Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 104: Lure them

Realized how stupid his question, he change his words "Tianyao do you think Senja reappearance has anything to do with Misty Cloud Clan?"

Xiao Tianyao intertwined his long fingers and put his chin on it as the scars on the back of his left hand peeked out, he seemed deep in thought.

"Naturally" He said affirmatively after long silence.

Utara sat opposite him. "Tianyao, tell me. Have you been suspicious of her from the start?"

"She has returned. Naturally she has a purposed"

"What about a person named Yun she mentioned? Based on our previous investigation before she disappeared, I can't remember that she had someone named Yun around her" Utara tilted his head with puzzled expression. Because he was personally handled those cases related to Senja, he clearly remembered that there was no one named Yun who related to her.

"Tianyao, we have known about another side of Senja for long time, is it wise decision to leave it like nothing happened? I doubt that she has amnesia. We even let her get protection from Former Main Commander Dam"

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them feel safe?" Xiao Tianyao answered with question coldly to Utara when he doubted his decision.

"… And what will your next step? Are you will deal with her directly?" Utara asked carefully, after all Senja has committed arson, treason and created great chaos not long after she came back.

However Xiao Tianyao shook his head "No. It is too early to exposed ourselves"

"Should we put shadow guards to watch her every move?" Utara asked without knowing that even before he suggested it, Xiao Tianyao had planted shadow guards to keep an eye on her.

However, although there were five shadow guards stand by outside her room last night she still managed to slip off, put another shadow guards won't help much. Nonetheless, Xiao Tianyao didn't share his thought to Utara and simply shook his head as a reply.

"And what you will do to Senja? It will be hard to explain to Elder Dam if something happen to his precious granddaughter while she is with us"

Utara means is they will bring along Senja to the City L district 3 in next seven days, if Xiao Tianyao is planning to extract information from her, then violent method cannot be avoided since Senja won't willingly cooperate with them.

"We will lure her accomplice first"

After giving some thought Utara said "Hmm, you are right. It is impossible for her to work alone and accomplice such a feat like last night. So many people must behind her" Utara nodded in agreement. But then he looked at Xiao Tianyao with concerned.

"But, how to lure them?"

Xiao Tianyao didn't answer Utara question immediately. He just closed his eyes, deep in thought.

Utara concerned was very clear. Since they investigated Senja 4 years ago, the big hurdle was Elder Dam. Because of the Old Man blindness about his own granddaughter entanglement with outside force and Senja's very noble self image in outsider eyes, Elder Dam wouldn't believe the surprising fact about her.

So far, because of those difficulties, they have been unable to obtain irrefutable evidence that can prove Senja's dark activities these past years. Who will believe that a young girl at 12 year ages would have something to do with mysterious forces such as Misty Cloud Clan?

Those reasons were disadvantage for their side which caused unavoidable setback all these past year.

In the other hand, Xiao Tianyao's true target isn't Senja. She was merely a connected piece to reveal a fabricated tragedy 5 years ago, bait that could lead him to that man.

Gong Xu. He was the person who hold responsible for Luna's death. Xiao Tianyao's wife.

His woman…

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