Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 44: Tiaras and Rituals

“What the hell are you wearing?” Mira’s exasperated voice is the first thing I hear as we walk back into the room.

I twirl in place and shoot her a grin, “Isn’t it pretty?”

Behind the mountain of scrolls, I hear Theo snort. Mira just shoots me an unimpressed look and sighs. Like Cylen, it’s entirely undermined by the smile pulling at her lips.

“I should have known you would get distracted.”

“Yes you should have,” I nod sagely before the grin reappears, “but you forgot. So here we are.” I press a kiss to the deer head and cackle teasingly.

“Tsk. Typical.” Theo mutters around a smile. Mira looks like she’s struggling not to laugh, with Cylen giving me a deadpan look.

“You’ll be happy to know we found the box,” I tell her.

“And by that I assume you mean Cylen.”

“Of course,” I smile mischievously, “Isn’t that what the Captain is for?”

“Enough of that.” A rolled up scroll playfully swats the side of my head and I turn to stare accusingly at the blue-eyed man. He holds his hands up in mock surrender. Narrowing my eyes, I snatch the scroll and swat him in the stomach in the same manner.

“Hey!” He takes a step back, laughing as I move forward as well. “What was that for?”

“For being a filthy traitor,” I say lightly and then laugh at the look on his face.

“Hey!” It’s my turn to step back when he narrows his eyes and snatches the scroll right back. I don’t have time to move too far before he’s scooping me up in his arms and spinning around. A squeal of laughter escapes when he starts tickling me right after with one hand supporting me.

“Now where are you going to go?”

“Put me down!” I laugh, which only makes him keep tickling me.


“Theo!” It’s getting harder to breathe.

My breath comes out in huffs when he finally stops the tickling attack, repositioning me in a bridal carry. Somehow the headdress stays on my head through it and I look up to see him looking at it with a smile. I shoot him a glare and go to tickle him back but Gem’s amused voice stops me.

“I suppose both of you are easily distracted,” she shakes her head. “Alright children, let’s focus on the ritual now.” A glance behind her shows Cylen smothering his laughter with a hand. It’s no use when his eyes give him away.

Theo hesitantly puts me back on the ground, straightening my headdress when it tilts slightly to the side. Some of the scrolls have been moved out of the way to make room for the diadem. Mira slowly unlatches the box, letting it creak as it adjusted, the rust on the metal latches clear.

I have to cover my eyes when she takes it out, the diamond beading around the ruby roses glittering in the light. It’s gold with diamond chains drooping from the base which cover the forehead and fall around the ears. They are shaped to resemble a rose vine, with stray chains resembling thorns.

At the centre of the gold is a large red rose, which is the centre point of the diamond vines. Smaller roses on each side of the chain until it branches of the base. The diamond beading which covers the forehead resembles a V-shape.

Cylen gives a slow whistle, “gods, it’s beautiful.” I agree. The contrast between the silver and gold is stunning.

Theo gives me a playful nudge, “it certainly fits your dramatic personality.”

My lips twitch. I poke my tongue out at him childishly before turning back to Gem. “Now that we have the tiara. How’s the ritual planning going?”

She carefully puts it back into the box, latching it closed and putting it on safely on the side table. Stepping back in place, she unravels a scroll onto the table and gestures for me to come closer.

“We’ve figured out how to position the objects. Since you’ll be wearing the pendant and the blessing part is intangible, we can create it around a pentagon and place them on each point. Obviously, you’ll be standing in the centre.”

“And wearing those robes.” Cylen adds in.

“Yes,” Theo smiles. “With the items in position, we’ll simply have to have to have your faux coronation and you can use the power to break the spell.”

I hum in acknowledgement, head tilting to the side, “they’ll have to be placed in a specific order.” At their confused looks I smile, “Here I’ll show you.” Taking out a blank scroll, I take a pen and draw out where I want them placed, “if we don’t have them in the right place, the power may be weaker.”

They look at my drawing studiously before glancing up and nodding. I know they don’t understand why it’s in this exact order, I can tell that by the confusion they can’t quite hide, but they trust me to know what I’m doing.

“Alright.” Gem grins, “Now all we need to do is wait.”

