Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 38: The Rose Princess

Waves roar under the drawbridge leading into the courtyard. The wood creaking under the force of their power. A young girl walks carefully over it, her small feet cautiously testing the wood. Her father had said it was safe, but she wasn’t too sure.


Still, choosing to trust him, she took a deep breath and made her way across. As she moves over them, the boards beneath her feet creak, the waves violently rushing under them. They seemed to want to knock her away. Attempting to protect the treasure laying within the castle walls.


In the castle grounds, sat a lone glass case. It was centred in the room and hovered over the stone pillar beneath it. In the case was an red rose, enchanted to never wilt. For if it wilted then all was lost.


For it was more than it seemed. The rose, though looking like any other was anything but. It was the immortal rose that fuel the magic of the forest around the castle. The sole reason it still remained standing.


No one knew where it came, only that it had always been there. It let the leaves grow green and then warm red as the seasons changed. Allowed the dragons and elven folk dwelling in the forest to remain protected from violent forces. Though it had no vines, the roots of its magic spread far and wide.


Of course, the young girl knew none of this. Its legend had faded in the past decades. All those that knew of the rose’s true purpose long dead, there was no one to educate the ignorant towns people. Thus they saw it as nothing but a trinket to acquire.


As she finally made it across the bridge, she breathed a sigh of relief. She had done it. She could finally get the tool that would help her kingdom. They said the rose would be able to be a prestigious gift to the dignitaries that would come into her kingdom.


Satisfied she’d be able to please her father and finally build stronger relations with neighbouring rulers, she thought nothing of stepping forward to pluck the rose from its case. Carefully moving the glass case back in its place before rushing to get across the bridge. An inkling that if she didn’t move now, it would end in nothing good.


Never knowing that the forest around this castle would never change, its inhabitants frozen in place. Never imagining what her simple intentions would lead to. She did not, could not, fathom the chain reaction her actions would lead to.


For what had started as nothing but a diplomatic gift would end in nothing but destruction.


“Why do we have to come back here? We just got back!”


“Because,” I shoot him a glare, “You’re almost out of power.”


Blue eyes narrow, as if I’ve just insulted him. “I am not growing weak.” In answer to that, I just fix him with an amused stare.


“The longer you stay away, the weaker you’re going to get.” Sighing I run a hand over face. “We’ve already been over this.”


And we have. Neither Mira nor Captain Spears were happy to know that he’d been losing access to his magic. He’d done a very good job of pretending otherwise, but he couldn’t hide it from me. He was growing weaker by the day, even if not physically.


Not that he’d be able to hide it from them now either. They remembered his powers too well to not notice the shadow they now were. If they weren’t still reeling from the memories, they would have called him out on it.


Even if she’d caught them off guard, at his best he would have been able to freeze them instantly. Even exhausted, he would have been able to do more than he had. He would never have been that helpless if his powers weren’t weakening by the day.


“I still don’t understand why he has to go to the underworld.” Cylen butts in when Theo doesn’t refute my words.


Sighing once again, I turn to glance at their trailing forms. They had seemed to hesitant to come, and I have no idea what I missed, but I reminded them that no one would be able to hurt them with me here. With their memories, they should remember why.


“Because he’s been away too long.” I tell him. “He’s been in denial for so long that it has affected his magic. It’s being torn apart by that denial and thus weakening.” Why else would a simple shield be so taxing for him? Even exhausted, those tendrils shouldn’t have exhausted him that much. I know that now.


The person in question throws me a glare as we come to the entrance of the castle grounds. “How do you even-” He doesn’t get to finish asking.


“Well, well, well. Look who’s back?”


My eyes light up. Turning around, I pay no mind as my friends tense, running towards the man leaning on the door. A grin on my face as I don’t give him a second to react, my body colliding with his as my arms squeeze him in hug. I’ve been waiting a long time to do this.


A shuddering breath leaves me as he works through his shock enough to return it. Gods. Although being underground should make him feel cold, his embrace is anything but. It’s warm.

