RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse


Hentai Shinobi Rule 19: There’s a fine line between a tsundere act and domestic violence. Beware.


Kai felt the tug of his chakra passing through the chakra coils and the several tenketsus. His ‘will and hand seals instructed an intrinsic change on the spilling energy.


Kai waited for the plume of smoke to thin and clear out. Standing before Kai was his visage.

A clone.

Kai exhaled a soft sigh. He was getting good at this.

And yet—

[Clone Jutsu (E) (0/5) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 1 SP; Mastered Skill: Yin Nature Transformation (B).]

Kai’s trait could be an ass sometimes. However, he also realized that his trait followed a set of rules. It didn’t force any conditions on him aside from how he could unlock the skills. For instance, Kai practiced the Clone Jutsu just fine. However, it would never register in his trait unless he mastered a Rank-B skill.

It’s not even the first time!

[Body Replacement Jutsu (D) (0/15) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 2 SP; 150 Physique; 50 Perception; Mastered Skill: Transformation Jutsu (E) and Shinobi Acrobatics (D).]

Kai huffed. The [Shinobi Acrobatics] needed 100 [Physique]. However, Kai pulled a Body Replacement Jutsu just fine in the classroom. His trait’s condition only implied that it did not give a shit about hand seals and wanted Kai to build things from the basics. Not only that, but the trait also set prerequisites for his stats. All this allowed Kai to compile a few rules about the new sub-trait—Skill Tree.

First, like other sub-traits, Skill Tree also involved the benefits of different classes through Titles and Skills. The fact Kai increased his stats to some extent through skills and had his disgust curbed over washing sloppy dishes proved the fact.

Second, the Skill Tree scanned every written scroll and other materials in existence before compiling the skills trees Kai unlocked and the hundred more he had yet to. However, Kai did not know if the trait ‘scanned’ things in real-time or if it just did it the first time he arrived in this world. The difference was essential due to the possibility of his Skill Trees and Skill updating based on the inventions after he arrived in this world in the latter scenario.

Third, the information about the skills from external parties can overcome the constraint of SP in unlocking conditions. So, Kai could unlock the skills for free without paying any SP.

The one thing about his Trait was its lack of transparent descriptions. Kai had to understand all this himself. The worst part was that his trait could transfer information into his head. It merely didn’t do that for its rules and how to use it. Kai had to wonder if he missed a trigger for his trait or needed to try and find a way to promote it to a Mythical Trait before understanding everything about it.

Kai stopped wasting his time with such questions and moved on to another training session. The chakra training shirt proved invaluable in Kai’s recent training as he felt his chakra absorbed into the shirt. His body instantly felt a heavy load on his torso and shoulders. Kai maintained the weight until he struggled to stand upright before fishing out a dull kunai from his pocket and performing slow, measured jabs.

He only managed to complete the set after 28 minutes before feeling his arms and legs burning!

Sweat flowed unceasingly, making Kai’s clothes stick to his damp body as he struggled to pick up his bottle for a quick sip.

The boy grinned and looked at his Skill Trees. He had completed a skill within an unnamed Skill Tree.

[Kunai Taijutsu (D) (14→15/15): Throwing Kunai is only one way to wield it. The weapon has a grip for the shinobi to wield in close combat and masterfully fillet their opponents. It informs the host how to replace your fist with a kunai in taijutsu. Adds one stat to physique at every level {If Physique<100}.

Skill Tree Evolution: Chakra Enhanced Bukijutsu (B) (0/5) (Locked).]

[Chakra Enhanced Bukijutsu (B) (0/5) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 12 SP, 200 Chakra, 200 Perception, Mastered Skill: Chakra Flow (B).]

Kai grinned as he checked his stats before promptly freezing.

[Name: Kai

Age: 8

Title: Konoha Student

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Skill Points: 282→445

Chakra: 57→88/1000 (1/hr)

Physique: 50→100/1000

Mental: 42→44/1000

Perception: 63→99/1000

Chakra Control: 10.6→10.7%



[Physique benchmark accomplished. Choose one of the following titles.]

[Fast As Fuck: You delude others into believing you are faster than your peers when in reality, you react better than others.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Dynamic Vision]]

[Tank As Fuck: You delude others into believing your body is resistant to the physical elements when in reality, you use chakra better than others to resist the attacks.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Tenketsu Manipulation]]

[Hard As Fuck: You delude others into believing your attacks hurt the most when in reality, you grasp your opponent’s weak points better than most.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Transparent World]]

Kai dazedly watched the panels before reading them carefully and scowling.


