Radiant Prism

Strings (3/5) – (Yuuna’s Route)



I raced to the Baron's library and went inside. When I got to the receptionist, I asked where to find books on the chaos element. She pointed me in the right direction, and I found several books. With them in hand, I sat down and looked through them. Most of the books had chapters indicating all the different kinds of spectrums. It featured vessel types and their respective powers. Even a chapter in the front talked about the dark vessel's curses and the holy vessel's blessings. Finally, after around ten minutes of researching, I found the chapter on the chaos element and theoretical chaos vessels…

“Here we go.”

I murmured as I began reading the information on the page.



[Chaos Element: Level 1]


The ability to amplify spectrum and spells.

The ability to enchant weapons using the chaos element as an enchanter.



That fit with all the abilities I had. Using the chaos element, I could amplify my shadow crafts into destructive versions. I was able to enhance my spectrum spells also. Lastly, I could enchant my weapons with various elements, only to a level 1 user. My enchantments wouldn't be as strong as… say someone like…

“Someone like… Yuu Yuu.”

I thought about the time in the factory when we were going after the bombs. Yuu Yuu’s enchantments were powerful and amplified my weapons to a vessel of the same element. Meaning, Yuu Yuu would push my abilities to a level 2 with her enchants.

I kept reading…

[Chaos Element: Level 2]


The ability to amplify spectrum and spells to a level 2 vessel.

The ability to enchant weapons using the chaos element as an enchanter level 2 vessel.

The ability to control objects within an enclosed space.

The unstable ability to create a pocket reality.



“Create a pocket reality?”

The first two only confirmed my suspicion regarding Yuu Yuu and Janova, though. Yuu Yuu does have a vessel that she's strong in, but she lied to us about it.

“Yuu Yuu is strong in the chaos element… just like her mentor, Janova.”

Things were starting to clear up. If I applied the “ability to control objects” as Janova controlling those trends with strings… then that adds up too.

But I looked at the last ability on the page once again. I didn't understand what that meant. Creating a pocket reality was too vague, so I researched deeper.


[Pocket Reality]

Pocket Reality Manipulation is the ability that allows an individual to create and manipulate their own reality. Users can warp reality, change the laws, manage space and time, and do many other things within their existence. It is theorized that a level 2 vessel can do the above, but it is unstable. It will easily break if inconsistencies are discovered.



“A pocket reality.”

It was coming together. Why, when I passed through that barrier, my shadow walking didn't hide me. Within that space I was in, Janova nullified it by changing the laws. My laws wouldn’t work in her reality. The monsters could see me, she could see me… and even Yuu Yuu could see through me too.

As I searched further, there wasn't much else that went into pocket realities. They were more of a theory than fact, and because of that, all else was speculation. The idea of a level 2 chaos element user… was far more astronomically low than a dark vessel like me. It… didn't happen. Yuu Yuu was a peculiar case…

“Feodora Cicer!”

The knight called out from the library entrance as she walked towards me. The librarian tried to scold her for being loud, but Jade brushed her off as she just kept walking. I got up from my seat to meet her.



"A lot is going on right now. Not just Vert escaping but the situation with the bombing."

Jade said, taking a deep breath afterward.

“Let’s start with that, Jade… what’s going on with the bombing?”

The knight posted on the wall as she began to tell me what had happened.

"Eve was spotted the night before in the area of the knight station. Witnesses were putting her at the scene where we ultimately concluded the bomb was set off from."



“I see…”

I shook my head.

“Eve told me about the bomb, Jade.”

“Yes, she mentioned that, but you were nowhere to be found to verify that information. We came to your place daily for a few days, but you weren't there."

I thought about the days I spent with Yuu Yuu. I'm sure at that time, Jade would have at least seen me. I slept in my own bed and didn't wake up until later in the day. But for the time being, I focused on the bombing.

“When did the bomb go off?”

"The day after our investigation at the Cero Village. This bomb wounded 20 knights, and the Radiant order began investigating it soon after.

It was around noon the next day."

I concluded that the bomb would have gone off around the time I was at the lake with Yuu Yuu the following day.

"If what Eve says is true and she deactivated the bomb… that would mean someone must have slipped in and turned it back on before they had to detonate it."

