Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_6.2 (16)


The words hung in the air, the boy's declaration echoing with a sense of finality. For a moment, the room was silent, save for the soft hum of the training equipment. Caelan studied Ritchie, his expression unreadable, though inwardly, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

'Ritchie…' The name carried weight in a way that Ritchie himself might not even realize. Caelan remembered the anime Nolan had watched—a version of the world that seemed like fiction but was now uncomfortably real. In that story, Ritchie was a minor character who was friends with Ash. The show portrayed him as a skilled and kindhearted trainer who shared a strong bond with his Pokémon, often nicknaming them and battling with a mix of strategy and compassion.

He'd been one of those rare trainers who made it far in the League, proving himself not just by brute strength but by how he connected with his team. Ritchie had a reputation for using clever tactics and outlasting stronger opponents, all while maintaining a level of fairness that set him apart.

And just like Ash, he had one goal: To become a Pokemon Master.

But that was fiction, wasn't it? And yet, here stood this boy, declaring the same ambition with the same name and a Mouse Pokémon just like in the stories. It can't be a coincidence... can it?

Ritchie stood awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot, the initial confidence of his challenge melting away in the lingering silence that followed. Rattata gave a small squeak, as if trying to ease the tension. The awkwardness was palpable, a sharp contrast to the determined gleam that had been in Ritchie's eyes just moments before.

Caelan observed Ritchie, noting the boy's nervous fidgeting and the contrast between his earlier determination and current awkwardness. This Ritchie seems more nervous and unsure than I expected. He's got the same name and dreams, but he's definitely not as confident as the character I remember. He's eager, but there's a certain hesitation in his movements.

Clearing his throat, Caelan dispelled his inner musings. "I don't really know what that means," His voice was calm, measured, as he tried to break the strange atmosphere that had settled between them. "But do you often announce your dream of becoming a Pokémon Master to everyone you meet?"

Ritchie's cheeks flushed deeper, and he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. "Oh, well… I guess I do. I feel like if I say it out loud enough, maybe one day it'll come true. Plus, it helps calm me down a bit."

Caelan shrugged, hiding his amusement. "I don't mind. I was just curious."

The boy's embarrassment seemed to dissipate as he found his enthusiasm again. His eyes brightened with renewed excitement. "Oh, great! So, are you ready to battle now?"

Just as Ritchie's excitement reached its peak, a thought struck him. "Wait! I need to get a referee!" He turned on his heel, his face a mix of urgency and concern.

"Wait," Caelan raised a hand to stop him. "We don't need a referee for this. This battle won't take long."

Ritchie hesitated, his excitement giving way to a flicker of frustration. He frowned slightly, feeling the sting of Caelan's nonchalance. "Don't underestimate us," he said, narrowing his eyes with a hint of annoyance. "Just because we're new doesn't mean we're going to be an easy opponent."

Caelan held back a snort, appreciating Ritchie's spirit. "I'm not underestimating you. It's better to show you what I mean than to explain."

"Fine," Ritchie said, his voice clipped as he narrowed his eyes further, clearly annoyed. "Let's just get started."

"If you say so," Caelan replied, all mirth vanishing from his face as he stepped into position. "Rattata—To the stage."

As Rattata leapt onto the battling arena with a determined glint in her eye, the room seemed to pulse with the energy of the upcoming battle. Both trainers readied themselves, the anticipation hanging thick in the air.

"Alright, Sparky, let's go!" Ritchie called out, tossing his Poké Ball into the air. With a flash of red light, Pichu emerged, landing gracefully on the field. The tiny Electric-type Pokémon looked up at its trainer, ready for action.

Caelan's gaze remained steady. "Go on. I'll let you have the first move."

Ritchie's frustration flared, his expression hardening. "You'll regret that. Let's show him what we're made of, Sparky. Hit 'em with Wild Charge!"

Pichu let out a high-pitched squeal, clearly eager. "Chu~!"

With a sharp cry, it charged forward, crackling with electricity. The move was Wild Charge, a high-risk, high-reward move that would slam into Rattata with full force.

But there was a reason Caelan wasn't too worried about this fight. Not only was he up against a baby Pokemon, but Rattata had trained repeatedly over the last week specifically to counter rush down attacks like this one.

And Ritchie's Pichu wasn't even close to being fast enough to catch Rattata off guard.