Feeling oddly reminiscent of the way my father’s hug used to. A hollow ache forms in my chest at the thought. It really has been so long. I miss him now more than ever. I push away those thoughts, knowing that I won’t be able to say everything I want. Not yet.


Instead, I lean into this hug. A warmth replacing the pain, I smile into his black cloak. It’s just as soft as I thought it would. The way his hands hesitate for a minute almost has me laughing, but I know that would only embarrass him. He’s a lot like his son that way.


When the hug grows stronger, his tense body relaxes. The muscles that had tightened when I had collided with him, now lax under his building comfort. It feels nice. If I can’t hug my father right now, this is the next best thing. It’s not as if he hasn’t filled the role.


“Hello Sweetheart.” He whispers, laying a kiss on my forehead. “Welcome back.”


I pull back to shoot him a blinding smile. “It’s good to be back. It’s good to see you.” It really is.


His lips quirk up into a half-smile. A warm glow entering his eyes as he looks at me. It fades into one of mischief as he glances behind me. “See, she’s happy to see me. Why can’t you be like that?”


“Don’t hold your breath old man.” I can feel the chill in his eyes even without looking back. A laugh builds in my throat at the words. Obviously he’s happy to see him, but he doesn’t want to admit it. Not even to himself.


As Hades turns to give me a look that says ‘see what I have to put up with’, I give upon holding it back. The laughs rush out in an endless stream, filling the quietness of the underworld’s air. Once they escape, I find it difficult to make them stop, until I’m struggling to catch my breath.


Wheezing, I turn to give Theo an amused smile, the glare my eyes are trying to form useless in the face of humour. “Darling, that’s not a nice thing to say to your father.”


“This brat is never nice.” Hades tuts. “I don’t know why you’re still with him.”


“Are you trying to get her to change her mind!” We both ignore that question.


Tapping my chin, I meet his eyes once again. “I ask myself the same question. He’s so much work sometimes.” Even as I say the words, I can’t stop my lips from turning up into a teasing smile.


With me still facing in his direction, Theo can easily notice it. His eyebrows furrow, eyes narrowing as a displeasure contorts his face. His father throws his head back in a laugh, before turning his humour filled eyes to me.


“I believe it would be quite a bit of work.” My smile softens in reply. Eyes flickering to Theo before turning to smile at Hades.


He knows I’m not going to leave. We both know that I’ll never walk away from people I care about. Which is why he’s joking about the situation. He knows I would never abandon his son. Not for anything.


“I don’t understand how this relationship came about.” Theo mutters, confusion mixing with the displeasure. Looking behind him, I can see Mira and Cylen having similar thoughts.


My lips quirk up into an enigmatic smile just to annoy him. He had tried his best to make sure that I didn’t meet his father. Something about me not being scared off or something like that. I’d been in the process of wearing him down on that stance when I…died.


It only makes sense that he’s confused. But I’ve spent years in the man’s company. For centuries, he’s been the only one able to see me and talk to me. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well. He’s been my confidante when Theo does something stupid. My comfort when I’ve needed it.


He’d thought his father would scare me off, but it’d been the exact opposite. He’s become a second father to me. I would have gone insane without him.


“You don’t need to.” I’ve decided he doesn’t need all the details. “All you need to know is that it has been built.”


Not liking that answer, he turns his attention to his father. “Hades?”


“Tsk. You mean you haven’t figured it out?” Shaking his head, his lips thin. “It’s quite obvious son. We’ve spent a lot of time together.”




“Why have you come back?” An eyebrow raises. “You were so adamant not to come back.”


“I made him.” I tell him. “He was being stupid and his magic is suffering.”


“Oh?” An interested gleam enters his eyes. “I doubt it’s simply to do with a prolonged absence.” He shoots me a knowing look. “Not if you forced him to come.”


“It’s not.” I pause to glance at the people who’ve yet to say a word. “There’s a block on his magic.”


Anger builds in Hades’ eyes at the words. “Who?” Then it grows as he reaches the answer himself. “That witch did this?”

There’s no need to ask who he’s referring to. “She wanted him unable to break the enchantments.” I huff a commiserating breath as his eyes darken at the words. “It’s a work in progress.”


