Radiant Prism

The Dinner Date (1/2) (Yuuna’s Route)




As the group of Barons and knights walked away, I turned to Yuu Yuu, who stood there looking in the direction of the knights. For the time being… it was over, and the only thing I had to worry about was what I would eat for dinner tonight… I… could finally put all of this behind me for the time being.

If Claudia ever came back… I'd fight her off as I did before. I’d rip more answers out of her. But it wasn’t the time for that. I had to do what I promised Maxwell… and that’s to live my life to the fullest.

“Hey… are you busy tonight?”

I asked, turning to Yuu Yuu. She looked at me blankly as she shook her head from side to side.

“No. Ah… do you… ah… want to do something tonight instead of play?”

“I was going to buy some food for dinner now that I have a good amount of money. W-Would you… want to join me?”

“Oh… ah… I… I’m not supposed to eat out in… town.”

Yuu Yuu said as she rubbed her shoes on the dirt.

“Ah… I wasn’t planning to eat out in town either. Ah… maybe we can go to my place and we can… eat together?”

She blushed, looking me up and down. Probably it was too soon to ask her to come back to my house again. I wasn’t sure why she ran out the first time but… I just wanted to cook dinner for someone I kind of liked.

“Would you come with me to buy dinner?”



“Oh… sure.”

Together we made our way into Radiant City. The city was bustling like it always is, and there were even Baron members walking about, catching up with their friends that were rescued.

“So… what happened on your mission?”

Yuu Yuu asked as she walked closer to me.

“We went to the Cero Village and saved the Baron members from two dark vessels.”

“Two dark vessels? That’s… abnormal.”

I turned to her as she pushed her finger to her lip, thinking about the situation.

"Yeah, it's not every day that dark vessels are around."

“You didn’t get hurt, did you Feodora?”

“I’m fine. I treated myself and everything. What about you, what did you have to do while I was gone?”

She put her hand on her backpack and nodded.

“I had to do some work for the Light Camp.”

“Hm, could you tell me more about the Light Camp?”

She put her head to the sky as she continued.

"We are a group of orphans and outcasts that came together as… a family."

Yuu Yuu’s hair blew in the wind as she recalled a seemingly fond memory. She looked… magical like this. My mind went back... looking at the child from back then as I compared the two in my mind.



"They took me in when I was very young and gave me a home. There are around 200 or so of us, and we live in a place… far away from the Radiant City.”

“How far away?”

"Pretty far. It's about a two-day walk there when we have to return. I… however, work as a doctor, and I take most of my earnings and send them back to my family."

“And you live with Janova?”

“…Yes, Yuu Yuu lives with Janova.”

Her voice quieted down as she turned to me.


We stood there, looking into one another’s eyes as she continued.

“I said I don’t like people… and… I… I have my reasons why I don’t like people...”

She clenched her fist.

“In the past… I…”

She stopped, turned her head behind her, and then looked at me again.

“Yuu Yuu just likes being alone… and even in the Light Camp she was given to Jonova because she didn’t do good around the other kids.”

Yuu Yuu looked over her shoulder then turned back to me.

“But… when I met you… and began speaking with you… I remembered something important…”

She held her chest and looked at me.

“Did you save me… from those bullies in the past?”



I thought about that day, so long ago where the pink-haired girl ran from me. There was no mistaking it, Yuu Yuu…had to be her.

“I… I think I did.”

She smiled brightly.

“I knew it… You… You don’t know how long I’ve thought about that day. The day… that someone was nice to me.”

She sighed.

"I got scared though.... and ran off before even thanking you. Then the next day came and I thought that you ran away. The other girls said that you did because you were sick of… being called a banshee."

I thought back to those horrible bullies that attempted to kill me. I closed my eyes and tried to push it away, out of my mind. What came from that horrible day was me meeting Maxwell, growing stronger, and learning how to live.

"…Whatever happened to the kids in the orphanage, Yuu Yuu?"

I asked.

“A few were adopted out… but most of them became members of the Light Camp.”

“They… became members of the Light Camp?”

I questioned.

"Yes. Our Mother of the Light Camp came and selected the remaining children from the orphanage. They... are now all part of the same family thanks to her."

Would there have been a chance that I would have been a member of the Light Camp too if that incident didn’t happen? But I was pushed out by those bullies in the past... It was a strange thought to think that I might… have been a member of such a secretive group. And as Yuu Yuu mentioned, they are all considered... family. It's strange to think how different my life would have been if I didn't break that girl's nose in the past.

