Radiant Prism

Chapter 5 – When the Dark Comes to Light (2/6) [Yuuna Version]




“I can’t believe I’m working with… you.”



The way Lana said that directed at me made me feel like I was some sort of virus she was avoiding. She squared up to me but her being so short, I didn't feel threatened at all.

“Did you enjoy the cinnamon muffin?”

I grinned, causing her to get flustered.

“I hate cinnamon, thank you very much!”

At least we had that in common. Abigail walked over and held her little sister close to her breast.

“Lana, stop pestering the dark vessel. She’s going to help us get your friend back.”

The child’s cheeks were bloated as she turned away from me. Their followers stood behind their goddess as they circled us in the library.

“A few days ago, a team of my people went on a pilgrimage to the ancient ruins and the village nearby. 16 of them went first, and 4 of them, Caesar included, searched for them… We haven't heard back."

Jade jumped in.

“That’s the situation today, so our job is to go to the Cero Village and discover what happened to them.”

“The Cero Village?”

I asked. Abigail turned to me with a determined look.

"It's a small village west of here. They live on the land, but lately, they've been suffering from plagues. Our people were sent there to help them by treating their disease."

One of the followers added.

"It's just a common cold, but it's more severe for their small tribe. It was a simple pilgrimage, but with our members not coming back and the search team going missing too, we're beginning to worry."

“These aren’t just numbers; they are friends and family.”

Lana said as she clenched her fist. I could feel her fear for the people she cared for. I think it was her honest emotions showing that drove in how desperate this situation was.

“They are friends and family. Our people are worried about them so it’s imperative that we find them and bring them back home.” 

The “goddess” said as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes. I could clearly see the worry in her.

"Friends and family…."

20 friends and family have gone missing in only a few days... As someone who never actually had family in that kind of way, I don’t believe that I could truly connect with them in that way...

“I understand. I’ll do what I can to help.”

I said, coyly. Still feeling the detachment to the idea of... family.

“Good, thank you for your help.”

Abigail turned around.

“We leave at the top of the hour. Make sure to get all your gear for a few days.”

“Eh… we’re going to be out for days?”

I silently complained.

“Yeah, did you have other obligations, Feodora?”

The knight asked. All I could do was shrug.

I never made any plans to see Yuu Yuu, but up and vanishing for a few days might make her upset. Since I don't have her number… I'll have to apologize to her when I get back.

Abigail and her group exited the library, leaving Jade and me alone again.

"Remember, don't let her get into your mind. Our goal is to find the culprit, and that's it. Their goal is to save their friends… don't get things twisted."

“Isn’t that a little cruel?”

She shook her head.

“No, it’s reality. That doesn’t mean I won’t help those in need, but Abigail's followers aren't the priority."

I watched as Jade exited the library. There I knew the drive she had to find the answers she needed. It would be likely that I'd face the culprit of this case. So, I closed my eyes and felt the destructive shadow crafts within me.

"The sooner this is over…, the sooner I can go back to my simple life… and the sooner I can see Yuu Yuu again.”

With that determination sending me forward, I exited the library too. When I got outside, everyone was packing up. They were bringing supplies on their backs. There had to be around 12 people of all ages, likely friends and families of those who went missing.

“Lana, we’re going to find Gloria, alright?”

A kid in the crowd of onlookers petted Lana on the back. The barklight seemed to be tearing up as I walked over.

“Eh?! What do you want?”

On the defensive, Lana barked like a dog.

“Is one of your friends missing, Lana?”

She crossed her arms and turned away from me. Instead of answering me, her friend took the initiative.

"Yeah, her name is Gloria. She played with Lana and was on the pilgrimage the other day. Lana is worried about her."

“Shut up, Precis.”

Just as Abigail said, these aren't just numbers but friends and family. I bent down and got to my knees. I wasn't good with kids because of my bullying from the past, but anyone could see that they needed this encouragement.