Closing his eyes, he takes a settling breath before opening them again. The trace of humour back yet dulled. “I suppose that’s reassuring.”


“Is it though?” Cylen whispers in response to that. Gem elbows him almost immediately. “Ow.”


“Hush.” She tells him.


“You know it’s true.” He whispers back.


“It is, but we won’t know what the hell they’re talking about if we interrupt.”


“But…” When she shushes him again, my lips twitch into a smile.


Yes. Everything will be fine. I’m not the only one that won’t give up on him. They wouldn’t give up on him. Or me. The certainty is one that’s backed by a parade of memories, in this life and the last.


“What does he need to do to regain his power?” I ask.


A mischievous smile tugs his lips. “All he needs to do is accept the titles bestowed to him, and all that come with them. The power in his blood will take care of everything else.”


“I’m not…”


“You’re doing it.” My voice leaves no room for argument. “Don’t think for a second we’re walking out of here with your powers still blocked.”


“I don’t think giving in to…”


“Do you want her to win?” I ask him. “Because that’s what’s going to happen if you don’t stop living in denial.” A pause. “I’m not going to lose you just because you’re too stubborn to ask your father for help.”


Pride is the only thing that has kept him from doing it. I’ve had decades of watching it happen. Centuries of watching him go down a self-destructive path and refuse to ask for help. I know his father would have given it in a heartbeat if he’d only asked.


Maybe I wouldn’t have had to wait this long if he hadn’t chosen to avoid his father for so long. Even if he didn’t come to the underworld for decades at a time, he would have known the truth.


“You would have been able to see her all along if you had accepted your inheritance.” Hades adds, obviously trying to emphasise the point. “You know our blood can see spirits.”


“But I didn’t see her.” The anguish in that tone hurts.


“You can see ghosts, kid.” He shakes his head with wry smile, “Not spirits. Not when you refuse to accept your titles.” The magic isn’t able to touch him if he won’t let it.


I can see the moment the point sinks in. His animosity towards his father fades a little as resignation takes its place. For a second, I almost think he’s going to walk away anyway, but his eyes flick towards me. They immediately soften.


“Fine.” He huffs. “I’ll do it.”


“Wonderful.” His father claps his hands. “The preparations have already been made.”


“Is it going be a pompous affair?” If it is, then this is going to be hilarious.


“Oh.” He grins. “It’s going to be glorious.”


“Even more that Gerda’s appointment?”


“Who’s Gerda?” Cylen asks at the same time as Theo.


“My general.” Hades decides to respond, still grinning at me. It turns gleeful as he answers my question. “Oh they’ll be nothing like it in history.”


“Then I guess it’ll be fun.” I grin back at him.


Then he clicks his fingers and guards appear to escort us to the throne room. He tells them to spread the word that his heir has returned and to tell his people to gather. Ah. He wants to make this as dramatic as possible. Just my kind of chaos.


Although I can see that Theo isn’t pleased by this development, he lets the guards guide him towards the room. Not that he needs to. Cylen and Mira trail behind him, and I make to follow when a touch on my hair stops me.


Stroking my hair in a parental manner, Hades presses a soft kiss to my forehead. A genuine smile pulling at his lips as he whispers his next words. “Thank you for bringing my son home.”


A trainwreck was a mild way to describe it. He’s not even giving them a chance. And they can tell he’s being very half-hearted. So it’s not a surprise to her when the woman he’s on a date with throws the contents of her cup in his face, breaking it off then and there.


It’s a trend that has been going on for the past centuries. He tries to move on, only for it to not measure up. She didn’t exactly know what standards he was planning on holding them to, but she could guess. As she hovered over the trees, watching with a spectator’s eye, she could only sigh.


Truly such an difficult case. She didn’t know how to feel about it. Hades had been right when he said this wasn’t a healthy way to live. They’d talked about the many numerous times, in between discussions of affairs on earth. A smile twitched her lips up at the reminder of their talk.


She enjoyed them. They were a welcome reprieve from countless moments where she couldn’t be seen or heard. Her face scrunched up as she remembered one they’d had multiple times. Her physical body.