The knight said, then took a deep breath. Clearly, she was stressed out.

"But that's what Eve was counting on. If that had happened, she would have apprehended the culprit, and the bombs would have never gone off."

I added.

“Who was all there when she told you about the bomb, Feodora?”

I thought back to that day. It was only me, Eve and Yuu Yuu. However, she was too far away for her to hear us.

"Me, Eve, and Yuu Yuu. But Eve took me a ways away to tell me what her plans were.”

Jade crossed her arms.

“The bombs went off in the afternoon at the busy time of the day. Do you have an alibi for you and Yuu Yuu at that time, Feodora?”

The knight interrogated.

I thought back to that day. At that time, I was at the lake with Yuu Yuu. We played all day long, and I even went to sleep on her lap. Yuu Yuu was clear, and she could confirm my alibi with Jade too.

“Yuu Yuu and I can vouch for one another, Jade. We weren’t anywhere near Radiant City. We’ve been together the entire time.”

The knight closed her eyes.

"If that's true and you both aren't lying to cover for one another… then Eve is the only culprit here. As it sounds to me… Eve might have been trying to make herself an alibi. That or plausible deniability. She could have done that by implicating you as her witness."

Jade shook her head.

“But something isn’t sitting right about this. Eve… a serial bomber? It doesn’t fit with her profile. There is seriously… a trick going on here that I can’t decipher yet.”

She turned back to me.

“Would you mind speaking with Eve in the jail for me, Feodora?”

The knight asked.

“Oh… yeah, I can do that for you.”

I agreed.

"I need to collaborate your story… and make sure there are no holes in what happened. If I find a single contradiction, I'll tear you apart, Feodora."

I was threatened, and it was clear that Jade was doing her part as a detective and knight. Instead of letting it get to me, I shrugged.

“Now, why are you here in the library, Feodora?”

“Ah… yeah, about that. I… I’m having some problems.”

Jade smirked.

“Relationship problems?”

She teased.

"I don't even know what to call it. Jade… do you know anything about levels 2 and 3 of the chaos elements?"

I seemed to have piqued her interest as she stood off the wall and faced me.

“What about it?”

I thought about that night when I chased after Yuu Yuu. All the wild things that happened and that barrier that I believed to be a pocket reality came to mind.

“I believe I’m dealing with a level 2 chaos user.”

I showed her the book I was looking at.

“A level 2 chaos vessel… that’s abnormal, Feodora. Tell me more.”

I explained what happened the night I had dinner with Yuu Yuu. How I chased after her. When the treants attacked me and the strings that were attached to them. The sensation of the barrier and the strange fever-like dream I had… where I finally woke up because of all the inconsistencies. Jade listened without saying a word. She had her finger on her lip the entire time.

“And that’s everything.”

I concluded. It all made me a bit tired thinking about it.

“Strings… were they just like the ones at the Cero Village, Feodora?”

Jade speculated.

“Yes, no different.”

She crossed her arms and interrogated me further.

“And what was the name of this mentor… that Yuu Yuu has?”

I was unsure if I should mention it. Yuu Yuu begged me that nobody can meet her mentor until their job is complete. I didn't know the job or anything else, for that matter.


The knight paused before continuing.

“Feodora… if you want to protect Yuu Yuu… You’ll have to give me all the information you can.”

She wasn't wrong. I was between a rock and a hard place, trying to solve all this alone. So… I did what I believed was best.

“Her name is… Janova.”

The knight backed up and looked to the floor. She clenched her fist and looked as though she was burning a hole into the floor.

“…This has to be the work of a trickster. That can’t be right!”

“What can’t be right, Jade?”

She turned to me with a fearsome gaze.

“Janova is dead, Feodora…"


“That’s right, she died in the war of the gods… 200 years ago. Janova was the goddess who had chaos level 3 abilities that we formed together to kill.”



The knight looked to the ceiling.

“Annaba, the goddess of water, died in that battle. We killed the goddess known as Janova. Clearly, someone is impersonating that god, and that's who you're dealing with."

It took a bit to wrap my head around it. From what Jade says, the person Yuu Yuu’s mentor… is posing as a dead god from 200 years ago?

