Protector of the Enchanted

Chapter 8: Meetings

Yawning, I try to keep awake as I follow behind Gem with my duffle swung across my back. She’d woke me up at the crack of dawn to go a place she says she’s been meaning to take. Apparently, we’re going to have to stay somewhere tonight, because we won’t be home before it gets dark.


Curiosity has me wondering why that would be, but I suppose I’ll trust her for now. I’m still feeling a little bummed that I can’t see Blaze today. That dragon is absolutely adorable. Someday, if I can convince them, I want to try flying him. It’s very tempting, but the way the freaked out the first time has me hesitating to ask. Not yet.


When we come to a stop, it’s in front of a tall structure hidden between some trees. As if the owner couldn’t decide whether they wanted people to visit or for them to stay away. There’s a sign hanging above the door. Double R and H Diner. Weird. I wonder why they didn’t just choose to have ‘RRH Diner’.


The bright red splashed across the walls, looks like blood leaking out of a wounded animal. I wonder why they chose such a threatening design. I suppose it does fit the aesthetic, but it’s still an odd choice for a diner. Although…Judging from how packed it is in here, I doubt that matters.


In terms of the interior, I have to say it’s a lot more homely than the exterior. The walls are a deep burgundy colour, the red not threatening when combined with the dark burnt cinnamon coloured flooring. Despite the colouring, it looks a lot like a medieval tavern. I find I don’t mind that.


As I’m admiring it, Gem has already led us over to a table and started placing an order. “A shot with your usual mix and…” She looks at me.


“A coffee would be fine.” I think I’m going to need all the energy I can get.


“And an Iced coffee.” The waitress nods and walks off with our order.


Watching the inhabitants of the diner a thought comes to mind. It’s something I haven’t gotten around to asking her. “How old are you, anyway?”


“Twenty-one.” She simply replies with a smile, before once again going back to looking through the menu. I doubt she needs to ask how old I am. She already knows.


Shaking my head, I start reading my menu as well. It’s things like that make me believe that she really is my cousin. It’s not something she would know if she weren’t. It’s just going to take a little more time for it to sink in.


Waiting for our meal to arrive, my eyes once again wander over the interior of the diner, coming to stop on a crowd of people. They’re pushing tables together and placing an innumerable number of drinks on top of them. Music seems to be starting up, though the origin of the music is a mystery. I cast a questioning look at Gem, but she just smiles and shrugs.


“What’s going on there?” I ask, pointing towards the crowd.


“It’s nothing really,” She replies, “This is an annual occurrence, people get together, drink and tell stories. It’s one of the only forms of entertainment we’re left with nowadays.” I suppose that’s why she wanted to come so badly.


“Seems interesting.” I’m glad she brought me with her. After all, I have been dragging her to see the dragons these past couple of days.


Inspecting the gathering, I notice something odd. None of them seem to know why they’re celebrating. From the snippet of conversations, I can overhear, they seem to have varying ideas. I shake my head at the thought, I’m probably overthinking this. It’s possible to celebrate more than one thing at a time.


While I’m pondering this, the waitress comes back and places our meals on the table. I take a sip of the coffee first, it tastes like heaven on my tongue. Especially when it makes me a feel a little more awake. Do they put magic in the food as well?


It’s not too far a reach, all things considered. Since I didn’t have any breakfast before we left, I find myself devouring the food fast. Glancing at Gem, I see she’s still eating, an amused smile playing on her lips. I just shoot her a grin before turning my eyes back to the scene that had caught my attention.


As they linger longer over the people something, or should I say, someone catches my attention. There in a dark isolated corner stands a familiar figure, his arms crossed in front of him, his eyes seeming distant. My eyes narrow on him. I’ve been seeing him a lot lately, it’s like he’s never too far away from me. Yet, I can’t bring myself to bring it up to Gem.   


Mostly because I have a sinking suspicion that it wouldn’t go well. And because my instincts are telling me that despite how he tries to appear, he doesn’t hold any malice. If he did, he wouldn’t simply be lingering in the distance. I move my cup to my lips, only to find it empty.


Gem grins, “Want to order more?” My lips twitching, I nod as Gem calls over the waitress once again.


Sitting on the throne of an empty castle left a hollow feeling in his stomach. A long-buried emotion crawled into his heart, loneliness. It hadn’t seemed like much time had passed but the world outside proved that a thousand years had. Any familiar faces long gone with the ancient buildings and the true stories of the land.


They’d written him off as a monster. Perhaps they were right, but as soon as the thought came to his mind, so did a voice. Telling him words that seemed but a dream now.