He’d told her that his hands were tied, not being able to meddle with the affairs of faeries. Tatiana was just as foolish as the man sitting soaked at the table, wiping his face with a resigned expression. They both thought she couldn’t possibly see them, tricked by the words of a selfish woman.


When she finally achieved, there would be words to be had. With both of them. For now, she distracted herself by watching over the ridiculous man. His father was worried about him. Her lips once again twitched at the thought, shaking her head at the actions of prideful men. They were both so stubborn.


Welcoming the distraction, wanting to check up on him, she acquiesced to his request. When his hair fell back on his face after a frustrated swipe, she moved off the tree, appearing at his side. Her hand moved to push the locks back, power flowing through to move them.


If anyone was looking on they’d assume it was the wind. Small strokes of air that pushed the black strands out of his face and moved through them to keep them there. No one would think it was the actions of an disembodied spirit.


There were some that could see her, of course. The spirits living in the trees and the land. Beings who were finely attuned to the land beyond the physical plane. But none of them would dare wander so close to civilisation.


Faeries might think that they were similarly attuned to nature but, her lips turned in a chagrined smile, recent events proved otherwise. If Tatiana couldn’t see her, then there was little chance her subjects could. It was a blessing in its own way, she could see what they were up to more easily.


Shaking her head, she moved her attention to the task she had started. Wondering what she should feel, as her hands moved in his hair. Should she be sad? If so, then she was perhaps a bad person.


She felt relieved. It was a horrid terrible feeling, but she could only be relieved. She truly was so selfish. He was suffering from the loneliness and all she could feel was relief that he hadn’t forgotten her as she’d feared. A pang of guilt reverberated through her soul.


“I want him to be happy.” She whispered the words to the air. She wanted him to let go off all the negativity and be happy. Even if that meant he forgot about her, but she was too selfish to feel anything but relieved when it didn’t work.


Contradicting thoughts that were both true. They felt as if they’d tear her apart. In the end she decided to leave it up to him. If he truly moved on, she wouldn’t hold it against him. But she also hoped they’d be able to speak again regardless of his choice.


Perhaps it would be soon. She hoped it was, she didn’t know how much more of this she could take.


He’d managed to make it the most dramatic event she’d ever been to. The entire population of the underworld was present to see Theo be crowned. They stared expectantly to see him take the vows that’d tie his magic to the land. And we’d been given a front row seat in thrones overlooking the process.


Funny how he’d been called a king when he’s never actually been coronated. His status as one was nothing but a farce in the past centuries. What’s happening in front of me is the true makings of one. A faint smile pulls my lips at his bemused expression when his father continues to prolong the speech.


I think he’s enjoying this. Scratch that. I know he’s enjoying this. We’ve had numerous talks about how much he wants his son to come back home. And how much he’d love to retire. This is cathartic for him. Embarrassing his son in the process is simply an added bonus.


Something that I won’t hold against him when there’s still a lot I need to say to that son as well. A lot of things I’d been unable to tell him. It can wait until his powers aren’t being blocked by a malicious crone. I’m distracted from such thoughts when Mira leans her head on my shoulder.


“It’s strange.” She whispers, making sure not to disturb Cylen.


“What is?” I ask leaning down to make it easier.


“I’d thought I knew everything before, but now…” She sighs. “I feel like I’ve been living a lie.”


Giving her an understanding smile, I don’t say a word. Pointing out that forgetting is what she said the curse would do isn’t going to help. It at least explains why their memories weren’t affected. They could hardly forget themselves twice.


Hades has finally come to the end of the spiel, instead moving on to having him make his vows. They’ll be reiterated at a later time, but for now they’re re-establishing him as his heir. My smile widens as I see the magic start to wrap around them, tying their responsibilities together.


“It feels like I haven’t been whole until now.” Cylen whispers. Oh. I guess he was paying attention after all.


“Yes.” Mira nods. “That’s exactly it. I didn’t know that I wasn’t before, but now that I do, it all seems obvious. I’ve finally become whole.”


“Hm…” I turn to look at them, making sure not to disturb her head. “You can hardly expect yourselves to know that when you didn’t have the memories.”


