Radiant Prism

Steeble Lake Incident (2/2) – (Yuuna’s Route) (Jade x Abigail)



Jade turned towards me, but I was gone in her eyes. That didn't stop her keen senses, though, as she waited momentarily then began walking again. I assumed it was going to be like this. Jade wasn't a fool in any sense of the word. Following her was going to be rough but worth it if I could pry some information out of her.

“I’m doing this for you… Yuu Yuu.”

I said, adding fuel to my determination. I was going to discover what happened in the past and what led to them becoming the Radiant City serial bombers. Only then would I conclude what I had to do. But my first obstacle would be learning more… from Jade. 

She began taking wider strides as she moved to the Baron’s group. I was hot on her tail, doing my best to stay within the darkness as I did. Occasionally she would take strange turns, but I wouldn’t fall for the bait. Jade was clever and likely felt a presence around her. 

"You won't lose me…."

I muttered under my breath. As she ventured up the long steps, I made sure to hide my presence in the torii gates above.



With every step, I was getting closer to my goal. Finally, she met with Caesar as I overheard their conversation in the shadows.

“I have a meeting with Abigail. Could you tell her that I’m here, Caesar?”

“Certainly, Ms. Opal. Would you mind following me into the sanctuary?”

She nodded as they began walking. The sanctuary was going to be a hard place to navigate. The last time I used my darkness to search inside, Abigal discovered me on the spot and even told me to stop. So, I knew going inside would likely get me caught. But that would have to be a chance that I was willing to take. Cautiously, I followed them inside. From above, I jumped from shadow to shadow as they made their way into the back room. Caesar stopped and turned around, guarding the entrance to the back. Before the door could shut, I shadow walked inside, melted to the walls of the room. 

“What the?”

Jade said as she looked about. I was too close, and she probably felt my presence. Jade slowly reached for her blade when…


The clicks of her heels echoed in the darkroom. To my surprise, Abigail took hold of Jade and held her in her arms.

“A-Abigal, where’s this coming from?”

“I’m just happy to see you. Is that too much?”

They both gazed into each other’s eyes. 

“First saving my people from the Cero incident… then doing your best to help me out with my matters. I… have so much to thank you for.”

Her tone was seductive, and I felt a bit bad peeping into their moment like this. Suddenly, their lips connected. First seeing that kiss on the cheek now witnessing the soon-to-be head of knight making out with the Baron goddess… 



“Can you stay with me tonight?”

Abigail whispered. Her scent was strong… almost overwhelming, and it was likely that she was doing this in order to overbear Jade. Through the kisses as the embraces, I could see the knight shake her head from side to side… then up and down.

“Is that… what you want?”

Abigail giggled as she continued to force her spell on Jade. Clearly, Jade was trying to fight, but even she was being drawn into her lover's chants.

“We can talk all night about finding Vert… and other things… unrelated to business.”

Abigail pulled Jade to her throne and sat on it. With Jade over her, she pulled her into her arms and began embracing her again. Abigail wrapped her legs around Jade's hip and her straw white hat fell behind the chair. In this position, she didn't look like the "goddess" that the people worshipped. No, she was just a woman who seemed to have fallen in love and wanted to embrace her lover. Something told me that she had Jade within her spell and... that might have been the reason why Jade threw out everything and came to meet her.



"Jade... stay with me."

pheromones were taking over the room as she kissed her lover. Even if Jade wanted to, I'm sure she wouldn't be able to stop as she pushed her body on the throne with Abigail. They continued to kiss, touch and adore one another. The sounds of their love echoed through the chamber as they pushed closer and closer. 

"Abigail... I want to stay with you but..."

"But what? Don't you want to see more of me?"

"...Shut up."

The strong-willed Jade that I've come to know sounded meek. It was... adorable hearing her whisper endearing words... like a woman. It reminded me that event the powerful knight... had a soft side.