“So they adopted the kids there and made them out to be contract workers?”

We continued walking as I asked.

“Yes. We’re like family… but I’m a little… different.”

“Different how?”

She sighed.

"When I was there… in less than a year, they made a special place away from the others for me. So… I don't know the members of the Light Camp well… because I wasn't allowed to associate with them."



Yuu Yuu’s fingers twitched as she looked behind her. She turned back to me and continued.

"It's because I'm… made to be alone. That's what the Light Camp Mother said. Eventually… I got used to only being with Janova and… slowly I began to dislike people… I... I began to hate them.”

She said that shamefully like she couldn't think of anything good coming from who she is today. Yuu Yuu seemed to want to tell me more about herself and… I feel as though this had been eating her up inside. Maybe all those times she ran off, she wanted to express who she is… so I can at least try and understand her.

“It’s okay… I don’t like people either, Yuu Yuu. But… as I mentioned before… you're special though, Yuu Yuu."

I admitted as I took her hand. My face warmed up as I searched her eyes. It felt like I was drowning in them as we watched one another. Two people, destined to be alone found each other… what’s the worst that could happen? I think it was starting to sink in... that I wanted someone else with me for the first time in my life.


Suddenly, Vivian came running at me. Behind her was Lana, to my surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see either of them. Yuu Yuu looked just as confused as I did. We turned to them as they both ran at us at full speed. Vivian finally put on the brakes as she stood upright, stopping right at my feet.

"Hey, Lana told me how cool you were on that mission earlier. I just had to find you and say ‘YOU’RE COOL, FEODORA!’"

Yuu Yuu jumped as she let go of my hand and put hers behind her back.



Lana was tugging at Vivian's arm to no avail. She was going to spill everything the little barklight said behind my back no matter how... embarrassing it was.

“Geez, you can’t keep anything to yourself, can you?!”

Lana complained.

“Eh?! Did I do something wrong?”

The white bunny, shocked, turned back to her partner who was livid by this point. Lana kicked around as she protested.

“I was chasing you for ten minutes telling you not to tell her.”

She glanced at me with that fierce blush on her cheeks. I was embarrassed by all the sudden attention. I turned to Yuu Yuu who seemed just as shy as she looked away. However, she took my hand and held it tighter this time.

“Ah… Vivian, Lana… this is Yuuna.”

I introduced her. They turned to the light camp member… then both looked at my hand wrapped in hers. Lana already knew but Vivian looked surprised.

“Oh, is she… ahh… your girlfriend, Feodora?”

Vivian questioned with her hand behind her back.


I wasn’t too sure yet as I opened my mouth but Yuu Yuu suddenly jumped in instead. She jumped like a small dog barking and it made my heart... flutter.

“Yes! F-Feo is my girlfriend... I think.”

Lana put her hands on her hips and smiled.

“I knew it when I saw you two earlier! My big sis was making fun of you the entire trip, Feodora.”

Lana teased. I wanted to bonk her on the head, but I knew it wouldn’t be a great… idea.

“I don’t think we officially met. My name is Vivian Heart, with that outfit, you’re a member of the Light Camp… but I never met you.”

Yuu Yuu mentioned she was isolated from them, and I even asked if she knew Vivian before. She said no… and now I understood why.

“Well, where are you two heading?”

Vivian asked.

“We’re going to buy some food. I… guess we have a date tonight.”

I answered. Yuu Yuu tightened her grip on me as she pulled up closer to me.

“Ohh, then why don’t you buy your food at the shopping district. I heard they have some good meats today, and Lana and I were just going to go there.”

Vivian took Lana from behind and held her up. She swung Lana around and giggled like a madwoman. Lana seemed to be fighting back.

“We just won a baseball game the other day, and we’re finally celebrating. Come with us to pick out some food! It can be a double date!”

The white bunny teased as she pushed Lana playfully.

“D-Double date?! What the hell are you saying, Vivian?!”

Watching them struggle… was interesting, to say the least. Vivian with her bright personality was taking hold of Lana and bringing her to her knees like this.




Vivian playfully kissed her toy on the cheek. Lana's face sparked red as she fell to the ground.

“Oh… are you okay?”

Yuu Yuu cutely asked as she got down to Lana's level. The poor child was sprawled out on the ground, defeated by the over-excited Vivian.