How can he choose when there’s no description of the skills? Sure, he was momentarily taken aback by the sudden change. However, he didn’t linger around the topic since Kai was working with the Skill Tree sub-trait for the first time. Instead, he focused on the effects of the Titles.

Dynamic Vision sounded like a bootleg Sharingan that Mikoto kept bragging about. Tenketsu Manipulation should be an extreme version of chakra control. And Transparent World sounded like the pirated version of the Byakugan.

‘Not only that.’ Kai frowned. ‘Why does my Physique reaching a benchmark unlock skills related to sensors and chakra manipulation? Why not a unique taijutsu skill?’

Yet, a moment’s thought reminded Kai of his discussion with Orochimaru. ‘All these skills are related to the body while sensors have a sixth sense for the World’s Chakra Network. They are inherently different.’

Still, Kai wasn’t thrilled by the three titles.

He didn’t know if he would reach another benchmark.

If yes, he didn’t know what the other benchmark would be.

Additionally, Kai wanted all three unique skills. However, he didn’t know if reaching other benchmarks would change the benefits or reveal the remaining two options he didn’t pick.

There was simply no information about it.

Yet, Kai had the mindset of doing things. The continuation of grinding his skills and stats will eventually answer his questions. Besides, Kai didn’t believe the skills offered and the Kekkei Genkai around the world were ‘unique.’ After a few months in this world, Kai believed anything could be achieved through chakra.

Would it matter to Kai if he didn’t have the Byakugan but could see-through things?

Would it matter to Kai if he had a better vision than the Uchiha without the Sharingan?

‘All I have to do is choose wisely. So? What do I want? To improve in combat, chakra manipulation, or see-through someone’s clothes?’

Kai’s Trait did not define unique skills. So, Kai had to choose based on these assumptions.

Kai would have picked the Transparent World had he never picked Gamer’s Mind in his previous life. However, he did. Kai was the master of his emotions, at least the ones he was aware of.

Kai was more than willing to choose Dynamic Vision. It would help in combat and more. However, Kai’s vision and reaction time improved with his Physique stat.

His [Physique] was the collection of all his bodily improvements. It wasn’t difficult to comprehend. Won’t he be tweaking if he had different stats for the body and only updated one aspect of his body? For instance, he wouldn’t know how to balance his life if he skyrocketed his reaction time and didn’t care about matching agility and physical quality.

The Tenketsu Master intrigued Kai the most. Shinobi existed because of the Chakra in the world and inside every living organism. Kai wished to master his Chakra since the rest would follow soon.

Kai exhaled and felt reluctant. The other options were just as enticing. Damn, trait.

[Title Selected.]

[Tank As Fuck: You delude others into believing your body is resistant to the physical elements when in reality, you use chakra better than others to resist the attacks.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Tenketsu Manipulation]]

[Tenketsu Manipulation (1/1): Allows the host to control chakra from every tenketsu for the most efficient chakra control. Adds 5% to Chakra Control stat {If Chakra Control<50%}.]

Information filled his brain about the best way to manipulate chakra from EVERY individual tenketsu. Yet, Kai stood frozen.


Why did a skill gained from [Physique] improve his [Chakra Control]?

Kai had a theory as he swiftly paid attention to another skill. He felt his chakra recovery heighten, and Kai soon maxed out another skill he had suspended until now.

[Total Concentration (D) (9→10/10): A state of total concentration where the user achieves the same benefits as meditation without entering the meditative trance. However, the user cannot move in this state. Chakra recovery is significantly boosted during this state. Increase perception by one at every level {if Perception<100.} Increase the recovery speed by 10% at every level—current additional recovery speed: 100%.

Skill Tree Evolution: Constant Total Concentration (C) (0/5)]

[Constant Total Concentration (C) (0/5) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 100 Perception, 5 SP.]

[Perception benchmark accomplished. Choose one of the following titles.]

[Hard As Fuck: You delude others into believing your attacks hurt the most when in reality, you grasp your opponent’s weak points better than most.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Transparent World]]

[Sharp As Fuck: You delude others into believing you’re the most intelligent when in reality, you grasp the way to master your memory.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Mind Library]]

[Fast As Fuck: You delude others into believing you are faster than your peers when in reality, you react better than others.

Effects: Unlocks a unique skill [Dynamic Vision]]

‘You motherfucker!’ Kai rolled his eyes. His [Trait] was juggling the skills from all his awakened stats!

Yet, it was also AWESOME!

Kai could eventually unlock every unique skill after hitting every benchmark.

This time, Kai selected the title Hard as Fuck.