I couldn’t in good conscience continue to spy on them. Before they did something they’d regret in front of me, I appeared in front of the throne. The last thing I wanted was for the two of them to start undressing. I... wouldn't be able to forgive myself if they went to the next level while I watched them from the shadows.



"Okay, you two, that's enough!"

I broke up their lovely moment. Abigail looked behind her lover and saw me there… standing with my arms crossed. Her cheeks went red. Jade looked over her shoulder noticing I "caught her in the act."


She squealed.

“You… you….”

Jade grabbed her blade from behind her back. In an instant, she was in front of me, above me with her shining red sword.



I clashed with her, and in a brief second, we were holding one another off. 

“How dare you peep in on us?!”

The knight screamed in rage.

“It just happened, Jade! Calm down!”

She didn’t as she brought her blade back and struck down on mine. I could feel the power of the Radiant’s spells as light rippled around us. I combatted her spell as I pushed her back. Doing my best to get away from her, I flipped and got into position. 

“Jade, hold on! Don’t do something you’d regret!”

Abigail said as she stood up. She put her hat back on as she approached Jade... Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around the enraged knight. 

"A-Abigail?! Don't you get it? Feodora saw us.”

I smirked.

“This isn’t the first time I caught you two together.”

Jade was furious as she glared at me.

"And what does that matter, Jade? We're just embracing one another."

The witch goddess turned to me.

“It’s not like Feodora would tell anyone, would she?”

Thanks to Jade, I easily combated her suggestion. For a moment, it came to mind that I might want to keep this secret, but that was overshadowed by someone… more important. 

“I won’t allow you to manipulate me, Abigail."

I said with force. With my blade by my side, I demanded. 

“Right now, Yuu Yuu and Janova are being hunted like dogs. I want nothing more than to find Yuu Yuu… and save her.”

My eyes shined that horrid purple.

“Yuu Yuu is connected to me. If she dies… I won’t dare forgive anyone. So you'll give me the answers I want, Jade… else I will take everything I see to whoever would listen!"

The knight clicked her tongue, but Abigail just giggled.

“You mean that pink-haired girl you spoke with before the Cero Village? Awww, you sound like you’d do anything for her.”

Abigail let go of Jade and approached me.

“From what I hear, she might be the cause of the bombings in the city, am I right, Feodora?”

I clenched my fist… but accepted it all the same.

“Yeah, Yuu Yuu seems to be the serial bomber.”

I confessed. Jade nodded as she stepped up too.

“To go to the point of possessing Terra and punching Elizera, that showed your determination, Feodora. It's not every day someone gets the drop on us knights like that."

“You… knew I possessed Terra?”

She sighed. 

“Listen, when Elizera went about threatening you… I figured she’d go that route.”

Enraged, I stepped forward.

“And you let her?!”

"Yes, I did. Only because she wasn't really going to kill you or whatever Elizera threatened you with."

I was confused as I calmed down.

“What are you talking about?”

“Elizera was likely baiting a reaction from you… and whoever else was listening in.”

I shook my head.

“Nobody could hear our conversations. That’s not what she was doing.”

“Yeah, I know. But after you were arrested, fighting, and screaming, everyone heard that… including anyone else around trying to figure out what we were doing."

I opened my mouth.

“So… that show wasn’t for anyone other than Yuu Yuu and Janova.”

She nodded.

“Yep. But apparently, she didn't take the bait Elizera planned to keep parading the idea around that you were going to be killed in hopes of attracting them. However, you broke out in less than a day."

The knight smiled.

“When I noticed that possession… I decided to see where you were going with this. However, I didn't expect you to punch Elizera and break out half the prison on your way out. I can say… you exceeded my expectations.”

Jade sighed.

“But when I saw you through Terra’s eyes… that confirmed it to me.”

“Confirmed what?”

"That you were willing to do anything… for Yuuna. And because of that, I washed my hands of whatever happened next. Didn't expect you to follow me like this, though."