“Yes,” Theo takes another glance at the scrolls of paper on the table, “and finetune it to perfection.”

An inexplicable sense of dread goes through me at that statement, but I choose to squash it down. It must be nerves. And even if it isn’t we’ll handle it. Plans don’t need to be perfect.

I’m sure it’s nothing.

A breeze went through the clearing as he poured in the last potion in the list for the concoction. The ground was covered in a dirt pentagon, each end carrying an attribute he wanted it to have. A white poppy for forgetfulness at the top and a daffodil for new beginnings at it’s right.

It was only fitting to have flowers given the reason he wanted this done. He couldn’t forget her, and he’d never forgive the people responsible for her death. He placed broken black chains to the left of the poppy to instil it with the pain he wanted to release upon them.

In the bottom right he put a polished black rock. It’s surface stained by the concoction to ensure it’s longevity. With only one spot left, he didn’t know what to put there. For some reason, although he could think of so many different things he wanted in his revenge, none of them felt right.

Moreover, a sinking feeling was building in his guts. His head felt like it was about to be split open. He couldn’t shake off the strange feeling that he was forgetting something. But what?

A million different emotions were coursing through him. He’d talked to the witch and gotten this recipe from her. He’d heard what it would do. He knew the cost of casting it, to forever stay in place while life carried on so long as it remained. He was fine with it. With an empty life, there was no need for progress.

He’d expected to be jubilant. To be triumphant in finally having his revenge. He had expected to be satisfied. For the hollow ache in his chest to finally abate.

But he wasn’t.

All he felt was empty. He felt as if he were being weighed down by boulders. He hadn’t expected to be hesitant. Hadn’t expected that when it finally came down to casting it, indecision would unfurl like seaweed over the pool of his revenge.

It felt wrong. The closer he came to completing the ritual. The more he powered the concoction and waved his hand to coat his symbols with it, the more his mind started to rebel. The more his heart began to feel uneasy.

When he came to the bottom left of the pentagon he’d drawn, instead of placing another object, something compelled him to pour the remaining concoction on it instead. The wind around him howled, growing stronger until it spread the liquid over the dirt.

Leaving him standing in stunned silence as he watched it spread. With it gone, what was he going to put in the centre? It seemed his unconscious mind knew something he didn’t, because the same force compelled him to walk into his study and pluck a single red rose from the vase.

The stem was covered in thorns which poked against the leather of his glove as he carried it over. A part of him knew he should be resentful of the pain, yet all it did was comfort him. He placed it in the centre of the circle carefully, a flash of another rose going through his head.

Where had he…His brows furrowed. That was odd. He couldn’t remember where he had seen a rose like it before, excepting real ones. It was annoying to know the thought was there but not have the ability to fully form it. He knew it was an engraving, but his mind refused to supply where from.

A frustrated breath left him, the feeling of unease in his stomach growing. It was unsettling. It didn’t make sense. Why were some of the memories so clear while others seemed surrounded by fog. In his anger, he almost ran into the cauldron on his way to podium.

It only served to make him even more so, ice growing under his feet as he reached it. His hands glowed with black magic as he closed his eyes and allowed it to take a hold of him. Inhaling and exhaling deeply to centre himself he spoke the incantation.

“Take this poppy and make them forget,

A daffodil offered to start anew,

Bring them pain and suffering not seen yet,

Break apart the chains of love,

Make it last like stones when oceans grew.

With this spell, I give it power,

To create a curse to split the lands,

A might which makes titans cower,

Misery brought with these dark hands,

Never broken, never enough.

A rose given to be the centre,

Bring forth the might of the gods,

Make my vengeance complete,

I ask for their surrender,

I ask to never forget.”

Ice and darkness swirled around the pentagon, his voice echoing louder in the clearing. They formed a cyclone of magic, lifting the offerings into the air. His eyelids glowed with power, willing the magic to do his bidding.

“Erase the binds,

Erase the bonds,

Erase the minds,

Erase the love,

Let pain and suffering be all that remains.”

Bring me my vengeance. The thought reverberated through his head as he spread his arms to unleash the cyclone. It grew bigger and bigger, the pentagon disappearing in its winds. His eyes popped open, and it burst, sending its power in waves through the lands.

