Primordial Trap System

Chapter 24 – War Conclusion and New Friends

In an area of the forest, filled with craters, turned over trees and a bunch of bloodied corpses, there were still two, Godlings ducking it out. It has been several hours since they started, but thanks to their powerful bodies and their ridiculous regeneration. 

The twins were still seated on top of a kneeling ninja who is mostly healed but has her leg still bend in weird angles, were still watching them but were now bored, the two still have plenty of juice to go... "This is boring... why does he keeps playing around like that..." Amaterasu asked while yawning.

"I think our old brother's masochistic side is coming out... he will probably dismember the idiot when he is done. Anyway... how about we play a bit with this lady." Tsukuyomi said with a small erection lifting her skirt. 

"I don't... I only like little Lou and Sister right now. Everyone is either too big, or too sexy... like were are all the cute small girls..." she waved her small arms while she said. 

"I am sexy too though..." she said a bit deflated...

"Of course not. We are identical twins idiot, and I refuse to believe that I am sexy, I am cute and since we have identical bodies minus the tool that hangs there, you are also cute, not sexy." She used some weird logic and returned to just lay on her side on top of the ninja lady's upper back.

"What crappy logic is that? Beauty is different on everyone eyes, what someone find disgusting someone else can find as alluring. I also see myself sexy, so by your logic you are sexy too." Tsukuyomi said while looking at the now confused Amaterasu.

"Since when are you the wise type? Like I get the difference in perception and all, but since when did you care enough to actually follow on what I say. Usually you just say whatever and roll your eyes." Amaterasu said with glee on her voice.

"Now that you mentioned, you are even less anoying than before... always an airhead that only cared about your looks and by extention looking at me since we are twins..." Tsukuyomi said and rubbed her chin.

"You made me sound like a narcissistic introvert!" She exclaimed.

"Your main weapon is a freaking mirror, that was used to lure you out of your room after you spent a decade looking admiring you body..." Tsukuyomi rolled her eyes and let a chuckle loose.

"I have a spear too and... I... we... was... I don't even remember spending a decade looking at myself...." she took a napkin out of her sleeve and patted her brow to dry her imaginary sweat.

"Yeah... a spear... whatever..." she sips a bit from her sake, which appeared out of nowhere.... and sighs... "Atleast now you talk about other stuff. Before it was umbareble to even talk to you... with so little topics to chose from... the sex was nice though. Maybe we can have some fun after this mission is over, maybe we can have a small date like good old times and explore this weird world." Tsukuyomi said to her sister.

"Sure. I also missed spending some quality time with my favorite sister." Amaterasu said amd hugged her twin. "I am your only sister..." she didn't puched her twin off since she also loves her. "Even better." Amaterasu said and Tsukuyomi rolled her eyes.

Back with Louise. He was taking a beating on purpose, every time he got punched or electrucuted he was getting excited. He didn't know why but he likes fighting in reckless abandom, limbs were mushed or severed with each swing of their weapons, but neither of them cry in pain, they just laugh it off. 

They were getting accustomed to each of their opponent's moves, but neither of them bother to dodge the deadly strikes. They either guarded or attacked their opponent's attacking limbs to throw their attacks off. 

Louise has a higher regeneration and mana while Gustav has more health and defense. They each has different Artifacts, Louise Ame no Murakumo, the Susanowo's Magatama and Yata no Kagami vs Gustav Mjörnil, Járngreipr and Megingjörð. (Freaking names in different languajes... basically the hammer, a big gauntlet and a powerbelt, for those who care.)

They were both pretty well matched, the only difference was that Gustav was using his all and Louise was just having a blast. Until a misplaced upward slash which cutted through Gustav torso and neck, burning through his main organs and halve his head and a mighty hammer fell on Louise head smashing him through the ground with a mighty thunderbolt.

After the explotion, a certain trap which was currently possesed by a masochist, was snaping his neck that was in a weird angle back into position and then proceeded to rearange his left shoulder and elbow. All the skin that the Thunderbolt burned, was already falling of with healty tanned skin underneath it. 

