Purple Romance

Chapter 282: Learn to keep your hands off another man's woman

Andy furrowed his brows looking at him, ''who are you and what have you done with my brother?''

''What do you mean?''

''You never care about any woman that you sleep with. Why are you going to such extend to help Lisa?''

''Well… nothing she is industrious and passionate about her work and I want to help her as a businessman''

''Les, you look different when you talk about Lisa and I don't know whether this is a good idea or not but I hope you do know what you are doing?''

Leslie looked at Andy and smiled, ''I don't have feelings for her if that is what you are thinking, but I do acknowledge her passion for what she does. So, are you helping me out of not?''

':I will. You have never asked me to help any woman before, so I am also quite curious how far this will go. I will let Godiva contact her''

''Don't let her know I told you to do it for her. she doesn't need to know about this''



Vee Coffee house.

Paula was playing with her phone when Lisa walked to her and sat next to her.

''Are you done?''

''No, the coffee beans just arrived so they are packaging them, it will take a while before they finish with my request''

''I see''

''Let me order a drink for you. What do you want to drink?''

''Orange juice is fine. We are going to eat after here, right?''

''Yes, I will get it right away'' Lisa stood up and went to the counter again

A while later, Paula was about to win the game she was playing when someone called her name making her miss her chance.

''Paula, right?'' Betty asked looking at Paula.

Paula cussed before looking up and saw her, ''Betty?''

''God, I just knew that was you right away. It's not every day that you see people with your figure'' Betty said sarcastically and Paula frowned.

''Hey, what do you mean by what you just said? Does my darling look heinous that you would recognise her at any time? Are you blind?'' Lisa asked putting the two glasses of juice that she had gotten down.

''Oh, no. I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that she looks different from a lot of people but in a good way off course''

''I don't feel any sincerity in your words at all. Paula, who is this lady?'' Lisa didn't even glance at Betty again and turned her gaze towards Paula.

''She is Andy's family friend?'' Paula wasn't sure of how to introduce Betty because she honestly didn't know what kind of relationship to classify her and Andy's. ''She is Betty, Betty, this is my best friend, Lisa. Lise, meet Betty''

''Hi, I'm sorry about my wordings earlier. I really didn't mean any harm'' Betty said and stretched her hand towards Lisa who didn't look all that impressed.

''My darling is my bottom line, next time, know how to talk to her when I am around. I am not afraid to beat another woman for her''

''Lise, that's enough'' Paula held Lisa's hand.

''Can I join you girls?'' Betty took her hand away after holding it out for a while. Lisa didn't accept her handshake so she could only retreat but she realised that Lisa wasn't someone she could mess with but that didn't stop her enthusiasm. She was interested in Paula after all.

''Yes'' said Paula

'''No'' said Lisa.

The two looked at each other and Lisa gave her a warning gaze and Paula smiled before turning to Betty, ''actually, we are leaving in a few minutes. We are here to collect a package''

''I see. where do you stay, I can visit you some time? I just came back from D-City and don't really have friends here''

''We are moving out of our current apartment'' Lisa said to Betty calmly as she sipped her juice. Paula stifled her laughter. She knew how savage Lisa could be if she didn't like someone.

''I have a feeling that you don't like me that much, do you?'' Betty couldn't help but ask.

''You are not so dense after all. You are right. I don't like you'' Lisa looked at her and she pulled the juice into her mouth through the straw.

''I see. You are quite honest'' Betty forced a smile.

''It's too tiring to be pretentious so I don't pretend'' Lisa stood up and walked to the counter.

''We are really moving out soon, so let's get together another time'' Paula said to Betty.

''Aren't you coming?'' Lisa asked after she took the two bags of coffee beans.

''Coming'' Paula looked at Betty and bowed slightly before going over to Lisa. She took one of the bags from Lisa and they went out.

Betty chuckled feeling ridiculous, she brushed her side hair aside and looked at them as they got into their car, ''that woman is so rude. Did she really think I wanted to be friends with her fatty friend? I am only keeping her close because of Andy'' she frowned and went to another empty table.


Lisa and Paula placed the coffee bags on the counter and saw down chatting.

''Lise, why were you so rude towards Betty earlier on? Even if you don't like someone, you aren't always this hostile towards them''

''I'm sorry, Miss but I don't like that woman''


''Don't be so naïve P. even I could tell she was fake. Everything about her screamed fake. Take it from me, that woman isn't trying to get close to you for the right reasons. Tell me, doesn't she have feelings for Andy?''

''How did you know about this?''

''Paula, what do I do with you? You are just too good for this world, darling. Stay away from her. She is bad news''

''Actually, she made her intentions known during the tour. She told me she had feelings for Andy''

''I knew it. Paula, there is something about the woman that speaks for herself even without having to hear it from her own mouth''

''And what's that?''

''Is like this, like an invisible sign on her head that says "I'M A SNAKE''

''You are so crude with your words, dear'' Paula laughed.

''Paula, you have to listen to me ok, I don't trust that woman and my instincts are always right. Believe me Paula and stay away from her, also don't tell her where we stay''

''Yes, I will do that'' Paula said and Lisa pointed outside the café.

''Paula, you have a visitor'' she said to Paula.

''Huh?'' Paula turned and saw Andy outside, he was walking towards the door of the café. ''Andy?''

''I see him a lot lately. Is he now openly pursuing you?'' Lisa teased and Paula's heart skipped a beat but she knocked Lisa's hand off.

''Shut up. We are just friends''

''Yes, that's how it usually starts. Friends, then not exactly friends but more than friends and then lovers. Paula, I am actually loving the pace at which you two are moving. Slow burn relationships are always filled with heart fluttering moments. I am totally here for it'' she said and smiled as she looked at Andy was almost near them now.

''Hi, ladies'' Andy said to them.

''I see you a lot often lately'' Lisa winked at him and he smiled.

''I guess so, taking that this place was our fateful meeting place'' Andy replied and looked at Paula.

''I will leave you two to talk, I still have to put this coffee beans away'' Lisa stood up and picked the coffee beans to behind the counter.

''How are you?'' Andy asked Paula.

''I'm fine. What about you?'' she asked shyly and lowered her gaze.

''I'm fine. Can we sit and talk?'' Andy asked and Paula pointed at an empty table.

''Let's talk over there'' Paula said and walked over and he followed her.

When they got to the table, Lisa arrived with two glasses of apricot juice and placed it down in front of them adding, ''here, you can take your time''

''Thanks, Lisa'' Andy said and she smiled before walking away.

Paula pulled her glass to her side and sipped as she asked him, ''you didn't even call me before coming?''

''I figured it was best to talk to you in person, and I knew you wouldn't be home so I came here''

''I see''

''Paula, I think I did something wrong yesterday. Even though I don't know what it is, I want to apologise. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten too closed to you''

''Huh?'' Paula looked at him. She had completely forgotten about that incident but she couldn't believe he was still thinking about it. ''Andy, yesterday I was a little out of it. My apologies too. You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who overreacted''

''So, you are not mad at me?''

''No, not at all''

''Then, why don't you come and start work tomorrow at the hotel as our nutritionist?'' Andy asked and looked at her face.

''Huh?'' Paula was confused. When did the subject change so suddenly?

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