"Don't worry, if anyone can find them, it would be Jade."

The girl named Precis hoped in excitement.

"I heard Jade was powerful. She and our goddess are working together; nothing can stop them! They’re going to find everyone and bring them back safely!”

The innocence in her words made me smile. However, Lana was still pouting, likely trying to appear tough around me. I still wasn’t sure why she attempted to take my weapon that day, but she seemed to still hold firm that I was the one at fault in that situation.


Lana pushed out before running to her older sister. I watched as they met, held each other’s hand, and continued chatting away with her other followers.

"I wouldn't worry about Lana…."

Precis said as we both watched her friend from afar.

“She’s just trying to do everything for her older sister. She lacks the same powers as her… and feels a bit inferior to her.”

Precis said as we watched the two of them.

“I see.”

"So, she does anything to make her happy. If something happened between you two… maybe she was trying to help her sister, and you got in the way per se."

I thought more about that day. She said that her sister was looking for artifacts of the dark arts. Could it be that she saw my weapon as the perfect gift for Abigail? But that would also beg the question…

Why is her sister looking for artifacts of the dark in the first place?


Abigail approached with her arms crossed. Her wings flapped as she asked…

"Would you mind helping my group as they pack goods and supplies? An extra pair of hands would be appreciated.”

“Oh, sure.”

I rushed over and did as I was asked. There were tents, foods, survival kits, and the like scattered about.

“So, how long will we be gone?”

I asked one of the followers.

“Around 3 days. It takes a day to get to the Cero Village. We plan to search around for a full day and head back, hopefully with everyone, on the last day.”

I tied a few bags to the carts.

"Hopefully, we can find them."

I whispered.

The woman nodded as she threw another bag on the cart. Suddenly, it just occurred to me… that sweet scent that clouded my mind.

"Wait a minute…."

I turned to see Abigail Pasco. We caught eyes with one another, and skillfully, she blew a kiss my way.

"She's good…."

It was scary… how fast she made me fall under her command. Jade warned me, and I should have been on guard around her. This established that next time… she wouldn't get me so quickly.

“Before we leave, Jade, Feodora, I need to address my people.”

The “goddess” said before walking to the middle of the steps. We followed behind her, under the torii gates. People watched from houses and buildings as she raised her hands. The aura she produced was powerful. Jade crossed her arms and watched with apprehension.



"People of the Barons, today a pain has fallen on our people. However, do not fret, for my family and I will do all that is in our power to make sure your loved ones return. So please, follow the guides of our group. Fellowship with your loved ones who remain here and pray for the safekeeping of the brave ones who are venturing out to find them."

Abigail closed her eyes and lowered her hands.

“It is faith, the way we find our answers. Because of faith, we seek the truth."

Everyone began clapping as she turned away. Cries of joy and happiness spread around the group as we all made our way down the street. It was like a mini-parade as people tossed flowers, likely a thank you to their “goddess.”

“Be safe, Lana!”

A few kids cried out. All this attention was getting to me, so I began hiding behind Jade. She was as tall as a tree anyway, and it would be best for me to stay in the shadows.

“Are you getting nervous?”

Jade asked, looking at me.

“Not... nervous… just so many people around.”

“Ah... that’s right… you’re a hermit.”

“I’m not a hermit.”

She smirked. Clearly, she was teasing me, which was out of character in my eyes for Jade. But as I thought about it, maybe I've only seen one side to the fearless knight, Jade? Could it be that… she might be looking forward to this in a way?

“Opal Jade.”

Abigail called out as she approached her. They continued walking side by side as we made our way to the gates.

“What is it, Abigail?”

She nudged her shoulder on the knight and gave her a wonderful smile.

"I look forward to seeing what the soon-to-be head of the Knight Order can do."

"Don't test me…."

Interestingly enough, Jade gave her a vicious smirk of her own. I guess today would be the time to show her true strength in front of the entire Baron group… well, a portion of them.