“Oh come on, Lana; it’s just a kiss.”

She teased. Both Yuu Yuu and I bent down, looking at the dazed child. In this position, she looked… pitiful. Her face was bright cherry red, and she looked like a tomato.

“That idiot stole my first kiss!”

She complained as she kicked the ground with frustration.

“Feodora, I demand you to cut her head off!”

“Ehhh?! I like my neck though.”

Vivian complained, rubbing her neck. Eventually, Yuu Yuu and I helped her up, and she squared up to Vivian.

“If you do that again, I’m not buying food with you!”

The Barklight screamed, but Vivian assaulted her again and gave her a swift kiss on the forehead. Lana attempted to punch her, but she jumped back and gave everyone a salute.

"Let's go, everyone! To the shopping district!"

Like the wave of light she is, she guided us as we dumbfoundedly watched. Before we knew it, we’d been forced along with these two kids and their crazy antics.

“I guess. Let’s go and buy our dinner… I'm a little curious about what you're going to make for me, Feodora."

The blood in my body began to rise to my face as my heartbeat faster. Her voice was tender as we followed Vivian and Lana. They made their way to the underpass as we began to chat with one another.

“Hey… what to you… ah… find attractive about Yuu Yuu, Feo?”

I looked her up and down as she looked at me in a panic. I found myself fluffing her pink hair as I blurted out.

“Your hair reminds me of a… bunny?”

“A bunny?”

She chuckled then burst out in laughter. I’ve noticed that I do like bunnies a lot… like a ridiculous amount. I recalled the times when Maxwell wanted me to kill them for meat. Of course, I did it… but I always hated doing that with wild rabbits. They… are certainly my favorite animal. And as I looked at Yuu Yuu… she reminded me of a sweet pink bunny.

“You remind me of a small animal too, Feodora.”

She teased as she tugged me along with her. We followed the backs of Vivian and Lana as we embraced one another. Vivian seemed to be in the lead, leading the charge to the shopping district. Strangely it was like we were the adults and the children were in front, excited for the shopping trip.

“We’re here!”

Vivian cried as she jumped up in excitement. The place was bustling with people… to my dismay. In the dawn, the street was a bright golden as we walked inside.

“What are we going to buy?”

Yuu Yuu asked as she turned to me.

“Ah… what kind of meat do you like?”

“Oh… ah… I… I’m in the mood for… fish?”

She asked with a tilt of her head, causing the lush pink hair of hers to fall on her cheek. She stretched a bit and turned back to me.

“What are you in the mood for, Feodora?”

My date asked.

“Fish sounds good. How about we add some vegetables with it?”

I proposed.

I could see her eyes light up. It seems we had the same taste in foods too. It's almost like we were two people in the world who were meant to meet each other. Everything felt… right about this despite my lingering feelings about Maxwell's teachings.

“So, what are you two getting?”

Lana asked as she put one hand on her hip.

“Hm? Ah, we’re having a fish meal tonight we decided.”

Yuu Yuu nodded as I answered. It was… adorable.

“Oh cool, alright! I’m paying, so keep your money!”

I pushed out my hand.

“Oh no, you can’t do that!”

Lana shook her head from side to side.

“Nope! This is my gift for you protecting my people… my friends.”

The small barklight looked at me, I could see the gratefulness in her eyes.

“And I don’t want to owe you anything. I won’t say that my friends' lives are the price of dinner, but I want you to know that I'm grateful."

It was strange that only a few days ago we were at each other’s throats. But after fighting beside one another and understanding the reasons why she acted the way she did… I was slowly seeing that Lana was a much different girl than I originally thought.

“Are you sure, Lana… I don’t want Abigail to get upset at me.”

I warily asked.

“100% sure!”

With her hands on her hips, she concluded what will happen. A child will be buying my meal… for my date with Yuu Yuu tonight.

“Oh, Lana, come over here! They have new action figures!”

“New action figures?!”

Lana rushed behind the white bunny as they both began jumping. Yuu Yuu walked over, and I followed behind her. There were some strange toys on the counter. They all were color-coated and had strange poses. They looked like plushies. Vivian jumped to the side, raised her arms in a mirroring position, and cried out.


Lana copied her and did a similar pose. She screamed along with her.




People began looking our way, causing me and Yuu Yuu to back up as the crowd of onlookers watched the two in their…strange game.

