Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_7.3 (20)

"K-Krampus, stay with me now, buddy!" Fiona's voice cut through the stillness; her desperation barely concealed. "I know you're hurt, but we can't lose—not like this. Get up, please!"

'Is… she serious?' Caelan narrowed his eyes at her, frustration stirring. 'That's just some hollow sentiment. She's relying on—what, the power of friendship? Against an attack that just—'

His train of thought stopped cold as Delibird, battered and bruised, began to stir. It wobbled, struggling to rise, before finally flapping its wings. Slowly, impossibly, it lifted off the ground, wings shaky but determined. 

"De...Li!" With a ragged cry, Delibird forced itself into the air. Forced itself out of reach.

Caelan's eyes widened, disbelief clashing with frustration. 'There's no way it should still be standing.'

They'd done a few tests with Rampage at the Battle Club already. Without any exhaustion, the technique was as powerful as a boosted Double-Edge, something a random Delibird would not be capable of walking away from.

"Atta boy! Stay in the air and rain down hell! Use Ice Shard!" Fiona's voice trembled, the relief in her voice palpable.

High above, Delibird circled like a predator, the air becoming cold as it manifested a fresh barrage of icy projectiles. The shards sliced through the air, raining down on Rattata.

But Rattata's training had paid off.

Rattata didn't flinch or hesitate; instead, she darted left and right, her movements calculated as she zigzagged to evade the incoming attacks. Each shard missed her narrowly, but she couldn't anticipate the effect the ice had with the ground, the shards shattering on impact. The ice burst into a cascade of tiny fragments, creating a frosty splash zone around where they landed.

Though Rattata had evaded direct hits, the explosion of ice left her caught in a chilling spray. The sudden burst of cold air and icy particles coated her fur, slowing down her movements. Her nimble feet, once quick and light, now were weighed down by the freezing frost.

'I need to ground it', Caelan thought, forcing himself to push through the frustration. 'I'll deal with how ridiculous this all is later.' None of his usual tactics could touch Delibird at this height. He had no plan for this situation. His jaw tightened. 'I didn't think we'd need to focus on ranged combat yet.'

He scanned the battlefield, searching for a solution, but options were dwindling. Rattata was fast, but Delibird's advantage was absolute. She couldn't reach it, and Caelan knew it.

She couldn't fly, nor did she have any ranged abilities, and Fiona was shamelessly exploiting that weakness. Caelan needed to find a way to close the distance, but Delibird's constant aerial attacks made sure he was on a timer.

Each shard drove Rattata closer to taking a direct hit, her movements slowing, her breathing labored.

"First Gear! Don't stop moving, Rattata!" Caelan's voice was calm, but there was a thread of urgency, a growing sense that the battle was slipping away.

Rattata responded instantly, her agility sharpening under the effect of multiple Quick Attacks, but the strain was evident. She was fast, but they couldn't keep this pace up forever.

Delibird's attacks, while not devastating on their own, were chipping away at her, bit by bit.

He hadn't told her to attack, but as she went for a few openings in Delibird's bombardment, it would fail every time. Whether it be leaping or climbing using the Ice Shards as footholds, Delibird would just fly higher, maintaining the upper hand.

Her usual strength—quick, precise strikes—was rendered useless against an opponent that could simply avoid her reach.

Caelan clenched his fists, feeling the bitter sting of helplessness. 'Tackle, Quick Attack, Bite, Tail Whip—none of it can touch that damn penguin if it insists on staying up there.'

The moment of silence from his side stretched longer than he wanted to admit. He knew Rattata had the will to keep fighting, but that alone wasn't enough. His tactics, so carefully crafted for ground combat, had no answer for this.

"Use Drill Peck!" Fiona's voice rang out, and Delibird swooped downward, its beak glowing with energy as it dove directly toward Rattata. Caelan's breath caught in his throat as he watched Rattata attempt to sidestep, but her speed had lowered enough that the two Pokémon were now equal.

Rattata barely dodged, the gust from Delibird's wings sending her stumbling.

'Wait, she's still got one more move left!' Caelan recalled in the nick of time.

"Now's our chance!" He shouted. "Use Screech!"

Rattata's response was immediate, her small body tensing as she unleashed a fierce, guttural sound that reverberated through the battlefield.

But Fiona, too, was quick on the draw. "Krampus, abort! Icy Wind, now!"

Delibird quickly adjusted its trajectory, its wings beating rapidly to generate a fierce, biting wind. The icy gale sliced through the battlefield, swirling the snow and ice particles into a chaotic dance.

Rattata's Screech was drowned out by the cold wind, its piercing sound turned into a mere echo. The wind collided with the snow and frost already coating Rattata's fur, intensifying the chill and making her shiver uncontrollably. 