“Have you seen this Janova person, Feodora?”

Jade asked.

“No, I could never catch a glimpse of her.”

Jade shrugged.

“Then she might not even be real. Have you ever considered that you may be chasing a ghost?”

“What do you mean, Jade?”

The knight crossed her arms and turned back to me.

“What if… Janova and Yuuna are one and the same? Have you ever considered that possibility, Feodora?"



Her deduction caused me to rethink everything. I looked away and thought about what she was saying. After thinking a bit, I turned back to the knight and questioned…

“How… did you come to that conclusion?”

Jade lowered her eyes and confessed.

“Because when I look at Yuuna… I see something that looks like a blur. There was no reason for me to uncover what that might have been… but it was there, nonetheless.”

It would seem that Jade could see further than I could when it came to the chaos element. When I look at Yuu Yuu… I just see her, everything I want to be with. But Jade saw into her. She saw… a second shadow that a clearly missed...

I thought back to the two shadows in that vivid dream. Could it be that Yuu Yuu is… creating the idea of Janova, and I've been chasing it all this time? It would add up to why I could never find her. Yuu Yuu is the only one who might have the ability to see this Janova person… The god who was supposed to have died 200 years ago.

“I have another question for you, Jade, before we go."

“Yeah, go for it, Feodora.”

“I read about a pocket reality… but do you have any examples of that for me?”

Jade stood firm and looked me in the eyes.

“Pocket realities can only be used by level 2 and above chaos vessels. However, the level 2 version is unstable.”

The knight clenched her fist.

"The user will pull you into a world that only abides by their laws. Within this world, you are trapped. Some realities look just like the natural world. Some look like different dimensions. It's all based on what the user of that reality wants. Within that world… you are in that world."

The knight held my shoulder.

"Only by seeing through the lies of that reality are you able to find the inconsistencies and break free. But when you are in that world, nobody in the natural world can interact with you. You are effectively gone from this world while within the reality of the users choosing.”

I was in shock… thinking that the world I was in might have been just what Jade was saying.

“Did Yuu Yuu… put you in a pocket reality, Feodora? That would add up to why we couldn’t find you… because you weren’t in our world anymore.”

I was confused… So, I asked Jade for the answers.

“Why would… why would Yuu Yuu do that, Jade?”

Jade crossed her arms.

“From how it sounds, Yuu Yuu might be a person I need to keep tabs on. I’ll add all of this to her files when I get back to the station.”

"…What should I do, Jade?"

She turned back to me and shrugged.

“Dunno… maybe you should confront her with all the information you gathered. If Yuuna has feelings for you, she’d tell you the truth.”

The knight put her hand on her hip.

“Whatever reality you believe she trapped you in, there might be a reason why she did it. When I was trapped into a stable reality by Janova 200 years ago… she tried to make me go insane.”

Jade confessed.

“And it was Elizera, my boss and the head of the knights today, that brought me back from the brink of insanity. I owe her my life for that. I spent nearly 60 years in Janova’s reality… but only 1 day in the natural world.”



I couldn’t imagine the fear that I would be in… dealing with something that destructive. If Jade dealt with a level 3 chaos user and had to endure a hell like that… it only showed me that Yuu Yuu’s reality wasn’t made to be like what Jade went through.

If it was confirmed that Yuu Yuu placed me in that world… then it's clear that she wanted one thing…

“Yuu Yuu… wanted me to be in a perfect world.”

I confessed, earning a smirk from Jade.

“Wow, lucky you.”

She shrugged.

"Yuuna will be on my watch list… but as of now, she doesn't appear to be a threat of any kind. As it sounds to me, she is struggling with something, causing her to act out. If you need my help, I’ll be glad to assist, but I think you might be the only one she will actually talk with, Feodora."


“Do you have any other questions?”

The knight asked.

“…I don’t think so. Could I call you about this if I do need help?”

I asked the knowledgeable knight.

“Sure thing. Now, let’s head over to the jail so you can have your chat with Eve.”

Together we walked out of the library. When we got outside, Abigail walked up to us to our surprise.

“Jade! I heard that Vert was on the run again after the bombing?”

Abigail asked in a fury.