He remembered her. He knew that even if he forgot all else, he could never truly forget her. However, she was gone and he all he was left with were painful memories which had once brought joy. It hurt. To remember all that had led him to this point, which is why he never did.


Why he wouldn’t now. Although he tried to harden his heart, something about the day prevented him from doing so. It only took a small moment to ascertain the reason.


Pulling open the drawer, it wasn’t hard to find the ancient painting within it. Centuries of dust erased with the wave of a hand. Her eyes shone, even from within the painting. He knew it was lacking compared to the real being, but the sight still brought a small comfort, lifting a speck of loneliness.


Running his fingers across the parchment, a small smile graced his face. If his subordinates saw him now, they would surely be terrified and wonder what manner of phantom had possessed him. In that moment, however, he couldn’t truly bring himself to care.


“Happy Birthday love.” He whispered; it was a custom to celebrate birthdays of royalty a week after their birth in this land. It commemorated when they were introduced to their people. “My apologies, but I need to do this.”


He knew there was a very large chance she wouldn’t approve of this curse, but it had to be done. Without her there, all that was left was a prophecy needing to be fulfilled. Soon, he decided, he would do what was needed and enact the curse.


However, if only for a second, he wanted an escape from this eternal torment. Before the day was coloured by it. For a moment, he’d allow himself an inkling of peace.


I can’t stop laughing as Gem tells me countless stories about what happened in previous celebrations. Apparently, this day is the equivalent to all hell breaking loose, mostly due to how much alcohol is present. On one occasion, the place was nearly destroyed, on another, bees filled the diner and they needed to evacuate.


It leaves one to wonder why they would continue these celebrations. Not that I mind. Chaos makes for interesting stories.


Celebration still in full swing, drinks being refilled at an alarming rate, it really does feel like a scene from the movies. The calm before the storm. Although, I can’t say this is what I picture when I think of calm. Oddly, it feels nice, despite the chaos, or maybe because of it.


“Have ye’ heard ‘bout that story?” A drunken customer loudly asks his friend.


“What story?” His friend questions, swaying a little on his feet.

He throws his arm around his friend’s shoulder, “You know. The one ‘bout the magic wish or rather.”


“Not a magic wish.” Another patron exclaims, “It’s a bunch of things that can grant a wish.”


“Oh!” The friend states, steadying himself, “That story. Heard of it. But haven’t heard it in a while.”


“I haven’t either, but I reckon it would be a great treasure to find.” He hit his friend’s back, “You could wish for anything ye’ want!”


“But how do you find these things?” Asked another patron.


“Ain’t it supposed to be hard?”


“I dunno’” He replied scratching his head, “I forgot how it goes.”


“Does anyone remember?” Questioned another voice, addressing the room.


“I do!” Yelled a man in the middle of the room who looked reasonably sober.


“Well then, go on, tell us.”


“Do you want to listen to this?” Gem whispers, “We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” She says that, but I can see she wants to hear this story as well.


“No, it’s okay, this seems interesting.” I reply with a slight smile.


Looking at her expression, I can see that she doesn’t see this the way I do. To her, this is an interesting folk tale she’s heard numerous times. To me, it’s an opportunity. Where she doesn’t look like she believes it to be real, I no longer believe anything to be impossible.


A wish. I have no doubt there’s some truth to this story. And if whatever it is can grant any wish, then it might be able to take me home. More importantly, a wry smile makes its way to my face as the thought forms.


I might have just thought of a way to break Gem’s curse. After all, things that grant wishes don’t necessarily grant just one.


It’s a thought that stays with me as I drag Gem along with me to sit in the periphery of the huddle that’s formed around the man getting ready to speak. Several people have done the same, with pillows being passed around for people to sit on the ground. It’s oddly reminiscent of a campfire.


Settling into my seat, my eyes take one more glance around the room. In the spirit of the occasion, it seems it’s been decided that another round of drinks is on the house. I’m certainly don’t complain when I’m handed another cup of the iced coffee I’d been enjoying earlier.


Inexplicably, my gaze is drawn back to the man in the corner. Just as it has been every time I’ve caught sight him in the past couple of days. However, this time, I let my eyes linger. Which is why I see when in his lips curve up in a mysterious smile, indicating he’s heard this story many times before.


As If feeling the weight of my attention, his head turns towards me, meeting my eyes with sapphire blue. He blinks a few times, going still for a minute, before his smile changes into a mischievous one as he points towards the speaker. It does very little to hide his shock. Which is weird because he’s standing in within clear sight.


I throw him a questioning look, turning my head in the indicated direction. Gem seems to be too focused on the speaker to notice my attention wavering. I sip my drink to settle my thoughts as he starts talking.


“Alright, settle in and get comfortable. This is a long one. Legend says…”

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