Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 13: We Finally Meet

“I do believe, I could ask you the same.” A small smile. “And that, this time, I asked first.”


Ignoring that quip, I stare down at him, the leaves resting on his head make him seem so much less arrogant. Without conscious thought, I find myself reaching out to remove them from his hair. Before I can reach him, I can see him stiffen and the clearing of a throat brings me out from my trance.


“Are we still on that?” I say once I’ve regathered my thoughts, “Does it really matter who asked first?” Then narrowing my eyes, “What were you doing sitting on a tree.”


A lopsided grin spreads across his face, “Observing.”


“For how long?”


“A while.” Why do I feel, a while means, ‘long enough to see you walking around in circles'?


“And you didn’t say anything?”


“Well, you seemed pretty content.” A playful glint in his eyes, “I didn’t want to ruin it.”


Taking a better look at him, I see the darkness surrounding him the first time we met has decreased a little. Strange. I wonder why that is. And why I feel so happy that it has.


I haven’t had many encounters with him. The ones we did have, didn’t exactly make me want to care. Especially since many of the other times, he wasn’t even within distance to talk.


“Ok… Would you mind telling me who you are?” Gem asks, before I can give a retort. I glance back at her, why do I feel like she’s directing the question at me too? I don’t who he is. He’s just some guy, who I’m pretty sure is a stalker. Why else would be following me around so much?  


“My apologies.” He answers Gem. My eyes narrow, noticing that he makes a conscious effort not to stare at her for too long. “But, I’m inclined to keep that information until I know whom I’m speaking to.” The last sentence is obviously directed at me.


“Well, my name is Gemira.” My cousin introduces herself before I can stop her. Isn’t she being a little too trusting?


He gives her a small polite smile, “And your friend?”

“Won’t tell you her name until you tell her yours.” I cut in before she can answer for me. A small chuckle diverts my attention back to my cousin, only to see her with a hand pressed against her mouth. What’s so funny?


“I’m hurt.” He says, putting a hand to his chest in mock hurt, “Are we still strangers?”


“Don’t try to change the subject.” After another round of that silent not giving in thing we have going, he shakes his head, a half-smile pulling at his lips.  


“You really are something else.” He laughs, this time in a more humoured way than when I’d heard it last. Huh. I guess he can laugh normally, but why’s he laughing at me?


“So, are you going to tell us who you are or not?” I question him, not wanting to be laughed at any longer. Silence. Not a word. Fine.


“Alright then,” A brilliant idea comes to mind, “I’ll just call you Chess.”


“Chess?” I grin at the confusion in his voice.


“Like the Cheshire cat.” It suits him perfectly. I’ve seen him in a tree often enough.


“You think I resemble a cat?” His eyebrows raise into his hairline in what looks like disbelief.


“Well, you do have the tendency to appear and disappear into thin air.” And the constant smiling. A strange look passes over his face at my words, a look that I don’t understand at all. It’s as if he’s in anguish and relieved at the same time.


“Ok…” Gem intervenes, “I think this argument is very childish.” Why does she look like she’s trying not to burst out laughing?


“That is very true. My apologies. You can call me Ryan.” I feel like they’re both making fun of me. I am not childish! Really.


“Come on Rose, your turn.” My dear cousin pipes in like she’s talking to a misbehaving toddler. I give her a glare for the tone, but it only makes her smile grow.


“Your name is Rose?” He asks looking a little too smug.


“It’s Astriliana.” I reply, gritting my teeth.


His smile grows bigger, “Then, why does she call you Rose?”


I look towards Gem to answer this question, but she’s got a hand over her mouth again. Narrowing my eyes, I choose to just answer it myself, “She just does.”  

At the look he gives me, I sigh. “It’s a part of my name. You can just call me Astri.” See. I’m definitely not childish. Well, not usually anyway.