[Transparent World (1/1): A way to momentarily connect all your senses when focused on the opponent to ‘hear,’ ‘smell,’ ‘see,’ and ‘feel’ your opponent’s insides as an extrasensory perception of the body. It’s a self-hypnotic visualization technique that allows the user to ‘see’ the opponent’s body parts by collecting all the information from all physical senses. Adds fifty stat to physique {If Physique<375}.]

A steady stream of warmth cut Kai’s disappointed sigh about Transparent World not being the ‘cultured’ see-through skill. Kai looked around, noticing his body rapidly heat up till the sweat against his skin evaporated into a cloudy, nasty steam. He scrunched his brows since this sudden boost came with an itchy sensation. However, Kai stood still and endured it with the mask of calmness.

Kai had grown in these two months. However, Kai realized his body was fortifying from the inside due to this benchmark reward. He should hit his fabled chakra puberty soon.

Kushina’s and Mikoto’s days of lording their heights over his would end soon!

Kai heaved an exhalation.

It was already the end of October, huh?

The boy opened the window to filter out the warm, damp atmosphere.

He calmly glanced at his other improvement.

[Transformation Jutsu (E) (37→50/100): The ability to transform oneself or another into anything and everything. This information-granting skill informs the users about the physical descriptions of items, flora, and fauna at each level. Aside from weight, the transformation cannot transform the user’s chakra network into that of the target. So, transformed individuals cannot copy the target’s skills. Mastering this skill allows the user to maintain their transformation without conscious effort till they run out of chakra.

Next Level: 14020/14410 unique transformations {Title Active: Konoha Student} or 1 SP.]

Kai planned to complete the grind for this skill by the end of his academic year. The surprise of unique skills bolstered Kai’s confidence.

There was also Mito’s recovering condition.

The thought of it calmed Kai.

He was overthinking things.

Mito and Tsunade were privy to the Shinobi Profession. They understood that the Shinobi-kind walked a thin line between life and death. They might not be able to move past their losses. However, they overcame their grief.

Mito even smiled these days. Kai liked to believe his efforts of being Mito’s sole cook paid off. He actively decorated his cooking with childish things to humor Mito. Sure, Jiten was pissed. But fuck him. Jiten can cook for the rest of the residents.

Strongarming his way into cooking for Mito did not add additional daily quests. However, it bolstered his cooking skills.

[Noble Cook (D) (1→7/25): Only experience and knowledge set a novice from Noble’s cook. Yet, these dishes only satiate the tastebuds. Stand tall, you can cook. It’s an information-granting skill that offers hundreds of recipes and bits about unique reactions between several ingredients to bestow heaven upon the tongue.

Next Level: Cook 304/358 different dishes Or 2 SP.

Skill Tree Evolution: Master Ch(i)ef (C) (0/50)]

Sure, Kushina bitched about it. However, Kai had limited time to cook. Three cooking sessions of changing the ingredients daily already interfered with his time.

‘Should I do that?’

Kai hadn’t done anything remotely ‘sinful’ the past few weeks. Sure, nobody knew about his activities. However, he did respect Mito and Tsunade. Especially the latter, since Tsunade helped Kai navigate some of the emotions he didn’t know what to make of.

Conversely, it has been weeks.

Kai ended his sigh with a grunt as he stood and looked at the two newest additions to the grind.

[Shinobi Acrobatics (D) (1/15): The ways of shinobi life. The skill incorporates information about the footwork employed by most shinobi across their ranks, ages, and sex to jump from trees or climb mountains.

Next Level: Spend 0/150 minutes or 2 SP.

Skill Tree Evolution: Body Flicker Jutsu (D) (0/5)]

[Body Flicker Jutsu (D) (0/5) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 2 SP; 100 Physique; 50 Perception.]

Kai raised an eyebrow. So, with this boost, Kai could master every skill in the academy except for the Clone Jutsu.

And the other skill Kai unlocked by merely standing was—

[Constant Total Concentration (C) (1/5): Maintain the state of focused chakra recovery without distractions as if it were your body’s instincts, no different from breathing. Adds one stat to perception at every level {If Perception<200}. Increase the recovery speed by 20% at every level—current additional recovery speed: 20%.

Next Level: Spend 0/200 minutes or 5 SP.]

Kai blinked.

‘Doesn’t this mean I can wank off AND grind this skill?’

It was revolutionary!

Besides, Kai wanted to focus on his other stats and get their benchmark rewards. So, he had to focus on chakra, mental, and chakra control.

Kai opened the drawer with a pleased smirk.


Mastering [Constant Total Concentration] took a little over 9 hours. Rank-C skills increased the leveling conditions by 30%. Meanwhile, despite being a D-rank skill, it took Kai a little over 32 hours the following week to master [Shinobi Acrobatics] and practice [Body Flicker Jutsu.]

