Primordial Trap System

Chapter 02 – Second Class, Burning Beauty

A week has gone by since he was reincarnated into this new world, he was finishing up the last of the wolfs that were on his way finaly reaching level 10.

Male Brown Wolf Lv 12 killed
40 exp and 60 coppers received
Level up! 5 Free Status Point, 1 Primordial point received
Primordial Trap Dancer class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Cha +2 Dex +2 Agi +2 Mag +1 Lck 
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Brown Wolf Fur received
Material: Wolf Fang x6 received
Material: Bone Scraps x2 received
Food: Wolf Steak x4 received
Congratulations on reaching Level 10! The user may now purchace Classes to equip as a Sub Class, using Gold coins stored inside the System's Inventory.
To purchace a Class, just go to the user's main status display and select 'Sub Class' to equip an available Class, the user can change class any time but they will be starting from the begining as a Level 0 class and the user will have to gain proficiency to level it back up.

'Interesting better buy something to complement my spear since I kinda like fighting at medium range.' He though about his Status and the Status Screen pop up in front of him, he rounded his stats a bit using his free status point

Name: Louise Croix

Level: 010 (008/100%)

Main Class: Primordial Trap Dancer Lv 5

Charisma +3, Dexterity +2, Agility +2, Magic +2, Luck +1 and Evasion Correction+ per class Lv

Sub Class: n/a

Free Stat Points: 0

Strength: 38 (20 + 90%)

Dexterity: 66.5 (35 + 90%)

Agility: 57 (30 + 90%)

Endurence: 38 (20 + 90%)

Vitality: 28.5 (15 + 90%)

Magic: 95 (50 + 90%)

Charisma: 123.5 (65 + 90%)

Luck: 38 (20 + 90%)

Health Point: 770 ((28.5 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Stamina Points: 960 ((38 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Mana Points: 2100 ((95 x 10 + 100) + 100%)

Health Regen: 85.47 per minute (7.7 + 200% + 270%)

Stamina Regen: 106.56 per minute (9.6 + 200% + 270%)

Mana Regen: 233.1 per minute (21 + 200% + 270%)

Trap points: 0

Primordial Points: 5

After selecting 'Sub Class' he decided on something that uses his Spears since he has taken a liking to them and it was safer than a sword. Instead of purchasing a skill that grants better spear mastery with each level, he went for a class that gives Spear Mastery per Class level, it costed him 450 Gold coins  leaving him with 65 Gold but his precious Primordial points intact to buy something better when he gets more points, like an upgrade for one of his existing Skills like his Gold Digger Skill or his Weapon Creation Magic. Both of which required 15 point for the next level...

Novice Lancer Class equiped as a Sub Class
Strength +3, Dexterity +2, Vitality +1 and Spear Mastery+ per Class Lv

'There we go, got another Class and this one increases my Spear Mastery when it levels up. I also get bonus Exp for this class whenever I finish my enemies with a Spear strike.' He summoned his spear again and change the shape of the guard to a small double edged pike on either side to increase damage when he swipes the spear side ways. He then gave it a coupple of practice swings and thrusts to get accustomed to the new spear.

'Perfect balance and weight, maybe I can edit the densiy of the spear with more Mana next...' before he could continue a stone was thrown his way hitting him on his right shoulder. It inflicted some damage and dislodge his shoulder. 

It was healing at a visible rate, but it still hurt quite a bit, when he turned around to see his assailant, an Orc about 7 feet tall, made a dash for him with a club on his left hand, wearing fur Armor that covered his upper back, arms up to his elbows and his waist. He was wearing thick leather pants and boots along with a thick chain along his right arm that ends on a thick iron ring around his right wrist.

He managed to dodge the Orc's attack and managed to summon his Spear and thrusted toward the exposed belly but since his main arm was still recovering, he missed and let go of his spear and jumped backwards to dodge another swing of the Orc. 

The Orc tried to take the Spear but it just turned into Light particles startling him. Louise just Summoned another spear and stabbed the Orc, who lowered his guard down by trying to take the shinny spear, on his neck. 

Unlike the other encounters the Orc didn't turned into Light particles he started bleeding from his stabbed neck and started thrashing and swinging madly in extreme anger at the cute trap, forgetting all about trying to use the female looking opponent in front of him as his mate. 

"Danm just die already you pig bastard." He yelled at the raging orc, who responded with a warcry of his own, "Gruuaaaaaaaa!!!"

Louise started madly dodging the swipes of the raging orc waiting for his main arm to be fully functional while he kept stabbing the orc of his uncovered belly drawing even more blood from him. He still couldn't put that much strength on his attacks since he was acustomed to using both hands to hold his spear. 

This exchange continued for another 10 minutes before the Orc finally fell on his face while breathing heavily and Louise took this chance to finally stabbed his neck using both of his arms and gave it a twist turning the Orc into light particles.