Annoyingly, that doesn’t take the smile off of his face, instead it turns more triumphant. However, there is another strange glint in his eyes, as if hearing my name made him remember something. Like the unlocking of a door in his mind.


A woman walks through the forest, humming a tune under her breath. She stops underneath a tree, sensing movement overhead. Looking up, she sees a man lazily lying on a branch, seemingly taking a nap.


‘That’s strange.’ She thought, ‘Why would anyone sleep on a tree?” Deciding that it was probably best to wake this strange person, she kicked the tree, leading the unsuspecting soul to fall flat on his butt.


His eyes burst open in an instant, glancing around him for the attacker, only to see a beautiful young woman standing at the foot of the tree. It was more than obvious to him what had happened; however, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her. It was partly due to curiosity as many people had passed his tree, yet none but her had spotted him. It was clear from that alone that she was pretty special.


“Why did you do that?” He asked, wanting to start a conversation.


“I wanted to know why you were sleeping in such a strange place.”


As soon as he turned to face her, she caught sight of his eyes, becoming mesmerised by the beautiful blue eyes. It was a shade that she’d never seen before, as if all the blue hues in the universe had come together to stay in one place. They changed with every moment, with what she assumed was a change in his emotions. She couldn’t help but want to learn more about him.


“So, why were you sleeping in such a strange place?” She was genuinely curious to the answer.


“I find that the air provides a comfort the ground lacks.” He answered honestly, “It is also an escape from the melodramatics that life seems to provide.”


“I see.” So, he was one of those finding peace in unusual places.


“Do you have something against people sleeping in trees?” Most people would just leave if they ever noticed him, and that was if he ever wanted to be found. He wanted to know what she thought about it, whether she was any different from those who judged what they knew naught about.


“No, I do not have anything against it. I merely thought it was the trait of a feline, laying in high branches.”


“Are you saying that you believe me a cat?” That was not something that he’d heard before. No one would have dared accuse him of being a feline. She just gave him a small sheepish smile, not knowing what else to do. Nodding seemed like the best option.


“And what do you think about cats?” His curiosity compelled him to ask.


“Oh!” She exclaimed, a smile spreading on her face, “I absolutely adore them.”


A slow grin appeared on his face, “So, in a way, you’re saying that you adore me.”


What! He was drastically twisting her words. That was not what she meant to say, she had never met someone else who’d twist words so easily. She could see that he was most likely just teasing her, but her cheeks reddened regardless. She was rendered speechless for a moment. The smug smile on his face annoyed her greatly.


“Who are you?” She asked upon regaining her ability to speak, “What are you doing here?”


“You know beautiful, I could ask you the same thing.” He answered with a lopsided grin.


He was trying to distract her by teasing her again, but this time, it would not work.

“Nice try, maybe you could, but I do believe I asked first.”


The grin changes into a full one, filled with mischief, “I asked you second.”


A chuckle escaped her mouth, “That’s not how it works.”


“Isn’t it?” He asks in mock disbelief. He was quite enjoying this; it had been so long since he’d had an interesting conversation. Most would run at the sight of his face. Family trait.


“No, it is not.” A smile appeared on her face, “Now answer the question.”


“Well m’lady,” He starts, taking her hand in his, “People around here call me Theodore.” Then he pressed a kiss on her fingertips, bowing like a gentleman.


“Alright kind gentleman,” She begins, curtseying in response, “As you have told me your name, I shall tell you mine. People around here call me Celeste.”


She had mimicked his mocking introduction.  He couldn’t help being amused by that. There was definitely something different about her and it intrigued him, as he found that even if it had been for a short while, he enjoyed her company. When she smiled, he found himself returning it immediately. He didn’t know what was wrong with him.


“Theo.” She tested the name on her tongue.

“Theo?” He questioned, no one had ever shortened his name. None dared. Perhaps she didn’t know who he was.


“I just thought that ‘Theodore’ was a mouthful. And Theo sounds better when among friends.”


