Proof of Longevity

Chapter 442

Chapter 444 Reincarnation establishment (this

Seeing that the demon emperor who crossed the heavens and the world became a fan, Zhang Shiyang sighed slightly, letting you be the ruler of the heavens and the arrogant heavenly arrogant, as long as one step is wrong, you will become a robbery.

A flag streamer appeared in the hands of the evil man, which was exactly the one of Zhang Shiyang’s previous life and death streamer.

Looking at the endless resentment, Zhang Shiyang took the banner of life and death: “All beings return to their souls and resurrect.”

With his hand pinching the tactics, Zhang Shiyang set a great aspiration: “All living beings have nowhere to return after death. This seat has compassion for all living beings’ sufferings, establishing six reincarnations, establishing the underworld, and taking charge of the reincarnation of all living beings. The door, the reincarnation of the underworld stands.”

As Zhang Shiyang’s voice fell, the reincarnation pen in his universe sleeves and the book of life and death automatically flew out, and the entire world of the small five elements began to change rapidly and grew up.

The banner of life and death in Zhang Shiyang’s hand quickly lifted into the sky, and countless souls were quickly reborn and reborn, including Li Zheng, Zhen Mi, and Wang’s Widow. Familiar faces flashed in front of them, and Zhang Shiyang’s mouth showed a benefit.

The heavens and all realms were shaken, and the entire world of reincarnation became an atmospheric world. The immeasurable merits descended and were collected by Zhang Shiyang. After superimposing a trace of true spirit with the great world of reincarnation, Zhang Shiyang cut off an incarnation.

“Today this seat pardons the ten kings of reincarnation.”

“The top ten generals were respectively named the kings of the Chu River-the living **** under the Wojiao Stone just south of the sea under the command of the master.

Emperor Song-the Hell of the Black Rope under the Wojiao Stone in the southeast, under the control of the bottom of the sea.

The king of the five sense organs-Hell in charge of the **** at the bottom of the sea, in the east under the Wojiao Stone.

The King of Yama, which is under the palm of the sea, under the Wojiao Stone in the northeast, is called the Great Hell.

King Biancheng-under the control of the sea, under the Wojiao Stone in the north, yelled to call the hell.

Taishan King, in charge of the Great Sea, the great **** of heat under the Wojiao Stone in the north of Ding.

The king of the city, in charge of the bottom of the sea, is in the heat and **** under the Vojo Stone in the west.

King Equality, in charge of the Great Sea, the Great Hell of Abi under the Wojiao Stone in the southwest.

The king of runners, the temple is located outside the wujiao stone in the underworld, right in the east, facing the place of the five muddy world.”

Having said this, Zhang Shiyang turned his gaze to those ordinary people who died in vain: “All those who have merit in the army can be yin and yang messengers, who travel between the yin and yang realms and are responsible for ecstasy.”

“Ordinary soldiers can be ghost soldiers, in charge of the order of the underworld”

Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang looked at those ethereal souls: “As for you, you can be a ghost, living in this Yinsi.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang looked at Li Zheng, who was named the Yama King by himself.

There should be fifteen layers of hells in the underworld. The first layer is the tongue-plucking hell. All the people in the world provoke discord, slander people, slick their tongues, argue with each other, and lie and deceive. After he died, he was thrown into tongue-pulling hell. The kid broke off the person’s mouth, clamped his tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive. It was not pulled out at once, but stretched and pulled slowly? ? ? ? ? ? Later into the **** of scissors, **** of iron tree

The second layer is the Hell of Scissors. If the woman’s husband dies early, she will be a widow. If you instigate her to remarry or build a bridge for her, then you will be thrown into Hell of Scissors and cut after you die. Your ten fingers! Not to mention that her husband is not dead yet.

The third layer is the iron tree hell. Anyone who is separated from the flesh and blood while alive, instigates father and son, brothers, sisters and husbands to discord, enters the iron tree **** after death. There are sharp blades on the trees, and the natives pick them under the skin and hang them on the iron tree. After this, they will enter the **** of evil mirror and **** of steamer.

The fourth floor is the Mirror Prison. If you commit a crime in the Yang world, even if you don’t confess the truth, or go through the door, you can lie up and down and cross the sea, even if you have escaped punishment (if you don’t run away, it’s good), there are still criminals on the run. There will be a day of death in a lifetime, right? Report to the underworld, break into the **** of the evil mirror, and show guilt based on this mirror.

The fifth floor is the **** of steamer, there are people who are short in the family in Pingyue, who are rumored, framed, slandered, and insulted. It is the woman with long tongue that people often say. After such a person died, they were thrown into the **** of the steamer and steamed in the steamer. Not only that, but after the steaming, the cold wind blows, reshaping the human body and bringing it into the **** of tongue-out.