The frigid wind blew forcefully, disrupting her attempts to close in on Delibird and throwing off her balance.

The momentary standoff was broken as Delibird quickly scurried to regain altitude, its wings flapping desperately despite the exhaustion.

'A complete counter and reversal.' Caelan's frustration grew as he watched Rattata struggle against the harsh conditions, her attempts to capitalize utterly thwarted.

Fiona had turned the battle into one of attrition, and Rattata clearly couldn't last much longer.

Caelan clenched his fists. "Rattata, keep pushing!" he urged. But Delibird's ability to stay airborne was proving to be an insurmountable challenge.

His mind went into overdrive. 'There has to be something…'

But Fiona wasn't going to sit there and let him think. "Finish this! Ice Beam!" she shouted, her confidence returning in full as she watched Rattata finally show vulnerability.

A beam of icy energy shot from Delibird's beak, cutting through the air towards Rattata. Caelan's heart raced. "Dodge it, Rattata!" he shouted, but the fatigue from earlier attacks was evident. Rattata's movements were sluggish, her agility compromised by the cold.

She tried to evade, but her legs faltered, and the Ice Beam struck her directly. The sudden, biting cold enveloped her, and she staggered, her body shaking as she struggled to free herself from the icy grip.

"Rattata!" Caelan's voice cut through the battlefield, but before he could give his next command, Delibird struck with another Drill Peck, sending Rattata tumbling across the snow-covered ground. 

She struggled, shivering as she tried to rise.

Caelan could see it in her eyes—she wanted to keep fighting, but her body was giving out on her. Each attempt to rise was met with increasing difficulty, her limbs shaking from exhaustion and the biting chill.

Fiona, sensing victory, seized the moment. "One more Ice Shard!" she called out with sharp determination. Delibird's eyes narrowed as it summoned the last, desperate barrage. Ice shards, jagged and glinting like shards of glass, materialized in the air, gathering into a lethal storm.

The shards rained down with a chilling fury, each one a sharp projectile of pure ice. They sliced through the air, streaking down like deadly icicles. Rattata, already worn and hindered by the frost, couldn't hope to dodge the onslaught.

The first shard struck her side with a sharp, stinging impact, embedding itself into her fur and sending a shiver of cold through her body. Another shard followed, slamming into her with a brutal force that pushed her sideways, sending her skidding through the snow. Each impact was a searing pain, amplifying the numbing cold that gripped her.

As the final shards descended, they hammered into her with relentless precision, each one crashing down with an almost visceral impact. Rattata's attempts to shield herself were futile as the icy projectiles battered her from all sides, driving her closer to the edge of collapse.

With a final, agonized gasp, Rattata crumpled to the ground, her body giving out completely. She lay motionless, her small form barely visible beneath the layer of snow and ice that had accumulated around her.

With a final, agonized gasp, Rattata crumpled to the ground.

Caelan's chest tightened as he stared at the fallen form of his partner. She lay motionelss, her small form barely visible beneath the layer of snow and ice that accumulated around her.

His breath caught in his throat. 'It can't be…'

The referee's hand shot into the air. "Rattata is unable to battle! The winner—"

Before the referee's words could fully escape, Delibird let out a soft, exhausted cry. Its wings faltered, and its body swayed as fatigue finally took hold. With a weak, unsteady flutter, it collapsed to the ground, utterly spent.

The crowd gasped, a collective murmur rising from the spectators as they took in the scene.

Both Pokémon lay still on the snow-covered battlefield.

Seconds stretched into what felt like an eternity, each moment dragging with excruciating tension.

One Pokémon had been battered and bruised beyond recognition, while the other was drained to its very last ounce of energy. The silence was heavy, charged with the weight of the battle's outcome.

And then, in a final, desperate act of will, Delibird forced itself back up. Its body trembled with the effort, but it managed to stand, its wings still flickering with a feeble, defiant glow. The snowy battlefield seemed to lend it just enough of an edge to stay conscious, the icy environment crucial to its last stand.

The referee, watching with a mix of hesitation and resolve, raised his hand. "Rattata is unable to battle. The winner is Fiona and Delibird!"

Fiona's face lit up with a wide smile, her eyes sparkling with joy and relief. "We did it, Krampus!" she exclaimed, running over to her Delibird, who was still standing but clearly exhausted. She knelt down, scooping the bird Pokémon into her arms, hugging it tightly. "You were amazing out there!"

Delibird gave a tired but satisfied coo, snuggling into her embrace. The crowd's applause and cheers washed over them, but Fiona only had eyes for her Pokémon, pride radiating from her every pore.

On the other side of the battlefield, Caelan remained quiet as he knelt beside Rattata. His expression was stony, almost unreadable, as he cradled her gently. His displeasure was palpable—jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, every bit of his frustration pouring into the silent motion of stroking Rattata's fur. 