“Heroines of justice, we will protect this land, together!”

Vivian cried as her eyes shined. She took Lana’s hand, and they danced momentarily before turning back to the vendor.

“Are you going to buy something?”

He asked, annoyed. Vivian pointed out the pink ranger on the counter and Lana begged for the yellow one. After buying their toys, they both skipped back over to us.

“Look, Feodora; look, Yuuna! We got the Prism Rangers!”

Vivian screamed in excitement.

I didn’t grow up playing with toys, and… I never saw the appeal to them either. But when I turned to Yuu Yuu, she seemed to have taken a liking to them as her eyes shined.

“They are super cool!”

Lana added. It was a bit adorable watching them play fight with one another using their toys. Yuu Yuu gazed at the toys and back at the vendor then back at the toys again. It was clear what she wanted…

“Would you like your favorite color, Yuu Yuu?”

I asked. She turned to me, and I could see her face turn red.

“Oh… ah…”

“Stay here!”

I ran over to the table and pointed at… her favorite color… After a quick purchase, I was handed the ranger. I walked back over to Yuu Yuu, staring at me dumbfoundedly. She set her backpack to the side and stood back up. I figured she put it down so she can put the doll in there after observing it for a bit.

“Here you go, the white ranger.”



Yuu Yuu’s eyes went wide as she took the ranger that was her favorite color, white. She held the doll in her hand and rubbed it on her face.

“Ohhh, it’s so… cool! Oh... Oh... Feodora.”

Yuu Yuu was at a loss for words as she hugged the plushie. She was like a little kid as she adored the toy. How... I wanted to protect that innocence of hers.

“Hey! Fight me!”

Vivian said as she pointed her pink ranger at Yuu Yuu. I could see the bunny's eyes begin to well up with tears. She… didn't want her ranger to be beaten up by Vivian's.

“Eh?! Oh, I’m sorry, Yuu Yuu.”

Vivian tried to mediate the situation.

“I-I don’t want them to fight.”

Yuu Yuu teared up. My heart sank at her innocent words. Even Lana sighed dejectedly.

“Vivian, apologize to Yuuna!”

Lana ordered, causing Vivian to bow deeply.


Vivian’s overblown apology seemed to scare Yuu Yuu.

“It’s okay, Yuu Yuu. The rangers aren’t going to fight.”

I teased, earning a swift kick on my heel from Yuu Yuu. When I jumped from the sudden assault, the devil smirked and skipped away excitedly. I watched as she ran to the crowd, turned around, and tilted her head. She called out to me.

"Let's go, Feodora..."

Vivian rubbed the back of her head and turned to me.

“Yuuna seems like a fun person. I’m… surprised I never met her at the camp.”

Her eyes shined, and even Lana seemed to be interested in the mysterious loner named… Yuu Yuu. So I chased her, and eventually took her hand. Together we walked over to the food side of the shopping district.

“So you guys are having a fish meal for dinner right?”

Lana asked as she looked at the vendor a few spots down.

“Yeah, that’s the plan.”

I looked at Yuu Yuu still focused on her white prism ranger. She reminded me so much of a child as she ogled at the toy. Suddenly, she looked at me with a surprised look, likely realizing that I was… admiring her.

“Oh… yeah, I want fish!”

She answered late, earning a giggle from Lana.

“Wow, you’re a bigger kid than me!”

“Ehhh?! W-What do you mean?!”

"You seriously like toys like that. It's… really cool when adults like toys like these too."

Yuu Yuu hid the doll over her lips.

“Well… it’s more than just a doll now…”

She whispered turning away from me slightly.



“It’s…. it’s my first gift…from Feodora.”

My heart nearly pushed out from my chest. I didn’t even think of it as a… gift to Yuu Yuu. I just decided that she wanted something and got it for her. But here she was, holding it and adoring it… not just because it was cute but… because I was the one who gave it to her.


Lana squeezed.

“Oh my gosh, you two are adorable together!”

Vivian screamed, causing the people around us to look at us with… less than happy looks. Lana was getting embarrassed by Vivian’s overly excited antics and pushed her hand on her face.

“Stop! Can’t you see you’re embarrassing them?!”

Lana scolded. Vivian pecked Lana’s palms, causing her to jump with surprise. She tilted her head and smiled.

“Your palms taste like peaches!”

Vivian said as she licked her lips.

“Ehhhh?! Stop!”