Jade put her hands up. Playfully, Abigail grabbed one of them and held their hands together.

"Well, you've come all this way. You know our secret, and the only way we can keep you silent is by killing you, Feodora."

“You can try.”

I retorted, earning a giggle from the goddess.

"No, I quite like you… and because of that, I have faith in you."

Abigail approached me.

“Listen, people of the Baron’s have been hurt by that girl's bombs. You admit that she is the serial bomber… meaning she will have to answer for her crimes.”

The goddess said with authority. 

“However it sounds to me like something more is going on… and I’m willing to help you if you need it.”

I was confused as I tilted my head.


She smiled.

“Feodora, you have a good heart. You didn’t have to help my people, but you did. I… cannot repay you enough for your kindness. If your girlfriend, Yuuna, is the culprit doing all these horrible things… I think it's only right for me to give you the benefit of the doubt and help any way I can."

She put her hand on her hips.

“I’m not protecting a serial bomber… I’m protecting you. But I won’t judge Yuuna that easily. I’m behind you on whatever you plan to do. But I do ask that you… allow her to answer for any crimes she has committed.”

I closed my eyes.

“If they plan to kill Yuu Yuu… then I won't allow that to happen, Abigail. Answering for her crimes is one thing… but she's a part of me, and that means I'll follow Maxwell's creed when dealing with her too."

I faced two powerful people with my determination. The head of the knights and the goddess of the Barons.

“I will protect Yuu Yuu… no matter who I have to face.”

The knight surprisingly smiled. 

"Ah… I love that level of determination. To see not what's on the surface but underneath is the key to success, Feodora."

With one hand on her hip, she nodded.

"I feel the same way you do. There's more to this case than Yuuna and Janova bombing the city. So, as of now, I plan to work beside you any way I can until we uncover those answers.”

I was taken aback by Jade’s proclamation.

"But… you're the soon to be head of the knights. Why would… you do that?”

I was understandably cautious. Jade closed her eyes.


She gazed at Abigail and back at me.

“You just want this secret kept, don’t you Jade?”

Abigail grabbed her girlfriend’s hip and rubbed her nose on her cheek.

"Aw, you're doing this to protect me, aren't you, Jade? I… can't believe you'd go so far to protect me."

I was feeling like the third wheel here as I turned to the side.

“I’ll keep your secret… if you promise to be truthful to me, Jade.”

The knight brought a hand… reluctantly, I took it. We made this strange truce with Abigail giggling behind us. 

"Well, Feodora, what do you want to know?"

“First, I want to ask about Elizera’s involvement in the Steeble Lake Incident.”

The knight crossed her arms. 

“Ah, the Steeble Lake. It was a remarkable place up until 12 years ago. The Radiant Order did an investigation, and they believed that phenomena known as Spectrum Recall was the cause of its abrupt turn.”

That measured up to the report so far.

“When Elizera and the group came to relocate the 66 members of the Steele clan, they were all dead. Their bodies deteriorated from the toxin that came about. All that was left were parts and bones. They did a vast investigation, and it turned out they were missing… 1 body."

I nodded, confirming that was all in the report. 

“Elizera felt regret for pushing her aid a few days out. She believed she had time… and that caused the deaths of at least 65 people. Elizera… never got over that mistake and still to this day visits the memorial found outside of the Radiant Castle.”

“Yeah… that’s right.”

“But that’s not what you’re here for… is it Feodora?”

I clenched my fist. 

“I believe Yuu Yuu… is the 66th survivor of the Steeble Lake Incident.”



With her arms crossed, she turned to the side.

“And where is that evidence?”

“The pocket reality. Yuu Yuu would make it look like the version from the past… even with the large sanctuary there too. So, I’m under the impression that she’d been there before.”

Abigail chimed in. 

“That incident is well known to the locals of Radiant City. Are you implying that Yuu Yuu survived that horrible outcome somehow?”

I nodded.