It worked! He had only a moment to celebrate his victory when one of the aftereffects washed over him. What the…His eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

Outside the magic swirled and grumbled, as ominous as a thunderstorm. Casting shadows on the horizon and engulfing everything in its path. Terror engulfed its inhabitants. They were helpless to do anything but stare as it continued to spread. Powerless to fight their fate.

By the morning the entirety of the realm had been covered by it. Neighbouring lands changed beyond what they knew. Families changed overnight. Like the very land they lived on. Broken and distraught for a reason they no longer remembered.

He awoke slowly, head pounding from the fall. A look around had him frowning, what was he doing in the grass? Then the memories came back to him. He had a second to be happy, before another onslaught of memories had the grin vanishing.

Oh. He remembered where he had seen the rose. Oh no. He gulped. He looked down, finding his limbs ached less. No. He was younger. An uncharacteristic panic started to build, his hands going up to pull his hair.

She wouldn’t have wanted this. What in the everlasting hells had possessed him!? Something must have. He refused to believe he was this stupid. His eyes roamed around him as the weight in his stomach grew. Taking in the charred ground around him, he felt the headache grow worse.

It was better to remain on the ground. He didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh or cry at the ridiculousness. His instincts had been screaming there was something wrong and he had ignored them. Now he was left to lie in the bed he’d made. What an absolute mess.

What had he done?

Standing in this clearing is a little weird. Not feeling the protective magic that had hid us from view in the manor unsettles me. I didn’t want to leave it, but the spell needed to be completed in a specific place, so we couldn’t just do it in the grounds. I mentally roll my eyes. Leave it to Theo to be overdramatic.

These robes aren’t helping. The three of them had insisted there was no time to change and practically forced me to put them on before we came out here. My lips purse as I look up at the full moon, dutifully ignoring them drawing the pentagon. These robes are too big and would disturb the sand.

And they’re heavy. I don’t know who in my family decided we needed to wear such ugly robes to be sworn in, but they need to be sued. And no, I’m not pouting because I was told to stay put.

And I can’t even lift them up because “it’s blasphemy to move them.”

No magic either because “it’ll weaken the power of the spell if you do it before the coronation.”

I understand I sound childish, but there’s only so long I can watch without getting restless. I understand the reasoning. I do. But with little to no sleep and a sense of anxiety building in my stomach, it’s hard to stay still.

We’ve been busy getting everything ready and I’m certain it’ll work, but I still can’t shake off the unease. I don’t want to voice it aloud. It would only worry them. So instead, I look to the moon and take a calming breath to settle it. Everything will be fine.

“Alright, we’re ready!” Mira calls out and gestures for me to step onto the rock.

I don’t argue, shooting her a smile as I step onto it. The light of the full moon glows around me, creating sparkles in the silver hem of the royal blue evening gown and sequins adorning it. I don’t know where she found it, but it’s perfect for the occasion. The heavy muddy golden robes don’t detract from it at all.

Theo and Cylen are standing behind her, the crown resting in the open box in Cylen’s hands. Theo’s holding the heir’s sceptre and shoots me a smile as Gem clears her throat to begin the speech.

“We are gathered here today to swear in our heir, under the light of the full moon in our sacred grounds.” She takes the sceptre and motions for me to kneel, “Do you Astriliana Celeste Rose agree to accept this role and all that comes with it?”

“I do.”

“Do you Astriliana Celeste Rose swear to uphold justice in our lands and never falter to do what is right?” She touches the sceptre to my right shoulder.

“I do.”

“Do you swear to protect this land and its people to the best of your ability till the end of your days?” I feel it’s touch on my left shoulder.

“I swear.”

“Will you promise to show mercy to those who need it and punishment for those who deserve it in your capacity as heir?” It is now placed directly above my head.

“I promise.”

“Then take your oaths.” She says turning the sceptre around for me to take.

“I swear under the full moon in these sacred grounds to always uphold justice in our lands, to protect my people and these lands till the day that I should die. I promise to never falter in this oath and to punish any who shall threaten it in my capacity as crown princess of Evermore. I accept this role willingly and will be happy to fulfil it for so long as I shall live.”

