Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 4: Mystery Girl

I jump. Her voice surprising me even as I expected her to speak. I suppose the problem is that I wasn’t expecting her voice to register as familiar. Usually, you don’t know how a person speaks unless you’ve talked to them before. I’m sure I’ve never met this girl, yet her voice doesn’t seem new to me at all.


It calms me instead. An instinctive feeling of rightness wells instead of the surprise I would normally expect. I still feel on edge, but my body relaxes of its own volition. What is it with my instincts and surprising me today? Mentally shaking myself, I focus on her words instead.


My face scrunches up in confusion. “Nymphs? What do you mean?”


“Tell me your name.” She says, ignoring my question, that smile still on her face. Actually, It sounds more like an order, but I’m going to ignore that for now.


“You can call me Astri.”


“Your full name?”


“Why do you need it?” I question instead, trying not to let my annoyance show. This is the second time, I’ve gotten this response and it doesn’t feel much better the second time around.


She purses up her lips, nose twitching. “I just do.”


“Tell me yours first.” I didn’t do that with the other woman, I forgot to.


Her eyes blink as if she wasn’t expecting that. Slowly her mouth opens and closes, eyes wandering before they come to rest on me again. “Gemira.”


I smile. “Astriliana.”


Unexpectedly, that gets a choked laugh from her. She doesn’t seem nearly as mysterious now as she did when leaning against that tree. I’m confused to note that the laugh has an undertone of relief.




“Call me Gem.”


I sigh. “Gem. What did you mean by nymphs?”


Instead of answering, a mischievous grin spreads across her face. Her eyes flicker over me before coming to stare into mine. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”


“When?” I ask as Barty moves from my shoulder to rest on my outstretched arm.



“Why not now?” I raise an eyebrow. “It can’t possibly have too long of an answer.” I’m not entirely sure whether I trust her.


She rolls her eyes. “Because you look like you’ve been through the fiery pits of hell and then drowned in the river of souls.” She says with a straight face. I don’t know why but the next thing I know I can’t stop laughing.


“Do I really look that bad?” I question in between laughs.


“Oh definitely. We need to get you to a bath immediately.” She replies with a grin.


That just makes me laugh even harder. She keeps staring at me until I stop, her grin is so wide that I can’t help but return it. Weird. I don’t remember ever warming up to someone this quickly. Maybe it’s the familiarity I feel.


“Still.” I start, a lopsided smile on my face as I catch my breath. “Could you please answer my question?”


For a moment I think she’s going to refuse, but her eyes soften, and she shakes her head. “It’s exactly what I said. The nymphs of the trees in this forest came to me and told me you were here.”




She sighs. “That’s a long story, and not one that’ll make sense to you this soon.”


Well, that’s ominous. She seems a little suspicious, but I suppose I have no choice to trust her for now. I suspect that she’ll keep her word and tell me ‘Whenever I’m ready’, whatever that means.


“Promise to tell me soon.” I say instead of the questions I want to throw. Now that she mentioned it, I really do look a little drowned. I don’t know why those two would bow to me.


“I will.” She swears. “I promise, Rose.”


Before I can question how she knows my name, she starts walking. She’s really making herself look shifty. I suppose that’s part of what she will eventually tell me. I don’t trust her quite yet, but I don’t think she means harm. I’ll blame thoughts like that on the whirlpool.


“Hey! Wait, where are you going?”


“Follow me.” She says instead of answering.


I stare after her for a second before facing the bird perched on my arm. I don’t think we’re going to a place he can follow. He belongs in this forest.


“Well Barty, I guess this is goodbye.” I’m going to miss him. “Thanks for being my guide.”


It might be my imagination, but I swear he tweets goodbye. He nuzzles at my arms before flying off. I turn around to see Gem watching me with a deadpan stare. A sheepish smile comes onto my face under its weight. “What?”


“You named the bird ‘Barty’?” The disbelief is written all over her face.


“Yes?” I reply because what else can I say. I narrow my eyes at her, daring her to say something about that. It’s a perfectly sensible name.


She opens her mouth to speak but seems to think better of it. Shaking her head, she simply turns around and heads further in the direction she was going in. Her hand makes a gesture over her shoulder as she looks at me expectantly. Not having any other choice, I follow.


It’s not as I have anything better to do. Suspicious as she is, I’d rather have someone to talk to that isn’t the wildlife. I’m already in another world, it’s not as if it can get any worse. I have nothing to lose.


A little girl walks up to a couple standing over a cradle. She can’t be any older than three and her little feet make a tapping noise as she walks. Her parents are standing in the corner giving her a longing look. This confuses her.