“Yes, that’s just what I’m saying. That’s the only way she’d have such knowledge about it.”

With her hand on her hip, Jade pondered. 

“I wasn’t around the city during the time of that happening. Elizera was head of the case. If it is true that she is the 66th survivor… then why would Yuu Yuu try and kill Elizera?”

I thought about the fight I had with Janova again. How she was screaming about what she and Yuu Yuu endured.

“What if… Yuu Yuu blames Elizera for the deaths of her clan?”

Like a light came on in her… Jade seemed to have pieced it all together. 

“That would imply that Yuu Yuu’s attack on Elizera… might have been the only one she wanted to do?”

“Wanted to do?”

Jade nodded.

“Nothing else makes sense other than that. All the locations and bombing are sporadic… but that one was aimed to kill Elizera. The motives changed… because the bombing had meaning. The motive might have been revenge on Elizera.”

My stomach was churning. If Yuu Yuu was doing this to get back on Elizera for her late reaction… 

Then Yuu Yuu would be holding a grudge for a horrible mistake.

“If that’s what’s going on… then Yuu Yuu and this Janova would stop at nothing to kill Elizera… because that is their one and only goal.”

I added. Jade seemed to agree as she nodded.

Abigail shook her head. The look in her eyes were dark as she contemplated what I was saying.

"Revenge is a sad reality. It destroys you inside…."

Abigail sounded as if she’d been through the same. She held her heart as she closed her eyes.

“That poor girl. Feodora, you have to find her and confirm all of this.”

Suddenly, I was given a demand from the goddess. She wasn't throwing her scent around… she was truly concerned about Yuu Yuu.

“Yeah, that’s what I have to do now. I have to find Yuu Yuu and Janova… to see if I understand things."

I kept another piece of evidence with me… and that was Janova yelling about people being killed. Something wasn’t right in this… and I needed to confirm the past first before anything else.

“Listen, I’ll contact Eve and the others and tell them that you are working with me. If they see you, they shouldn’t point you out to the knights.”

She nodded.

“So, find Yuuna and Janova… and confirm our theories for me, Feodora."

I nodded. 

“Right… but I still don’t know where to start.”

Abigail walked beside me.

"Well, when I girl is upset, she might go to a place where she feels most comfortable. A place where she can hide from the Radiants… and think to herself."

Jade chimed in.

“There was a sanctuary in the past, Feodora. The Steeble clan used to use it to pray… And the children would have a place underneath to play together.”

I thought about that large sanctuary that was gone today. Would it be possible that the bottom of it still existed? 

“Do you think they might be there?”

Jade nodded.

"Think about this… the Radiant Order still hasn't connected the Steeble Lake Incident to Yuuna. She might have time there… at least until they come to the connection that we did.”

Jade said.

“Yeah… I’ll check it out.”

Before I rushed off, I turned around and cried out to both of them.

“Ah… you two are very cute together!”

Abigail squeezed as she gave Jade a peck on her cheek. I vanished into the shadows of the night as I made my way back to Steeble Lake. 

“Everything… is working out.”

I confirmed as I avoided the knights. Soon I would figure out what truly happened at the lake 12 years ago. That way, I can explore what to do next. Jade promised to be on my side until then, and I think I could trust her on that. 


Still the biggest mystery of them all. Why is a goddess of almost 200 years ago attached to Yuu Yuu? There were major pieces of this puzzle coming together, but the truth about Janova still held out as one of the ones I couldn’t understand. 

“I’ll discover the truth… and then I’ll save you, Yuu Yuu.”

It was time. I was likely going to confront Janova again, and I would have to be ready for battle if I did. If she won't allow me to see Yuu Yuu… I had every plan to fight against Janova. And if it came to it... I would have to kill her and take Yuu Yuu in my arms. Janova said that if she dies... Yuu Yuu might never wake up thought and that worried me.  

“Janova, here I come…."



I said with determination as I vanished into the night.

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