“Have a safe trip, Jade!”

A group of knights met us at the gates. It went to show me that Jade has her subordinates as well. It felt like going through two different parades, and the attention was causing my stomach to swirl.

"Stay vigilant. I'll be back soon."

Not a long speech but one to get the masses going. Now we were off, and the guilt of not telling Yuu Yuu was really starting to settle in.

“Hey, Jade…”

“What is it, Feodora?”

“Ah… would you happen to have Yuu Yuu’s phone number?”

As embarrassing as it sounded, she turned to me and put her hand on her hip.

“You… don’t have her number, Feodora?”

I rubbed the back of my head. The phone technology was pretty new to me, so of course, I wouldn't think to… get her number.

"Sadly, I don't have it. I wasn't assigned to take care of Yuuna like Vivian. She was just a doctor that I was given the means to use as a tool for that day."

“Those are cold words… Jade.”

The field was wide, but we had a clear path to stay on. The place we were heading was to the far north in the mountains. There was a small village there and beside it was a ruin from time and time ago. They believe that the team may have found themselves trapped there.

We marched along for around a few minutes before a follower tapped me on the back.


“You’re… Feodora, right?”

"Yes, I am…."

The woman pointed behind us and what caught my eye was a particular pink bunny…

“Yuu Yuu?”

I stopped following the group and made my way behind us. In the field, away from town stood Yuu Yuu on the road. I ran up to her and stopped at her feet. She had her head down, obviously feeling a tad uncomfortable with all the eyes on us.

“W-Where did you come from?”

“Feodora! Ah… I heard you were leaving with Jade... And it took me a while to find out where… you were.”

She turned to see the entire group looking our way. All this attention was getting to me as I lowered my head.

“Yeah… we have a lead on a case we’ve been working on, and I have to go for around… 3 days.”

I pushed my foot to the ground. For a moment, we sat there in silence, waiting for each other to speak.

“I wanted to tell you… but had no way to contact you, Yuu Yuu.”


We both pulled out our phones together. It seemed we both had the same thing in mind as we paused for a moment and… awkwardly checked each other's phones. It seems we both didn't know how to put the number in properly as we fumbled for a bit.

"I can't go with you… ah… I have a business to do today… well, for the next few days, Feodora.”

"T-That's fine…."

"W-When you get back… ah… do you want… to…."

Yuu Yuu stumbled. I caught her words in a hurry.

“Yeah! I’ll… I’ll get back as soon as I can... and we can… hang out again.”

We paused for a moment. I’m sure Yuu Yuu would stay here forever if I didn’t say anything, so I did the only thing that was on my mind… I gave her a hug. I held her shoulders and pulled her towards me. She was insanely warm, and everything in me wanted to embrace her like this forever. Everything… felt right when I held Yuu Yuu.



“Awww, that’s sweet.”

I heard Abigail, the devious “goddess”, cry out. Unexpectedly, her followers all began to share her sentiments as they all expressed “Ooohs” and “awwws” my way too. Before I let go, Yuu Yuu looked up. I saw her face a bright red, and before I knew it, she pecked my cheek lightly. I could smell the scent of flowers touch my nose. It was brief but made my heart flutter.

“Be safe… and… b-bye, Feodora!”

She looked me in the eye. The bunny was likely overly embarrassed by this point.

“Yuu Yuu has a lot to get done before you get back… So take your time.”

She smiled and rushed off back towards the Radiant City. I was awestruck by how cute she was… and I didn't even want to turn around because all the eyes were on me. Reluctantly, I turned around to see everyone admiring my young love. Lana crossed her arms and walked in front with her nose in the air. The rest watched me as I jogged back into the group.


“Do you feel better now?”

Jade teased as she and Abigail turned around and began walking together.

I couldn't help but smile as I thought about… her coming to see me off. I… didn’t want to see anyone else so much.




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