"Yeah, don't worry though, we'll catch him soon."

Jade said confidently.

“And I heard that Eve Seed was the one that planted the bomb? Is she the serial bomber?”

She put her hand on her hip.

“Abigail, this is the Radiant Order’s business. The Baron’s have nothing to do with this. I ask that you sit back and let us handle it.”

The barklight crossed her arms.

"Fine… just tell me if there are any more bomb threats. My people are going crazy with worry, and I'm always here to aid if you need my help, alright?"

Abigail’s sweet scent went to my nose. Jade tilted her head then smiled slightly.

"Nice try, but I won't agree to give out too much information from the Radiant Order to you… But that doesn't mean I won't ask you for help if we need it. Stay on standby, Abigail. Feodora and I are going to find out more from Eve."

Abigail turned to me and giggled.

"Oh, back to investigating, I see. Thanks for your help the other day, Feodora.”

The “goddess” smiled at me.

“Oh… sure thing, Abigail.”

The barklight stood tall, paused for a minute, then did something I wasn't expecting. The "goddess" pushed her face closer to Jade and gave her a brief kiss on the cheek.



"My good luck charm, and thanks for helping out as always, Jade. You're… probably the only Radiant I can stand."

Without waiting for Jade's reply, Abigail flew off towards her church. I watched a tad dumbfoundedly. Jade turned to me.

"You saw nothing. Nothing is going on there, and I will run you through if rumors circulate that the soon-to-be head of the knights was kissed by the Baron leader. There will be political uproar… everywhere if people found out."

“I’m not saying a word, Jade.”

“Good, let’s get to the station.”

We did just that as I followed her lead. We eventually made our way to the jail, which was just next door to the knight's station. Once we got there, Halmote was standing outside with that scrunchy red nose of his.

"Oh, Jade, did you bring that dark vessel girl?"

I got her, Halmote. Can you let us in?”

"Yes, sir, yes, sir. Will do."

He opened the doors as we walked inside. When we stepped inside, there were many men and women behind bars. They were screaming, yelling about their innocence. The crowd looked rough in their cages, and I'm sure some were actually innocent, but that was for another day. Jade led me to one of the cells in the back. She opened the door, revealing a miserable-looking Eve. The psycho was on a chair, facing the wall. Occasionally she would kick it, probably because of her destructive nature Eve needed something to do.




I called out as we entered the cell. A knight closed the door behind us. In this cramped cell only meant for 1 person, Jade and I were literally shoulder to shoulder. The psycho shot up from her pity chair and looked my way.

“Where the fuck have you been, punk?!”

She didn’t have her gun, so she used her arm to threaten me. She pushed me up against the wall and tried to choke me out.



Jade walked over, took her by the arm, and threw her off of me. The blue-eyed demon hit her back on the wall and slumped over.

“Fuck… fuck you, Jade!”

Eve complained. I rubbed my neck and walked up to her.

“Listen, I believe you didn’t do this, Eve.”

I assured Eve. But she didn’t take my sentiment positively as she glared at me.

"Ah… you pleading my innocence isn't necessary. When the Radiant Order thinks you're the culprit… they'll throw you in a hole, and you'll never see the light of day again."

She squared up to me.

“You know what they want to do with me?! They want to give me back to Atom! I… I-I can’t go back to her!”

Her blue eyes dimmed as she looked at Jade.

“Jade… I don’t want to go back to Atom… Please… I didn’t do it.”

Jade crossed her arms.

“Atom has provided papers saying that you breached your term of release to me. Right now, I have no way to stop the process of her taking you back, Eve.”

A tear rolled down her cheek.

“B-But you promised to help me find… I… I should have never trusted you, Jade.”

Jade looked away. I could tell she felt guilty for whatever promise she made, and it was gnawing at her. I shook my head as I turned back to her.

"What happened, Eve. Didn't you say you'd stop the culprit before the bomb would go off? Why did you only tell me about your plan.”

Eve crossed her arms and looked my way.

“Because I… I didn’t know who else to really trust with this information. I was thinking about telling Jade… but what if the culprit was a knight or someone within the Radiant Order. I only told you because of two reasons, Feodora.”

I listened as she brought up two fingers.