The boost to his physique was nothing to scoff at. After all, every new stat point needed a sum effort of every previous point. No wonder Chunins, in the range of 100-250 points, kicked the shit out of Genins. Conversely, Kai heard from Mikoto how several Jonins focused on Elemental Jutsu, and only a few Jonins trained their bodies religiously.

Kai didn’t know what to feel about that.

Sure, breathing fire is cool. However, would it matter if the opponent speed blitzes you?

Even Kai’s [Trait] emphasized the basics instead of wasting time on hand seals.

Still, Kai mastered the [Body Flicker Jutsu] by the end of November’s second week. He could even incorporate it within the locked Body Replacement Jutsu, which needed Kai to master the transformation jutsu.

[Body Flicker Jutsu (D) (5/5): Allows the user to make the best use of a Shinobi’s nimble footing and perception by bolstering your speed with a jet of chakra enhancing your feet through the tenketsu in your soles.]

Intriguing enough was the fact that [Body Flicker Jutsu] and [Kunai Taijutsu] fell under the same skill tree.

‘Maybe it’s the Genin Skill Tree,’ Kai predicted. After all, Kai had seen a few Genin whizzing past the streets or roofs using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

Only one technical chakra application remained in the Academy—Genjutsu Release.

Kai looked forward to it.

Instead of trying to get even more ahead of his peers by training it now, Kai focused on his Chakra Stat. He wanted to achieve more benchmarks.


Mito repressed another sigh. She felt complicated. Nawaki’s loss had affected her harder than her husband or son and daughter-in-law’s passing since they were grown-ups. Mito understood there might come a day when she may not meet them again. Oh, and not to mention, Hashirama could have lived but chose to pass away a week after Madara’s death.

Yet, Nawaki was different. Kai had helped reconnect them recently. So, the wound felt more raw and visceral. However, Mito did grow out of her sadness. She owed Kai and Kushina gratitude for that.

While Kai chose to cheer Mito subtly, Kushina was more keen on just hugging the woman whenever possible. Mito tried to persuade Kushina to focus on her studies. After all, Kushina admitted to Mito she wanted to surprise Kai by clearing her theories and graduating from the academy this year. That’s why Mikoto visited so often.

Unknown to the two girls, the incident also alerted the higher-ups, and it took Mito to explain things candidly to Hiruzen before the tense Third Hokage burst into a peal of uncharacteristic laughter.

After all, the Sharingan and Mito’s furry companion shared a complicated history. Furthermore, Hiruzen had grown visibly by the day due to the possible repercussions of Nawaki’s death to an Uzumaki’s trap. Mito scoffed at such concerns. Indeed, her kind were a violent bunch. However, they were creatures of habit, and an Uzumaki never betrayed anyone’s trust.

Still, Mito empathized with Hiruzen’s stress. Not that she won’t vent on the man by deriding his choice of dismissing shadow clones for administrative work.

Yet, all these events were not why she felt complicated.

Mito was sure Kai had noticed her rapidly ‘recovering’ body. The Jutsu she was trying was primarily complete. However, Mito never had the motivation to put it to the test. That was until she felt a little restless after seeing her ‘face’ covered in ‘stuff’ for days.

The Jutsu was a massive success.

She had to thank Tobirama since one of his Jutsus inspired her.

However, Mito did not know how to feel about Kai resuming his practice of ‘stress release’ on her and her granddaughter’s faces.

Mito still wasn’t sure how Kai could cum that much.

Did the boy’s body have no limits?

Mito, being the emotional sensor she was, knew Kai didn’t pause the practice out of guilt. No. Kai may not know this, but her depressive state severely affected the boy. Mito could now understand why since she peeked beyond what Kai ordinarily felt. It was a moment of weakness for everyone, or Kai wouldn’t feel all that.

The boy was ‘incomplete. It’s not like he lacked emotions.

Kai was complete in that manner.

Mito sighed again.

Kai lacked an intuitive understanding of being a human.

Mito had kept tabs on the boy after that realization, and what she sensed proved her point.

Kai didn’t feel happy eating ramen. Instead, Kai felt happy for Kushina once she felt satisfied with the meal.

He was indifferent to others calling him names. Yet, his emotions spiked with ostentatious annoyance and validation if Mikoto, Kushina, or Tsunade teased him.

Just this much would mean Kai depended on others or primarily the opposite genders.

However, Kai went out of his way to tease orphans and other vulnerable bullies ripe for bullying. Kai also exhibited joy around Jiraiya, Minato, Icha Kato, and Orochimaru. Additionally, didn’t Kai just bust his meat for two consecutive hours on her and Tsunade’s faces?

