Psychic Parasite

Chapter 109: Memoir Beckoner

The humanoid figure finally set foot on land, reverting the webbed feet to normal. He looked at the molten rocks strewn everywhere, the lava flowing on the ground, and the charred remains of flesh and blood.

The tallest peak on the continent was situated to its south-east, the place where the Colossal Bawling Sheep liked to rest the most. It was also the region where numerous artificial lakes had been created to house the Frenzy Parasites the humanoid figure produced.

Now, the entire region—spanning 50 kilometres from the tallest peak as the centre—had been destroyed, with lava flowing on the land. The tallest peak had been reduced to a rock, melting under the heat, dissolving into the flow.

"What happened?" The humanoid figure muttered, his voice calm. His voice spread around the region, travelling everywhere. Soon, numerous sharp auras appeared, converging before him.

"Sheep is injured." A Tier 6 Frenzy Beast, spanning just 2 metres in size commented. It had long, pointed stout, large ears, short body, and a long tail. Its fur was grey, for the most part, covered in patterns of gold in discrete regions. It was one of the smallest Frenzy Beasts in the region but also one of the oldest, addressed as Psychic Ancestor Crash.

Tier 6 Frenzy Beast—Crash Bandicoot!

Psychic Ancestor Crash gave a battle report of the situation, recounting the attacks that ensued from the humans. "By the time we managed to get here, the damage had been done. Also, noticing our approach, Dawn detonated his fire dragons to keep us at bay. He was then carried away by Light; none of us could match Light's speed."

"So, they have become bold enough to personally visit my place. Maybe it's because they are nearing the end of their lifespan." The humanoid figure placed his hand below his chin, sporting an expression of interest. He then noticed Psychic Ancestor Crash conclude its report, the final statement destroying his expression of interest, twisting it in rage.

"The Kangaroo had been kidnapped by Reef."

Suddenly, Psychic Ancestor Crash's expression changed. It emitted a dense flux of psychic energy, wrapped its body with it, and took off to the skies. Seeing its actions, the other Tier 6 Frenzy Beasts that had arrived at the region too escaped, looking frightened by something.

"Waaaah!" A series of cries resounded, the transmission of the voice not limited to sound. Wave after wave of psychic energy broiled around, splashing across the region. The seawater was affected, forming a tsunami, rushing into the land, headed towards the voice.

As the water came into contact with the land, it vaporised, producing mist. Soon, more and more water gushed in, dousing out the heat, flooding the region with seawater.

The humanoid figure noticed a single drop of moisture seep out from his eye, condense into a droplet, and fly towards the source of the bawling voice. His grin widened, turning happy at the situation.

"Even though my materialistic losses are severe, my mount has gained some sort of comprehension in its Skill thanks to this."

The humanoid figure trudged past the misty region, walking above the column of water, finally jumping into a sea of lava that had yet to die. A mound, 100 metres in height was continuously spewing out lava and toxic fumes, damaging the land further.

Sprawled around in the lava next to it was a mountainous body, sporting grave injuries everywhere. Its limbs had been severed, the flesh, blood, and bone melted, strewn across the lava, producing a sizzling sound. Its fur burned in a sea of flames, getting drowned out by the mist that approached the area in traces, soon increasing in quantity.

Five marble spears lay before it, half-submerged into the lava, showing no signs of melting yet. Five more marble spears remained lodged into its body, locking it in place. The Colossal Bawling Sheep created 3 psychic arms, grabbing hold of a marble spear.

While crying out in pain, it pulled a marble spear out, spewing out blood mist, evaporated due to the ambient temperatures. It gently placed the marble spear before it, lest the lava got splashed on its face. The marble spear had a large body and weighed hundreds of tonnes.

Two of its psychic arms worked around its body, stopping the blood flow in the damaged parts, preventing it from leaking out.

The final psychic arm coiled itself around its heart, forcefully keeping it functional. There was only half its heart remaining, looking incapable of functioning without the psychic energy. Its Heart Crystal had melted, corroded from extensive use. Seeing his appearance, the Colossal Bawling Sheep began to cry out louder.

The humanoid man walked to its proximity, placing his hand on its body, "You can stop crying now."


Marble City; carried across the city walls by the psychic arm of Psychic Ancestor Marble, the middle-aged man assessed the damage the city had suffered. Using the height to his advantage, he glanced around the city.

"So, how did it go?" The middle-aged man controlled himself, suppressing his anger, taking a look at a research facility that had gone up in flames. A team of Warriors fought against the remaining researchers that had lost control. Espers flew around, dousing the flames as they prevented the building from falling over.

"All we did was cause some materialistic destruction. We haven't done any damage to his foundation. After all, he himself is his foundation." The voice replied, having carried him past 8th Ring, entering the 7th Ring.

