, Fang Yuan called a taxi, then went to his bedroom door and knocked on the door deliberately.

At this time, Eevee was still lying in bed and watching drama.





Fang Yuan yelled four times in a row, and Eevee raised its head reluctantly.

"Vee…" Eevee reluctantly pressed the pause button and looked at Fang Yuan.

It has a bad premonition, so it doesn't really want to talk to Fang Yuan now.

"I'm going out, do you want to come with me?" Fang Yuan asked.


Eevee shook its head abruptly and wrapped the silk scarf tightly.

Not at all tempted.

Faced with Eevee's reply, Fang Yuan could be said to be in a complicated mood.


Fang Yuan continued to stare at Eevee.

About half a minute later, Eevee ran over helplessly.

"That's right."

Fang Yuan took Eevee, put it on his shoulder, and smiled.


Eevee rolled its eyes and stuck its tongue out towards Fang Yuan.

Soon, the taxi arrived. After getting in the car, Fang Yuan and Eevee arrived near the power plant.

After calling his Father, Fang Yuan and Eevee walked inside…

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