But before Pichu could close the distance, Rattata's body tensed. She let out a piercing Screech that sliced through the air, creating a shockwave that disrupted Pichu's trajectory. The electrical charge emanating from it sputtered, and Pichu staggered mid-charge, struggling to regain its balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Rattata rushed ahead with its speed, appearing in front of Pichu with a silver glowing tail raised high. With a quick pivot, Rattata whipped her tail around, delivering a forceful blow that sent Pichu flying through the air. The Electric-type skidded across the battlefield, landing with a soft thud, momentarily dazed.

Ritchie's eyes widened as he scrambled to regain control. 

"On your feet, quickly!" He called. "It's too fast, keep it away with Disarming Voice!"

Pichu shook off the daze and took a deep breath, unleashing a melodic Disarming Voice that filled the arena. The pink-colored sound waves surged toward Rattata, a guaranteed hit that would cause damage regardless of her defensive stance.

But Caelan remained unfazed. "Ignore it, Rattata."

Just as the sound waves were about to hit, Rattata's eyes flashed with intense focus. With a guttural roar, she let out a burst of Rage that erupted around her in a wave of crimson energy. The powerful burst collided with the Disarming Voice, scattering the sound waves into nothing. To an uninformed audience, it would've seemed as if the sheer force of Rattata's Rage obliterated the attack, leaving the air vibrating with residual energy.

That was what it looked like, but that was not what actually happened.

After a trainer thought they were clever trying to end the battle with just Attract, Caelan found out that Rage could ignore attacks that appealed to a Pokemon's emotions. He still wasn't certain if it worked against all such moves, but so far, it had proven reliable.

Watching Rattata slam that Vulpix around like a ragdoll afterward had been cathartic.

Ritchie watched in disbelief as his Pichu's Disarming Voice attack was rendered utterly useless by Rattata's Rage. His heart was likely pounding in his chest, but he quickly regained his composure. "Sparky, use Thunder Wave! Let's slow her down!"

Pichu crackled with electricity, sending out a paralyzing wave of energy toward Rattata. The small Electric-type's eyes narrowed in determination as the bright arcs of electricity crackled through the air, striking Rattata directly. The Normal-type tensed as the electric current coursed through her body, briefly locking up her muscles.

But instead of slowing down, Rattata's eyes gleamed with a fiercer intensity. Her muscles tightened and swelled with power, glowing faintly as her Guts ability kicked in. The paralysis wasn't weakening her—if anything, it had only made her stronger.

Caelan grinned slightly, recognizing the shift. "You've just made her more dangerous," he said quietly, almost to himself. Ritchie, still focused on the battle, didn't hear him.

Ritchie shouted, "Stay back, Sparky! Keep your distance—don't let her get close!" He was beginning to panic, trying to devise a strategy to hold off the unstoppable force in front of him.

Caelan raised an eyebrow at Ritchie's desperate commands. "Rattata," he said, his tone calm but commanding. "Quick Attack—now."

Rattata's body blurred as she dashed forward with near-instantaneous speed. The paralysis might have tried to slow her down, but her Guts-fueled strength and pure willpower shattered the restraints. She darted toward Pichu, her movement so fast it left afterimages in its wake.

Ritchie's breath caught in his throat as he scrambled to think of a counter. "Sparky, Protect!"

"It doesn't have Protect," With a roll of his eyes, Caelan called out his bluff instantly. "Pichu is unevolved and already used its hidden type. Try again."

It was a last-ditch effort to buy time. One that failed immediately. Realizing his mistake, he quickly shouted, "Thunder Shock! N-now!"

Pichu sent out another jolt of electricity, but Caelan shook his head. "It's too late." He sighed as he ordered, "Rattata—don't hit him."

The blur that was Rattata suddenly stopped, inches away from Sparky, her sharp gaze locked onto her opponent. The Electric-type flinched, caught off guard by the speed and proximity of the attack. Ritchie stood frozen, unsure of what had just happened.

The only movement in the room came from the faint shockwave left in Rattata's wake—a ripple of wind that swept past Sparky and rustled the air.

"I can tell your Pichu has some training," Caelan said calmly. "But it's completely outclassed here. If I were you, I'd avoid the unnecessary injuries and stop now."

Ritchie clenched his fists, clearly struggling with the weight of the decision. Caelan could see the internal conflict playing out in the boy's eyes. But when Ritchie glanced at his Pichu—exhausted, yet stubbornly trying to hold its ground—it was obvious to Caelan that the kid already knew the outcome. 

There was no winning this battle.

"I… I surrender," Ritchie said softly, his voice heavy with defeat.

The tension in the air dissipated as Caelan nodded, signaling the end of the battle.

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