"How's the situation in the city?" The middle-aged man closed his eyes, straining his ears, hearing the numerous screams echoing from everywhere.

"I have taken care of the ones who were Tier 4 and above. I left the rest to the soldiers after informing them of the situation. I didn't give them the full details, lest they lose their sense of security."

In the 7th ring, looking from above, the middle-aged man spotted large circles present in each sector. Each circle spanned a kilometre in radius, ranging between one and two in each sector.

The middle-aged man dropped down in one such circle, feeling his feet sink into the ground, the surface coated with blood. Walls surrounded the boundary, similar to the city's walls, magenta in colour.

A flash of magenta flickered near him, turning into the figure of Psychic Ancestor Marble. The marble figure glanced around, his back slumped, looking like he had aged considerably in the past day. "Centuries of work went down the drain."

"Don't say that," The middle-aged man consoled him, "We can recover them to a certain extent. Thankfully, I had made my preparations long ago."

In Wild Zone 12, in an area that was flooded with the blood of the Frenzy Beasts, a Frenzy Beast floated out of the ground, panting in exhaustion the moment it touched foot.

It had a long nose, sporting a serpentine body, having a pair of arms and legs that shivered in fear. The ethereal portion of its tail had long disappeared, looking expended. The long-nose Frenzy Beast crouched down, sinking the tip of its nose into the pool of blood.

Immediately, like a bottomless hole, the entirety of the pool of blood was sucked dry, despite the volume spanning a thousand times its body. Looking a bit satiated, the long-nose Frenzy Beast ran across the ground, munching on the carcasses of every Tier 5 Frenzy Beast it came across, taking measures to devour their Heart Crystals.

It soon spotted another of its kind, watching it do the same. The two made eye contact, exchanging information without any requirement for words, sounds, or energy. As they proceeded further, they encountered more of their brethren, having all survived the brunt of the Tier 6 aura.

They boasted ability to sense danger that was unmatched among the Frenzy Beasts, not to mention their bizarre abilities that allowed them to phase through objects and disappear. Using them, they had managed to safeguard their lives, now reaping a giant harvest.

The moment the ethereal tail began to form on the ends of their tail, they disappeared, flashing to existence a minute later in the same spot, the ethereal part in their tail having been expended. They then continued to feast the Frenzy Beast remains, feeling jovial, continuing with the above process.

"We can increase our size," A long-nose Frenzy beast, spanning thrice the size of the others appeared, transmitting the first words to be exchanged between them. "Even though it is risky to settle near the humans, this is also the place where the greatest conflict occurs regularly, netting us the most spoils."

None spoke a word, silently nodding their heads once as a sign of acknowledgement. They all had Tier 4 strength, except for the one who had spoken, boasting the strength of Tier 5.

Suddenly, sensing danger, they all vanished, leaving behind no traces of their existence. A moment later, a massive flux of psychic brushed past the region, lifting the pool of flesh and blood, compressing the mixture into a tiny sphere.

The sphere floated towards other regions, absorbing the flesh and blood along its wake, the actions precise, having not absorbed even a speck of soil. Once everything of value in the region had been absorbed, the sphere of flesh and blood flew towards Marble City.

7th Ring, Sector 2, within a circle, Psychic Ancestor Marble had appeared in his true body, gawking at the scene before him. A flash of white appeared, transforming into the figure of Rhachis Ancestor Light, looking slightly exhausted.

The moment he witnessed the scene before him, he felt a shudder wash over his body, forming goosebumps.

'How long had it been since I last felt such an emotion?' He wondered, sporting genuine praise in his expression.

A sphere condensed of flesh and blood, spanning 150 metres in radius was carried over by a psychic arm, "This is just the first batch; there are plenty more to follow. I'll dispatch the soldiers to excavate them all."

"Sure, that would be helpful. Also, ensure no one other than the two of you is privy to this." A grating voice echoed, looking like two aged barks had been brushed against one another.

A vine appeared, coiling around the large sphere of flesh and blood, pulling it into a large pitcher, and gently closing the lid. Simultaneously, the magenta walls in the city, separating each Sector and each Ring, flashed with pink light, gentle in radiance.

The radiance brushed past each researcher who had died, turning into a stream, joining with a thin brook flowing underground each building. Psychic Ancestor Marble closed his eyes, witnessing all the scenes, feeling overwhelmed despite his rich experiences.

He opened his mouth, hesitating a little, finally making his voice resound, "What is this Skill called?"

A grating voice resounded, its voice hushed, echoing near the two individuals. "For the time being, I'll take care of the production of the Frenzy Fruits and the Trait Fruits. I won't tell you the details; so, don't ask for them. This is my Unranked Skill…"

"Memoir Beckoner."

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