Gustav was still breathing but his internal organs were still smoking... he was looking at Louise, not with hate but he was smiling. "That was wild... to bad I lost." He closed his eyes and just remained on the ground.

Louis just looked at him and got bored... "You are still after my Big sis?" He asked him waiting with his Spear pointed at his head.

"What would be the point... I would just die against the World Eater now, that the mercenary squad is decimated and I am dying... besides... Thor was already a God when he killed the World Eater... I got too impatient..." he said in a low voice and close his eyes again.

By the time Gustav finished talking, he was already at full health again and the ninja girl was crying while she watched her beloved dying. He dismisses his floating Artifacts and took a potion out of his inventory, it was a Super Potion, one that can heal 50% of the total health over a minute and closes all physical wounds. He poured over the dying man's wound and steam started to rise over Gustav and he started to squirm while he felt all his bones and organs heal at a visible rate, he had close to a million health points so the change were happening at ridiculous speeds and he screamed with his eyes red.

'Thankfully I don't need potions... a good test subject' he thought while looking as his visible organs weren't burned anymore and were going back inside, and after a minute he was exhausted and sweaty with a massive scar from the right side of his neck to the left side of his waist. 

"Why... you even used such an expensive potion... the side effect is really bad... but I will live... my natural regeneration are halved." He tried to sit, but the pain flared up and he had to lay back down. 

"Just stay away from my big sis. I know you are just a meat head... but you don't look to be to bad... do know that you owe me a debt of gratitude and knowing Thor, he looked like he had honor, so if you want to be like him be more respectful. He doesn't throw sell swords at his enemies... he is always in the front lines, smashing the strongest one on the opposing side first." Louise said a bit bored but with a critical eye over Gustav.

"But you said that I shouldn't be like Thor... that I should be more original... either way thanks for helping me... but can you release Momoko... she was just following my orders... please, I will give my word that none shall come to harm the World Eater... but why do you call her Big sis?" Gustav asked a bit more humble.

"Well she is almost twice my size and she is my sister wife... we are both married to Elizabeth." Louise said thinking of Elizabeth with a bit of a blush over his face.

Gustav had his mouth open, he was looking at Louise to see if he was lying, but just saw the pure joy in his face when he said Elizabeth's name... he looked like a maiden in love...

Meanwhile both Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi just float behind Louise looking at him like he was an idiot... 

"Umm, can I get a day or two off to spend some time on the material world with my sister?" Amaterasu said to Louise who snapped out of his little world.

"What do you have in mind, if you want I can keep you up permanently, after I got to Lv700, my mana regeneration is higher that your consumption, I have like the mana of an arch-sage now..." he said like it was obvious.

"Wait what? Why didn't you summoned us more often then jerk? I was so bored by myself... and a bit backed up..." she looked at her sister Amaterasu with a bit of lust.

"We can do a bunch of hot stuff and eat with you guys too, I loved Jorm's food... but you only let us try it once, even after all the boons we gave you... you even wear my used underware... I am still wondering how you got them from my Divine Plane trough your system..." Amaterasu was overjoyed, her sister was drooling at the food, they technically don't need to eat... but they can if they want to, and their chef was a Goddess, so her cooking skill is acceptable by them... and by acceptable it means they got addicted to it, even if they only tried it once, their own food was avarage.

"Sure, be careful though I still feel your pains and stuff, so don't get into trouble, if you die I will need a year until I can re-summon you two." Louise liked to summon them more often, it was just that there is a week cooldown, so if dismiss them they will be out for a week, so he treated them as trump cards... but if they do not know they are his Summoned Avatars, he should be fine, he can also call them to his side from anywhere. He also liked how Jorm treated them like spoiled children, and even spoon fed them. She still enjoy tail fucking them, but he couldn't impregnate her, since they were not really alive, atleast until he reached Lv1,000 and become a God... maybe Goddess... he doesn't know what ge will become.