‘Why would they give me that look?’ She thinks, ‘I’m not going anywhere’. As she reaches the couple, the woman crouches down to pick her up, giving her a clearer view inside the cradle. Suddenly the ground shakes violently and the little girl’s parents rush out of the room to see what’s happening.


She stares after them before facing the couple still in the room. They have worried expression on their face. They try to hide it when they notice her stare, but she has already seen them. Her small head shakes as goes back to looking inside the cradle. It must be hard to be the king and queen, she thinks before being set back on the ground.


It feels like we’ve been walking forever. Gem is a few steps ahead of me and refuses to go any further, until I catch up. It’s oddly reminiscent of Barty. I miss that bird already. I haven’t moved in a few minutes as I take in the passing scenery, so I can’t really blame her, but the look she’s giving me is different.


It’s a look I’ve seen a hundred times before. The look of someone who has found something precious and is now afraid to lose it. Like everything would fall apart with one wrong step. It’s the sort of look that feels at home on the faces of the lost and abandoned. The people who’ve been deprived of things for so long that they can’t believe its real when they get them.


I’ve seen it on so many people, the longing for something they can call their own. What I can’t figure out is why she’s giving me that look. As soon as I go to ask her, it’s gone, replaced by the grin she wears like an armour. It both makes me want to comfort her and shake the answers out of her. Neither of which I can do.


Shaking my head, I start walking towards her. I’ll ask her about it later. When I reach her, she gives me a look that practically screams ‘finally.’ It makes a grin stretch over my lips, amusement at her annoyance replacing my earlier worry. She turns around before she can see it, so I think I’m safe from getting a glare.


Her footsteps are quicker this time. I suspect wherever we’re heading is going to close if we don’t hurry. A soft smile replaces the grin on my face, I suppose I can sightsee some other time. I doubt I’ll be able to leave anytime soon. I have time.


Wood. That’s the first thing I see as we climb up the approaching hill. It looks like we’ve stopped in front of a wood cabin, one that reminds me of the cosy ones you see in movies. It looks enormous and absolutely beautiful, with a spacious porch and lanterns hanging on the path leading to it. I’m not quite sure why Gem decided to take me here, but as we reach the door I get my answer.


I really should have known this was a bed and breakfast. There’s a fireplace in the lobby, and a spiral staircase leading up to another floor. It’s beautiful from the inside too. Also antiquated. The colouring of the wood boards on the wall are a little off. The warm colours and the burgundy curtains give it a comforting vibe.


It looks just as much like it could fit into a fairy-tale as the forest. A smile unknowingly makes its way onto my face as I admire the view out the window. I can see snow-capped mountains in the distance, and a bonfire behind the cabin.


My thoughts are broken as Gem leads me through wide arched doors into a dining hall. It gives me pause. I don’t have any money. Not any that could be used here. What is she trying to do?


“Why’d you bring me here?” I decide that asking her outright is a better option than coming to false conclusions. The ones running through my head aren’t pleasant.


She sighs. “Let’s go inside first. I’ll answer your questions later.”


Whatever words that would have left my mouth stop cold at the look on her face. Her grey eyes plead with me to just trust her of now. My eyes glance over her. She looks tired. It’s a lot more obvious in the light.




As we take a seat the table. A server comes up to place an array of dishes upon it. I glance at Gem in question, only to get a faux innocent smile in return. Why that- I sigh, a short chuckle following. I shouldn’t be surprised. I don’t know why she planned this, and I know she did, but I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


With magic in the picture, I doubt anything is out of the question. After all, I’ve already seen fairies and elves, not to mention the nymphs. Gem promised me an explanation, so for now I’ll trust her to give it. It’s not a good mindset to distrust people when they’ve given you no reason to.


“What did you-” The loud grumbling of my stomach interrupts that sentence. My cheeks flushing pink under the weight of her amused smile.


“How about we talk after we’ve eaten?” Gem picks up her spoon, thankfully not commenting on the growl.


I huff a laugh. “Sounds good.”


A satisfied smile stretches Gem’s lips. I shake my head, giving her a mock glare. Her feeding me has made me trust her a little more. Just a little.


“What’s happening mummy?” Asks the little girl as her mother takes her into the throne room.


Her mother gently pats her head with a loving smile, telling her to go inside and stay there, before leaving. The little girl takes tentative steps inside and sees the king and queen standing over their baby’s cradle. She scampers across the marble tiles to reach them and sees they have tears in their eyes.


The cradle holds a small baby girl. Her hair was dark brown, and her eyes were seemed to stare into the little girl’s soul. Her tiny hands reached for any sort of presence in the room.