Cylen shakes his head as Gem just gives me a small smile. “Even still.”


Now it’s my turn to shake my head, sighing even as the corners of my lips turn up. I don’t have a chance to say more as Hades has moved on to setting the crown on Theo’s head. A silver crown reminiscent of moonlight placed on black locks.


The moment it touches his head, a wave of energy flows through the realm. My smile grows as I see the way it flows through him, reaching for the block he likely hadn’t even noticed be placed. Relief joining as it stabs at the block and dispels it from his body.


I see him stumble in place, eyes widening. They come up to glance at me before flickering to his father. A hand going up to touch his chest before remembering where we are. The hand drops back into position, waiting for the ceremony to end.


My laugh almost escapes when trumpets start as Hades turns to face the crowd. He really is enjoying this.


“Announcing Xavier Theodore Ryan de Sedia, my heir returned home at last. Pay your respects to your prince.” A pause to let them bow in place, a mischievous smile pulls his lips again. “A title he can no longer escape.”


At that the laugh does escape. I have to cover my mouth with hand to stifle the sound as Theo sends him a bemused glare. A chuckle from my side tells me that Cylen doesn’t even try to stop it. Neither does Gem, but she recovers faster than us.


Grinning he goes back to what he was doing. Motioning for his son to stand up and walk to face his people. They immediately start clapping as light illuminates him for them. We start clapping as well to be supportive for his new title. Even when he sends me a done look for my enthusiasm. It only makes me clap harder.


He deserves it. For a whole host of reasons, but especially for waiting this long. He can deal with the embarrassment that comes with it.

“So…What do we call you now?” Green eyes look at me curiously. Obviously, this has been weighing on him all day.


“Whatever you want to call me.” I grin. “It doesn’t really matter. The name is the same.”


We’re now in the sitting room, with Theo sprawled across a couch with an arm covering his face. He looks exhausted. Which may have something to do with how he’s spent the last two hours greeting guests. He shot us betrayed looks a couple of times, but we left him to his fate.




Shaking my head, I turn towards him once again. “I’ve spent a thousand years being known as Celeste and only eighteen in this one. You can call me whatever you like.”


He goes to reply when the man lying on the sofa sits up in an instant. “A thousand years?”


“I did tell you I’ve been here the whole time.” I tell him gently, he looks like he’s on the edge of a cliff.


“You did…But I didn’t think…” He draws in a sharp breath. “How could I not see you?”


“And why do you look the same?” Cylen can’t help but add in.


I answer the easier question first. “I look the same because I am the same.” A lot of my need to do as much physical training as possible makes more sense now. “Just you’re the same as well. Our world has been reset.”


Then, I turn towards answering the harder question. An answer I know is most likely going to upset him. “You didn’t know because she didn’t want you to know.” A pause. “She weaved her magic so strongly that in your anger you didn’t see the trap she was building.”


I’d seen how lost he was. He was so consumed with trying to drown out the pain that he’d walked right into the illusion. Granted this was after a thousand years of aimless wandering, but still. “And without the title and power you have now, you weren’t able to see me.”


Even without it, the only way Fate could rewrite the history was after a thousand years of bad decisions. Until he was so tired that he couldn’t fight any longer. Making it so she would alter his memories and set him on her task.


“She wanted him to cast the curse?” Mira’s eyes are wide.


“No Mira.” I give her a sad smile. “She wanted me gone so she made him enact it.”


“Why would she do that?” The pain in his voice tells me that it hasn’t been easy for him either.


My eyes meet green. I open my mouth to tell him it’s because she wanted a scapegoat, but the crashing of metal to the ground catches our attention. Ruffling his hair, Theo makes to stand up and heads towards the door.


“I need some air.” He doesn’t wait for a reply before running off.


Immediately, I’m on my feet. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but I don’t think it’s anything good. As I come to the door, I glance back. “I’m going to follow after him. Wait here, it’s not safe to wander the underworld this late.”


When the nod their agreement, I don’t waste another second before heading after him. Paying no attention to the demons in my way as I follow the faint scent of spring and pine.

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