The now freed Momoko, the ninja girl that was almost killed to prevent information leaks, crawled to the side of her beloved and rested her head onto his broad shoulder and hugged his side. It hurts a bit, but he endure just to look cool infront of his childhood friend, he has feelings for her and like that she was loyal only to him, he doesn't know how to talk to girls without his Thor Persona... he is a bit introverted... but it doesn't matter.. they were alive and they prevented the ire of a hidded expert to befall his country.... only because he found something related to his system...

He was a teenage boy that play card games with his friends when he died previously... he had a lot of friends, but he didn't talked much, he had a deck that revolved around the Norse Mythology, he remember the artifact names and the important names, 'Maybe thar is why I had this system...' he thought to himself... he needs to grow as a person, maybe that is why he can't level up anymore, it is been a decade since he reached Lv750, he heard the news that there was a World Eater Snake on this continent, so I trained and reached that level of power to confront the snake, maybe I will rise my level if I beat her... he sighed a bit sleepy. 

'It has been a few days since I arrived on this continent, so there is still a couple of days to train and sleep... my camp was destroyed.... were will I sleep and eat... neither me nor Momoko can cook, even if it is to save ourself... specially Momoko... she almost poisoned me by just boiling drinking water she said, she didn't add any other ingredient... I almost died to plain water.' While Gustav was of how to secure their situation. 

A 9 feet tall woman, 10 if you count the horns, with a pair of the biggest tits he has ever seen, teleported behind Louise and the two weird girls, maybe they are also Elizabeth's wives, but before he could warn them the three were embraced by the giant woman.

"Ara~ my lovelys are also joining us for lunch, I can't wait to fill you with my home cooking and love." Tsukuyomi tried to struggle in vain, but Amaterasu just laugh it off, she loved to be pampered unlike her sister. Louise just introduced them like it was nothing new.

"Gustav, Momoko, this is Jörmungandr, we call her Jorm for short, or big sis, like she is big everywhere. Big sis, the brute on the ground is Gustav, the leader of the army that wanted to hurt you, but I thought him a lesson, and that is Momoko overt here." He said and started to feel pressure from above as his head along with his two avatars were slowly sinking between Jorm's massive breasts, that keep getting bigger do to her pregnancy.

"Ara~ You make it sound like I am fat... first sis..." she said with cold eyes that they could only feel, since their back are against her soft abs.

"But you are really big, like you are almost twice as tall as us three." Louise said innocently while the pressure lessened. He looked at the two stupefied lovers, one was still wrapping his head against the fact that he went to kill such a beauty and the other was grabbing her breast which were about C-cups, while thinking about how pregnancy can make the breast grow, she looked at Gustav with a sharp eye, when she saw him. "Anyway want to eat with us, you guys will sleep on the couch though, tonight we feast!" Louise said breaking the weird atmosphere, making them laugh, except for Tsukuyomi which didn't liked to be treated like a child.

"Put me down, danm scaled cow, you are squishimmm -mmmm" her sister sealed her mouth... but it was too late.

"Ara~ seems like you need to learn how to talk to the adults... guess a small punishment is in order... maybe I can put you to sleep with no dinner. Or maybe use my extra big tail add-on on you until you can't seat... decisions decision..." Jorm teleported all five of them to her home cave were they met with Shuiro and Elizabeth who were drinking tea.

"You don't have to go that far... I'll behave, I... am... sorr..ry M...un..m" Tsukuyomi said while sweating bullets.

"I couldn't hear you sweety." Jorm said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"I SAID I AM SORRY MUM, PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY DINNER AWAY FROM ME." Tsukuyomi went soft at the mention of not eating on the victory feast, but didn't bother with the magic tail dildo. 

"You are so cute, child I cant wait to pamper you." She twirled with Tsukuyomi on her arm and looked at her sister for help, who proceeds to rise her arms so that Jorm can scoop her too.

"Ha hahava, I bid my shonh" Amaterasu bit her tongue for laughing while an overly excited Jorm jumped around. 'That is Karma, Traitor' Tsukuyomi, thought to herself on Jorm other arm.

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