Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 86 - Crown 21

Li Hong: “He has something wrong.”

Tian Shen: “…”

Li Hong: “Or I can put it another way. After I have shown such obvious behavior that I will never abandon my public for personal reasons, according to the usual theory, partners are unlikely to turn their faces. Although I have long said that gods will be better than humans. A lot of self-willed preparations, but not only turned my face, but also wanted to sleep with subordinates, it was not quite right.

“I thought about it, but I can only think of one possibility.

“Referring to the situation in the previous worlds, you tell me the truth, the so-called’satisfaction with him’. In the final analysis, is it just for me to play with him a love drama of’I like you’?”

Tian Shen: “…”

Li Hong’s rational analysis: “Chen Lin and Li Gui made me think that as long as they achieve their goals, they can pass. Now think about it, right? There, I have never paid attention to anyone other than them, so from their From a point of view, I really love them. Leon and Rong Sheng have nothing to say, until they came here, two people appeared. You are so nervous, do you realize that no matter who I choose, the other No way to solve it?”

Tian Shen: “…”

Li Hong dropped the soft towel for wiping his hair, and said indifferently: “If you don’t speak anymore, I will assume you are acquiescing.”

Tian Shen: “…I said at the beginning, you just have a relationship with him. This is the fastest way to solve the problem.” After a pause, Tian Shen said in a low voice, “They are true. Like you.”

…Because he loves you.

Li Hong fell silent. If at the beginning, she was able to mock Tianshen, but now, she herself is deeply involved in this game. She loves Chenlin from the heart and raised Li Gui. She also sincerely likes the smile on the corners of the blond knight’s lips. She lived with Rong Sheng for several years, and remembered the smile when 07 delivered the medicine.

I like to see Sundar smile more from the bottom of my heart.

Li Hong couldn’t help but think of the way she saw the Demon God for the first time. The guy was wearing a tattered black robe, standing on the only way back home to block her, and stammering after stopping her. Li Hong couldn’t remember the specific content of his confession at that time, only remember that he had been overworked because of continuous overtime, and he didn’t bother to care about the tramp in the park. Saying “sorry”, he walked around without hesitation.

——As a result, the world was destroyed. She has to spend more time and more effort to coax people back.

It took her a long time, and it was almost longer than her original age.

Li Hong suddenly felt a little tired, and she felt like she was in the middle. Even if she says “Let me fall in love with him, it’s better to let me die”, no one believes it, right? She didn’t believe it herself. After all, the previous world even got married.

Li Hong, who seldom gets rid of the horns, gets used to it quickly. After making Tianshen silent in fear, she spoke calmly.

Li Hong asked: “The current situation is that even if I win the war, Enlier may not be satisfied, right?”

Tian Shen: “Uh, I’m not sure, but I see his state, it’s probably…”

Li Hong asked again: “What about Sandal?”

Tian Shen: “I feel he is almost full.”

Li Hong was stunned. Although she thought she liked Sandal, this liking was far less than the liking for Leon at the beginning, not to mention that she could achieve the “satisfying” liking for everyone, but only this point. Like it, it seems to have satisfied the other party. Li Hong paused for a moment, and said with emotion: “…it’s pretty good.”

The Tianshen endured forbearance. At any rate, he swallowed “Don’t talk about coaxing him, he would be happy if you smile at him”, and then said to Li Hong, “What are you going to do now? Or follow the previous plan? Enlil seems to want you more than the throne, but you only have one. Do we have to start all over again?”

Li Hong thought for a while and said seriously to Tianshen, “Have you heard of 3P?”

Tianshen: “!?”

Li Hong could hear his horror from the cold breath it sucked before he saw Tianshen, and couldn’t help but smile: “I’m kidding, let’s take a step and take a step. Anyway, get Sandal first. It’s really impossible. Again.”

Li Hong thought for a while. Although she had said that she had never done it many times before, it seemed that she had never done it before.

…This demon **** is really coaxing.

After Storm God went mad again, he didn’t see Li Hong.

He shut himself in the temple, Li Hong was relieved, after all, she really couldn’t think of how to deal with this great **** temporarily, plus the war between the two countries was about to start, Li Hong felt that he could handle military affairs and King Sundar well. It’s not easy anymore.

Li Hong said deeply: “Heavy burdens always fall on the Son of Destiny, so it seems that I am really a god-given king.”

Tianshen: “…” Does your conscience really hurt when you say this?

From a realistic point of view, Li Hong’s conscience is not only painful, but also stable.

Time passed by.

In the winter of the second year, the trial brought news that the military talisman in the hands of the Queen Mother had been handed over to Sundar under the pressure of the New Senate, and Li Hong and Luga were also in a hurry and barely prepared for war. She and Luga glanced at each other. Although they had never spoken, everyone knew that this decisive battle would probably not drag on next spring.