Lana was just as embarrassed as Yuu Yuu and I now. Trying my best to calm the situation, I turned back to the vendor Lana mentioned before.

“Ah… do you think the fish over there is the best here?”

With a exhale, Lana turned back to me and nodded.

“Yep, Feodora. That’s the fish we get in our group when we have big parties. It’s fresh, and the taste can’t be better. I mean, you can go fishing for them, but the quality here is just different.”

We walked up to the vendor and what sat in front was a mountain of different fishes, crabs, and other sea life just there for the taking.

“Is there anything else you two want?”

Lana asked, looking at us. Yuu Yuu looked at me and whispered.

“A-Are you sure it’s okay to let her pay? She’s a… child.”

She was even worried about the same thing. Lana was young… and it’s kind of strange to let a kid pull out all the money and do the business. But she was firm and not letting go of her stance.

“It’s okay, guys! Lana buys me things all the time!”

Vivian said with no shame. I turned back to the mountain of fish then back to my… ah… date.

“What are you in the mood for? We still have vegetables to buy after this.”

She pushed the doll up to her face and then looked behind her. For a moment she waited then turned back to the fish.

“Ah… I like trout.”

I looked at the trouts, and they were really big. Having one would be enough for the two of us. So, I pointed out the fish that looked freshest to me.

"Ah… can we get one trout?"

The vendor nodded and smiled. He slapped the poor creature on the wrapping paper and abused it a bit before wrapping it up and handing it over to me in a bag.


Yuu Yuu expressed, smiling at me tenderly. Why was everything that this girl was doing… making my heart race? I held the smelly fish to the side as Lana and Vivian looked up at the meats.


Vivian suggested.


Lana cried as they both ran off to the next stand. I looked at Yuu Yuu and she smiled back at me. I think we had the same idea as we took each other's hands and followed Lana and Vivian to the other meats. There they stood in front of a stand with all these delicious-looking raw meats everywhere. Vivian jumped around excitedly.

“What should we have, Feodora?! Tell us?!”

Vivian demanded.

“Yeah, tell us!”

Lana jumped around too as she seemed to be on the same level as the white bunny.

“Aren’t you guys cooking for the Baron group too?”

Vivian nodded.

“Yep, we had a baseball game and our team won. So, Lana and I are making a big dinner for the winning team.”

The white bunny rubbed her stomach as she imagined the meal.

I thought about all the food they could make. Something simple for them but that could feed a lot of people. I thought about all the dishes I’ve made… and it was apparent that I only made food for myself most times. But something simple and easy to make in a short amount of time was…

“Why don’t you make beef skewers? You can make plenty and use less meat that way.”

I suggested.

“Ohh, that sounds amazing!”

Vivian cried as she looked at all the meat.

“We can cut it up and slowly cook them on the fire. We can easily make like 12 of them for the group.”

Lana was getting into it as she puffed out her chest as if she had the idea herself. Yuu Yuu giggled behind me, giving me a simple nudge. I turned to her as she whispered.

“Do you… like kids at least, Feodora?”

I shook my head almost immediately.

“I’m… not good with them.”

Cutely, she pushed her shoulder on mine as we watched Vivian and Lana excitedly by the meats they needed. Both our groups bought vegetables too. With all of our food in hand, we walked out of the shopping district.

“Hey ah… Yuuna.”

Lana walked over to the pink-haired girl, holding the bag of vegetables that we just bought.

“Ah… yes, Lana?”

"Next time you're in town, how about you come to visit the Barons. Maybe we can play Prism Rangers together."

Lana brought up her yellow ranger. Vivian mirrored this and brought up her pink one.

"Yeah, we can be superheroines together!"

Vivian screamed, excitedly.


Lana mirrored Vivian’s excitement. The pair smiled as they looked back at Yuu Yuu. She seemed overwhelmed as she stood behind me.

“…Only if Feodora comes.”

She complained. Everyone turned to me and all the attention was causing me to want to shadow walk away, escaping the eyes of these children.

“I’ll… I’ll be there.”

I promised, earning a shout of happiness from Vivian and Lana.

“Alright, let’s go make this food for the team, Vivian. You two have a good date.”


The barklight waved.

“Yeah, I’ll see you around, Yuuna, Feodora!”

They skipped away together. I wondered how they met, but it seemed that they got along well. I could even see Vivian attempting to hold hands with Lana, but she regularly slapped it away and that made me giggle a bit.







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