The sixth layer of iceberg hell, all wicked women who murder their husbands, kill them with others, and have a malicious abortion, will be thrown into the iceberg **** after death. Make him take off his clothes and [***] go up the iceberg. In addition, there are gambling to become a surname, disrespect to their parents, unrighteous people, make them [***] on the iceberg.

The seventh layer of oil pot hell, prostitution, thieves robbery, bullying and bullying, kidnapping women and children, falsely accusing others, slander others, eating animal meat, conspiring to seize other people’s property, wives, and going into the oil pot **** after death , Strip your clothes and put them in the hot oil pan to fry, pop, pop! According to the seriousness of the plot, it was sentenced to explode multiple times…Sometimes the guilty person just came out of the iceberg **** and was escorted to the oil pot **** by the kid to be warm…

The eighth stone hell, if a living person gives birth to a baby, no matter what the reason, such as the baby is born stupid, disabled; or due to patriarchal reasons, the baby is drowned and abandoned. After death, such people are thrown into the **** of stone. It is a large square stone pool (trough). A boulder of the same size is hung with a rope. The person is put into the pool and the rope is cut with an axe…

The ninth floor is the mortar hell. This **** is quite strange. When a person is alive, if you waste food and spoil the grains, for example, you throw away the leftover banquet at will, or throw away the things you don’t like to eat after two bites. After death, he will be thrown into the **** of the mortar and put into the mortar and killed.

The tenth layer of blood pool hell, anyone who does not respect others, does not respect their parents, is not upright, and is a crooked way, will be thrown into the blood pool **** after death. Suffer in the blood pool.

The eleventh floor is a **** of vain. You must know that it is not easy to come into this world as a human body. It is the opportunity that Lord Yan gives you. If you don’t cherish it, commit suicide, such as cutting your veins to death, taking poison to death, hanging, etc., to anger the Lord Yan, and go to death jail after death. Don’t think about being human anymore. I advise people alive to live stubbornly even if they encounter many difficulties. Suicide is a manifestation of cowardice. Especially those young people who died in love.

The twelfth level of torture **** is rare now, but this is a serious crime. After death, he will be incarcerated and sentenced to hell.

The thirteenth layer of volcanic hell, this layer is relatively extensive, damage the public and private, give bribes, steal chickens, rob money, set fire people, after death will be driven into the volcanic hell. Was driven into the volcano and burned alive without dying. There are also monks and Taoists who have violated the precepts. Was also driven into the volcano.

The fourteenth floor of the stone hell, trampling on grain, thieves, corrupt officials, and the people who oppress the people will be thrown into the stone **** when they die. Grind into meat sauce. After reshaping the human body and grinding again! There are also monks who eat meat, and Taoist priests do the same.

The fifteenth floor is the knife hell, cutting corners, cheating on top and concealing, abducting women and children, and people who trade unfairly will go to the knife and saw **** after death. Take off the clothes of the visitor, tie them on four wooden stakes in a “big” shape, from the crotch to the head, and cut them with a saw.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shiyang removed some unreasonable hells, leaving only fifteen hells. These fifteen hells are mainly set for the human race. Zhang Shiyang has already designed the road. In the future, the human race will not be designated. questionable.

Each level of **** is divided into countless small hells, and everything Zhang Shiyang comes from in his previous life.

As Zhang Shiyang’s voice fell, the origin world was in a state of chaos and light, and countless great abilities were awakened by Zhang Shiyang’s great aspirations.

The endless merits fell into hell. The Ten Halls of Yama, including the ghosts, gathered together under an inexplicable force to condense the ghosts, which seemed to be no different from ordinary creatures.

The construction of the six reincarnations was completed, and there was a strange wave in the world of origin, as if the order between the heavens and the earth had changed, and the stars of the week were bright and dark.

Because of the catastrophe, countless creatures died in vain. At this moment, the six realms of reincarnation began, and countless ghosts poured into the six realms of reincarnation. The ghosts and emperors successively succeeded to the throne and began to operate the Yin Division.

In Zhang Shiyang’s hands, the life and death thinness dropped the projection clones in a strange effect, and they fell into the hands of Yama of Ten Temples.

All the ghost tribes, the ghost emperor bowed to Zhang Shiyang: “I have seen the great reincarnation”.

Zhang Shiyang nodded: “You return to your place at a constant speed, and each will settle down and sort out the reincarnation.”

After saying this, Zhang Shiyang glanced at the evil man, his figure slowly disappeared. (To be continued.)

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