“Friends?” His eyebrows shot up, as if asking her what in the world she was thinking.


“For now.” She found her cheeks reddening for no apparent reason.


He nodded, it seemed adorable how she thought they were friends. Maybe, she truly did not know who he was. “What is it that you wanted to ask me, I do not think you said my name for no reason.”


“Well, there is a reason, yes.” She’d almost forgotten her revelation, “Are you the one they say managed to defeat that monster that raged through town?”


Or maybe she did know.


“If you know who I am, then why aren’t you afraid?”


“How can you expect me to be afraid of someone who risked his life to save the lives of other?” She asked, giving him another smile, “And also, if I’m to be honest, I’m a tad annoyed.”


The question surprised him, the fact he had saved their lives hadn’t made a slight difference to the people in town. Moreover, what did she mean by being annoyed?

“Why would you be annoyed?”


“Because you stole my job.” She stated, her smile turning a little threatening, “This is a problem in my kingdom, yet you interfered anyway.”


Her kingdom? But that would make her…




“Yes I am.” She cut him off, “I’ve heard a lot about you, and now, at last we finally meet.”


“Yes,” he stated, a smile spreading across his face, “We finally meet.”


He felt as if a heavy load had been lifted from his shoulders, she would never be afraid of him. Her identity was one which matched his, he knew that he wouldn’t have to worry about her being afraid of him.


“And Theo,” She spoke, drawing his attention back to her, “Thank you for saving them.” Her smile answered his.  He felt the sincerity of her words pierce his heart, a warm feeling spreading.


“You are most welcome.”


“But, if it happens again, and you don’t tell me,” Her voice turned threatening, “I’ll be inclined to kick your behind, understood?”


“Yes love,” He answered, not bothered by the threat, “I understand.” Maybe he was a fool, but he didn’t believe there would be a time the threat would need to be accomplished.


“Good.” The threatening tone disappeared as a smile replaced it, “Then swear to me that you’ll tell me before heading into danger on your own. We’re friends now, I won’t let you do this alone.”


“I swear.” He vowed, “I’ll never head into danger without telling you.”


“Where are you heading?” Ryan asks as he takes a seat beside me.


“We don’t really know.” Gem once again provides before I can stop her. Doesn’t she find his presence a little too convenient. I shake my head. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to tell him.


He hums in understanding. “Are you lost?”


“Yes.” Gem seems to think he’s trustworthy, but I still have my doubts. So, I stay silent, gaging his expressions as she keeps talking. “We were told to find a cave where we could find information.”


“Information about what?” Curiosity enters his eyes, as he stares at her. It seems whatever had him holding back before is quickly fading.


“We’re looking for the relics.” Gem tells him. I don’t stop her because it would be pointless. And…I don’t think he means her any harm.


His eyebrows furrow, “Why would you do that? Why would you go after something from an unlikely story?”


“Because” I decide to cut in before Gem can reveal even more. “It’s to help a friend.” Well, sort of.


I can tell he’s not fully convinced, but he drops the subject anyway. “If it’s the cave I’m thinking of, you are very much off in the wrong direction. It’s nowhere close to here.” He says, looking vacantly up.


“How far is it?” Gem asks.

“Hmm…” He tilts his head in consideration. “It would be at least a town away by foot.”


“Maybe we should call a dragon.” I mutter aloud for the second time, only to have two heads snap towards me.


“Absolutely not.” Ryan states at the same time as Gem says, “For the last time, we’re not flying the damn dragon.”


“But it would be faster than walking.” It’s a perfectly reasonable solution.


I’m left blinking when they share a glance before pinning me with stern eyes. “No.” Why does that look practiced. They just met.


“I’m feeling attacked here.” I mutter. It sounds like a whine, even to my own ears. When they keep staring at me with the same look, I sigh. “Well do you have any better ideas?”


“As a matter of fact.” Ryan replies, “I do. But I’ll only tell you if you let me come along with you.”

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