The lion brought back from Ruijia was raised in the front hall of Li Hong’s assembly hall. Two years later, it had already taken on a majestic appearance. It was awakened when Luga came in, and it roared twice, but when it heard Luga’s breath, it screamed again and squatted back.

Luga knelt down and rubbed its head, threw him a piece of new meat, and praised him: “Good boy, guard the king.”

The lion lowered his head to bite the meat, and Luga walked in.

The remaining time is getting less and less, but he and Li Hong breathed a sigh of relief. After preparing for so long almost non-stop, it was finally time for the ending.

After confirming the final deployment, Lujia put away the scrolls of the territory and asked Li Hong with a smile: “Wang, if you lose, you will be defeated.”

Li Hong looked at him with firm eyes: “I won’t lose.” She smiled: “Although I said so, it is estimated that the opposite is the same.”

“There must be a loser in the war, but I don’t want to do it.”

Luga couldn’t help but smiled: “What you said is really capricious.” He must have thought of another thing, and his eyebrows twitched slightly: “Yes, Your Majesty, about Princess Madonna…”

Li Hong was curious: “What happened to her?”

Luga thought of what Nafel had told him, and thought of the relationship between Li Hong and Sundar, and shook his head with a little hesitation: “It’s nothing.”

Li Hong frowned: “Luga, you know I don’t like being concealed.”

Luga sighed and said to Li Hong: “Nafel saw Princess Madonna talking with a strange court maid. I checked the details of this maid. She is half of Misdal’s blood.”

Li Hong: “——You want to say that Madonna treason?”

“No.” Luga shook his head. “Even though I am so suspicious, she is Ruijia’s princess. There is no conclusive evidence. I will not bring such a serious charge.”

“Actually, after investigating, I found that the maid was from the Queen Mother of Mysdal.”

Li Hong raised his eyebrows: “The Queen Mother of Mysdal, can she even reach out into the palace of my Ulk?”

Lu Jia said lightly: “Naturally not, Princess Madonna has expelled her.”

Li Hong: “That—”

Luga looked at Li Hong: “Nafel did not hear their conversation clearly, so I also find it very strange. Judging from the Council Chamber, Princess Madonna does not know any important secrets, nor can she reveal anything. She just chatted with the spies from the enemy country. What are they talking about?”

Li Hong pondered for a moment and asked, “What about the spies?”

Luga: “I have left Ulk.”

Li Hong said: “Let Nafel stay for a while, let Madonna take a vacation, there are some things in the harem, it is still inconvenient to work hard for Ruijia’s princess.”

Luga did not expect that Li Hong would be so straightforward, and even took away the rights of Princess Madonna directly. He thought that because of Li Hong’s love for the princess, even if he deliberately made the matter serious, it might not have any consequences. , Let Li Hong be wary of Madonna even if it has achieved the goal.

Seeing Luga’s somewhat surprised expression, Li Hong said: “We can’t afford to give special treatment during special times.”

At this point, Luga will always stand on Li Hong’s side. He bowed and saluted Li Hong and stepped back to complete her order.

In the night, Li Hong saw Madonna who came to see her in clothes. Madonna cried and said, “Your Majesty, did I do something wrong?”

Li Hong looked at the princess. After more than two years, Madonna’s face had faded from her childishness, and she became a beauty who was by no means inferior to the gods. Li Hong bent down, held out her hand and gently cupped her face, wiped her tears and said: “Madonna, your father is writing, I hope you can go back.”

“Princess Ruijia, it’s time to find a suitable husband-in-law for herself.”

Madonna was very horrified when she heard this, and she even complained to Li Hong about her lost rights. Instead, she grabbed the corner of Li Hong’s robe and said in a low voice: “I don’t want to leave.”

Li Hong said softly: “Perhaps the maid you saw that day, she also missed home very much.”

When Madonna heard these words, she was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned pale, and she said in a low voice: “King, I have never treasoned.”

“No one will ever see you like this. Ruijia is Urke’s loyal courtier.” Li Hong was still gentle, and she said to Madonna, “Go back, go back and see King Ruijia. The war is about to begin, he Will miss you.”

Seeing that Li Hong’s will was unchangeable, Madonna bit her lower lip and could only lower her. Bring her to leave Li Hong’s bedroom in a robe, and the maid who came to Ulk from Ruijia with her repeatedly asked: “How is your Majesty, has your Majesty promised you?”

Madonna said indifferently: “Your Majesty asked me to return to Ruijia.”

The maid was very surprised: “How come, Your Majesty has always been–“

Madonna lowered her eyes and said, “Nafel must have seen him that day. I should have thought about it. How could it be easy for her to have such a brother.”

The maid said: “Then, then let’s explain to your majesty that if your majesty knows that you see that the Queen Mother of Misdar is only to deal with King Sundar, she will not blame you, and may even praise you!”

“—Impossible!” Madonna was suddenly hysterical. After a while, she tightened the sapphire on her neckline, took a deep breath, and finally calmed down again. She said to the maid: “She respects King Sundar, from I love him inwardly. You didn’t see the furnishings in her room.”