“Let’s say happy birthday, Sweetheart.” The queen softly tells her when she notices her presence in the room and her curiosity about the baby.


“Whose birthday is it?” Asks the little girl. The king gives her a small smile, a hand going to gently ruffle her hair, before pointing to the baby girl.


“Why is it her birthday?” The child turns to stare up at the adults. “She’s so liddle.”


That makes the adults laugh a little, amusement replacing the nervosity that was there before. She was cute with her little baby voice and lisp.


“You’re right. She is little. Because she was born today.” The king replies, crouching down so that he can speak to her on her level.


“Oh.” The girl nods. “What’s her name?” She asks while looking down at the baby.

The queen leans down and whispers it into her ear. After hearing the baby’s name, the little girl’s nose scrunches up and she looks really confused. The couple laughs, sharing a look that only they understand.


“How about you just call her Rose?” States the queen, smiling down at her. It has the intended effect, making her confusion vanish, a grin replacing it. That she can definitely say! It is her favourite flower.


“Happy birthday, Rose.” She says in a whisper as the adults give her a smile.


The happy moment is ruined by the earthquake that makes the ground shake across the land. The smiles fade as they’re reminded of the severity of the situation. It means they have to make the happy memories last.


“Clang!”  The spoon hits the plate as soon as I’m done eating. I have to admit, the food tastes amazing. Even when there was enough food to it, it didn’t taste this good. The facility we were placed in had barely any food, and the food they did have was questionable at best.


Actually. It’s a miracle no one died, considering all the obvious health hazards. Although I’ve heard that foster carers are supposed to receive a lot of funding to loom after their charges, the conditions we were placed in made that seem like a lie.  There was once a time when a boy tried to steal my food to fill his empty stomach, only to end up getting severely sick. Safe to say my trust in their rations reached a new low after that.


Movement to my side breaks me out of my thoughts, my head turns to see there’s nothing there. Must have been a trick of the light. I look up to meet sparkling eyes, an unusual look on Gem’s face. Has she been watching me this whole time? I almost want to outright tell her that I’m not going anywhere but refrain at the last moment.


Better not to make promises I don’t if I’ll be able to keep. Instead, I hold her stare, as a grin spreads over my face. I must have hit my head very hard because I can’t remember ever smiling this much. Her eyes widen at being caught, a pink flush coming onto her cheeks. My eyes narrow on hers, is that tears?


“What are you thinking about?” What’s making you tear up?


“It’s nothing.” I give her blank stare until she caves. She sighs. “I was just thinking about the past. Of a time long since forgotten.”


My eyebrows reach up into my hairline, my hand going to pick up my cup to sip the warm chocolatey drink as I wait for her to elaborate. When she doesn’t, I put the cup down, putting my head in the palms of my hands as I lean forward.


“What do you mean?”


“It’s complicated.” The words are accompanied by a sorrowful tone.


“I understand.” I won’t pry if she doesn’t want to share. “My whole life is complicated.” I joke, trying to cheer her up. The sorrow on her face irks me.


It doesn’t quite have the effect I wanted. She gives me a sad smile before muttering something underneath her breath. I don’t get a chance to figure out what before the waiters come to take our plates.


“What did you say?” I ask as they leave.


“Never mind,” Gem states, “I just realised something.”


I cock my head to the side, letting her continue at her own pace.


“I haven’t said happy birthday yet, have I?” She asks her eyes once again sparkling, “Happy birthday.”


My eyes widen, a thrum of shock going through me. She knows my birthday. Who is she? A pang of dread fills me, but I quickly push that away. This is not a bad thing. It is not. Even if I’ve never met her before.


There has to be a good explanation for this. There has to be. I’m not sure if I can take any more surprises. This day has already been long enough.


“How do you know that?” I whisper. What are you to me?


“It’s a secret.” She replies. The grin hasn’t left her face, but I can tell she’s nervous. It’s that hint of nervosity that makes my frayed nerves settle.


“Just tell me Gem.” I say in the softest tone I can manage. It still holds a hint of frustration, but less than it would have had.


She lowers her head and sighs, but eventually raises it determinately to meet my eyes. “Alright. But first, I must explain something else. It won’t make sense if I don’t.”


I watch her for a moment. A long beat passing, before my head nods. Sure. I’ll hear her out. “Alright.”


“To answer this, I have to start at the beginning. Are you ready to hear a story?”


I give her a reassuring smile. There isn’t really any other option. I want answers and this is the only way I’ll receive them. So, I nod.


Gem returns the smile with a tentative one of her own. “You can ask me any questions you have once I’m finished,” She takes a grounding breath before starting. “Our story begins where every story must. At the beginning.”

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