“One, because you’re a hermit.”

I slanted my eyes.

"Oh, screw you…"

I complained.

“Two, because of pure chance. You were walking with Yuuna, and I just so happened to see you. I figured if you were the culprit, you would not even try to come back for the bomb if that was the case."

I crossed my arms.

“So, what happened then, Eve? The plan seemed solid.”

I asked.

She kicked the wall in frustration and turned back to me.

"I staked out the bomb from a good vantage point. I watched it… nobody approached it. I kept watching into the day… into the afternoon. The bomb was deactivated the entire time… and then suddenly it came back online.”

Eve looked up, likely imagining the scene.



“I wasn’t ready for that to happen. The only way it could have been activated is if someone came in and fixed the bomb while I was watching it. And I’m 1000% sure that didn’t happen.”

Eve concluded.

I pondered for a minute…

“Is there anything else you remember?”

Eve shrugged.

“I felt this odd feeling… for like a few minutes before the bomb went off. I told you this in my statement Jade.”

“That’s right… but we can’t confirm what that was.”

I was shocked.

“What did it feel like?”

Eve hit her head with her fist then turned back to me.

"You know, it felt like I was splashed with water. I jumped up and was about to shoot the person trying to pull a prank on me. But nobody was there. It lasted for a few seconds then went away."

Jade closed her eyes, sighed, then looked at me.

“Like what you went through… Feodora?”

I thought about it.. it did mirror what Eve mentioned, but that wasn't right.

"Yes, but…”

“Could there be a chance that Yuu Yuu is connected to this?”

Eve shook her head.

"No, she wouldn't have known about the bomb. I was far enough away from her, so she couldn't hear a thing between Feodora and me."

I agreed with a nod of my head.

"Are you two sure about this? Maybe you spoke too loud, and Yuu Yuu or someone else heard about it?”

Jade asked.

I looked at Eve, and we both, with confidence, nodded back at Jade.

"We're sure, Jade. Eve and I can say that Yuu Yuu didn’t hear us. This was between Eve and I.”

The knight snipped her teeth.


Jade walked up to Eve and knocked her on the head.

"If you would have told me what you were doing, then I might have been able to help you, Eve. But the fact is, you didn't trust anyone but yourself, and that's why you're in this position."

“Arrgg… I know! I know!”

Eve lowered her shoulders. Jade looked around and sighed deeply.

“I believe Eve is innocent.”

She concluded.

“W-What?! Really, Jade?”

Eve's eyes shined as she saw a glimmer of hope. Jade continued as she explained her reasoning.

"Yes, I believe the both of you. I still want to interrogate Yuuna to make sure she wasn't a part of this, though, Feodora. But from what you've told me, she has a solid alibi with you."

The knight looked at me. Her eyes were full of determination.

"Yeah, I spent a few days with her… as you can believe, because you couldn't locate me, Jade. I… might have been within her reality, though."

I said, knowing that the alibi is shaky at best.

"Within reality, your time and the world's time don't match. So, I'll have to question Yuuna to make sure things align right, Feodora."

I could tell Jade was suspicious and slowly… I was becoming the same way. The knight flipped her long hair. In the dark, it glimmered off the one light above us.

"Clearly, we are dealing with some kind of trickster, you guys. They obviously set you up to be the fall guy in this, Eve. I will take them down and stop their reign of terror when I find them. For now, I'm going to talk to Elizera, my boss, to see if I can stay your trial and have you work with me.”

Jade walked out of the cage. I followed her.

“Feodora, I need you for a little bit longer. I need you to give your testimony to my boss.”

“… You want me to talk to Elizera?”

I thought back to that woman at the gates after our mission to the Cero Village. She was powerful and held a strong aura that I didn't want to approach… But Jade wanted me to talk to her. I… regretted coming into town today.


Eve called out to me from behind bars.

“Hm, what is it, Eve.”

“Next time I ask you to vouch for me… do it before I get tossed around in jail.”

The psycho complained. I shrugged, ignoring her as I walked out the door. The knight shut the gate behind us as we made our way outside.


“Okay, let’s go chat with my boss. She’s at the knight station.”


Together, we made our way into the knight station next door.



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