The air in the clearing seems to still as a wave of magic lights under my feet, the robe hangs over the stone but does not touch the ground. My head stays dipped in the traditional position as Mira places the diadem over my head. The diamonds cold against my neck and forehead.

“Then rise, Crown Princess Astriliana Celeste Rose, for you are now and forevermore our heir and princess.” She waits until I’m standing upright with the sceptre in one hand before she continues. “We shall endeavour to protect you as you do us and promise to be your guiding council whenever you should need it.”

The tiara feels heavier on my head as Cylen and Theo echo the statement before all three of them are bowing towards me. My mouth feels dry. A sudden rush of heat overtakes me as my magic decides to make itself known. Flames engulf the sceptre in my hand, light blooming at my feet and creating a halo over my head.

Gem gasps, eyes wide as she takes it all in. Her gasp causes the other two to stand upright as well, and their mouths drop open as well. Even without being able to see it, I know it must be a sight to see. I can feel it is. A pang of sorrow goes through me. I just…Wish my parents were here too.

Later. I’ll see them soon when this is all over. I give them a shaky smile as I feel the magic move away from me and over to the objects lining the pentagon.

“This crown is heavy.” I try to joke. It makes Cylen snort, but the other two just shake their heads.

“It suits you.” Mira says, a smile in her tone as well as her face, “I’m glad I was here to see this.”

“I agree, it suits you.” Theo adds in.

“I’m glad you were here,” I decide to say, “that all of you were here for this.”

“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

Shooting him a smile, I step down from the stone, feeling a little unbalanced with the tiara. Cylen’s at my right before I can, offering a hand for me to take. “There’s my loyal Captain.” My smile grows when his expression softens.

Then, just as we discussed, I use my magic to carry me to the centre. The pendant Hades put on me resting above my heart along with the deer head. The trident rests on the bottom right, a kingdom sank under the sea. The wand is on the top right, a symbol if new beginnings rotting.

I put the mermaid shell on the point of the star for remembrance, the rose rests on its left for forgiveness. The magic mirror lies on the bottom left of the pentagon. Theo and Mira had initially put it in the top right, with the wand on top left and the rose at bottom left. Which would work but wouldn’t have the same power.

In instances such as this, truth has more power than forgiveness. I’d told them as such when they asked, and they hadn’t asked many more after. Nodding to make sure they’re where I wanted them, I take a deep breath to settle myself.

A loud scream interrupts me before I can speak the incantation. My eyes pop open and widen when I see the source. I knew coming out of those protections was a bad idea.

There, standing at the edge are clothed beings in red. Fate’s minions. But what’s more unsettling is the people they’ve brought with them. Most worryingly the blank look in their eyes. That absolute- Why the hells did she bring innocent civilians into this?

Before the thought even fully forms, the civilians are screaming and rushing towards us. Shades of darkness and red following and escalating their frantic actions. And as I take stock of the situation and who we’re facing, there’s only one thought that enters my mind.

Well. Shit.

Babies cry all around them, children rushing to scurry behind their parents as they take in the approaching swell of magic. No one can blame them. Not when their fear is echoed by their own. Families huddle in a futile effort to protect the little ones.

“Please. Save the children.”

In another place, people are torn from those they love with heartless abandon. Screams of refusal going unnoticed by the cruel magic washing over them. They are helpless as their minds start to blank and all they knew changes.

“Don’t let us be torn apart.”

In neighbouring lands, buildings are torn apart in the aftermath. No one can remember what they were doing. All they know is that they have some place to be and they cannot rest. Neighbours shake off each other’s worries in an attempt to comfort but can’t shake it from themselves. The hollow ache in their chest that tells them what their minds have forgotten.

“Let us remember what we have lost.”

Friends become strangers. Loving parents turned cold. The people of the lands scream internally as their minds begin to be wiped, crying out. They struggle to escape it and plead with any god to save them. Yet none answers as their very being is torn from them.

“Someone save us!”

All over the lands, the mist grows, creating more destruction in its path. But so do the prayers uttered. They pile up and interconnect, weaving into a tapestry. All of them said differently but pleading for the same thing. An escape from the pain brought upon them. A salvation from this storm.

“Please! Someone! Anyone! Save us. Don’t let us be lost. Save us from this pain. Please!”

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