This wasn't how today was supposed to go.

It had been a day off—a reward for all of Rattata's hard work. A day to simply relax and do as they pleased. No expectations for serious fights.

And yet, somehow, they'd found themselves in an impromptu battle, only to lose because of a single aerial advantage—a weakness in his tactics that had blindsided him.

Rattata looked up at him, her body still trembling from exertion, but her eyes—burning with the same fire as ever—said more than words could. There was no anger, no shame, just raw determination to keep going, no matter how battered she felt.

For a brief moment, something stirred in Caelan's chest. The desire to protect her, the frustration of watching her fall, the sting of helplessness—they all melded into something sharper. He blinked back the sting of tears pressing against his eyes.

"You did great," he whispered softly. And she had. She followed every command and technique he taught her to the letter. She had done amazing.

The truth gnawed at him, though. They'd lost because of him, not her.

He hadn't anticipated the aerial assault or prepared for it. He'd trained Rattata for speed and power, but those had been rendered useless by Delibird's ability to fly out of reach. Still, she had given it her all.

But he pushed those thoughts aside. That moment of vulnerability was crushed beneath the weight of his own determination. There was no room for pity—only growth. They'd adapt. He'd ensure they were ready next time.

Fiona, still buzzing with excitement, approached Caelan. "Man, was that a good battle! I didn't think we'd pull through, but Krampus really gave it his all," she said, her tone cheerful but not boastful. She was still riding the high of victory, but there was a sincerity in her voice.

Caelan glanced at her; his expression distant. "Yeah. You won," he replied, his voice lacking warmth. He turned his gaze back to Rattata, gently brushing the snow off her fur.

Fiona's smile faltered slightly at his tone, but she pressed on, trying to maintain her upbeat demeanor. "And can I just say, your Rattata is top notch! I mean, I really had to wrack my brain there to eke out the win. I'd be surprised if Krampus didn't level up from this battle alone."

"She did her best," Caelan muttered, offering no further comment.

He knew his response was a bit curt, but he suddenly didn't have the energy for pleasantries. There was a part of him that wanted to lash out, but he was keeping it in firm check.

Sure, she'd soured his day off by being annoying and insistent, but he ultimately could've walked away at any time. She was just a stupid kid who wanted to have a fun battle, nothing more.

Ritchie, who had been watching the entire exchange in silence, approached cautiously. "It was a good battle, but… wasn't it kind of unfair?" he ventured, his voice tentative. "I mean, Delibird could fly, and Rattata couldn't reach it in the air."

Fiona blinked, her smile fading into a more serious expression. She straightened up. "It wasn't unfair," she said firmly, though without malice. "I was just using Krampus's strengths. Every Pokémon has advantages and disadvantages. You have to play to those strengths if you want to win."

Ritchie frowned, still uncomfortable with the outcome. "But… It was a 1v1. It's not like he could've switched to a flying Pokémon in that situation."

Before Fiona could respond, Caelan spoke up, his voice calm but with a cold edge. "No, Ritchie. She's right."

Both Fiona and Ritchie looked up at him, surprised by his sudden agreement.

"At the end of the day, what wins a battle is preparation and strategy. "She leveraged her Pokémon's unique abilities as a strategy," Caelan continued, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Doesn't matter if it feels unfair. What matters is the result."

Fiona's small smile returned. "Uh, yeah! What he said. I wasn't trying to be unfair. I just wanted to win."

Caelan's eyes darkened, a new intensity entering his gaze as he looked directly into her eyes. "But make no mistake… it won't happen again."

There was an unmistakable finality in his tone, a promise that resonated with all three of them. It wasn't a threat—it was a vow, made more to himself than anyone else. This would be the last time his strategy was found wanting.

Ritchie, sensing the weight of the conversation, shifted awkwardly. "Well, it was a good match either way," he said, trying to lighten the mood. But even he couldn't muster his usual enthusiasm.

Caelan simply nodded, turning his full attention back to Rattata. "Let's get you checked out," he murmured softly. Without another word, he stood, cradling her carefully in his arms as he began walking toward the Pokémon Center.

He wasn't angry at the outcome of the battle. Honestly, he wasn't even that mad about his off day being interrupted anymore. Rattata was invested in the battle for some reason, so he obliged her.

What truly gnawed at him was the sense of helplessness—a frustration sharper than any defeat. It was as if fate took pleasure in lifting them to great heights, only to drop them abruptly back into harsh reality.

And that reality was clear: they had work to do.

The second half of this fight might come off as forced, and that's fine. I wrote it to feel frustratingly unfair. This is one of the catalysts for Caelan to get off his ass and start actually doing stuff instead of focusing so much on perfecting the basics.

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