Male Orc Warrior Lv 15 killed
1,000 exp and a Silver Coin received
Primordial Trap Dancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Cha +2 Dex +2 Agi +2 Mag +1 Lck 
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Novice Lancer Class Level up! Gained an additional +3 Str +2 Dex +1 Vit
Super Gold Digger skill activated and an aditional Gold coin received
Material: Fur Scraps x2 received
Material: Bone Scraps x4 received
Material: Wood Scraps x2 received
Material: Leather Scraps x2 revieved
Material: Iron Scraps x2 received
Material: Orc's Tusk x2 received

'Damn I used a lot of stamina dodging his attack but I managed to gain a level on my Dancer Class and my new Lancer Class got to level 3 on my first battle. I need 1,944 exp to level up too, but this Orcs are tough... I need to be extra careful now, wonder how long until I can reach a town or something.' He summoned his spear again and gave it a coupple more swings and practice stabs to see how much better it was to handle it after 3 levels of Spear Mastery and was surprised to see how much better he was handling his spear. 

He heard a series of warcries from close by and saw that he was surrounded by six more Orcs... they were called here by his fallen brother's warcry, they were dressed similarly to the Orc that he killed a coupple minutes ago. 

They were using different weapons however, with two wielding an Axe, one was using a Broadsword, one had a wooden Shield and a Shortsword, and the other two had maces like one he killed, all the metal weapons were crude and a bit rusted but they will still cut since they had alot of strength if they were as strong as the previous one.

"Shit...." Louise said in a low voice while looking at the orcs. He knew that there were probably more behind the trees and more will come if he stay to long.

"Hold up! Me like little girl. Drop spear and become mate... or struggle and become toy.... choose girl." One of the orcs spoke in a crude way, the meaning was obvious, they think that Louise is a Girl and want to secure a possible breeding mate. Unlucky for them, males cannot get pregnant...

'Droping my Spear, I turned to the one who spoke and was surprised to see one of the female orcs, the one that uses a broadsword that is almost as big as me.' He dropped his spear since he can summon another and atleast deal with one or two before he runs away.

The Female Orc just grabbed her bulge in a bulgar manner... 'That is not a female orc, but a futanari orc... what the.... there are futanaris in this world. I'm kinda tempted to just go with the Orc... but I know that they will just use me like a toy regardless...' the other female orc doesn't have a bulge so that mean they have all three genders... there might be more genders out there.

'If only they didn't have a freaking pig face... if they were the WOW style Orc I might have gone with them. Gathering experience sexually should be easier that hunting so many monsters... I am gonna need double of experience every level... so I need to also use the sex component of the system, it will also award me Trap Points which will allow me to get more mutations.' While he was thinking in his own world the Orcs were quite happy, since their new toy surrendered without a fight, they didn't want to break their new toy without using it.

When the two axe wielding orcs put their weapons aside and were about to secure their new mate, Louise spun around summoning a new spear cutting both their heads with a side swipe. Then he turned and use the light show of the two Orcs as a distraction to make a run for it.

He didn't bother to check what were his rewards for killing two orcs but after he started running a loud Warcry was heard from the Futanari Orc. She wanted to get her hands on that delicate looking body, and she will show her what is the difference between a mate and a toy.

Louise dispelled his Spear as soon as he started running for his life. He was a bit faster than the orcs and his Stamina was pretty good, not counting his Stamina regeneration. He heard a bunch of angry roars but he kept running for dear life, there were some explotions behind him, soon he found out that they were throwing big stones at him. 

One finally hit him on his left leg, just above his knee, he tumbled forward and eat some dirt on his not so graceful landing. 'Danm, I don't want to die... think what do I do....  they will catch up to me soon, I don't want to end up a broken mess....' he started crying a bit, he wanted to see the world but he got careless and will soon pay the price. 

But before the Orcs catched up to him the area around him started burning with blue flames and some screams were heard from the direction of the orcs. Then, just as sudden, the flames dissapeared.

There were some steps on the distance coming towards him, his leg which was bended in a weird angle was still recovering so he couldn't get away. A big monster that killed nearly 20 orc was after him... wasn't this supposed to be a beginer's area...

From the remaining smoke, in the direction were the orcs were at, appeared what Louise considered the hotest girl he had ever seen, she was wearing a mask that only showed bright blue eyes that seems to be glowing, surrounding her mask with long black hair that ends in blue fire at the tips.

She was tall, at around 6 and halve feet tall, her boobs were also pretty big too, at around a DD cup. Her hour glass figure was accentuated with her skin tight black leather leotard with two belts on her waist. With a robe made of the same blue flames that killed the orcs over it, that is open in the front only covering her shoulders, her neck, flowing down her back almost reaching her feet and arms up to the elbows. She also has a big and pointy witch hat, made of the same blue flames too. She has a wide hip with plump thighs that are halved covered with some black leather thigh high, short heeled boots, her butt must be really plump too with hips and thighs like that. Her hands and neck also has what appear to be covered with the same material of the leotard so maybe it is a single piece, hard to tell with all the fire in the way.... why was she wearing a mask though? She has to be a country killing beauty with a body like that. 

"And here I though I would get a heavenly defying treasure on this part of the forest... only to find a cute boy in distress." She said while he was stupefied, one minute he was running for his life and the next he was sitting in front of a really hot woman.


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