“Under the Crown of Stormwind, she was not allowed to make a crown with King Sundar’s symbolic gemstone. She put the gemstone in the room and placed it on her table.”

Madonna smiled lowly: “You said, if she knew that I met people from the enemy country to use despicable means to deal with her respected opponent, would she keep me, or think that my heart is sinister, more Can’t wait to send me back to Ruijia?”

The maid said: “But your majesty, your majesty has asked you to go back.”

Madonna stopped laughing, tilted her head and said to the maid: “You are right. This is the end of the matter. I don’t do anything, but I’m sorry that Nafel specifically told Luga this intention.”

Maid: “His Royal Highness…?”

Madonna smiled slightly and said, “I know it is an illusion that she left Ulk. You were bought by her, and you still have contact with her.”

The maid was shocked when she heard the words, and immediately knelt down in cold sweat.

Madonna sighed: “What are you afraid of? I didn’t blame you. On the contrary, I want to thank you.”

Madonna untied her sapphire and gave the sapphire to the maid: “Use this as my token. Tell her, I agree to cooperate with her. I do know a secret about King Sundar.”

It was an afternoon when she came to Ulk. She passed by the side hall and overheard a joke between Luga and Li Hong.

Luga mentioned King Sundar, and Madonna couldn’t help but pay more attention to it. She heard Luga talk about Sundar going to **** for Li Hong, using the “guard of the sun” in exchange for the sap of life, and gifting the sap The queen. Luga joked with the queen, saying that it was the queen who owed Sundar his life. Even if there is a war, you should not rush to kill the opponent.

What was the queen’s answer at the time?

His Majesty said: “Of course, I still want to marry him.”

Madonna was in a daze, she didn’t understand why Li Hong thought so. Sundar is the king of Mysdal, their enemy, the executioner, and the aggressor. Why would someone as noble and dazzling as the King of Istanbul care about him?

This is really wrong.

Madonna said with a low smile: “You ask her to tell the Queen Mother that the sun has set, leaving Sunlight City, the Son of the Sun will no longer have shelter. If she really wants King Sundar’s life, a curse is enough.”

Temple of Stormwind.

Eros stretched out his hand to shake the surface of the water, and the image of the blonde princess on the surface disappeared.

She said to Enlil: “I don’t understand why you want to look at this.”

Enlier leaned his head, listening to the elves plucking the strings to play a sweet melody, he laughed lowly: “Because it’s funny.”

“What’s so interesting about this, shouldn’t you hurry up to remind your queen to be careful of this princess of Regga? Even if Sundar loses the shelter of the sun, Enriques is not easy to provoke. Don’t kill him. , On the contrary, it gave the sun **** the handle, and then gave the divine punishment to Ruijia. At this time, Ulk can’t lose Ruijia, right? So even if the princess has a connection with the queen mother of the enemy country, your queen can only Send her away.”

Seeing Enlier not speaking, she couldn’t help but said: “Are you planning to let Ixuda draw a bow to the sun again? Last time it was her clever identification, this time Enriquez won’t give her this opportunity!”

Enlier looked at Eros a little strangely: “Why did you drop the handle?”

Eros: “How can Enriques not unravel the curse of ordinary gods! Sundar is not dead, and the two countries are still evenly matched, but Enriques can excuse this matter to Urke—”

Eros was halfway talking, and suddenly stopped.

She looked at Enlil suspiciously.

Enlier smiled and said, “It is more troublesome for Sundar not to die. But what if he is dead?”

Eros: “You don’t want to—”

Enlil said: “It will take seven days for the news to reach Misdal at the earliest. After seven days, I will probably receive a prayer from the Queen Mother. She is a smart woman who knows **** with one blow, and she knows more. How to pick yourself clean.”

Eros said anxiously: “Do it directly with Sandal, do you want to break the agreement!?”

“This is a violation. I just follow the prayers of the believers. It is no different from Enriques’s punishment of Urke. It is not a violation of the agreement. He can’t use this to do something against Ixuda.” Enlil Smiled, but his eyes were terribly cold, “not to mention—”

The deity in front of her straightened up, curled her mouth slightly, and slowly said, “What about breaking the agreement?”

Eros looked at Storm God, couldn’t help shaking, and took a step back. She understands Enlier, this guy is lawless, he only follows his desires and never cares about the consequences. Once he is determined to do something, even if it will cause the world to fall apart, he will never stop.

It took a long time for Eros to stabilize herself, force herself to be calm, and try to convince Enlil: “But Ixuda, if you like that child so much, you have to worry about her? As Eros, I can feel her emotions. Although not strong, she does like King Sundar. If Sundar dies, she will be sad—”

Halfway through, Eros shut up abruptly, as if she had chosen the wrong way.

Enlil clasped his hands, smiled and stared at Eros, and whispered: “It’s just fine for a while, and I will comfort her.”

“…I have endured it long enough.”

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