So, Kai was never incomplete or devoid of necessary emotions.

He merely did not understand compassion well enough to extend it to others. That’s why Mito never bothered to correct Kai. He was a prime Shinobi in the making.

And yet, Mito feared for the boy’s future for those exact reasons.

Kai had become a welcoming constant in her life. He was the boy who chose to stay beside her and only joined the academy at her insistence. Mito owed Kai so much. While saddened by her loss, Mito would never even have those few months with Nawaki if it wasn’t for Kai.

The woman feared Kai would hold a grudge for it at the time. However, one chat with Tsunade was all it took for Kai to calibrate and understand his emotions.

And so, the graduation was nearing.

Mito shook her head.

She was overthinking.

Mito swallowed another bite of the lemon cake.

Ah, there was also the thing about making Kai her chef. Jiten blew his top about that.

“Says the old cunt loving every moment of young cream.” The beast growled within Mito’s core.

‘Don’t be such a sore loser. You couldn’t affect my emotions during the most opportune time.’

Mito smirked. Verbally insulting the asshole stuck in her gut was another reason for her recent smiles.

“I promise I will get out and start the slaughter with the brat!”

Mito rolled her eyes and ended the connection. She wasn’t keen on anything threatening to harm Kai.

Mito leaned back on her bed’s headboard.

The woman glanced at her feet and hands. There were still a few signs of ‘voluntary’ wrinkles. For all Mito respected Hiruzen’s charge of the Kage’s office, she wasn’t thrilled by the idea on making him aware of her jutsu. Besides, only someone with a specific skill set like hers could produce such a jutsu.

‘Everything below the collars and hidden by my robes has changed irreversibly.’

Only her face remained.

Mito had her spoon rotated as she idly sucked on the stuck cream on the concave face.

Soon, Mito rolled her eyes.

‘I knew it! The damn brat was taking my Seal of Hundred Strengths as a target practice!’

Mito just witnessed Kai pumping his fist after a precise load hit the center of her forehead.

Well, not ‘her’ face exactly. Still, it was annoying. Tsunade might need another bout of cheering up, right?


Alternate Title: The Unbending Trait; Rules; Insight Into The Trait; Kai’s Trait Whenever Someone Uses Hand Seals: Weakness Disgusts Me; Kai’s Trait Takes The Classic Rikudo Route; Kai In The Future: You Guys Use Hand Seals? Lame; Kai Takes The Cultivation Xianxia Route; An Orphan Uchiha: I Will Copy The Hand Seals and Steal Your Jutsu *Gets Wrecked No Diff*; Moving Through The Basics; Benchmark; Kai’s Trait: We Do a Little Trolling; Unique Skills; Kai Do Be Hard AF; The ‘As Fuck’ Title Series; Imagine Tweaking Mid-Battle Due To Improper Stat Placement; Kai’s The New Hashira: Fuck Female Muzan Hashira; The Hentai Hashira; The New Training Routine With Masturbation; The Personal Chef; Kai Has The Right To Dispense His Cream For Mito; Elemental Jutsu Can’t Do Shit Against Speed Blitzing; The Flicker; Kai’s Into Acrobatics; The Genin Skill Tree?; Kunai Taijutsu; We’re Getting Swole With This One; The Uncultured See-Through Skill; Bootleg Dojutsu; Mastering New Skills; Transformation Jutsu Is The Big Boss of Skills; Clone Jutsu Exists Menacingly; The Little Smiles; The Reasons To Feel Good; Kushina’s About To End Kai’s Plans; The Incomplete Boy; Kai Isn’t Weird. He’s Just Horni And Obnoxious; Mito When Kai Bullies Others—Ignored *When Someone Threatens The Air Around Kai—Your Free Subscription To Life Ends Now*; The Wanking Constant; Mito’s Headshot; We’re Exposing Kai With This One; Mikoto and Kushina: Studying *The Rest of Konoha’s Upper Management and Uchiha Elders: Panik*; The Mystery of Nawaki’s Death: Dumb Luck; Mito Be Like: Be a Man. Either Cum on My Face or Food *Ayo*; Mito’s Jutsu; Kai’s Very Existence is a Horny Butterfly Effect; Mito After Realizing Kai Is More Happy Around The Men In His Life Than The Women: *Intense Hashirama and Madara Plap Plap-Gawk Gawk Flashbacks*

A/N: I hope you guys learned more about the trait and enjoyed the bit of exposition. I had to rewrite this chap two times since I forgot about adding the benchmarks the first time, and the second time, I did so horribly. (I was way too sleepy and unrested and decided to put it on the next day.) I think the chap turned out well.

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